Unit IV Course Project


Unit IV Course Project- Project Management

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· Instructions

Risk and Quality Sections of the Project Plan

In Units II and III, you completed the Project Overview section of your project plan. It is now time to work on the following sections: Risk Assessment and Quality Management Report.

In this assignment, you are required to complete sections 2 and 3 of the project plan. Refer to your unit lesson (from this unit and last unit) and required unit resources to advance your project plan. Create the sections listed below.

2. Risk Assessment: Include evidence of the risk assessment. The section is divided into subsections on identification of risks, analysis (assessment of risk probability and consequences), and mitigation strategies.

· 2.1 Risk Identification: Describe all relevant risk variables for the project, including a brief description of the risk variable and the ways in which it is likely to affect the project.

· 2.2 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Qualitative): Include a qualitative risk assessment matrix in this space. Give evidence of how you arrived at this assessment.

· 2.3 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Quantitative): Include a quantitative assessment of probability and consequences, clearly identifying the criteria used for determining both probability of failure and consequence of failure.

· 2.4 Mitigation Strategies: Identify individual mitigation strategies for each high-priority risk factor. Briefly specify actions to be taken in order to accomplish the strategy.

3. Quality Management Report: In this section, be sure to define what quality means for your project from both a product and process standpoint. Include your project quality standards and expectations both internally and for the customer, the metrics and measures for success, and critical success factors. How will you monitor quality throughout the project? Who will be responsible?

This assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title page and reference page. Be sure to use proper APA formatting. Citations are not required; however, if outside sources are used, make certain to provide in-text citations and references in APA format. For more elaboration on what you should include in your project plan, refer to pp. 539–542 in your textbook.

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Table of Contents


1. 1.1 Purpose, Scope and Objectives, and Business Case

1. 1.1.1 Scope

2. 1.1.2 Statement of Work (SOW)

3. 1.1.3 Business Case

2. 1.2 Project Deliverables

3. 1.3 Project Organization

4. 1.4 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

1. 1.4.1 Task description documentation

2. 1.4.2 Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)

5. 1.5 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

6. 1.6 Work Authorization

7. 1.7 Project Charter


1. 2.1 Risk Identification

2. 2.2 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Qualitative)

3. 2.3 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Quantitative)

4. 2.4 Mitigation Strategies


1. 3.1 Activity Duration Estimates

2. 3.2 Gantt Chart

3. 3.3 Activity Network


1. 4.1 Project Resources

2. 4.2 Other costs

3. 4.3 Cost estimates

4. 4.4 Time-phased budget



1. 6.1 Tracking method

2. 6.2 Notification record

3. 6.3 Control systems


1. 7.1 Close cost accounts

2. 7.2 Lessons Learned

1. Project Overview—This section is intended to provide a brief background description of the project, including motivation, goals and objectives, success criteria by which it will be evaluated, major project deliverables, and identified constraints. See

Chapter 5

for development of project scope.

1. 1.1 Purpose, Scope and Objectives, and Business Case—Describe the purpose of the project here. What are the key deliverables, that is, the major items to be delivered to the customer, other stakeholders, suppliers, or other parties?

1. 1.1.1 Scope—Describe the project scope in general terms. Include a problem statement, detailed steps in requirements gathering (who was consulted, when?), information gathering (critical features uncovered from investigation), project constraints, alternatives analysis, and business case documentation.

2. 1.1.2 Statement of Work (SOW)—Include a detailed SOW for the project. Include:

· 1. Key milestones

· 2. Resource requirements

· 3. Risks and concerns

· 4. Acceptance criteria

3. 1.1.3 Business Case—Insert the project Business Case here. You can find an explanation of the business case in
Chapter 5
. Briefly identify the business needs to be satisfied, the feasibility of the project, a description of internal and external forces likely to affect the project, a comparative analysis of the costs and benefits of this project over alternative solutions, and time estimates to return on investment. Identify how the satisfaction of business needs will be determined.

2. 1.2 Project Deliverables—List the major items or project features to be delivered to the client. Include sign-off documentation from client to demonstrate their concurrence with the deliverable set.

3. 1.3 Project Organization—Indicate all project team members, their specific roles, and project organization hierarchy. Where appropriate, indicate joint responsibility between project manager and functional manager. Develop project team reporting structure and include sponsor and/or executive team sign-off. See

Chapter 3

for examples of project organization types.

4. 1.4 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)—Insert a WBS for the project, including all key deliverables and work packages. Include sign-off from project stakeholders on WBS.

