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Intercultural Interview


For this paper, you will be interviewing someone who you feel is culturally different from you. When choosing which culture/cultural differences to focus on, you should look at the various ways people construct their identities that are influenced by society and culture (see Chapter Four-Identity and Intercultural Communication).
In your analysis, you should focus on these areas:
• First, how does this person feel their self-concept/identity was developed on a more personal level (i.e. the beginning of Ch. 4)? How did reflected appraisal, significant others, and/or social comparison influence their self-concept/identity?
• Second, how has their self-concept/identity been influenced by societal and/or cultural influences (the second part of Ch. 4)? Which of the identities we discussed do they feel they relate to the most? Why? Be specific/give examples. (Identities to consider: Gender, Sexual, Age, Racial/Ethnic, Physical Ability, Religious, Class, National, Regional. You are also welcome to discuss the ideas of minority/majority identity development, multiracial identity, global nomads and my “other” category in helping you to explain their point of view.)

• Finally, how does this affect their worldview and/or communication with others? (Think back to how you answered this on your “Who Do You Think You Are?” paper to aid you in asking them about THEIR worldview and/or communication with others.)
Be sure to make a clear link between what we have learned from class and how it relates to your analysis, using terms and concepts from the text, class lecture and class discussions. Each paper should have an appropriate introductory paragraph with a central idea expressed. The paper should also have an appropriate conclusion that sums up the paper. Finally, the paper should be free of errors, use correct grammar and spelling and be college level quality.

Format: The paper should be a full 4-5 pages (1000-1250 words) (
no shorter than 4 full pages/1000 words)
, double-spaced, 12-point font (Times New Roman, Cambria, Book Antiqua, Arial, or Calibri), and 1-inch margins, please. I do not need a cover page. If your only references are the book, I do not need a reference page. If you do use other sources, you should use APA format when citing in the text of the paper and on a reference page. Sloppy proofreading can cause you to receive a lower grade.

Paper #2 Intercultural Interview

(75 points)

_______ 1. The paper is double-spaced, 12-point font (Times New Roman, Cambria, Book Antiqua, Arial, or Calibri), and 1-inch margins.
(5 points)

_______ 2. Punctuation, grammar and spelling are correct and reflect college-level writing skills.

(5 points)

_______ 3. The paper should be a full 4-5 pages (1000-1250 words) (
no shorter than 4 full pages/1000 words)
, not including the reference page (if sources other than the book were used).
(5 points)

_______ 4. Quoted and/or paraphrased material is cited in APA format both in the text of the paper and on the Reference List (if applicable).
(5 points)

_______ 5. The paper contains a clear introduction (that previews what will be covered in the paper), a body that addresses the topic of the paper, and a conclusion that clearly summarizes the paper.
(11 points)

_______ 6. The paper is easy to follow, flows well and the ideas/assertions are discernible and tie together. The reader does not have to work to figure out the point of the paper or what the writer is trying to communicate.
(14 points)

_______ 7. The paper includes and elaborates on the concepts discussed in the textbook as it relates to the identity, worldview and communication behavior of the interviewee. Personal examples from the interviewee are elaborated on and
there is a clear link to the concepts and terms we have discussed in class.

(15 points)

_______ 8.
The concepts are defined correctly and used correctly in
the context of the paper, exemplifying the student’s understanding of the coursework and how it applies to other contexts (i.e. what we’ve talked about throughout the chapter(s) can be applied to this and other everyday situations).
(15 points)


Experiencing Intercultural Communication
An Introduction
6th edition

Judith N. Martin & Thomas K. Nakayama

©McGraw-Hill Education.

All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom.  No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.


Chapter 4


and Intercultural Communication

©McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom.  No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

A Uniform Shop in Venice, Italy – M. Brimo,





Identity plays a key role in intercultural communication, serving as a bridge between culture and communication.

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Identity plays a key role in intercultural communication, serving as a bridge between culture and communication.
Who you are both reflects and affects communication with others.
Through communication people express or hide some of their identities from others.

