High school modern history

I have 3 similar assignments that requires original and quality work, also, good writing and grammar. (with information needed attached. 

Please look over the assignments and see if you can do it (need original and quality work!! If there’s any question regarding the criteria of the assignments please dm me

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High school modern history
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Each“Going Deeper” assignment for this course includes five components, and these

details can be found here: Going Deeper Assignments – Information & Expectations.

1. Personal Reflection

2. Biographical Sketch

3. Primary Sources

4. Connections

5. Worldview Issues

When turning in your work, please include all five components in one single file. You

may complete your assignment in Word or Powerpoint.

Rubric – 75 points

Remember to include work cited

Years covered this unit: 500-1800

Each“Going Deeper” assignment for this course includes five components, and these

details can be found here: Going Deeper Assignments – Information & Expectations.

1. Personal Reflection

2. Biographical Sketch

3. Primary Sources

4. Connections

5. Worldview Issues

When turning in your work, please include all five components in one single file. You

may complete your assignment in Word or Powerpoint.

Rubric – 75 points

Remember to include work cited

Years covered this unit: 1500-1900

Each“Going Deeper” assignment for this course includes five components, and these

details can be found here: Going Deeper Assignments – Information & Expectations.

1. Personal Reflection

2. Biographical Sketch

3. Primary Sources

4. Connections

5. Worldview Issues

When turning in your work, please include all five components in one single file. You

may complete your assignment in Word or Powerpoint.

Rubric – 75 points

Remember to include work cited

Years covered this unit: 1700-1914

Power and Authority
History is often made by the people and institutions in power. As
you read about the world’s powerful people and governments, try
to answer several key questions.

• Who holds the power?
• How did that person or group get power?
• What system of government provides order in this society?
• How does the group or person in power keep or lose power?

While historical events are unique, they often are driven by similar, repeated forces. In
telling the history of our world, this book pays special attention to eight significant and
recurring themes. These themes are presented to show that from America, to Africa, to
Asia, people are more alike than they realize. Throughout history humans have confronted
similar obstacles, have struggled to achieve similar goals, and continually have strived to
better themselves and the world around them.

  • World History Themes
  • xxvi

    Interaction with Environment
    Since the earliest of times, humans have had to deal with
    their surroundings in order to survive. As you read about
    our continuous interaction with the environment, keep in
    mind several important issues.

    • How do humans adjust to the climate and terrain
    • where they live?
    • How have changes in the natural world forced
    • people to change?
    • What positive and negative changes have people
    • made to their environment?

    Often in history, great change has been achieved only
    through force. As you read about the continuous over-
    throw of governments, institutions, and even ideas
    throughout history, examine several key questions.

    • What long-term ideas or institutions are
    • being overthrown?
    • What caused people to make this radical change?
    • What are the results of the change?

    Religious and Ethical Systems
    Throughout history, humans around the world have been guided
    by, as much as anything else, their religious and ethical beliefs.
    As you examine the world’s religious and ethical systems, pay
    attention to several important issues.

    • What beliefs are held by a majority of people in a region?
    • How do these major religious beliefs differ from one another?
    • How do the various religious groups interact with one another?
    • How do religious groups react toward nonmembers?

    mwh10pe-fm-themes_P1 10/24/2003 2:30 PM Page xxvi

    Economics has proven to be a powerful force in human history. From early
    times to the present, human cultures have been concerned with how to use
    their scarce resources to satisfy their needs. As you read about different
    groups, note several key issues regarding the role of economics in world

    • What goods and services does a society produce?
    • Who controls the wealth and resources of a society?
    • How does a society obtain more goods and services?

    Empire Building
    Since the beginning of time, human cultures have shared a similar desire to
    grow more powerful—often by dominating other groups. As you read about
    empire building through the ages, keep in mind several key issues.

    • What motivates groups to conquer other lands and people?
    • How does one society gain control of others?
    • How does a dominating society control and rule its subjects?

