General Psychology Assignment I

Hello everyone, I have an Assignment for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Tuesday, January 28, 2019, no later than 10 pm. By the way, I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a Spell Check when completed. Make sure you READ the instructions CAREFULLY. Now without further ado, the instructions to the assignments are below:


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Understanding and applying psychology in one’s everyday life can have numerous benefits and is often the basis of research that is conducted in this field. In this assignment, you will write an essay requiring you to employ critical thinking as you contemplate the science of psychology.

You will write this essay from the perspective of a potential first-time researcher. Pretend you are pondering conducting research into the psychological aspects of a specific human behavior you have seen demonstrated in your everyday life (may be personal or work-related).

First, you should start with an introduction that allows the readers to fully understand your intent and the main points of the research you are contemplating. Be sure to identify your research question (e.g. Why do we yawn when we see someone else yawn?)

Next, include the following elements of your intended research:

  • describe your vision of the research experiment,
  • explain research methods that could be used to describe the behavior in your research experiment, and
  • indicate the ethical guidelines you must follow while conducting research involving people.

Finally, in your own words, identify the basic ideas behind early approaches in psychology that may influence your research.

Your essay will be a minimum of two pages in length, double-spaced, and in Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Include your name and course at the top of the first page of your essay.

APA Style will not be required for this assignment. However, keep in mind that when directly quoted or paraphrased works of others are used in any manner, the writer is obligated to properly cite the source of the original narrative. You should become familiar with citing sources, as you will be graded on proper APA citation and reference formatting later in this course, and throughout your future academic endeavors.

By the way, I attached a study guide below to help with this assignment!

PSY 1010, General Psychology 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Trace the historical development of the psychology field.
1.1 Recall the history of the early pioneers in psychology.
1.2 Identify the basic ideas behind early approaches in psychology.

2. Recall research methodologies used in the field of psychology.

2.1 Define research methods used to describe behavior.
2.2 Indicate ethical guidelines for doing research with people.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity


Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Unit I Quiz
Unit I Essay


Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Video: The Basics: Diverse Perspectives
Unit I Essay


Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Video: Experiments: Independent vs. Dependent Variables
Unit I Essay

Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Unit I Essay

Reading Assignment

Chapter 1:

The Science of Psychology

A link to Chapter 1 of the eTextbook is provided in the Required Reading area of Unit I in Blackboard.

View the following two videos in MyPsychLab. You can access the videos by clicking the link provided in the
Required Reading area of Unit I in Blackboard. (You must be logged into Blackboard in order to access any
MyPsychLab features.)

 The Basics: Diverse Perspectives

 Experiments: Independent vs. Dependent Variables


The Science of Psychology

PSY 1010, General Psychology 2



Unit Lesson

Have you ever pondered these questions or similar ones? Quite possibly have you longed to better
understand why you or others behave in a certain manner and why your friends seem to be in direct conflict
with your beliefs? Do you ever long to train your pet to obey certain commands? Rest assured, you are
not alone.

In this course, you will learn that the science of psychology has deeply seated roots. Mankind has longed to
answer questions about the mind and behavior since the beginning of time, but the science of psychology as
we know it, grounded in empirical research, has only been around for a little over a century. Yet still,
developments in this complex field are constantly evolving. The study of psychology has vast importance. Not
only are the findings from psychological research critically important to psychologists, but the implications are
inherently paramount in a plethora of fields including health sciences, cancer research, education, and
environmental studies, just to name a few.

What Do You Already Know About Psychology?

Take a few minutes for reflection on your personal thoughts, experiences, and understanding of psychological
concepts before we delve into the history of psychology. People often opine that psychology is just all about
common sense principles, but this is a fallacy. For example, many people are easily swayed by some popular
talk show hosts that give wide-sweeping advice to individuals in a short, 45-minute television segment. Yes, it
is important to examine what people do, but the science of psychology helps us to better ascertain the why as
well. There is a survey on page 4 of your eTextbook to get you started with assessing what you already know
about psychology. Regardless of your current foundation in or experience with psychology, this course will
provide you with a fresh look at the basic concepts and foundations. It will provide you with a good starting
point no matter how you will apply the science of psychology in your life or career.

