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your response to at least two of your peers, offer constructive criticism and recommendations. Then, when you write and submit your final paper next week, process and take into considerations criticism of your work offered by your peers. I need 150 word on each peer’s paper review criticism. I need you to point out the mistake you notice on each paper.

FORUM 1 : Impact of the Leadership Style

The subject leader in the essay is open to various influence methods on the staff. She displays an understanding of her team from the choice of the plans for the work environment. Her communication abilities and approaches have also been illustrated from various leadership styles in the essay. Finally, the essay also analyses how diverse situational needs influence the executive manager’s leadership styles in her communication. This analysis is done using Hersey and Blanchard’s situational theory. Lastly, we portray the impact of referent and expert power in the manager’s communications according to the French and raven’s literature analysis. We will portray the leadership abilities of our leaders of choice, particularly in their communication styles.

Furthermore, we also understand how the leader influences the outcome from her sub-ordinates regarding the various influence methods available. Besides, a brief discussion about the leader’s communication will be done from a leadership theories point of view. Again, the situational leadership point of view will also explain the respective leader’s communication. Lastly, the interrelationship or how power can influence a manager’s communication in the organizational context will be evaluated.

Great leaders can perform successfully under every emerging challenge within an organization. Several circumstances often make a leader fail in their duties, some of which are under his control while others can be external. An organization can fail if the leader in charge does not have the skills and traits required to run an organization. Some factors may be external as the market situations that influence either the marketing or sales processes. There are some leadership styles that a leader can use based on the objectives of the organization. It is more important for a leader to have planning and service delivery skills for the organization. The areas are critical management skills; however, a good leader will consider incorporating such skills into leadership. The best vision must be turned into reality to be considered good and effective. The leader needs to outline the necessary steps for the effective delivery of services (Aas & Brandmo, 2016).

Change and Innovation Management

A good leader needs to have the skills for the management to be able to lead the organization through that process. For instance, the management of change requires the leader to create and communicate a compelling vision for the organization. The leader should also be capable of firmly driving the change forward and make it stick in the organization. One of the elements of managing change is innovation. Such leaders also show high assertiveness levels and can make their points firmly but without aggression. They can quickly and effectively build rapport and create a good relationship with others (Hopkins & Meyer, 2019).

Persuasiveness and Influencing Skills

Being capable of influencing and persuading others is one area that a good leader needs to perfect. A good leader will use a wide range of tools to achieve this. A leader will also need tools to understand how others behave and create a positive interaction. It is more helpful for a leader to understand more about the need for emotional intelligence. The persuasion skills are more critical when the leader seeks to negotiate something on behalf of the organization. It is the persuasion ability that makes a leader more influential when dealing with the employees (Bush, 2014).

Showing Trust to the Team

A good leader needs to show that he or she trusts the team’s capacity to do the work they have assigned them, as this serves to motivate them. A good leader can effectively delegate duties to the employee with the right competencies and commitments. Trust is built over time.

Leadership Theory

Trait Theory

The theory argues that an effective leader has several common traits and personality characteristics. An individual can play a role in developing his leadership qualities. The theory can help one identify his or her attributes that are important in leadership. However, none of the traits or even a particular combination can automatically guarantee leadership success. The use of the Leadership process Model is also essential in understanding how the situation affects various factors necessary for effective leadership and how these affect the leader’s performance (Blanchard & Hodges, 2016).

Behavioral Theories

The theories explain what a good leader must do. Some leaders tend to dictate what is to be done, while others expect corporations. Some leaders also involve their teams in the decision-making process as this encourages support and acceptance. According to Kurt Lewin, there are always three types of leaders based on behavior. Democratic leaders are the ones who seek the opinion of the team before they can make a final decision. Laissez-faire leaders are the ones who allow the individuals in the team to make most of the decisions. The last group of leaders is the autocratic leaders who make decisions without consulting anyone (Blanchard & Hodges, 2016).

Leadership Practices

Any organization needs to have solid and strategic leadership for it to meet its objectives. There are a set of practices that a leader must put in place to manage a team and make it more productive effectively. Besides the leadership qualities, leadership practices play a key role in an organization’s success. The practices include:

Mentor Leadership

A perfect organizational culture offers the leader a chance to mentor the employees through strong work ethic, effective steering of the company goals, and ensuring the employees better themselves when working for progress. A good leader tends to adapt his style of leadership to best suit the employees with strong potential. This practice is most important in the current organizations, as most employees struggle with adapting to remote work. It is imperative to create consistent and clear support and mentorship system (Hopkins & Meyer, 2019).