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Self- what you are born with
Identity is created by the development of the “self” (self-concept is created)

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Created through communication
Created in spurts
Influenced by society
Developed in different ways in different cultures

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Identities Are Created through Communication
Self-concept: the relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself

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Identities Are Created through Communication
Self-concept: the relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself
Biological and social roots of the self
Biology and the self

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Identities Are Created through Communication
Self-concept: the relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself
Biological and social roots of the self
Biology and the self
Socialization and self-concept
Reflected appraisal
Significant others
Social comparison

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Identities Are Created through Communication
Emerge when messages are exchanged between persons
Negotiated, co-created, reinforced, and challenged through communication
Different identities are emphasized depending on whom we are communicating with and what the conversation is about

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Identities Are Created in Spurts
It’s not a smooth, orderly process

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Identities Are Created in Spurts
It’s not a smooth, orderly process
Certain events help create it (coming to college, major events in life)

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Identities Are Created in Spurts
It’s not a smooth, orderly process
Certain events help create it (coming to college, major events in life)
Interactions with others are crucial to the development of our identity

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Identities Are Multiple
We belong to various groups
We develop multiple identities
We highlight our different identities at different times
Going to church or temple – Religious identity
Going to clubs or bars – Sexual orientation identity
Men or women in social groups – Gender identity

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Identities Are Influenced by Society
Societal forces also have a strong influence on our identity
We are all subject to being pigeonholed into identity categories, or contexts, even before we are born (part of an ethnic group, regional group, religious group, etc.)
Sometimes these societal influences establish the foundations/basis from which interactions occur

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Identities Are Dynamic
Social or political forces that create certain or parts of our identity might change
What is the identity of a “woman?”
Today, there are many different ideas about what being a woman means—from wife and mother to feminist and professional

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Identities Are Developed in Different Ways in Different Cultures
Americans value individualism and encourages a strong sense of identity and to be independent and self-reliant
Many African and Asian societies emphasize interdependency with others
Dominant ideas can make members of some cultural groups (in the United States) feel inferior

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Social and Cultural Identities
Gender identity
Sexual identity
Age identity
Racial and ethnic identity
Religious identity
Class identity
National identity
Regional identity
Personal identity

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Gender Identity
There is a difference between Sex and Gender:
biological classification based on reproductive function
social construction that includes the beliefs, attitudes, actions and roles associated with being masculine or feminine
This distinction is important in understanding how people’s views on biological sex influence gender identities.

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Gender Identity
What it means to be a man or a woman in our society is heavily influenced by cultural notions
Popular culture affects how people socialize with others
We negotiate how we communicate our gender identity to others
There are implications for intercultural communication as well.

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Sexual Identity
Sexual Orientation
the sex and gender to whom a person is romantically and sexually attracted
Views on sexual identities differ in various cultures
Sexual attraction is complex and makes sexual identities even less categorizable
Do not assume that your framework for sexual categories is universal
Do not assume the ways that sexuality is handled in public is the same around the world

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Age Identity
Age Identity
Cultural notions of how someone their age should act, look, and behave
U.S. is an age-conscious society
Certain ages have special significance in some cultures
Our notions of age often change as we grow older (what was “young” very much changes)
Not just how you feel about your age, but how you are treated

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Racial and Ethnic Identity
Race/racial identities
to some extent, based on physical characteristics (skin color, body type, facial structure, hair color, etc.), but they are also constructed in fluid social contexts
the way people construct these identities and think about race influences how they communicate with others
What race do we identify with
**example at beginning of chapter—Rachel Dolezal’s racial identity

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Racial and Ethnic Identity
Ethnicity/Ethnic identity
reflects a set of ideas about one’s own ethnic group membership
group of people who identify w/ each other based on common experience (geographics, national origin, ancestry, history, cultural and social norms, religion, race, language, ideology, food, dress, etc.)
Who are hyphenated Americans?

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Physical Ability Identity
Physical ability identity
develops in some because of varying degrees of physical capabilities.
Book: “People are all disabled in one way or another—by their height, weight, sex, or age—and they all need to work to overcome these conditions.”