Why does my friend
behave like that when
he is angry?

What is wrong with me?
Why do I want to cry when I
think of certain memories?

Why does Fido bark
at the door when he
needs to go potty?

My parents were
callous and
reserved. Does that
mean I will have a
hard time showing
love to my own

PSY 1010, General Psychology 3


Course Navigation

Throughout this course, in addition to the required activities in the MyPsychLab, you will also have access to
various videos and simulations in the lab that will enrich your psychology knowledge and course experience.
These additional resources are designed to help you further examine the intricate science of psychology. It is
highly recommended that you take the time to embrace the suggested reading material as well as the
nongraded learning activities, as they will give you additional insight throughout this course.

The Roots of the Science of Psychology

As you read Chapter 1 in the eTextbook, you will learn that the basic tenets of psychology as a science can
be traced back to a German researcher named Wilhelm Wundt (Ciccarelli & White, 2017). As you read about
Wundt and his history with objective introspection—the task of examining one’s mental processes and
thoughts—keep in mind that Wundt was not your typical researcher. Yes, the father of psychology originally
struggled with academics, and he actually dropped out of high school at one point. However, his scholastic
aptitude and accomplishments eventually evolved for the better, and he ended up as a top graduate in his
medical school class. He went on to establish the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the University of
Leipzig. One of his famous students, Edward Titchener, would later bring many of Wundt’s research principles
to America and further expound upon them by forging a new view. He called it structuralism, or examining the
structure of one’s mind. Pay close attention to the information from this section. You will learn more about
Margaret Washburn, the first woman recipient of a Ph.D. in psychology.

Another important figure that you will examine in this unit is William James. Ciccarelli and White (2017) reveal
that while Wundt is considered the father of psychology, James is known as the father of American
psychology. In fact, William James had a very culturally rich and diverse childhood as he was educated in
numerous private schools, but his fascination for areas such as religion and science were actually
encouraged within his childhood home alongside his famous sibling, Henry James. Within this section, you
will learn about William James’ influences from Charles Darwin. In essence, James’ work focused on how
one’s mind functions in his or her everyday life while adapting to the environment, also known as
functionalism. One of his famous students was Mary Whiton Calkins. Although she completed all of the
requirements for a Ph.D. from Harvard University, she was denied such because she was not a man.

The field of psychology has evolved over the years, much like the rest of history, but numerous important
contributors have not always taken an easy path to gain respect. You will learn more about various minority
researchers as well including Francis Cecil Sumner, Kenneth and Mamie Clark, and Jorge Sanchez, just to
name a few.

Do you think minority

researchers have gained their
equal time in the spotlight?

(Iqoncept, n.d.)

PSY 1010, General Psychology 4


Influential Approaches

Further examination of the eTextbook by Ciccarelli and
White (2017) will reveal foundational information
related to Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis,
conditioning, and behaviorism. What do you think
about each approach? Do you agree with Gestalt’s
psychology proponents who purported that we do not
break things down into parts, but rather perceive
elements as a whole? In Figure 1, Gestalt’s closure
principle suggests we will perceive a circle and a
rectangle rather than a series of line segments.

On the other hand, you could possibly agree with
whom Ciccarelli and White (2017) call the most
famous individual associated with psychology—
Sigmund Freud. In his theory of psychoanalysis,
Freud argued that we often push certain thoughts,
such as threatening desires, into our unconscious
mind. As a neurologist, he believed the act of
repressing these urges eventually manifested into
nervous disorders as seen with his patients. You will
learn more about many of his famous supporters
including Alfred Adler and Carl Jung. Consequently,
his daughter, Anna Freud, would also follow in his
footsteps by doing research on the ego. What are
your views about Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis?
Do you think an individual can assist you in
examining insight into your personal behaviors?

An additional approach to psychology as a
science is related to Ivan Pavlov and is known
as classical conditioning. Pavlov was a
physiologist who postulated that a reflex could
be generated by an unrelated stimulus, as seen
in the illustration to the right. Read more about
his research and reflect upon your own
thoughts and experiences. Could these
principles help you to garner better behaviors
with your pets? Would they work on your
children or spouse?