    Science and Technology
    All humans share an endless desire to know more about their
    world and to solve whatever problems they encounter. The
    development of science and technology has played a key role in
    these quests. As you read about the role of science and technol-
    ogy in world history, try to answer several key questions.

    • What tools and methods do people use to solve the various
    • problems they face?
    • How do people gain knowledge about their world? How do
    • they use that knowledge?
    • How do new discoveries and inventions change the way
    • people live?

    Cultural Interaction
    Today, people around the world share many things, from music, to food, to ideas. Human
    cultures actually have interacted with each other since ancient times. As you read about how
    different cultures have interacted, note several significant issues.

    • How have cultures interacted (trade, migration, or conquest)?
    • What items have cultures passed on to each other?
    • What political, economic, and religious ideas have cultures shared?
    • What positive and negative effects have resulted from cultural interaction?

    mwh10pe-fm-themes_P2 10/24/2003 2:30 PM Page xxvii

      World History Themes

    BECK. ​World History: Patterns of Interaction Survey​. Houghton Mifflin 

    Harcourt K-12. [MBS Direct].

    Citation: ​BECK. ​World History: Patterns of Interaction Survey​. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt K-12. [MBS Direct].

    BECK. ​World History: Patterns of Interaction Survey​. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt K-12. [MBS Direct].


    For each term or name below, briefly explain its connection to the imperialism of 1850–1914.  
    1. imperialism 2. racism 3. Berlin Conference 4. Menelik II 5. geopolitics 6. Suez Canal 7. Raj 8. Queen Liliuokalani 
    ​MAIN IDEAS The Scramble for Africa Section 1 (pages 773–778)  
    9. What motivated the nations of Europe to engage in imperialist activities?  
    10. What effect did the Boer War have on Africans?  
    Case Study: Imperialism Section 2 (pages-779–785)  
    11. What are the forms of imperial rule? 
    12. How did Ethiopia successfully resist European rule? 
    ​Europeans Claim Muslim Lands Section 3 (pages 786–790)  
    13. Why were the European nations interested in controlling the Muslim lands?  
    14. What methods did the Muslim leaders use to try to prevent European imperialism? 
    ​British Imperialism in India Section 4 (pages 791–795)  
    15. How was the economy of India transformed by the British?  
    16. What caused the Sepoy Mutiny? 





    citation: BECK. ​World History: Patterns of Interaction Survey​. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt K-12. [MBS Direct]. 

    Please answer the Terms & Names and Main Idea sections



    Briefly explain the importance of each of the following to the revolutions in Latin America or Europe.  
    1. conservative  
    2. liberal  
    3. nationalism  
    4. nation-state  
    5. Realpolitik 
    6. romanticism  
    7. realism  
    8. Impressionism​.

    Latin American Peoples Win Independence Section 1 (pages 681–686)  
    9. What caused the creoles in South America to rebel against Spain?  
    10. What role did Agustín de Iturbide play in the independence of Mexico?  
    11. Who was Dom Pedro, and what role did he play in Brazil’s move to independence? 
    Europe Faces Revolutions Section 2 (pages 687–691)  
    12. How is a liberal different from a conservative?  
    13. How successful were the revolts of 1848? Explain.  
    14. Why did the French accept Louis-Napoleon as an emperor? 
    ​Case Study: Nationalism Section 3 (pages 692–697)  
    15. How did nationalism in the 1800s work as a force for both disunity and unity?  
    16. What approaches did Camillo di Cavour use to acquire more territory for Piedmont-Sardinia? 17. What strategy did Otto von Bismarck use to 
    make Prussia the leader of a united Germany? 
    Revolutions in the Arts Section 4 (pages 698–703) 
    18. What are five elements of romanticism?  
    19. What are two ideas or attitudes of the romantic movement that reflect the ideals of nationalism?  
    20. What new conditions caused a change in the arts from romanticism to realism? 













    citation: BECK. ​World History: Patterns of Interaction Survey​. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt K-12. [MBS Direct]. 

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