Marketing Management

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Marketing Management essay

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Marketing Management
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Marketing Opportunities

Marketers monitor the internal metrics for their products as well as relying on companies that provide metrics and analytics on a constant basis regarding website activity, social media responses in certain demographic groups, and more. In this simulation Assignment, you will access the simulation with survey data and the CSR database of the new company, ASG. Then you will begin to analyze data and determine the marketing opportunities involved for improving brand loyalty regarding your chosen product line.

The following Course Outcomes are assessed in this Assignment:

MT450-3: Evaluate a firm’s marketing opportunities.

PC-3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation skills.

You will create a minimum of 12 Microsoft PowerPoint slides with 


 and an additional title and references slide with 


 below each slide for the marketing director (MD) and marketing team.

Address the following checklist items based on the 
simulation survey results (located below), the CSR database, chapter readings, and Learning Activities:


· Evaluate the marketing opportunities for your selected product line’s children’s and youth products and the customer experience based on the survey data (found in the simulation link below), the ASG CSR database, and readings.

· Recommend marketing opportunities for improving brand loyalty for each of the products in your previously chosen product line.

· Determine the brand personality of ASG according to Aaker (1997) (as cited in Kotler & Keller, 2016, p. 163).

· Determine who influences the consumer buying decision for each of your products in your previously chosen product line and how marketing can improve upon the current influences (use the CSR database).

· Determine the global marketing opportunities if the majority of suppliers are located in the United States and the entire product line you chose is of increasing interest to consumers in your choice of either the European Union (EU) or Asia (reference Chapter 8).

 Access the 

Unit 5 Assignment grading rubric




 with survey data


CSR database


Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Assignment 2: Week 2 Practicum Journal: Safe Prescribing

Students will:

Analyze roles of the Drug Enforcement Administration

Analyze PMHNP responsibilities when issued a DEA number

Analyze DEA number application procedures

Analyze state requirements for safe prescribing and prescription monitoring

Analyze PMHNP responsibilities for safe prescribing and prescription monitoring

Analyze Schedule II-V drug levels

To prepare for this Practicum Journal: Review the Learning Resources.

In 3 pages:

Describe the role of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as it pertains to the PMHNP.

Explain your responsibilities when having a DEA number.

Explain how you apply for a DEA number.

Explain your state’s requirements for a safe prescribing and prescription monitoring program.

Explain your responsibility as a PMHNP to follow these requirements.

Provide an example of a drug you may prescribe from each of the Schedule II-V drug levels.

Required Readings

Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2014). Kaplan & Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

· Chapter 8, “Mood Disorders” (pp. 347–386)

Gabbard, G. O. (2014). Gabbard’s treatment of psychiatric disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publications.

· Chapter 12, “Psychotherapy of Mood Disorders”

· Chapter 14, “Pharmacological and Somatic Treatments for Major Depressive Disorder”

Note: You will access this textbook from the Walden Library databases.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

· “Depressive Disorders”

· Major Depressive Disorder

· Persistent Depressive Disorder (dysthymia)

· Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

· Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder

· Depressive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition

· Other Specified Depressive Disorder

· Unspecified Depressive Disorder

Stahl, S. M. (2014). Prescriber’s Guide: Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology (5th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.


Note: All Stahl resources can be accessed through the Walden Library using the link below. This link will take you to a login page for the Walden Library. Once you log in to the library, the Stahl website will appear.


To access information on specific medications, click on The Prescriber’s Guide, 5th Ed. tab on the Stahl Online website and select the appropriate medication.

buspirone (adjunct)



Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (MDD with Seasonal Variation)

amphetamine (d)
amphetamine (d,l)
aripiprazole (adjunct)


quetiapine (adjunct)

lithium (adjunct)
l-methylfolate (adjunct)
methylphenidate (d)
methylphenidate (d,l)
modafinil (adjunct)


Grieve, S. M., Korgaonkar, M. S., Koslow, S. H., Gordon, E., Williams, L. M. (2013). Widespread reductions in gray matter volume in depression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 3, 332-339. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2013.08.016

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Lach, H. W., Chang, Y-P., & Edwards, D. (2010). Can older adults with dementia accurately report depression using brief forms? Reliability and validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 36(5), 30–37. doi:10.3928/00989134-20100303-01

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Steffens, D. C., McQuoid, D. R., & Potter, G. G. (2014). Amnestic mild cognitive impairment and incident dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in geriatric depression. International Psychogeriatrics, 26(12), 2029–2036. doi:10.1017/S1041610214001446

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Drug Enforcement Administration. (n.d.). Drug schedules. Retrieved June 14, 2016, from

Hagen, B. (Producer). (n.d.-b). Managing depression [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:


Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 24 minutes. You will access this video through the Walden Library databases.