John B. Watson’s behaviorism is another
approach that you will examine. In essence,
Watson argued that psychology, as a science,
should center upon observable behaviors—
what one can see and measure. Many of his
beliefs were based on Pavlov’s work. Watson argued that one could use conditioning to shape behaviors. He
and his colleague, Rosalie Rayner, conducted what is now known as the famous Little Albert experiment.
What are your thoughts about their work? Were they justified in the name of science for conditioning Little
Albert to fear rats, rabbits, and dogs?

Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning
(Lacroix, n.d.)

Figure 1
Gestalt Perception

(Golan, n.d.)

PSY 1010, General Psychology 5


Perspectives in Psychology

No one perspective can fully explain all of our behaviors and processes. In fact, there are seven basic
perspectives in psychology that relate to several areas including thought processing, cultural factors,
biological aspects, and one’s goals, just to name a few. For instance, you will learn that the psychodynamic
perspective is embraced by many therapists today. In essence, the focus is on the unconscious mind and
how this influences our conscious behaviors. Furthermore, the behavioral perspective is still quite influential
as well. B. F. Skinner actually extended the work of John B. Watson, and he is credited with coining the
theory of operant conditioning, in which he purported that one’s voluntary behaviors could be learned or
reinforced when associated with pleasurable circumstances.

As part of this unit’s reading assignment, you will view the video Diverse Perspectives, in MyPsychLab. You
can access the video directly from the link provided in the Unit I Required Reading area in Blackboard. This
will provide you with a general overview of the seven modern perspectives in psychology. As with all videos
you will watch in the MyPsychLab in this course, a closed captioning option is available directly on the video

After viewing the video, consider what perspectives you relate to the most: psychodynamic, behavioral,
humanistic, cognitive, sociocultural, biopsychological, or evolutionary. Which ones would you say are more
based on science? Which perspectives are more closely aligned with human behaviors? Would you agree
that a more eclectic perspective—embracing bits and pieces of several views—is actually more feasible?

Professions in Psychology

As you continue your exploration of this unit, you will learn that numerous careers exist that relate to the field
of psychology. If you are fascinated by the science of psychology, you should be pleased to know that
Ciccarelli and White (2017) stress that becoming a psychologist is not your only career option. Would you
consider pursuing a career as a psychiatrist so that you can diagnose and treat various disorders, or maybe
you would enjoy working as a psychiatric social worker? (One usually only needs a master’s degree to attain
this position.) Psychology is not only about having therapy sessions. Some individuals in this field perform
other jobs such as conducting research, teaching, designing products, and crafting educational strategies, just
to name a few.

PSY 1010, General Psychology 6


It Is All Science Based

Do you ever go to the mall and people-watch as
shoppers pass by? Have you ever attempted to
predict their relationships with the individuals
surrounding them? Quite possibly you have been
guilty of judging some of the food court customers
based on their selection of fast food? We have all
been guilty of such actions in various settings, but
true psychology centers upon uncovering facts
while attempting to reduce numerous uncertainties
and unwarranted biases.

Within this unit, you will learn that psychology is
actually grounded in the scientific approach. A
sound researcher will seek to discover what truly
exists, and he or she will not be swayed by
personal beliefs or opinions. Ciccarelli and White
(2017) shed light on the goals related to
psychology and the steps in the scientific
approach. Pay close attention to each step
described as they are all inherently important.

Once you have gleaned the information on the
scientific approach, it is imperative that you
examine the methods that are used to describe
behavior. Ciccarelli and White (2017) provide
foundational information related to the types of
methods used by researchers. For instance, have you ever gone to the food court at the mall and watched
teens interacting with each other? (This would be considered a form of naturalistic observation as you are
viewing people in their typical environment.) On the other hand, it is not always possible, nor feasible, to
observe people or animals in their natural environments. This is when laboratory observations are often
embraced. (Although an artificial environment has been created, it does give the researcher a little bit
more control.)

