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Applying talent acquisition to the test: Assessing Productivity in Facilities Organization

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Step 1: Read the research

Step 2: Answer the following questions

Step 3: Submit your Answer Sheet in D2L by Feb 4 at 11.59 pm

Answer the following Questions:

· What do the talent acquisition strategies include?

· How do you think the organization can build effective practical and holistic talent strategies?


Based on this research. What do you think the critical errors that should be avoided during the recruitment process, especially mistakes that may result in recruitment challenges?

· To enhance the productivity of the organization, what are the five criteria the HR profession should consider it through the selection process. (In your own word)

· Reflect on this research including the most interesting part that you can apply it in your Labor Force Engineering Project.



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Applying talent acquisition to the test: Assessing

Productivity in Facilities Organization

Leena N. Fukey

Associate Professor, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore

Mudita Sinha

Assistant Professor, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore

Rhea Pius

Executive Facilities,Jones Lang Lasalle


The Purpose – The purpose of this research is to explore the various types of selection

process and how to achieve the right type of candidate for the organization. By studying

the perceptions of those

Individuals involved in the selection process as well as increase the knowledge on how

talent acquisition is interrelated with productivity of the employee.

Design methodology – The study is targeted to unfold as a conceptual paper, bringing

together the collection of information from different authors across different fields. The

study is built on research papers and projects from various years of experience and

formulates a thought process to create a change in the talent acquisition which will help

in analyzing a way to increase the productivity of the organization.

Findings – During talent acquisition, due diligence is required in assessing the

person‐organization fit and providing an enabling work environment to keep the talent

anchored to the organization. Thus, it is suggested that organizations should make

efforts to build effective, practical and holistic talent strategies that are not only able to

attract talent but also address employee engagement and the retention of key skills thus

boosting the productivity and business performance.

Keywords: Talent acquisition, selection process, productivity, employee engagement

and retention

1. Introduction

To perform better and to contend in exceedingly dynamic condition, organizations

nowadays have begun focusing on securing the best ability. Talent acquisition is an

intricate process, meant to strongly test not only the intellect of the candidate but also of

the interviewer. This is because selecting the right candidates becomes imperative for

any field of specialization. Selection of the right candidates leads to higher productivity

which in turn leads to overall cohesion of the relevant industry policies. The

accomplishment of an organization depends to a great extent on the amount and nature of

its Human Resource. In the quickly changing business world, the upper hand can be

increased just when information is sanely coordinated and lined up with business

objectives (Parmar, 2010). A perfect blend of strategic yet holistic interview rounds will

help bring out the candidate’s skill in various scenarios leading to an all round result that

can be relied on.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the way toward figuring out how to accomplish

organizational goals which incorporates the procedure of enlistment and choice

remuneration and advantages, work and modern relations and furthermore looking into

Pramana Research Journal

Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

ISSN NO: 2249-2976

employees skill set and wellbeing of the organization as a whole. HRM upgrades the

abilities and learning of the employee (Bose lie, Dietz, and Boon, 2005), and

experimental investigations has driven to a conclusion that HRM hones the ability to

increase the performance and motivation of the organization. It is expected that putting

the right amount of effort into HRM enhances a long term financial advantage for the

organization and ensure employee will be driven to stay in the same organization rather

than moving to different organizations.

Due to high competitive market organization are trying to think of creative ways of

attracting talent .It is very difficult to bridge between the organizational gaps and suitable

candidates for the job. So it is important that organizational HR team keeps in mind and

get the right talent through talent acquisition (Kheswa, 2015). Talent acquisition may

incite suspecting that it is basically an equivalent word of the enlistment and choice idea.

In any case, as indicated by Rivera (2011), Talent acquisition envelops more than

enlistment and determination alone. Talent acquisition considers all the included

procedures into drawing in, choosing and procuring the new workers which reach past

the enrolment and determination hones. Talent acquisition “incorporates components of

business marking, outreach, systems administration, and relationship working with

potential applicant groups. The talent acquisition strategies include planning the work

force which is needed to perform the various tasks in the organization. Secondly it is to

acquire the right kind of talent which the organization lacks. Thirdly it is to find out the

gap between both the existing and required talent for the organization. Fourthly creating

a strategic workforce plan as it helps in understanding the present supply of employee

and if it matches to the future demand of the organization. Then talent attraction

strategies such as employer branding, job profile, employee value proposition, HR

policies and compensation are used to acquire the right talent (Viluckyte, 2012).