Optional Resources

Gabbard, G. O. (2014). Gabbard’s treatment of psychiatric disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publications.

· Chapter 15, “Brain Stimulation Treatments for Mood Disorders”

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Ahern, E., & Semkovska, M. (2017). Cognitive functioning in the first-episode of major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuropsychology, 31(1), 52–72. doi:10.1037/neu0000319

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Anderson, N. D., Damianakis, T., Kröger, E., Wagner, L. M., Dawson, D. R., Binns, M. A., . . . Cook, S. L. (2014). The benefits associated with volunteering among seniors: A critical review and recommendations for future research. Psychological Bulletin, 140(6), 1505–1533. doi:10.1037/a0037610

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Inoue, J., Hoshino, R., Nojima, H., Ishida, W., & Okamoto, N. (2016). Additional donepezil treatment for patients with geriatric depression who exhibit cognitive deficit during treatment for depression. Psychogeriatrics, 16(1), 54–61. doi:10.1111/psyg.12121

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Sachs-Ericsson, N., Corsentino, E., Moxley, J., Hames, J. L., Rushing, N. C., Sawyer, K., . . . Steffens, D. C. (2013). A longitudinal study of differences in late- and early-onset geriatric depression: Depressive symptoms and psychosocial, cognitive, and neurological functioning. Aging & Mental Health, 17(1), 1–11. doi:10.1080/13607863.2012.717253

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Shallcross, A. J., Gross, J. J., Visvanathan, P. D., Kumar, N., Palfrey, A., Ford, B. Q., . . . Mauss, I. B. (2015). Relapse prevention in major depressive disorder: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus an active control condition. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(5), 964–975. doi:10.1037/ccp0000050

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Wanklyn, S. G., Pukay-Martin, N. D., Belus, J. M., St. Cyr, K., Girard, T. A., & Monson, C. M. (2016). Trauma types as differential predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder (MDD), and their comorbidity. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du Comportement, 48(4), 296–305. doi:10.1037/cbs0000056

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Applying the Marketing Mix

All four elements of the marketing mix work together as a team. It is often suggested that one weak element in the marketing mix can have a significant impact on marketing success. In other words, a marketing mix is only as strong as its weakest link. Companies that provide a clear and unique selling proposition from their competitors often achieve success.

The following Course Outcomes are assessed in this Assignment:

MT450-4: Evaluate the Marketing Mix for a product.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

Choose one of the ASG products from one of the three product lines provided for the youth product line for ages 10 and up or children’s products for ages 5–9. Do some investigation as to the current marketing mix of the children’s or youth product line you chose using the CSR database information, and evaluate the marketing mix as you ascertain it to be for the products.


· Determine the existing marketing mix (i.e., the four P’s) for one children’s or youth product from the product line you chose.

· Evaluate the existing marketing mix for the chosen youth or children’s product. Are each of the 4 P’s what they should be, based on the CSR database information, pricelist, reading, and your research online? Should ASG consider geofencing for promotion and possibly partnerships for greater promotion and distribution of the chosen children’s or youth product you chose?

· Choose a brand’s product that directly competes with your chosen ASG youth or children’s product. How does the competition’s product 4 P’s compare?

· ASG is considering changing their distribution (Place) and channel strategy for the entire children’s or youth product line. Analyze the CSR database and determine what changes might be recommended based on your analysis.

· Support your contentions with data provided, your Internet research, and your readings.

In a minimum 500-word 

expository essay


APA format

and citation style with additional title and reference pages, address the following checklist items and requirements.

Make sure to also address the following requirements:

· Use APA format and citation style and include an additional reference and title page.

· Limit the use of direct quotations; instead, paraphrase and cite the author’s work.

· Use Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, and use communication that is highly ordered, logical, and unified.

· Use correct spelling and grammar.

· Reinforce your personal opinions with outside viable references, and cite all works using APA citation style.

Access the 

Unit 8 Assignment grading rubric

Access the required 

CSR Database

You may also access as needed: 

ASG Background

Product Attributes and Adaption to a New Market (JOURNAL)

You will only post once in a minimum of 350 words to address the questions posed.