In the chapter reading, you will examine the types of descriptive methods that are used to characterize
behaviors. In research, it is inherently important that those behaviors are examined in depth to ascertain if
patterns or relationships exist. This is what researchers refer to as a correlation. However, if the researcher
truly seeks to determine the cause for behaviors, he or she must design an experiment so that he or she can
manipulate the variable that is potentially changing the behavior. This will involve an independent and
dependent variable. This will be explored in the video Independent vs. Dependent Variables in the Required
Reading for this unit. (The video can be accessed in the Required Reading area of Unit I in Blackboard.)

As you read more, you will learn that it is important to have two groups in an experiment: the experimental
group (receives exposure to the independent variable) and the control group (usually receives no treatment).
When conducting research, it is important to randomly assign the participants to the groups. However,
problems can still occur even under the most ideal conditions. Ciccarelli and White (2017) share important
information related to the placebo effect (expectations can influence behavior) and the experimenter effect
(the researcher’s expectations can influence the results). As you conclude your exploration of this section,
pay close attention to the information related to ways to avoid these effects: single-blind studies and double-
blind studies.

(Temsakun, n.d.)

PSY 1010, General Psychology 7


As you conclude your studies for this unit, you will learn more about the ethical guidelines related to research.
Do you remember Little Albert’s experiment? Did you think the researchers were justified in their actions in
the name of science? If you were Albert’s parent, what would be your response? Ciccarelli and White (2017)
explain that several ethical guidelines, which must be followed by researchers today, have been established
by the American Psychological Association (APA). For instance, participants’ rights and safety must always
be valued. The researcher must explain the study in enough detail so that the participant can embrace an
informed decision. Only in justifiable instances can deception ever be utilized. Additionally, a participant must
be allowed to study the case at any time. All data collected should remain confidential as well. What are your
thoughts about the remaining guidelines? Do you think the participants are adequately protected under
these auspices?

Did you realize it is important to think critically about critical thinking? Chapter 1 in the eTextbook briefly
discusses how psychology is applicable to our daily lives. In fact, we embrace critical thinking and make
sound decisions on a daily basis, quite often without realizing it. However, we sometimes consciously or
subconsciously avoid thinking critically. What about you? What conditions could cause you to avoid
critical thinking?


Ciccarelli, S. K., & White, J. N. (2017). Psychology (5th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Dolmatov, M. (n.d.). Funny cartoon businessman thinking, ID 112755684 [Illustration]. Retrieved from

Golan, B. (n.d.). Sigmund Freud cartoon, ID 68134050 [Illustration]. Retrieved from

Iqoncept. (n.d.). What do you think survey poll question, ID 20602105 [Illustration]. Retrieved from

Lacroix, A. (n.d.). Conditioning, ID 53878514 [Illustration]. Retrieved from


Temsakun, N. (n.d.). Word cloud text background concept, ID 83162790 [Graphic]. Retrieved from

Could some research be considered as
necessary cruelty?

Should there be guidelines established to

prevent mistreatment of subjects, both
human and animal?

(Iqoncept, n.d.)

PSY 1010, General Psychology 8


Suggested Reading

Is your cellphone always turned on and at your fingertips? Should psychoanalysts do more to examine this
phenomenon? Read the following article in the CSU Online Library to learn more.

Cain, W. (2018). #PsychoanalysisAndCellphones. Psycho-Analytic Psychotherapy in South Africa, 26(1), 1–

29. Retrieved from

For a review of this unit’s concepts, you are encouraged to view the PowerPoint presentation for the chapter
reading by clicking on either of the links provided below.

Click here for the Chapter 1 PowerPoint Presentation. Click here for a PDF of the presentation.

View the videos below in MyPsychLab by clicking on the link provided in the Suggested Reading area of Unit I
in Blackboard. They will give you further insight into the work of a psychologist and the many areas of
specialty in the profession.

 Thinking Like a Psychologist: Thinking Critically

 Psychological Professionals and Their Area of Specialization

Learning Activities (Nongraded)

Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit
them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information.

In the Nongraded Learning Activities area of Unit I in Blackboard, you will find MyPsychLab links to access
the following resources. They can help you to assess your understanding of this unit’s concepts.

 Study the Flashcards: Chapter 1

 Test Yourself: Chapter 1: On pages 42-43 of the eTextbook, there is a Test Yourself section. You can
take the quiz to assess your understanding of the chapter material.

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