Encourage Employees to Advance

A good leader encourages the employees to advance to higher levels and take new challenges or a new role. Even though leaders do not always strive for high turnover, their team, the succession of individuals, and the organization’s talent pool’s improvement are often considered a success. In hiring, the leader should see the employee’s strengths beyond education on the resume. A good practice does not stay bound within certain limitations. A potential employee who has proven to perform different tasks in different areas can be crucial to the team (Aas & Brandmo, 2016).

Search for New Talents

Creating a network with the new prospective employees is a perfect practice in leadership, as it is always necessary to have a back-up plan. The search for new talents should, therefore, be a continuous process. It is essential to understand the strengths of the new people met and gauge their potential interest areas is vital information to have when seeking to fill any position. However, the search for new talent should continue as the organization would still need them.

Giving Realtime Feedback

Even though annual reviews are essential, it can also be beneficial to give specific feedbacks immediately they are received. When an employee accomplishes something positive, praising him or her instantly will elicit an inward desire to do even better. Giving them feedback by making constructive criticism makes the employee feel more involved, appreciated, and part of the team (Rigby et al., 2017).

Methods of influence of the leader

As it stands out in the accounts of history, leaders are mad or exist in diverse ways. For instance, this diversity is also indicated in their various forms of influencing the people they lead to perform as expected from them. Fundamentally, six of these influence methods are proposed for academic literature leaders, as indicated by Charles Handy, an Irish philosopher. They include Force, which works by creating tension and fear among employees; besides creating uncouth working conditions for the employees, employees also tend to seek job opportunities elsewhere quickly (Blanchard & Hodges, 2016). Secondly, another method is rules and procedure: it works through a fixed stipulated framework or channel that controls the working environment. However, the rigidity of the framework derails work creativity. Besides, exchange creates a platform where the leader and his teams bargain commissions or extra checks for outstanding performance. This motivation through reward works, but the monotony can be extended to even easier tasks. Lastly, the charisma to attract employees through personality can also be productive. This method is called magnetism (Toister, 2017).

Goleman’s six leadership styles

According to Goleman, leadership styles exist in six ways. They are coercive; managers in the force method of influence mostly use this method. It derails the employee morale as they work in fear, secondly, authoritative; these types of leaders operate under their active principles and have clarity of vision. They are also prone to giving honest employee feedback, both negative and positive (Toister, 2017). Thirdly, the affiliative style is whereby: the leader spends time with individual employees to understand them and create a sometimes connection. Another technique involves the involvement of employees harmoniously in a democratic way of making the work environment. Furthermore, through coaching, leaders promote the professional development of employees by addressing their weaknesses. Lastly, pacesetting creates negativity since leaders are hard on the staff to perform, sometimes even replacing the non-performers.

Tannebaum and Schmidt Continuum 

According to the two philosophers’ model, the leader says: for instance, decisions are made by the executive and are communicated to the staff afterward; the leader also delegates: in this way, the leader creates a scope of decision making for the team. The leader also sells the executive manager responsible for providing possible hints regarding employee decision-making. Moreover, after providing or selling the recommendations, the leader should also test the selling implications. Besides, the leader also involves the staff through consultation in the decision-making process; besides the leader’s accountability, the model dictates that the leader is supposed to leave the teams to undertake problem-solving and only supervise the appropriateness of the procedure (Fourie & Mystris, 2020).

Situational leadership perspective

The theory thesis is based on the applicability of the situational factors on the leadership methods’ suitability. Furthermore, it proposes that leaders adapt their leadership styles to their staff’s various levels of maturity or development levels. At the firm, various mass projects are often undertaken at once, and they require similar or slightly varying levels of attention for successful completion. Therefore, teams are allocated these projects depending on how well they can manage the task that needs to be associated (Fourie & Mystris, 2020).

Relationships between the leader’s power and communication

It is also essential to understand the importance of power and communication. Mainly, this relationship is also influential in impacting the performance of teams in the organization. Power originates from various forms: the expert form of energy is derived from being knowledgeable in a particular study category. Secondly, coercive control, which is used negatively in most cases, involves the manager’s ability to make the employees undertake some responsibilities against their will (Johanson, 2017). Thirdly, the reward power entails the manager’s ability to withhold or provide certain forms of reward to employees to influence their motivation. The referent form of energy is also influential. Since this in this form of power, the manager is revered and accepted as the role model; through such power, the leader can influence employees’ performance (Hopkins & Meyer, 2019).