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Physical Ability Identity
Physical ability changes over a lifetime
People with disabilities see themselves as a cultural group (similar perceptions and communication patterns)
Their identity involves changing how they see themselves and how others see them

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Physical Ability Identity
Stages of coming to grips with new disability
Focus on rehabilitation and physical changes
Adjust to disability and its effects on relationships
Stigma incorporation – Integration of being disabled into one’s own definition of self
*People with disabilities struggle to convey a positive identity and to communicate that their physical ability is only one of their many identities

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Physical Ability Identity
Communication related to issues of identity can be difficult between nondisabled people and those with disabilities

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Religious Identity
Religious identity can be confused with racial and/or ethnic identity
When someone says, “I am Jewish.” or “She has a Jewish last name.”—religious/ethnic/racial identity??
Criterion for religion varies
National boundaries
**When one religion is acknowledged over other religions in public places (imposed on others, perhaps) conflicts can arise

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Class Identity
Class Identity
One’s socioeconomic status (upper, upper-middle, middle, working and lower)
Class identity influences our perceptions of and communication with others (people sometimes try to figure out what class we’re from)
Communication between classes difficult due to lack of understanding of class differences and media stereotypes

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National Identity
National identity (nationality)
refers to one’s legal status in relation to a nation
Our view or our nationality influences how we communicate with others
People’s views of our nationality (country) influences communication with us
May be complicated when a nation’s status is unclear

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Regional Identity
What is the difference between national identity and regional identity?
Regional identity in the U.S.
Texas (advertised as “a whole other country”)
Some regional identities reflect cultural identities that affirm distinctive cuisines, dress, manners, and language

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Personal Identity
Personal identity
this is a lot of what we talked about at the beginning of the chapter
Sometimes one’s personal identity is largely defined by outside forces.
At other times, how people behave and communicate to others helps construct their personal identity.

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Multicultural Identity
Multicultural people live “on the border” of two or more cultures
Global Nomads

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Multiracial People
Racial identity development for biracial children is different from others, since they don’t fit into a neat racial category.
May be or feel rejected by both groups
Often WANT to embrace and be a part of both groups (may identify with one, both or a new group)
Because of this it may cause stress, anxiety, frustration for people in this group
*Most do not find it difficult to manage their competing ethnicities or races, and do not feel marginalized

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Multiracial People
Identity Development
Awareness of differentness
Struggle for acceptance
Self-acceptance and assertion

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Global Nomads
Known as third-culture kids or TCKs
Grow up in many different cultural contexts–parents moved around (missionaries, international business employees, or military families)
TCKs have both unique challenges and unique opportunities
Like biracial children, TCKs often develop resilience, tolerance, and worldliness, characteristics essential for successful living in an increasingly diverse, global, social, and economic world

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Identity and Adaptation
“Other” category
Long-term romantic relationships with members of another ethnic or racial culture
Children of foreign-born immigrants may also develop multicultural identities.
People who move to another country just by choice or for work

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Identity and Adaptation
Process of adaptation: U-curve theory
3 phases in adapting to a new cultural situation
First phase – Excitement and anticipation
Second phase – Culture shock (A relatively short term feeling of disorientation or discomfort due to the unfamiliarity of surroundings and the lack of familiar cues in the environment)
Third phase – Adaptation, in which individuals gradually learn the rules and customs of the new cultural context

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Living “On the Border”
Positives and Negatives
Culture brokers
Still feel frustration at times (like we just mentioned)
Two types of identities
Encapsulated identity:
Person feels torn between different cultural identities, which often creates feelings of ambiguity
Tries to assimilate but never feels comfortable
Constructive identity:
Person thrives on the margins of two cultures
Culture broker

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Living “On the Border”
Intercultural personhood
People who live on cultural borders and undergo a gradual process of intercultural evolution
Culture brokers who can help others see their blind spots and show a way of being in the world

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Identities are very fluid and driven by personal identity preferences 
People seem to be more willing to interact with and across cultures 
Individuals are more inclined to shape their own identity by cultural preferences as well (again, not determining their whole identity based on skin color or ethnic heritage)
**This is how I interpreted this section. What do you think of this?

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Building Intercultural Skills
Chapter 4 – Identity and Intercultural Communication
Become more conscious of your own identities and how they relate to your intercultural communication
Become more aware of how you assign identities to other people
Practice communicating with others in ways that affirm their identities
Talk about identities with your friends

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