You read about branding and product strategy. Now you will apply some of what you learned to address the product strategy, including the packaging (part of the product attributes) of the new warming gloves with heat sensors that the ASG company wants to launch in its apparel line. You previously created part of a marketing research plan for this product. The results showed that this would probably be a successful product based on the results of your research and the tested prototype. Now your boss wants you to present your ideas regarding the following:

• What product strategy would you use based on the competition? Explain.

• Describe the kind of packaging the gloves should have. What about the heat sensors? Remember this company’s branding, mission, and objectives.

• If you were to enter the Indian market with this product, how would the product attributes and packaging need to change, and why?

The Product Marketing Research Plan

Research is becoming much more critical to all aspects of business as competition gets more intense, and as consumers can choose between a wider array of products online. You will address just the first two steps of the market research planning process to better understand what is really involved in marketing research.

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:

MT450-2: Develop a marketing research plan for a product.

Scenario: After your first couple of months as a product line manager with this new successful startup, ASG, you are called into the conference room. The marketing director announces that she has a product idea you need to research.

Make sure to complete the Learning Activity in order to be more successful in completing this Assignment.

View the introductory ASG simulation

, view the 

simulation research tip

 and the ASG Customer Service Representative 

(CSR) database

, and then address the checklist items.

Instructions: Below is your task checklist. Respond to all the items in a 2- to 3-page paper (minimum 600–800 words) with additional title and reference pages in APA format and citation style.

Checklist: (Steps 1 and 2 of marketing research planning)

· Define the problem and research objectives you want answered in line with the company’s mission and objectives.

· Determine how to go about getting answers to those research questions in the most time- and cost-efficient way while getting viable and significant data (i.e., determine the means of obtaining the data).

· Explain what type of data you will you need, primary or secondary.

· Explain what type of research you will pursue. Will you use quantitative or qualitative data? Explain why.

· Describe the sampling plan:

A) Who will you survey?

B) Sample Size: Knowing that all the people you intend to survey may not respond or may respond with an incomplete survey, how many people will you survey?

C) Sampling procedure: How will you go about finding your sample population? What will be a statistically significant measure?

D) How will you contact the subjects? Will you email them, phone them, etc.?

· Determine how to ensure the data is significant enough to make a decision as to whether or not the product development engineers should proceed with product development.

Access the 

Unit 3 Assignment grading rubric


2- to 3-page paper (minimum 600–800 words) in APA format and citation style with additional title and reference pages

The Customer Relationship Management Plan

Introduction: In the increasingly crowded global online marketplace, distinguishing one product from another helps the product become more competitive. One critical factor that distinguishes one brand from another is customer communications and customer relationships a company is able to build to promote and grow their brand. In this Assignment, you will create a customer relationship management plan for a hotel chain.

Assignment Details

The following Course Outcomes are assessed in this Assignment:

MT450-5: Create a Customer Relationship Management Plan.

GEL-8.03: Apply Critical thinking to formulate a logical solution to a problem.

Scenario: A spa-centered hotel chain International Waters, Inc. (IW) has been in business for two years now. Their mission is to provide a stress-free stay for guests where relaxation is a priority. They primarily are located on the east and west coasts of the U.S. as well as the west coast of Mexico, and all their properties contain water features and spas. IW especially caters to the business customer and stressed out adults who need time away to relax and recuperate. The problem that has surfaced from their analysis of the CSR database and various customer surveys is that they cannot seem to establish a long-term connection to their customers, so few return. The CEO wants to address the problem and has tasked the marketing director (your role) with providing a customer relationship management plan. 

Access some 

IW customer survey feedback

 recently obtained.

Access the IW Customer Relationship Management 

(CRM) Plan template

Instructions: Analyze the scenario and the data provided to create your CRM to address the problems you identify in the template provided.

Checklist: Create a CRM Plan addressing the following:

· Write a synopsis of the problems.

· State the SMART goals to resolve the problems.

· Describe alignment of mission to market and branding.

· Outline training of staff.

· Explain how you will create brand awareness.

· Provide opportunities for product testing.

· Identify customer touch points and explain how addressed.

· Describe promotion of IW to create brand loyalty.

· Explain how you will create value for customers from their point of view.

· Provide a follow-up and summary of your plan.