Human resource administration has transformed into an essential piece of the business

world in the 21st century. There are a couple of models of worker selection packages that

have been totally executed in the business scene throughout late years. One case is the

Sales Talent Acquisition Routine, or STAR process, made by David Kurland. This

extensive multi-step process covers enlisting looking over, choosing, and on boarding of

high-performing bargains specialists.

Another sort of employee determination package that is both thorough and

acknowledged in the worldwide business group is top reviewing. Top evaluating is an

ability securing and ability organization process developed by Dr. Brad Smart in the

mid-1970s. Besides, key human administration includes numerous highlights, however,

enlistment and determination can be underlined as one of the more vital components.

Profitability can be connected to proficiency. Work-life adjust impacts efficiency of an

employee (P.C.Wright, 2008). Quality is estimated by how the administration is

conveyed to the clients. Profitability and quality can be connected. Expanding efficiency

of representatives can likewise bring about an expansion in client and worker fulfilment

and dependability towards the organization. (Singh, 2000). Selection process and

profitability of the company are connected. Productivity can be characterized as the

proportion of yield to entering. Productivity can likewise be connected to, adaptability of

work and how the representatives appreciate function in the work put. Productivity is a

blend of numerous parts yet one of the principal factors considered by a representative is

adaptability of work. Adaptability in work gives positive outcomes on representative

maintenance, enlistment of workers which in this way upgrades fulfilment of

representatives and efficiency. Profitability can likewise be connected to non-

Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

appearance, weight and stress. Truancy is the quantity of days a worker has skipped

coming to work. At the point when a worker is excessively focused on the efficiency is

low which prompts non-attendance and weight. (Has an, 2002)

Thus the purpose of this research is to explore the various types of selection process and

how to achieve the right type of candidate for the organization. By studying the

perceptions of those individuals involved in the selection process as well as increase the

knowledge on how talent acquisition is interrelated with productivity of the employee.

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2. Research Design

All As a qualitative research, content analysis has been done to analyze the data.

Testing the selection of the most appropriate method of data collection is essential

for ensuring the credibility of content analysis. The procedure to guarantee talent

acquisition of content study begins by picking the best data collection technique to

answer the exploration inquiries of intrigue. The sampling technique used is

purposive snow ball sampling. Purposive sampling is suitable for subjective studies

where the analyst is occupied with sources that have the best information

concerning the exploration theme. When using purposeful sampling, choices should

be made about who or what is tested, what frame the examining should take, and

what number of individuals or destinations require to be examined. Snowball

sampling refers to a sort of reason testing where existing members select future

subjects from among their associates. Consequently, the example bunch seems to

develop like moving snowball. The collections of data are in a structured form

gathered by method of interview and written documents. This research study is

based on the HR department of organizations in Bangalore city. The sample size is

30. The demographics subject picked for the purpose of this research, pertain

primary to Bangalore Thereby drawing one of the limitations of the study.

3. Analysis and Interpretation

The total of thirty interviews were conducted within a period of four weeks. Out of

which, seven interviews were conducted face-to-face on site of different facility

management organization located in Bangalore city and one was conducted through

skype. Each interview took approximately fifteen to twenty minutes. In order to steer our

interviews in a direction that would provide us with answers to our research questions,

we developed and broadly followed two interview guides: One for the selection process

and another based on the productivity of the organization. The answers received were

subjective and thus each response was unique. The answers from all candidates for each

question were consolidated into a comprehensive response that would consider the views

of all the respondents in a concise manner. When the candidates were asked about the

factors that organizations looked for in a candidate’s resume, more than 50 percent of the

respondents considered relevant skill sets to be the prime factor. Education qualification

and prior work experience occupied the succeeding positions. Since organizations work

on long terms goals and have a vision, it becomes crucial to hire employees with a

mindset that matches these goals and those who have the potential to thrive in the long

Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

term. Considering the dynamic work environment, it also becomes exceedingly

important to test people to identify their ability to deal with stress and situations where

they may be subjected to increased pressure. However, an ideal candidate would be one

who would also display the potential to lead and be able to fit in the social environment

at the workplace.