Effective leadership is an essential aspect of the running of any organization. Several theories and models describe the different forms of leadership and their effectiveness when implemented under other circumstances. An individual can develop leadership skills through practice. An organization can fail if the leader in charge does not have the skills and traits required to run an organization. Besides the leadership qualities, leadership practices play a vital role in an organization’s success. Even though a leader must be motivated and organized, it is more important for a leader to have planning and service delivery skills. A good practice does not stay bound within certain limitations. The effect on the staff vis a vis the clients is always the same but in different contexts. Leadership for the clients means they can trust you with the company operations and delivery. The staff can handle the leadership style that steers them to success.


Aas, M., & Brandmo, C. (2016). Revisiting instructional and transformational leadership. Journal Of Educational Administration, 54(1), 92-110.

Bush, T. (2014). Instructional and transformational leadership: alternative and complementary models?. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 42(4), 443-444.

Blanchard, K., & Hodges, P. (2016). The Domains of Leading like Jesus; Heart, Habits, Head, Hands. Leading Positive Change. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson.

Fourie, W., & Mystris, D. (2020). Leader Influence beyond the Individual Leader: Group-Level and Member-Level Factors that Affect Leader Influence. European Management Review. DOI: 10.1111/emre.12420

Hopkins, K., & Meyer, M. (2019). Evaluating Behavioral and Organizational Outcomes of Leadership Development in Human Service Organizations. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 43(4), 290-298. DOI: 10.1080/23303131.2019.1664695

Johanson, L. (2017). Building Effective Medical Missions with Servant Leadership Skills. Journal Of Christian Nursing, 34(2), 122-126. DOI: 10.1097/cnj.0000000000000372

Rigby, J., Corriell, R., & Kuhl, K. (2017). Leading for Instructional Improvement in the Context of Accountability: Central Office Leadership. Journal Of Cases In Educational Leadership, 21(1), 28-42.

Toister, J. (2017). Understanding Service Culture and Implementing change. (4th ed.).

FORUM 2 Abstract

In this paper we are addressing leaders and the abuse that some take with tat title and the impact of those abuses on those that around them or employed by those types of leaders. Even in our society today, this is still a very overwhelmingly problem within the work force but also in many other areas as well. Though society has strived to make a difference and work together as a whole, there are still many that take a situation or placement of power and abuse it to the full extent that they are able to get away with. We find these situations not only in our workplace, but also within our schools, churches, community gatherings and even within our own homes.

The misuse of power within a workplace setting cannot only hurt the employee morale that is there, but it also lowers productivity which can cause a company to have a high turnover rate. All of which can cause problems for a company’s reputation which is also able to cause stress-related illnesses to the employees. Like in every other area of life, with a bad there is always a good. There is a positive side of power and when a leader uses the power to raise the morale for employees and show encouragement, it shows that they are more assertive and confident in their decisions, making it easier to moved forward within projects and get the job done because of that positive connection they have with those employees that they work alongside. Those that do not abuse the power of the leadership role are the ones that are willing work hard and alongside those that they work with. They understand that it is a combination of a group effort and not only one individual. The negative side of power of leadership, is the complete opposite, those in the leadership role, talk down to their employees, they degrade them, and take them for granted.

As we all have heard before, the existence of leadership is as old as human civilization itself, and for that reason it is one of the most essential components of a functioning organization or departments. Within the article “Toxicity of leadership and its impact on employees”, by Baloyi (2020), it addresses that those that do work under toxic environments have little to no choice than to have their energy levels drop along with their overall motivation at work. It touches on the leaders that demoralized their employees by ridiculing them in front of other employees to the point of even causing and promoting divisiveness between colleagues. So, with the concept of leadership that has been around since the very beginning of time, why are we still having the components of the toxic relationship between leaders and employees? Then again, the same question can be asked in about any area within our day to day lives.

The idea of the interactions and the impacts that a leader can have on the overall moral of their employees and how it can affect the day-to-day interactions and productivity of their employees is one that can truly make or break not only the leader in charge but also the entirety of the company itself. The abuse of power in some can do more damage to a person and their overall outlook in the workplace. Baloyi (2020) cites within the article that, “Toxic leaders often create what ‘…inner ring…’ which is always in total support of anything the leader does. “This includes violation of institutional policies, destruction of human relations and ultimately collapsing the division or department they have been entrusted with.” (“Toxicity of leadership and its impact on employees …”) This goes back to the idea of leaders abusing their power and pushing the limits to what they know they can and are able to get away with. This “inner ring” is something that many have dealt with and is something that many feel that they cannot fight. They feel as though they are unheard when they express their concerns and needs. This is

another leading factor in those that believe that they must stay in silence in fear of losing their jobs/positions.