1. 1.4.1 Include project task description documentation

If appropriate, complete project task description data sheets (for an example, see

Figure 5.5


Chapter 5


2. 1.4.2 Include an organization breakdown structure (OBS) if needed. Identify all cost accounts across cooperating departments in the organization. See

Figure 5.7

Chapter 5

5. 1.5 Responsibility Assignment Matrix—Include a copy of a RAM for the project identifying all team members by WBS task code, including tasks for which they assume responsibility, notification, support, or approval upon completion. See

Figure 5.10

Chapter 5

6. 1.6 Work Authorization—Include a copy of the contract or specific mention of contract terms and conditions. Include all penalty clauses and specific events that will trigger execution of penalties. Include all notification information, including members of the organization to be notified of changes in contract terms.

7. 1.7 Project Charter—Include a copy of the project charter here. Include the formal sanction of the project and authorization to apply organizational resources to the project’s execution. See an example in the Appendix to
Chapter 5

2. Risk Assessment—This section requires evidence of project risk assessment. The section is divided into subsections on identification of risks, analysis (assessment of risk probability and consequences), and mitigation strategies. See

Chapter 7

for methods for risk management.

1. 2.1 Risk Identification—Identify all relevant risk variables for the project, including a brief description of the risk variable and the ways in which it is likely to affect the project.

2. 2.2 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Qualitative)—Insert a qualitative risk assessment matrix in this space. Give evidence of how you arrived at this assessment, including sign-offs from key project stakeholders participating in the risk assessment exercise.

Sample Qualitative Risk Assessment Matrix

Low Consequences

High Consequences

Low Likelihood

Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Likelihood

Medium Priority

High Priority

3. 2.3 Assessment of Probability and Consequence (Quantitative)—Insert a quantitative assessment of probability and consequences, clearly identifying the criteria used for determining both probability of failure and consequence of failure. Insert this analysis here.

4. 2.4 Mitigation Strategies—Identify individual mitigation strategies for each high priority risk factor. Briefly describe the strategy as either: Accept, Minimize, Transfer, or Share and specify actions to be taken in order to accomplish the strategy.

3. Project Schedule—This section addresses the duration estimates for all project activities, their activity networks, project critical path, and estimated project duration. A copy of the approved project schedule, including both activity network and Gantt chart, should be inserted in this section of the execution plan. See

Chapters 9



for methods for project schedule development.

1. 3.1 Activity Duration Estimates—Insert table with all activity duration estimates shown. Indicate if each estimate was derived stochastically (through PERT probability estimates) or deterministically. Add sign-off documentation from key organization members, including the project sponsor, that supports these duration estimates.

2. 3.2 Gantt Chart—Insert copy of project Gantt chart from MS Project output file. On the chart, make sure to identify the project critical path, estimated time to completion, and resource assignments. Indicate all activity precedence relationships, including any lag requirements. Show all milestones and other significant mid-project stages, including scheduled supplier delivery dates (where appropriate).

3. 3.3 Activity Network—Provide activity-on-node (AON) project network from MS Project output file.

4. Project Budget—This section includes activity cost estimation and the project budget. All direct and indirect costs should be included as well as the method used to develop fully loaded costs for all project resources. See

Chapters 8



for examples of methods for cost estimation, fully loaded resource charges, time-phased budgeting, and resource leveling.

1. 4.1 Project Resources—Identify all project resources. Include employment status (full-time, part-time, exemption status, etc.). Develop fully loaded cost table for all project resources.

2. 4.2 Other costs—Identify all significant costs for materials, equipment, overhead, expediting, etc.

3. 4.3 Cost estimates—Submit ballpark, comparative, and feasibility estimates. Show all information gathered to support these estimates. Identify who participated in the cost estimate exercise. Provide final, definitive estimate with sponsor sign-off for final project budget.

4. 4.4 Time-phased Budget—Submit time-phased budget with estimated expenses costed by project duration increments (weeks, months, quarters, etc.).

5. Communications Management—This section identifies all critical communication channels for project stakeholders, frequency of communications, types of information to be communicated, and project status tracking plan. Where appropriate, include electronic media used for collaborative purposes (e.g., Google Docs, Yammer, Facebook, etc.). Also, in cases of geographically dispersed project teams, indicate methods for regular communication. See discussion from

Chapter 6

on team communication methods. An example of a communication management protocol is shown below.

Purpose of communication

Schedule frequency

Media or mechanism used

Called by:


Status updates


Meeting and/or teleconference

Project manager

Full project team

Exception/variance reports

As needed

Meeting and/or teleconference

Project manager or technical lead

Impacted team members and client

Project reviews

Monthly or at milestone

Meeting and/or teleconference

Project manager

Full project team, sponsor

ation changes

As changes are approved

Meeting for impacted parties; e-mail for team

Project manager, sponsor or technical lead

Impacted team members and client

Supplier coordination

As needed prior to and post deliveries

Phone call

Supply chain lead

Project manager and supply chain lead

Emergency or critical events

As needed

Face to face

Any team member

Ful Project Team

6. Tracking and Status Updates—This section of the plan indicates the methods the project team will use to regularly update the project status, including methods for tracking project progress, and which organizational stakeholders receive notification of the project status. See

Chapter 13

for examples of tracking and status updating methods.