1. Important factors as an organization look for in a candidate resume

Relevant Skills , Committed to Work and Stability, Skill set, Total years of experience,

relevant experience, companies worked, technical skills, Education and certification,

Essential Criteria required to full fill the requirement, Educational Qualification,

Relevant Experience on the required skills, Stability of the candidate in an organization

and Flexibility to work as an when required and also some cases we look for

achievements by the candidates and university he/she passed out, Quality of the

candidate, Multi takers who thrive on variety of projects, Relevant work experience,

Long-term potential Skill sets, Work experience and the knowledge on work related


When the candidates were asked about the factors that organizations looked for in a

candidate’s resume, more than fifty percent of the respondents considered relevant skill

sets to be the prime factor. Education qualification and prior work experience occupied

the succeeding positions. Since organizations work on long terms goals and have a

vision, it becomes crucial to hire employees with a mindset that matches these goals and

those who have the potential to thrive in the long term. Considering the dynamic work

environment, it also becomes exceedingly important to test people to identify their ability

to deal with stress and situations where they may be subjected to increased pressure.

However, an ideal candidate would be one who would also display the potential to lead

and be able to fit in the social environment at the workplace.

2. Numerous forms of selection process commonly used in your organization

Different Technical Rounds, Telecom and Face to Face, Aptitude test, communication

check, online technical test, technical interview, managerial interview, HR discussion,

Telephonic Interview, F2F Interview, Skype Interview, WebEx Interview and Online

Test and Walking ,Application form evaluation, Preliminary interview, Selection tests,

Selection interview, Reference check, Decision making, Experience, passion, Primarily

Interview, written evaluation for language assessments are also done. The various forms

of selection process used in my organization would mainly be interview with the

candidate after screening their resume. The interview would be face to face not a

telephonic one. Technical Interview, Reference, Interviews and group activities, Resume

creativity achievements, communication skills group task convincing skills

1. Application Forms, through which we collect written information about an

applicant’s education, work and non-work experiences, both past and present.

2.Employment Interviews or information exchange between applicant and interviewer

regarding an applicant’s suitability and interest in a job the employer seeks to fill.

3.Tests of Abilities, Aptitudes, and Skills.

4.Personality Test. Résumé screening of candidates, personal interviews, panel

interviewed, Stress round, situation handling, Interview, Interview for laterals. Test,

group discussions and Interviews for fresher’s, personal Interview, Skype Interview,

Campus Visit, Group Discussion (GD), Stress round, Situational analysis, personal

interview. personal round, GD, Situational handling, Logical reasoning and personal

Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

round, résumé screening, personal interview, stress rounds and panel interviews are the

various forms of selection process, Aptitude test and interview, Group Discussion

Attitude Tests Personal Interview, Face to Face interviews and referral, GD, technical

and HR, Online application and interview.

When the candidates were asked about the various forms of the selection process

commonly used in their organization for selection of an individual more than thirty

percentage of the respondent considered face to face interview and group discussion as

the main way of selection process and about five percent stuck to the old traditional idea

of selecting candidates through telephone .A few of the respondents looked into the

creativity of the candidate .Most of the respondent looked into the communication skilled

of the candidate .As organization look into selecting candidates for the Position, it is

very important that they have the most basic trait of communication .More than ten

percent of respondent considered aptitude test and work experience as a way of selecting

candidates. Therefore, the selection of the candidate can be done by face to face, group

discussion and other multiple ways. As to get the best candidate for the company it is

really important to know if they have the capabilities which are required for the position

3. Functional procedure organization use for the current selection process

Communication and Technical, Internal recruitment process, resource planning and hire

accordingly, Reference Check, Short listing, Preliminary Interviews, Written Test,

Technical Interview, Compensation, Job Offer and Background verification. Application

form evaluation, Preliminary interview, Selection tests, Selection interview, Reference

check, Decision making, Tests, interviews, situational interview, depend on the need of

the organization, interview is always conducted by one HR personnel, GM and the

facility manager. Recruitment process, selection process is continued with the resume

screening process, interview is conducted to choose the right person to the right job to

match the objectives of the company Job portals, walk-in, Referrals. Direct Personal

Interview. Advertisement, posting in job portal, we hire using different job portals, Call

for applications.