Access the 

Unit 9 Assignment grading rubric


Respond in 2–3 pages (minimum 600–800 words) in the template using APA format and citation style

New Product Details

You practiced with the 4 P’s of marketing in the Learning Activity. Now you will apply the first P of the marketing mix to one new product. In this Assignment you will create one new product item for a chosen ASG product line.


· Describe one new product item that you create for a chosen ASG product line.

· Describe the market segmentation and target markets in terms of the demographics and psychographics.

· Explain the brand positioning for the product.

· Provide all the product qualities (i.e., the 1st of the 4 P’s), attributes, packaging, etc. that will be involved in line with the company’s mission and objectives.

· Provide support for your reasoning.

Respond in a 1 ½- to 2-page Word document (450–600 words minimum) in APA format and citation style with additional title and reference pages; submit to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox.

Access the required ASG 

CSR Database

Access the 

Unit 6 Assignment grading rubric

You may also access as needed:

ASG Background

ASG initial simulation

Expanding a Business into Services


Services provide an additional form of revenue for companies. The service component can be a standalone offering, or a component of a product offering. In this Assignment you examine either a consumer service or a business service that is a market growth initiative to expand a company’s offerings beyond products.

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:

MT450-6: Apply Marketing Mix principles to business or consumer services.

Scenario: Environmentalgear is a home and office products company available online, promoted through a catalog mailed out every six months and through advertising via business magazines. “We make life easier” is their motto. Their logo is:

Founded two years ago by a scientist, a product engineer, and a retail marketing expert, this startup started out with home products and, after gaining success, moved on to office devices.

Their newest home product is a sleep-enhancing product which involves a light-weight, soft, but supportive neck collar with a detachable eye mask. The neck collar is preset to be the right temperature to induce sleep and yet provide a choice of soft mantras or meditative sounds on very low volume for the best amount of time per scientific sleep research. The wearer can set the sleep time and soft volume choice of sounds that begin to gradually wake them up. The temperature adjusts automatically throughout the night to be the right temperature. It comes in light and dark blue, black, grey, pink, pale green, and white.

Their newest office product is a workstation that has built-in lighting (auto-adjusting and reducing blue light depending on the time of day). It also has a built-in fan for protecting the computer’s hard drive, and a built-in white board that can pop-up at the touch of a button and is the length of the desk. The desk has room for up to three monitors and includes a built-in device hub area that is flush with the surface.

Existing company home and office products in navy blue, pale yellow, black, grey, pale green, red, and white.

· Window shades that auto-adjust to your time schedule and light.

· Blankets that adjust to your body temperature.

· Home kitchen or office/lab mats that are supportive, sustainable, and natural while providing cushioning for joints.

· Whole house or office lighting fixtures that adjust to the light outside, the time of day, and your schedule, to reduce blue light as you head towards sleep time and provide optional lighting for winter climates.

· Sustainable chair matting for offices that are non-skid but allow easy furniture rolling.

The company now wants to expand into services.

1) Consumer Service: They want to add an at-home service whereby a home ambience consultant will visit the customer at home to help them adjust their home products and make other recommendations for improving the home environment.

2) Business Service: They also want to add office consultants who can improve the office ambiance so it will be more conducive to the company’s goals, comfort, and productivity.

· Choose business or consumer services from above.

· Provide a synopsis of your research on the Internet regarding any competition.

· Explain why they might want to add services to their business.

· Using the marketing mix, provide the 4 P’s of this new consulting service for home or office, developing the particulars that make sense based on the scenario and the real world.

· Describe how they might want to launch the chosen service and associate them with their branding.

Access the 

Unit 10 Assignment grading rubric


Respond in a minimum 600-word paper in APA format and citation style with additional title and reference pages

(#2) Topic: Global Market Adaption and Forecasting Demand

Before a product can be created, the marketer must determine if there is a demand for the product as well as how much of a demand, based on customer needs and wants. If sufficient demand does not exist, the company might invest a lot of money in developing a product that no one actually purchases. There are many products that have been unsuccessfully launched in the past with insufficient and inaccurate demand forecasting. 

· Based on Smith & Armstrong’s data (table 3.3, p. 74), how would you change a food product of your choice for a global consumer?

· Forecast the demand for the food product you changed above. What type of data would you be looking for and how would you obtain it?


Statista (2019). Retrieved from

U.S. Labor Department (2019). Bureau of the Census: International database. Retrieved from


The Online Focus Group

Increasingly, companies are conducting online research. However, it is not always effective or easy. You will do some research concerning focus groups and then address the following Discussion topics.