6.1 Tracking method—Show the method used to track project status (S-curve, earned value, milestones, etc.). Indicate the regularity of these assessments (i.e., monthly, as needed, upon completion of major deliverables, etc.). For earned value assessments, indicate how you will provide updated cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) data in a sample format as shown below.






Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

2. 6.2 Notification record—Maintain record of project status update communications. Indicate who received project updates and show sign-off by key stakeholders upon their receipt of status updates.

3. 6.3 Control systems—Indicate the forms of project control that will be used for the project, including configuration control, design control, quality control, document control, and trend monitoring. Develop control documentation for each form of control you intend to use, including a list of key organizational stakeholders who will be copied on all control documents and status updates.

7. Project Close-out—In this section, all necessary project close-out documentation and sign-offs must be included. Work completed or soon-to-be-complete must be identified, and configuration management changes, all sign-off documentation, warranties, notices of completion, supplier contracts, and charges for or against suppliers must be recorded and formally documented. Include copies of client sign-off, including satisfaction of contracted terms and conditions. See

Chapter 14

for examples of steps in project close-out.

1. 7.1 Close cost-accounts—Complete and close all project cost-accounts and other financial closeouts.

2. 7.2 Lessons Learned—Complete a Lessons Learned assessment that identifies all exceptions and other problems, mitigation strategies employed, success of the strategies, and suggestions for the future, and include sign-off documentation that key project team members participated in Lessons Learned meetings. Develop and embed an action plan for future projects in the Lessons Learned documentation.



Unit 1 Project Proposal

Bobby Holman

Project Management

February 19, 2020

Unit 1: Project Proposal

The title of the proposed project is the ‘installation of a new information system for the organization” This is necessitated by the need to install new effective and efficient information systems for the organization. The organization needs to implement a new information system so as to improve its operations.

The project of installing a new information system will involve acquiring a new software package, upgrading of the existing software
, or converting the existing software product to a new different product, into the information system within an organization. The activities that will be undertaken include the purchase of new software or licensing of the preexisting software product. The items that will be purchased include desktop workstations and networked servers. The Information Technology (IT) department of the organization is expected to play a significant role in installing the new information system. IT department will assist in implementing the new product as well as supporting and maintaining it after being implemented.

The timeframe of the project will be for two months. This timeframe is adequate to implement a new information system. By the end of two months, it is anticipated that a new information system will have been installed at the organization.

The staff from the IT department will ensure the successful installation of a new information system for the organization. All departments of the organization will have to be affected by the changes in the information systems. Other than the IT department, representatives from departments that include finance, sales and marketing, operations, and product development will be fully involved in all project activities. A feasibility study will have to be conducted to find out whether the new information system is desirable for the organization taking into consideration strategic initiatives, cost-benefit
analysis, and long-term plans. The staff involved in the project will also carry out a system analysis to determine the major functions that will be performed by the new information system.


Aseev, E. A., Protasov, S. S., Tan, T. H., & Beloussov, S. M. (2019). U.S. Patent No. 10,496,416. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Voronkova, O. V., Kurochkina, A. A., Firova, I. P., & Bikezina, T. V. (2017). Implementation of an information management system for industrial enterprise resource planning. Revista ESPACIOS, 38(49).

�The first sentence is very important—no matter how impressive the information or discoveries in the rest of the essay, the reader must be “hooked” by the first sentence. Try to compose a first sentence that will pique the interest of the reader. Possibilities are a summary of what will follow, an illustrative anecdote, some background information, and a description, an example of a problem, or a definition.

Your paper could have benefited from a stronger introduction. The introduction should be written in a way to capture your reader’s attention with a “hook.” It should also indicate what your paper will be about and how you will approach the topic. With an introduction, you should have been putting forward the thesis statement to be defended and developed in the rest of your essay. It is not very clear what stance you were taking, as you omitted a clear thesis statement. Without which, you really do not have an essay, for it is a major component of the essay.

� [Awkward and vague phrasing—Please aim for greater clarity.]

�Your paragraph/discussions needed to be more organized. Ideas were presented randomly. New topic needs its own paragraph. A paragraph should be focused on a particular theme you want to emphasize/discuss—jumping about from theme to theme leaves doubt in your critical understanding of the topic you were discussing.

� [Your essay is missing a conclusion, which is a final paragraph much like the closing argument in a jury trial, containing information from earlier paragraphs, combining the previous “proof” into a firm decision by the jury (the reader). A good idea would be to add a paragraph here summing up what you have intended to communicate in the essay.]

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