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Wk6 Leadership. Assignment: Personal Leadership Philosophies

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Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated equally competent leadership without ever having a book written about their approaches.

What makes great leaders great? Every leader is different, of course, but one area of commonality is the leadership philosophy that great leaders develop and practice. A leadership philosophy is basically an attitude held by leaders that acts as a guiding principle for their behavior. While formal theories on leadership continue to evolve over time, great leaders seem to adhere to an overarching philosophy that steers their actions.

What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership.

To Prepare:

· Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.

· Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.

· Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.

The Assignment 2 to 3 pages: 3 citations and 3 references

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:

· A description of your core values

· A personal mission/vision statement

· An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile

· A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen

· A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.

· Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your CliftonStrengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2.






Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:
·   A description of your core values.
·   A personal mission/vision statement.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)
The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail a set of core values.
The response accurately and completely describes in detail a personal mission/vision statement.

12 (12%) – 13 (13%)
The response describes a set of core values.
The response describes a personal mission/vision statement.

11 (11%) – 11 (11%)
The response describes a set of core values that is vague or inaccurate.
The response describes a personal mission/vision statement that is vague or inaccurate.

0 (0%) – 10 (10%)
The response describes a set of core values that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
The response describes a personal mission/vision statement that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

·   Analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile.
·   A description of two key behaviors you wish to strengthen.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)
The response accurately and completely provides an analysis and detailed summary of the CliftonStrengths Assessment.
The response accurately and thoroughly describes in detail two key behaviors to strengthen.

12 (12%) – 13 (13%)
The response accurately provides an analysis and summary of the CliftonStrengths Assessment.
The response describes two key behaviors to strengthen.

11 (11%) – 11 (11%)
The response provides an analysis and summary of the CliftonStrengths Assessment that is vague or inaccurate.
The response describes two key behaviors to strengthen that is vague or inaccurate.

0 (0%) – 10 (10%)
The response provides an analysis and summary of the CliftonStrengths Assessment that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
The response describes two key behaviors to strengthen that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

·   A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.

50 (50%) – 55 (55%)
An accurate, complete, and detailed development plan is provided that thoroughly explains plans to improve upon the two key behaviors selected.
The responses accurately and thoroughly explain in detail plans on how to achieve a personal vision with specific and accurate examples.
The response includes a comprehensive synthesis of information gleaned from sources that fully support how to achieve a personal vision. Integrates 2 or more credible outside sources, in addition to 2 or 3 course-specific resources to fully support the responses provided.

44 (44%) – 49 (49%)
An accurate development plan is provided that explains plans to improve upon the two key behaviors selected.
The responses explain plans on how to achieve a personal vision and may include some specific examples.
The response includes a synthesis of information gleaned from sources that may support how to achieve a personal vision. Integrates 1 credible outside source, in addition to 2 or 3 course-specific resources which may support the responses provided.

39 (39%) – 43 (43%)
A development plan is provided that explains plans to improve upon the two key behaviors selected that is vague or inaccurate.
The responses explain plans on how to achieve a personal vision and may include some examples that are vague or inaccurate.
The response includes information gleaned from 2 or 3 sources that may support how to achieve a personal vision.

0 (0%) – 38 (38%)
A development plan is provided that explains plans to improve upon the two key behaviors selected that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.
The responses explain plans on how to achieve a personal vision that is vague and inaccurate, does not include any examples, or is missing.
The response does not include any additional information gleaned from outside sources, or is missing.

Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:
Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction is provided which delineates all required criteria.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.
A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion is provided which delineates all required criteria.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.
Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is stated, yet is brief and not descriptive.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time.
Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment is vague or off topic.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion was provided. Written Expression and Formatting - English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation 5 (5%) - 5 (5%) Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors. 4 (4%) - 4 (4%) Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%) Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 0 (0%) - 3 (3%) Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding. Written Expression and Formatting - The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list. 5 (5%) - 5 (5%) Uses correct APA format with no errors. 4 (4%) - 4 (4%) Contains a few (1 or 2) APA format errors. 3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%) Contains several (3 or 4) APA format errors. 0 (0%) - 3 (3%) Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors. Total Points: 100


equired Readings

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

· Chapter 1, “Expert Clinician to Transformational Leader in a Complex Health Care Organization: Foundations” (pp. 7–20 ONLY)

· Chapter 6, “Frameworks for Becoming a Transformational Leader” (pp. 145–170)

· Chapter 7, “Becoming a Leader: It’s All About You” (pp. 171–194)

Duggan, K., Aisaka, K., Tabak, R. G., Smith, C., Erwin, P., & Brownson, R. C. (2015). Implementing administrative evidence-based practices: Lessons from the field in six local health departments across the United States. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0891-3. Retrieved from https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-015-0891-3



Signature Theme Report

Student’s Name



Signature Theme Report

According to my CliftonStrenths profile, I embody strengths that include responsibility, include, strategic, learner, and developer. Upon reflection of my leadership qualities, I realize that I subscribe mostly to a combination of transformational and strategic models. As such, I believe that there is always room for growth and that good leadership embodies constant employment of strategies with which to effect results and transformation. In my pursuit of great leadership, I have submitted to the need to strengthen some values, strengths, and characters.