A study that was conducted, within the article, “Power imbalance and employee silence: The role of abusive leadership, power distance orientation, and perceived organizational politics” where the author focused on two forms of silence. They were defensive silence that was based on fear and yielding silence the was based on resignation. (Lam & Xu, 2019) Lam, goes on to state

“the linkage between employees’ belief in power distance and their tendency to adopt yielding silence manifests more under supervisors’ abusive treatment. “Trait activation theorists suggest that the connection between certain traits and behaviors only emerges when the external environment delivers trait-relevant cues (Tett & Burnett, 2003; Tett & Guterman, 2000)”. (“Lam 2018 | Leadership | Leadership & Mentoring | Free 30 …”) This speaks volumes about the connections between the outside environment and the working environment and how the effects of the outside environment can affect the working environment.

Where there are some that are afraid to speak up in fear of losing their jobs, there are some that take a different road to where the employees act out and believe that it is okay to give back what they are given. “Employees working under abusive supervision may decide to engage in CWB (counterproductive work behaviors) because they anticipate that they will not get sufficient resources when the job demands are high. (Zubair et al,2019) Counterproductive work behaviors can be done in many forms such as absences, delay, theft, workplace bulling, workplace aggression, sabotage, disobeying orders and even fraud. However, these types of behavior are volitional (as opposed to mandated or accidental) and can harm organizations and their stakeholders, such as other coworkers and customers. CWB has two different versions: passive withdrawal and active deviant behavior. Passive withdrawal involves an attempt to avoid activities while active deviant behavior is the active involvement in damaging organizations.

So, why do some tend to stay quiet and continue to work hard, while others stay silent yet, sabotage the production and their co-workers? Those that think that they are having that “I’ll show them” attitudes, and still come to work yet do nothing, are really placing more drama, tension, and chaos for the other employees that have chosen to say nothing. In truth we can see this behavior within a classroom, the teacher is hard and does not want to give the students an inch of a mistake, some students chose to stay silent and just get through the class, and there are others that think making things more difficult for the teacher, that the teacher will break and give in the wants of the students. We all know that it very rarely ever works out the way that one would hope and usually leads to even bigger problems. This is the very same within the work force when those that “act out” stir trouble more than none, the other employees are punished,

with extra days, days cut, or even worse layoffs.

Just like you cannot have to bad without the good, we must also think about the fact that sometimes it is not the leader that is abusing the power. Sometimes it is the employees that do not like the ways and demands of the leader that turn things around to make it seem like what is being asked is too demanding. In truth there are always two sides and a supervisor’s behavior are no different. It can be abusive but at the same time where some see abuse, others see it as a way to get those that they employ to get a job done and done efficiently. Their actions can be seen as more functional whether than as a dysfunctional approach. There are always two sides to every situation, and this is no different, for those that work under or have worked under an abusive employer, their feelings could be different, however for those that have seen the difference in abusing and expectations can say that there is an exceptionally fine line between the two, however the line is there. There are some employers that believe that they are there to lead and they take that power to extremes but there are also some that lead with a heavy hand that expects the best from all, including themselves and because of that their tactics are not always seen as such.

In the article “I just cannot control myself” Mawritz (2017) informs us that there is a limited research that shows the unintentional abuse while it may not be deliberate when one is engaging in/for a response. In truth, though what we hear more often than none, is the abuse of an employer, however the fact is that there are those that do abuse their leadership roles, yet there are those who are seen as such due to prior situations with those who have had to deal with a leader and the abuse. The truth is that yes, there are both sides, and yes, we hear about the abuse more, but there are also the times that individuals assumes that one leader is just like another and this happens more often than we would like to admit.

We have touched on the facts of what abuse in a leader can do, the situations that it can cause within a company, the stress that it can cause employees, and the overall strive it is possible to take within our daily lives. We have looked at the two sides of a situation that can be done and misread, to the degree of inspecting that of the actions of employees themselves taking matters into their own hands. We have even investigated the idea that it could be outside environments that affects the working efforts.

So why not also look at the psychological as well. In the article “Discrete emotions linking abusive supervision to employee intention and behavior” the author touches on this part of the topic and gives us another area to wonder and ponder while making our decisions in the way that leadership and abuse interact with one another. The authors state “Scholarly efforts have turned toward understanding the psychological processes that motivate these connections”, along with “Shame is a basic human emotion that reflects feelings of low self-worth that derive from devaluation of the social self (Darwin, [1872] 1965; Gilbert, 1998; Tangney, 1991; Tangney, Stuewig, & Mashek, 2007).” Individuals experiencing shame look to hide and withdraw from social interactions from which they anticipate disapproval by others. This statement speaks volumes. Understanding the idea of why some are prone to go the route of being abusive while there are others that do not. Allowing ourselves to take a deeper look at the triggers that some have that causes the “power” to go to their head not only allows us to grasp the form of why but also to understand why so can control it and others cannot. We also can get a better understanding of why there are some that allow this behavior and why they feel that they cannot do anything about the abusiveness they are suffering from their employers. It is a way to investigate both sides of the situation not only in the leadership but also in the employees themselves.