When the respondents were asked about the functional procedure they follow in the

organization more than 50% said that they followed a very systematic way of having

face to face interview ,group discussion ,few of them also said that they had two separate

rounds one was the HR rounds which had multiple sub rounds ,secondly the head of

department round .They also said that they have a contingency plan where they would

choose candidates for backup .Few of the respondents followed the idea of situation

analysis as an interview method to understand the presence of mind of the candidate

4. With the requirement of the organization changing, do you think the selection

process should be modified?

Yes. “Process should be based on stressing for right candidate with innovative skills.”

When the respondents were asked about with the requirement of the organization

changing ,do you think the selection process should be modified, more than twenty

percent of the respondents said yes to the traditional form of selection process where

they first screen the resume ,then put the individual through different rounds that include

group discussion ,problem solving ,situation handling ,aptitude test and finally personal

interview .Few of the respondent concentrated on SWOT analysis which helps in

identifying strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of the candidate and this will act a

s a tool to analyze if the candidate is a right fit for the company

Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

5. Are the following talent acquisition strategies going to deliver the right form of

candidate for the right job?

When the respondents were asked about the following talent acquisition strategies going

to deliver the right form of candidate for the right job more than fifty percent said yes for

this an as it will show case the talent of the candidate and provide the idea if the

candidate is look for fit in the organization. While very few of them went with the ban on

as the candidates may not be able to express himself or even do well in the interview but

can be a perfect fit for the company as well as the job requirement .When the options are

different it all comes down to how the human resource analysis the individual not only

on the basis of skill set but also personality.

6. Form of evaluation techniques does organization use for talent acquisition!

When the candidates were asked about the various forms of evaluation techniques that an

organization use for talent acquisition, HR managers from various facility management

field highlighted on how candidate undergoes various technical rounds, it is important

for all the candidates to know their subjects for what they have been doing in their

schools and colleges. Communication skills plays a major role in looking at the

candidates’ language and his fluency of the language. Right attitude is always that is

needed in any organization and almost ninety eight percent of the respondents agree with

having the right attitude for the right job. Personal interview and the managerial review

help the managers understanding the candidate thoroughly. Most of the organizations

actually look for the project completed by the candidates on the primary skills and

secondary skills with the previous organizations for whichever role we hire, the stability

of the candidate in an organization as stability plays a very important role in hire the

candidate. By conducting logical and aptitude tests. Situational questions also help in

understanding the mind of the candidates as to how they solve situations. Companies

evaluate the employees based on our requirements. For example, as being a purely

housekeeping company if any employee does not meet our requirements based on certain

criteria’s then his performance score would be low. They observe the employees

throughout their tenure. The evaluation happens once in 3 months. Time frame as to how

quick the candidate they get the work done. Audit approach, analytical approach. Some

company’s does prescreening to eliminate candidates who do not meet the basic

requirements of the position.

7. The three key main aspects of talent acquisition strategies that you follow in your


The main talent acquisition strategies followed in our organization is: 1.Interviewing the

candidates Training the candidates according to their requirements Identify the skills of

the candidate Experience, Right selection and retention 1. Identifying the right fit for the

tasks. 2. Finding values corresponding with vision. 3. Evaluate group behavior enhance

the potential of the candidate, to build employee brand, to meet companies long term

demands. Innovation, flexibility, dynamic skills, Campus recruitment, off-campus

recruitment and lateral hiring. Hiring Time And Expenses, Assessing and Applicant

Conversion. Innovation, Flexibility, dynamic skills. Innovation, creativity and attitude, to

identify the potential of and individual and provide the right job outline to promote

employee branding to enhance the employees potential and design development program

Identify, evaluate and acquire. Work with hiring managers and executives to forecast

staffing needs Coach and develop employees to help them achieve their full potential

Increase retention rates through employee career-patching Plan, prepare and evaluation,

Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

Interview, background checks, sourcing, Collecting data, using data, working with other


Every organization looks into is the required skills sets of the candidates which is

required by the organization. Presently the main aspect every organization looks into

while hiring a candidate is innovation, whether the candidate will be able to do

something new for the organization. Every organization used various selection strategies

like off campus and on campus recruitment. While selecting candidates screening the

candidates fully and selects according to the requirements of the organization. Every

organization maintains a bank of profiles of the candidates for reference. This is done to

collect data. Every organization will have a set selection procedure. Some include

interviews, tests. Through this the organization can hire the right candidate for the right

with the right skill set. After selecting the candidate, the organization also puts into some

effort to develop the career of the employee.