As advanced by the transformational leadership model, effective communication among team players is a critical tool with which to bring the desired transformation (Banks et al., 2016). Therefore, the role of communicating well with team members is underscored and, by extension, placed on the shoulders of the team leader. In light of the incumbency, I would like to strengthen the value of responsibility and its role in my leadership style. On the other hand, I appreciate the fact that strategic leadership calls for organizational strategies that must be influenced by the leader (Yahaya & Ebrahim, 2016). As such, I purpose to build on the value of the creation of appropriate and disruptive strategies that are bound to effect desired results in the future. In so doing, I realize the overlapping nature and roles of these values as potential strengths with which to succeed as both a transformational and strategic leader.

I have a conviction, just as determined by the signature theme report, that I am naturally an ‘includer’ and that I’m also strategic in my dealings. Therefore, in light of the fact that I’m pursuing to become better in leadership with every passing day, I’m looking forward to building on these two strengths. As a transformational leader, I appreciate the role of creating a vision and then mobilizing group members to share the vision and drive the course forward (Banks et al., 2016). In so doing, I’m often appreciative of the different gifts and inputs offered by different people within the workforce. On the other hand, my inbuilt strength to be strategic is one I plan to also build on as I climb the strategic leadership ladder.

Based on my assessment profile, I realize the need to strengthen my characteristics of being a learner and developer. Inspired by the constructs of the transformational leadership model as submitted by Banks et al. (2016), I like the idea of building something out of nothing or just improving its state. If not wanting and seeking to build something, it is oftentimes someone. Realizing the central role played by development, I tend to notice the potentials and strengths in other people around me. I am a firm believer in the idea that everyone has something significant to offer. As such, I have a habit of wanting to see beyond the physical and identify what an individual is good at. It is then that I do what I can to support their gifts.

Lastly, I am in agreement with Thorpe (2016) and other management studies that have reiterated the need for hunger for knowledge. Unlike other times when I was younger and did not fully appreciate the role of constant learning, I’m currently a big consumer of knowledge daily. I give credence to the fact that is seeking to always learn breeds maturity and wisdom in all spheres of life, including leadership and management. Be that as it may, I purpose to build on my appetite for knowledge and not to squander opportunities to do so.


Banks, G. C., McCauley, K. D., Gardner, W. L., & Guler, C. E. (2016). A meta-analytic review of authentic and transformational leadership: A test for redundancy. The leadership quarterly, 27(4), 634-652.

Thorpe, R. (2016). Gower handbook of leadership and management development. CRC Press.

Yahaya, R., & Ebrahim, F. (2016). Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review. Journal of Management Development.

Two colleagues’s response to me.

Israel Ogunsola 

Discussion – Week 5 #1

Top of Form


            Colleague, this is a great post. The assessment of the Clifton strength profile listed the strength of leadership. there is room for improvement provided routine assessments as required. Strengths, Values, and characters define a leader.

             Responsibility as a transformational leadership requires effective communication with team members (Banks, McCauley, Gardner & Guler, 2016). The leader takes the credits and blames committed by the team. In other words, strategic leadership is organization and process-driven. In any case, being responsible as a leader goes a long way to improve the morale of the team.

            Another strength mentioned was includer which tends towards democratic leadership.  A leadership which entertains opinion to polish its agenda goes further than expected. Even the leadership calls for transformation leadership, others’ opinions still count on the organization’s road map.

            Characters of leadership as a learner and developer speaks volume to the leader’s core values. A leader who recognizes the potential of his or her team member accomplishes more than expectations. Likewise, a leader who develops other leaders will not lack a successor.

            Leadership entails management studies and the desire to acquire knowledge (Thorpe). Transformational leadership stands out among other leadership styles due to the leadership approach. For that reason, a leader is always willing to know and relay knowledge to others.


Banks, G. C., McCauley, K. D., Gardner, W. L., & Guler, C. E. (2016). A meta-analytic review of authentic and

transformational leadership: A test for redundancy. The leadership

quarterly, 27(4), 634-652.

Thorpe, R. (2016). Gower handbook of leadership and

management development. CRC Press.

Bottom of Form

Dr. Pollard

RE: Discussion – Week 5

Top of Form

Hello Henry, What are some things that you are doing now and will do more of in the future that will help you to build the learner characteristic? Dr. Pollard

Bottom of Form

  • Henry Ehizokhale
  • Your Signature Theme Report
  • S U R V E Y C O M P L E T I O N D A T E : 0




    – 2 0 2 0


    Father of Strengths Psychology and
    Inventor of CliftonStrengths

    58575359 (Henry Ehizokhale)
    Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


    Henry Ehizokhale
    S U R V E Y C O M P L E T I O N D A T E : 0 3 – 2 1 – 2 0 2 0

    Many years of research conducted by The Gallup Organization suggest that the most effective people are
    those who understand their strengths and behaviors. These people are best able to develop strategies to
    meet and exceed the demands of their daily lives, their careers, and their families.