Another area that we should also look at while looking at all the others is, what about those that have abused their authority and power, yet came to the realization that it was wrong or was shown the errors of their mistakes and changed? According to the article “It hurts me too! (or not?): Exploring the negative implications for abusive bosses”, just like the limited research on unintentional abuse, there is a small yet the growing stream of research that looks to understand the transgressors’ reactions to their own wrongdoings.

Within this approach, there are those that are hoping to be able to explain an individual’s behavioral responses of abusive supervisors and whether it can be halted in the future after acknowledging the wrong doings at hand. We cannot go into a situation and demand change without understanding all factors. Talking to the leaders that have been the abuser in the situation and understanding what they see and hear and how they felt can and will give us another completely fresh look on a topic that has been seen in only one way for so long. We get insights in the abouts of social and behavioral outcomes from enacting abuse.

One thing that we cannot avoid, or overlook is the infectious way that the abuse of power can soak down through to the individuals that are effectively being effected. It is the same as when we look at an abusive parent and how that abuse soaks into a child and they grow up doing and believing the same things their abuse parents did because it is all they know. In the journal

“Breaking the cycle of abusive supervision: How disidentification and moral identity help the trickledown change courses”, Taylor (et al,2019) describes the research that is about breaking the cycles of abusive supervisors it also talks about how the actions of those that are abusive, lead to the “trickling down” of attitudes from the abuser to the abusee. Along with the destructive behavior in the workplace and considering the overall behaviors of those in charge. Looking not only at the morals of an individual but also their ethical role and approaches can give another level in understanding the mindset of those individuals and in truth be able along with all the other studies to put an end to the overall abusive leadership that we find in all areas, not just in the workplace but all areas that society deal with.


This topic is something we are all familiar with in one way or another. Whether we have been in the leadership role, the family situation, school or another, we can all relate to some form or another. This is what strikes an interest with this topic; we are all capable of being in that role and yet there are some that take it to extremes. We have seen people work their tail off to get a position of power/leadership, they worked hard and knew what it took to get the job done they were also standing right beside us all fighting for our bosses to do the right thing. Yet, once they got that power their morals and ideas of how they work changed completely. It is interesting to see how an individual can be in a place and know how it feels to work along with others to get a situation handled and/or job done yet let that position/power change them/thier mindset and why some do not change, they continue to strive to be the person they were.


Baloyi, G. T. (2020). “Toxicity of leadership and its impact on employees: Exploring the dynamics of leadership in an academic setting.” (“Toxicity of leadership and its impact on employees …”) Hervormde Teologiese Studies, 76(2), 1– 8.



Lam, L. W., & Xu, A. J. (2019). Power imbalance and employee silence: The role of abusive leadership, power distance orientation, and perceived organizational politics. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68(3), 513–546.

Liao, Z., Lee, H. W., Johnson, R. E., Song, Z., & Liu, Y. (2020). Seeing from a shortterm perspective: When and why daily abusive supervisor behavior yields functional and dysfunctional consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Mawritz, M. B., Greenbaum, R. L., Butts, M. M., & Graham, K. A. (2017). I just cannot control myself: A self-regulation perspective on the abuse of deviant employees. Academy of Management Journal, 60(4), 1482–1503.

Peng, A. C., M. Schaubroeck, J., Chong, S., & Li, Y. (2019). Discrete emotions linking abusive supervision to employee intention and behavior. Personnel Psychology, 72(3), 393–419.


Priesemuth, M., & Bigelow, B. (2020). It hurts me too! (or not?): Exploring the negative implications for abusive bosses. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(4), 410–421.


Steffens, N. K., & Haslam, S. A. (2020). The narcissistic appeal of leadership theories.

American Psychologist. (Supplemental)

Taylor, S. G., Griffith, M. D., Vadera, A. K., Folger, R., & Letwin, C. R. (2019). Breaking the cycle of abusive supervision: How disidentification and moral identity help the trickledown change course. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(1), 164–182.


Zubair Akram, Yan Li, & Umair Akram. (2019). When Employees are Emotionally

Exhausted Due to Abusive Supervision. A Conservation-of-Resources Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(18), 3300.


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