8. The factors that help in increasing the productivity of your organization

Every organization expects every employee to contribute. Therefore, every organization

should incorporate certain factors to increase productivity of employees. There are many

factors which the human resource department should incorporate to increase productivity

of employees. There are many different factors which increases the productivity of

employees. For example, work environment plays a major role in increasing productivity

of employees. Rewards and recognition also plays an important role in increasing

productivity of employees. many other factors like quality of work, laissez faire

leadership, career development, flexibility of work, motivation, incentives, performance

appraisals, friendly work team all increase productivity of employees. Different

organization use different strategies to increase productivity of employees.

9. How does talent acquisition increase employee’s productivity?

When the respondents were asked about the how talent acquisition increase employee’s

productivity More than twenty-five percent said that based on the creativity and passion

to do what they want and like employee naturally become productive. Cause as they

follow their passion they are self-motivated which eventually gets increasing the

productivity of the employee .Few of the respondents said the human resource has the

duty of getting the right talent acquisition and by looking into the potential of the

candidate one can understand how important it is as considering the dynamic work

environment, it also becomes exceedingly important to test people to identify their ability
to deal with stress and situations where they may be subjected to increased pressure.
However, an ideal candidate would be one who would also display the potential to lead

and be able to fit in the social environment at the workplace.

10. Do you think increasing productivity and talent acquisition are directly

proportionate? Justify your point.

When the candidates were asked a question of comparison on about increasing

productivity and talent acquisition are, they directly proportionate. Most of the

respondents answered yes. Candidates reply for the statement: If the person is not fitting

to that particular job then there will be loss of productivity, so it is directly proportionate

to each other. Following the strategies of talent acquisition, we will be able to match the

right candidate for the required job, thus reducing the risk of low productivity. Only then

there is a point acquiring such candidates and also bring the most out of them, HR

executives believe in choosing the right people for the right job and when the

organization identifies that talent it automatically increases the productivity because the

Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

employees have those skills to perform that task and are passionate about that particular

job. Therefore, the productivity increases, and the quality too increases. Some

organizations with high-performing talent acquisition functions are more likely to

operate at a high level of productivity than their less effective peers. Filling roles with

people who have the right skills and are personally suited to organization’s values and

culture has a profound impact on productivity and profitability. More than twenty

percent of respondents said that most of the organizations believe in increase in

productivity and talent acquisition are directly proportionate because once the talent of

an individual is identified and provided with outline with a development program can

increase productivity, It is suggested that organizations should make efforts to build

effective, practical and holistic talent strategies that are not only able to attract talent but

also address employee engagement and the retention of key skills thus boosting the

productivity and business performance. During talent acquisition, due diligence is

required in assessing the person‐organization fit and providing an enabling work

environment to keep the talent anchored to the organization. They were quite few

responses on candidates found it unrelated as their point of view was Increasing

productivity can be achieved by focusing on teams/employees specifically.

4. Finding

Well, the following are the observation made after studying the selection process and

enhancing the productivity of the organization. When you have developed your

recruitment plan, enrolled individuals, and now have a lot of individuals to choose, you

can start the selection procedure. The selection procedure alludes to the means associated

with picking individuals who have the correct capabilities to fill a present or future

employment opportunity. For the most part, administrators and directors will be

eventually in charge of the employing of people, yet the part of human asset

administration (HRM) is to characterize and control chiefs in this procedure. The ideal

opportunity for all associated with the selection procedure to audit list of references,

weight the applications, and meeting the best hopefuls takes away time (and costs cash)

that those people could spend on different exercises. Moreover, there are the expenses of

testing candidates and bringing them in from out of town for interviews. The selection

process consists of five distinct aspects: Criteria development where all people engaged

with the selection procedure ought to be legitimately prepared on the means for talking

including developing criteria, reviewing résumés, developing interview questions, and

weighting the candidates. The primary angle to choice is arranging the meeting

procedure, which incorporates criteria improvement. Criteria advancement implies

figuring out which wellsprings of data will be utilized and how those sources will be

scored amid the meeting. The criteria ought to be connected straightforwardly to the

activity examination and the activity particulars. Truth be told, a few parts of the activity