    A review of the knowledge and skills you have acquired can provide a basic sense of your abilities, but an
    awareness and understanding of your natural talents will provide true insight into the core reasons behind
    your consistent successes.

    Your Signature Themes report presents your five most dominant themes of talent, in the rank order
    revealed by your responses to StrengthsFinder. Of the 3


    themes measured, these are your “top five.”

    Your Signature Themes are very important in maximizing the talents that lead to your successes. By
    focusing on your Signature Themes, separately and in combination, you can identify your talents, build
    them into strengths, and enjoy personal and career success through consistent, near-perfect performance.

    Your Responsibility theme forces you to take psychological ownership for anything you commit to, and
    whether large or small, you feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion. Your good name
    depends on it. If for some reason you cannot deliver, you automatically start to look for ways to make it up
    to the other person. Apologies are not enough. Excuses and rationalizations are totally unacceptable. You
    will not quite be able to live with yourself until you have made restitution. This conscientiousness, this near
    obsession for doing things right, and your impeccable ethics, combine to create your reputation: utterly
    dependable. When assigning new responsibilities, people will look to you first because they know it will get
    done. When people come to you for help—and they soon will—you must be selective. Your willingness to
    volunteer may sometimes lead you to take on more than you should.

    “Stretch the circle wider.” This is the philosophy around which you orient your life. You want to include
    people and make them feel part of the group. In direct contrast to those who are drawn only to exclusive
    groups, you actively avoid those groups that exclude others. You want to expand the group so that as
    many people as possible can benefit from its support. You hate the sight of someone on the outside

    58575359 (Henry Ehizokhale)
    Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

    looking in. You want to draw them in so that they can feel the warmth of the group. You are an instinctively
    accepting person. Regardless of race or sex or nationality or personality or faith, you cast few judgments.
    Judgments can hurt a person’s feelings. Why do that if you don’t have to? Your accepting nature does not
    necessarily rest on a belief that each of us is different and that one should respect these differences.
    Rather, it rests on your conviction that fundamentally we are all the same. We are all equally important.
    Thus, no one should be ignored. Each of us should be included. It is the least we all deserve.

    The Strategic theme enables you to sort through the clutter and find the best route. It is not a skill that can
    be taught. It is a distinct way of thinking, a special perspective on the world at large. This perspective
    allows you to see patterns where others simply see complexity. Mindful of these patterns, you play out
    alternative scenarios, always asking, “What if this happened? Okay, well what if this happened?” This
    recurring question helps you see around the next corner. There you can evaluate accurately the potential
    obstacles. Guided by where you see each path leading, you start to make selections. You discard the
    paths that lead nowhere. You discard the paths that lead straight into resistance. You discard the paths
    that lead into a fog of confusion. You cull and make selections until you arrive at the chosen path—your
    strategy. Armed with your strategy, you strike forward. This is your Strategic theme at work: “What if?”
    Select. Strike.

    You love to learn. The subject matter that interests you most will be determined by your other themes and
    experiences, but whatever the subject, you will always be drawn to the process of learning. The process,
    more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you. You are energized by the steady and
    deliberate journey from ignorance to competence. The thrill of the first few facts, the early efforts to recite
    or practice what you have learned, the growing confidence of a skill mastered—this is the process that
    entices you. Your excitement leads you to engage in adult learning experiences—yoga or piano lessons or
    graduate classes. It enables you to thrive in dynamic work environments where you are asked to take on
    short project assignments and are expected to learn a lot about the new subject matter in a short period of
    time and then move on to the next one. This Learner theme does not necessarily mean that you seek to
    become the subject matter expert, or that you are striving for the respect that accompanies a professional
    or academic credential. The outcome of the learning is less significant than the “getting there.”

    58575359 (Henry Ehizokhale)
    Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

    You see the potential in others. Very often, in fact, potential is all you see. In your view no individual is fully
    formed. On the contrary, each individual is a work in progress, alive with possibilities. And you are drawn
    toward people for this very reason. When you interact with others, your goal is to help them experience
    success. You look for ways to challenge them. You devise interesting experiences that can stretch them
    and help them grow. And all the while you are on the lookout for the signs of growth—a new behavior
    learned or modified, a slight improvement in a skill, a glimpse of excellence or of “flow” where previously
    there were only halting steps. For you these small increments—invisible to some—are clear signs of
    potential being realized. These signs of growth in others are your fuel. They bring you strength and
    satisfaction. Over time many will seek you out for help and encouragement because on some level they
    know that your helpfulness is both genuine and fulfilling to you.

    58575359 (Henry Ehizokhale)
    Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

      Your Signature Theme Report
      Henry Ehizokhale

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