You have decided to conduct an online focus group to determine participants’ reaction to a new _____ (fill in the blank with a product of choice not related to the scenarios provided).

· What will you need to plan, arrange, and communicate in order to conduct this online focus group successfully?

· What possible problems could arise, and how will they be handled?

· What are the pros and cons of conducting this type of research?


Discussion 1: Marketing Challenges




email simulation


Discuss options with the marketing team (i.e., your classmates) to address the simulation email from the boss and the sales metrics she includes in the email.

Discussion 2: Brand Loyalty

You read about brand how to create brand loyalty.

· Now discuss how you could create brand loyalty among the existing and future customers of a natural premium pet food, PremiumPets I (PPI).

· What could you do to specifically promote the PPI dog food?

· Based on your reading, how could you personalize the marketing to target customers of the dog food line of PPI?


Topic: The Supplier and the Business Market

In the simulation and ASG 

CSR database

 you read about the different product lines that ASG carries.

· What kinds of products or raw materials would be needed for the product line you chose, and why? Are these materials in line with the company’s mission and objectives?

· What type of buyer-supplier relationship would you create based on your text’s eight categories (pp. 208–209), and why?

· Are there any existing products that might be adaptable for sale to businesses or industry? Explain.

· Once you have made your initial post, comment on classmates’ responses keeping in mind the mission, objectives, and standards of ASG.


In the ASG simulation, you chose a product line. In this unit, you read about branding in Chapter 10.

Topic: Brand Mantra

· Create a brand mantra (internal) that might address all that the ASG brand offers.

· Explain why your brand mantra would be well-suited to ASG based on the 

background information

 that you have.

· Now create a brand mantra for yourself. Explain your mantra.


Topic: Environmental Consequences

Many companies are considering reducing negative environmental impacts of conducting business. Some firms have changed manufacturing processes and or the materials that go into them to be more environmentally friendly.   

· When creating and enacting product strategies, what environmental issues must marketers address?

· Provide at least one specific example using the Purdue Global Library or Internet.

· Do some research on Interface Global Inc. and discuss how you think this company has benefitted in its marketing from becoming more sustainable environmentally. Can they substantiate their claims? Explain.


Pricing is considered one of the most challenging elements of the marketing mix. Nevertheless, it is also the most flexible elements of the marketing mix. There are many effective strategies marketers can use to increase revenue and profits.

Topic: Pricing Strategy

· ASG wants to launch gloves with warming sensors for the current target markets. Do some research on the Internet regarding competition in the market for these gloves.

· How will you address the stages of the consumer adoption process on p. 454?

· Using your competitive pricing from the text in Chapter 16, decide on a competitive price for ASG’s product solely based on the competition and quality of the ASG product.

· What, if any, discounts should the company provide in order to induce initial sales of the product?

· What other channel alternatives for these gloves should ASG consider, based on Chapter 17? Explain.


Topic: Comparing Social Media

As social media and online marketing in general have become predominant forces in product promotion, it is incumbent on all marketing professionals to be conversant in the pros and cons of various social media platforms. In this discussion you have the opportunity to compare some of the most highly used social media platforms used today (, 2019).

· Compare the two social media sites. Either WhatsApp and Snapchat 
 WeChat and Twitter. Which would be best suited to promote home products?

· Explain your choice.

· What are the pros and cons of using the site you chose? Is there another social media site that would be better suited? Describe the alternative site and the benefits of using it to promote home products.

· How would your choice of social media sites for promotion change if you were promoting home services instead of products? Explain.


Statista (2019). Retrieved from


Designing the Communication Platform

Introduction: There are a variety of communication platforms to reach customers. Some of the newer forms of communication include social media and mobile marketing. In addition, micromodels are used to concentrate on a consumer’s specific responses to communications.

Scenario: The UDesignCookie Company (UDC) creates cookies made to order online for shipment anywhere in the world. Customers design their own cookies with either a vanilla, chocolate or chocolate chip cookie dough as a base, and then can add any of the more than 50 condiments from various nuts to cinnamon chips to cranberries. The minimum order is two (2) dozen and the price is $50. Shipping is free. So far the company has been promoting their product via the Internet.

· Using table 19.1 on p. 561 of your text, choose five of the eight communication platforms provided and explain how you would help promote UDC business while keeping the costs low, since they are a start-up company with limited resources.

· Which micromodel on p. 563 would be most relevant for a new pen product? Why?

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