investigation and employment determinations might be the genuine criteria. Furthermore,

incorporate things like identity or social fit, which would likewise be a piece of criteria

improvement. This procedure, for the most part, includes examining which aptitude

capacities and individual qualities are required to be fruitful at any given activity. By

building up the criteria previously exploring any list of qualifications, the HR supervisor

or administrator can make sure he or she is in effect reasonable in choosing individuals

to meet. A few associations may need to build up an application or an anecdotal data

sheet. The vast majority of these is finished on the web and ought to incorporate data

about the hopeful, instruction, and past occupation encounter. This takes into account a

streamlined procedure with particular rules officially set before evaluating a list of

Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

references .For example, criteria for a project management job might include the

following: A bachelor’s degree in business or closely related field, ability to work on

multiple projects at once, problem-solving ability, conflict-management ability, ability to

manage a team of five to six diverse worker, score of excellent from most recent


Once the criteria have been created (stage one), applications can be looked into.

Individuals have distinctive techniques for experiencing this procedure, however, there

are additional computer programs that can scan for keywords in a list of qualifications

that must be looked at and reviewed. After the HR administrator or potentially chief have

figured out which applications meet the base criteria, he or she should choose those

individuals to be met. A great many people don’t have sufficient energy to survey twenty

or thirty competitors, so the field is in some cases limited significantly assist with a

telephone meet. Talking individuals’ costs money. Thus, after choosing individuals,

great utilization of time is basic to ensuring the meeting procedure takes into

consideration choice of the correct competitor. In an unstructured meeting, questions are

changed to coordinate the particular candidate; for instance, inquiries concerning the

competitor’s experience in connection to their list of qualifications may be utilized. In an

organized meeting, there is an arrangement of institutionalized inquiries in light of the

activity investigation, not on singular applicants’ list of qualifications. While an

organized meeting may appear the best alternative to get some answers concerning a

specific applicant, the greater concern is that the meeting rotates around the particular

occupation for which the competitor is meeting. In an organized meeting, the normal or

wanted answers are resolved early, which enables the questioner to rate reactions as the

hopeful gives answers. This takes into consideration a reasonable meeting process. For

motivations behind this segment, we will accept that all meetings you perform will be

organized, unless generally noted. Interview procedures can be tedious, so it bodes well

to pick the correct sort of interview for the individual occupation. A few occupations, for

instance, may require just a single meeting, while another may require a phone meet and

no less than maybe a couple customary meetings. Remember, however, that there will

probably be different techniques with which to assess an applicant’s potential, for

example, testing. Testing. Here are diverse kinds of interview such as traditional

interview which is a type of interview normally takes place in the office. It consists of

the interviewer and the candidate, and a series of questions are asked and answered.

Telephone interview which is a type of interview done through telephone interview is

often used to narrow the list of people receiving a traditional interview. It can be used to

determine salary requirements or other data that might automatically rule out giving

someone a traditional interview. For example, if you receive two hundred résumés and

narrow these down to twenty-five, it is still unrealistic to interview twenty-five people in

person. At this point, you may decide to conduct phone interviews of those twenty-five,

which could narrow the in-person interviews to a more manageable ten or so people. A

panel interview occurs when several people are interviewing one candidate at the same

time. While this type of interview can be nerve racking for the candidate, it can also be a

more effective use of time. Consider some companies who require three to four people to

interview candidates for a job. It would be unrealistic to ask the candidate to come in for

three or four interviews, so it makes sense for them to be interviewed by everyone at

once. Informational interviews are usually used when there is no specific job opening,

but the candidate is exploring possibilities in a given career field. The advantage to

conducting these types of interviews is the ability to find great people ahead of a job

opening. Many organizations offer to take the candidate to lunch or dinner for the

interview. This can allow for a more casual meeting where, as the interviewer, you might

Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

be able to gather more information about the person, such as their manners and treatment

of wait staff. This type of interview might be considered an unstructured interview, since

it would tend to be more of a conversation as opposed to a session consisting of specific

questions and answers. In a group interview, two or more candidates interview at the

same time. This type of interview can be an excellent source of information if you need

to know how they may relate to other people in their job. Video interviews are the same

as traditional interviews, except that video technology is used. This can be cost saving if

one or more of your candidates are from out of town. Skype, for example, allows free

video calls. An interview may not feel the same as a traditional interview, but the same

information can be gathered about the candidate. Nondirective interview sometimes

called an unstructured interview. In a nondirective meeting, the applicant basically drives

the discourse. Some extremely broad inquiries that are prepared of time might be asked,

yet the competitor invests more energy talking than the questioner. The inquiries might

be more open-ended; for instance, rather than asking, “Do you like working with

clients?” you may ask, “What did you like best about your last employment?” The upside

of this kind of meeting is that it can give competitors a decent opportunity to demonstrate

their capacities; in any case, the drawback is that it might be difficult to look at potential

applicants since questions are not set ahead of time. It depends on to a greater extent a

“hunch” approach. It is likely that we may utilize at least one of these kinds of meetings.

For instance, you may lead telephone interviews, at that point complete a feast meet, and

catch up with a conventional meeting, contingent upon the sort of employment. Test

administration refer to the process where any number of tests might be controlled before

a contracting choice is made. These incorporate medication tests, physical tests, identity

tests, and intellectual tests. A few associations likewise perform reference checks, credit

report checks, and historical verifications. Once the field of hopefuls has been limited,

tests can be regulated. Other than the meeting, we can likewise take a gander at a few

different angles that may anticipate accomplishment at work. In the event that any test is

to be criteria for estimating a competitor, this ought to be conveyed to every individual

meeting, and criteria ought to be produced on particular test scores and desires before

talking and testing starts. The next step is testing where an assortment of tests might be

given upon fruitful fulfilment of a meeting. These work tests can check a person’s

KSAOs in connection to another competitor. The major categories of tests include the

following such as Cognitive ability tests, personality tests, physical ability tests, job

knowledge tests, work sample. The last part of the selection procedure is to offer a

position to the picked applicant. Advancement of an offer through email or letter is in

some cases a more formal piece of this procedure. Pay and advantages will be

characterized by an offer. After anglicizing the data, the major findings of productivity

state that both talent acquisition and productivity goes hand in hand if the person is not

fitting to that particular job then there will be loss of productivity so it is directly

proportionate to each other. Following the strategies of talent acquisition, we will be able

to match the right candidate for the required job, thus reducing the risk of low

productivity. Only then there is a point acquiring such candidates and also bring the most

out of them, HR executives believe in choosing the right people for the right job and

when the organization identifies that talent it automatically increases the productivity

because the employees have those skills to perform that task and are passionate about

that particular job. Therefore, the productivity increases, and the quality too increases.

Some organizations with high-performing talent acquisition functions are more likely to

operate at a high level of productivity than their less effective peers. Filling roles with
people who have the right skills and are personally suited to organization’s values and
culture has a profound impact on productivity and profitability. More than twenty
Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

percent of respondents said that most of the organizations believe in increase in
productivity and talent acquisition are directly proportionate because once the talent of
an individual is identified and provided with outline with a development program can
increase productivity, It is suggested that organizations should make efforts to build
effective, practical and holistic talent strategies that are not only able to attract talent but
also address employee engagement and the retention of key skills thus boosting the
productivity and business performance. During talent acquisition, due diligence is
required in assessing the person‐organization fit and providing an enabling work
environment to keep the talent anchored to the organization. They were quite few
responses on candidates found it unrelated as their point of view was Increasing

productivity can be achieved by focusing on teams/employees specifically. It also stated

that More than twenty five percent said that based on the creativity and passion to do

what they want and like employee naturally become productive. Because as they follow

their passion, they are self-motivated which eventually gets increasing the productivity

of the employee. By the process of picking the right candidate through talent acquisition

the organization can definitely increase the productivity of the employee.

To conclude, Talent acquisition and productivity resemble the two sides of a coin that is

significant in the human resource management. Inventive innovations are to be embraced

to upgrade the procedure of talent acquisition. With the dynamic circumstance winning

in the worldwide employability status, the part of human asset supervisors is

exceptionally basic in keeping up the talent balance. All-encompassing cum participatory

approach is to be trailed by saddling the genuine advantages of talent acquisition

framework. The talent obtaining framework that goes about as a drive to executing

brilliance must be coordinated with whatever remains of the regions in the organization

and through compelling talent acquisition.


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Pramana Research Journal
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019
ISSN NO: 2249-2976

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