

1. To the editor of the Washington Dc post, I’m writing this letter to you because, I have noticed that African American history is not taught as it should be in American schools. I heard that some political groups want slavery from the US school programs. I think it would be the worst decision ever taken when it comes to education in America. African American history is important, and it should be taught in American schools. It should be know to all about African America people, African Americans have participated in building this country from the ground up. There should be know reason for American people to forget about what happened . The stability of relations especially those of the different races in the USA need to know about African American slavery days. Its a knowledge of history that need to be taught to all people of different races in America.

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The heritages , and its input of African Americans has been left out of the history of America. In should be taught right in all American schools editor. African Americans were taken by force from there homeland, and brought to America, and some other parts of America continents as slaves. They  were forced to work in white means plantations for centuries. Some slaves were taken from there families, and not all slaves worked on plantations. ( Kelly & Lewis 2005).Some enslaved blacks worked in domestic jobs. They endured humiliation, and lost there dignity by working in cotton plantations. African Americans contributed to the economic development of America. The economic expansion was rooted in disconnectedness that existed between raw cotton produced in the South by slave laborers. The textile mils of the North that spun southern cotton into manufactured products. ( The rise of the cotton, and economics of slavery 2007). Blacks went through a lot of trouble obtaining there freedom . The abolitionist of slavery did not happen overnight. ( Kelly & Lewis 2005). The north, and the south had different opinions about the abolition of slavery. Slavery was abolished in the north but, in the south cotton plantations needed more slaves to produce cotton. Black men in the north had been freed Mr. editor. They attempted to achieve immediate emancipation with the rise of the abolitionist movement from the 1830’s until 1870’s. Black abolitionist like Fredrick Douglas, and Harriet Tubman, and others played an important role in the emancipation movement. ( Zinn education  project 2014). Slave holders in the south saw northers as to be there enemies. In favor of black emancipation, the north, and the south wanted to war over the issue of slavery for there freedom. Some black men joined the war over the issue fighting alongside white men. The war ended with a victory of the north, and it also, marked the end of long centuries of servitude.  The end of slavery did not mean the end of the problems for black people. The rise of laws against black people such as the black codes which limited  blacks mobility, and employment opportunities in the community. So black people in the south was discriminated against.

2.  My name is Jennelle Campbell, I am an online student at the American Military University. Apart of our final project we were told to write a letter discussing how important it is for African American History to be thought in American School. Growing up I attended Bronx academy high school, in the Bronx New York City, I was blessed to have some of the best teachers who was highly educated about African American history, and they passed on every bit of knowledge the knew unto us.

       Why is it important to thought in every school in America? I believed this would be a great way to teach not only African American children about their lineage, but also children of different races. It will also assist in teaching and encouraging these young adults not to become racist, it would provide a vivid understanding of what African American went through decades ago. According to the article “she Knows,” “When students learn that African Americans have contributed positively to society, education, science, art, law and medicine, it gives them an appreciation for African Americans currently living in the United States. When children study black history in school, they and their parents are both exposed to the fact that African Americans don’t just take from the United States, but also give and give good, wonderful and necessary things. Black history teaches students and their parents by teaching them about the contributions of African Americans to the United States.” (Davis 2016) The article mention how African American contribute greatly to America in so much ways. This will encourage student to give them a confidence to teach them they can be and do anything they desire to do with hard work.

      In today’s society even though the greatness of what African American offer to this country it seems unnoticed. Most students like myself was thought well about our great late ancestors and the struggles they sustained. I believe it is vital for these students to be bless with this information about African American history, it will end so many negative beliefs, and also will empower our young black generation. Ex slaves such as  Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Henry “box” Brown and so many more. Another example and why it is important according to “teaching tolerance,” “Educators help set the tone for how students view themselves and the world. Dismissive attitudes about black history can make a lasting impression on young minds. The key to teaching black history is to not only acknowledge the hard truths about history but also to help black students feel empowered about their identities. All students should engage in lessons that center black people whose narratives aren’t always steeped in oppression and struggle. They created. They built. They were revolutionaries. Show students that black people throughout American history—and throughout world history—have always had full human experiences. Black history isn’t a tragedy and teaching and learning it can and should be a celebration.” (Dillard 2019)

      In conclusion, I highly recommend African American history to be thought in American schools. It is an excellent way on teaching our young adults about the history about American, ways to end racism, and ways to teach student about how hard work can lead to success. Thank you for taking the time out to read my letter, and I hope you consider this great idea for our young adults’ thanks again.

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