Discussion 10-2

 In your initial post, summarize the salient points from your final project. What did you learn about your chosen institution’s enrollment plan? What did you learn about its institutional goals, student profile, institutional brand, strategic threats and opportunities, financial implications, retention programs, or communication strategies? What do you think your institution needs to do to improve its enrollment management plan in order to better meet its institutional goals? 

*caltech was your university

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Strategic enrollment plan



Table of Content

Strategic enrollment plan………………………………………………………………………….3


Organization description…………………………………………………………………..4

Enrollment management…………………………………………………………………..4

Theories and models………………………………………………………………………5

Summarize your plan………………………………………………………………………6

Current enrollment management landscape……………………………………………………….7

Strengths and Opportunities……………………………………………………………….7

Weaknesses and Threats…………………………………………………………………..8

Foundational Assumptions for proposals…………………………………………………………….9

External Assumptions……………………………………………………………………10

Internal Assumptions…………………………………………………………………….11

Student enrollment strategy………………………………………………………………………12

Key performance indicators (KPI) ………………………………………………………13

Determine the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) …………………………………..…14

Projected Outcomes………………………………………………………………………………14

Programmatic Changes…………………………………………………………………..15

Impact on student achievement…………………………………………………………16

Recommendation to improve retention…………………………………………..16

Financial implications ……………………………………………………………………17

Type of cost………………………………………………………………………18

Type of revenue………………………………………………………………….18

Communication and messaging………………………………………………………………….19

Communication channels…………………………………………………………………20

Differentiating of messaging for different stakeholder………………………………..…21

Media outlets……………………………………………………………………………..22


Key message……………………………………………………………………………..23

Criteria for reaching the target audience………………………………………………….24




Organization description

           California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) was a regional college barely a decade ago, but it had to restructure its organization through proper advertisements. The organization has an enrollment of approximately 2,233 students across the year and still does not seek to increase with about 234 students by 2023. The president of the institution resorted to programs that were more student-centered, improving the processing and data use and improving research to achieve a goal of improving the quality of education to the students in the next years while seeking to remain dominant across the global university. The institution is making decisions since they must improve their productivity and performance and a smaller population. It is crucial in improving its structure to accommodate its goals and come up with relative initiatives that will help propel the institution to meet its objectives, which is to provide affordable higher education to deserving students. 

Enrollment management 

           The enrollment management has the mandate to make sure that the institution is capturing all the opportunities for expanding the institution. The move is a way that would make it easier to help grow the academic performance and expand their grasp to the international market because they seek to secure better job positions for the students across the world. The enrollment management has direct access to the president of the university, mainly because it is a private institution, thus must find ways to channel their income. 

Theories and models 

           The CALTECH learning institution, through its president Thomas Felix Rosenbaum has transformed and is helping shape the entire education system with their theories and models. First, the organization had to shift away from the traditional model, where all the higher education institutions had the same principles. The organization, through the Competency-Based Education (CBE) model, is helping shape the way approach and handle the clients and thus shifting to more online education (Adams, 2008). The president has helped make sure that CALTECH is the leading institution across the country with a higher performance that includes research. Also, the institution is adopting the customer center theory, whereby the organization gives the students precisely what they want instead of a general application for all students. For instance, there are numerous learning activities and researches that make it easier to provide the students with appropriate education standards. The theory makes it easier to attract more students because they can quickly get what they want, especially after enrolling and getting in through the strict enrollment process. 

Summarize your plan 

           The plan to commercialize and increase online education is a significant change in the higher education strategy, but it is productive and efficient for the organization in the technology era. There are numerous students or even employees seeking to add some levels to their education. Still, they fail due to the education schedule, but the institution through the new plan gives students the online platform and a shorter degree and certificates that make it easier for the learners. Also, adopting the commercialization concept for the students makes it easier for the growth of the institution because they provide the students with their appropriate needs mend to improve the service delivery.  

Current enrollment management landscape

Strengths and Opportunities 

           The institution is going to make a significant impact in the education sector and to their enrollment strategy, especially from the positive reception regarding their online program. CALTECH invested in advertising similar to other franchises setting aside a budget of $10 million for television advertisements and online presence in 2010 that helped boost the popularity of the institution. The organization is encouraging high school graduates and any other individual seeking to improve their education to enroll in the university, mainly because there is open enrollment (Altbach & Salmi, 2011). The free registration is strength to the institution because numerous institutions tend to have applications that will take time for the applicants and even end up not signing them up to the institution. Besides, the organization has data analysts where the organization find information for their students and takes the mandate to make the follow-ups from their previous institutions at no charge. The move is a significant transformation in the education field because most students find it hectic to follow up on their results and applications, thus making CALTECH an ideal opportunity for numerous students.

The institution takes a few minutes to a couple of days to get back to the students who are a proper response time that makes it easier to make sure that the applicants get their responses before it is too late. The employees are dedicated to their work. They have the understanding they have to tend to the students as customers, instead of just students that give the institution an advantage over the competitors. This move has been critical to the organization making sure the institution is growing and staying ahead of the competition and increasing its population. 

Weaknesses and Threats 

           The institution is rising too fast, at the moment, it has a population of 2,233 students, and it is aiming to double that before 2023. The facilities in the institution are not sufficient for the intended community, thus making it a threat to the institution. The institution might turn to become a financial institution and for-profit because the investors will want to make some money, thus making it a challenge for them to keep up. Competition from another institution is a threat primarily because they are campaigning on an online platform that is open to any of the competitors. The other institutions can easily emulate the strategies and make sure that there is a growth of the same services at their institutions, thus cutting back on the success of the company. The fact that the company is treating the students as customers will, in turn, become a weakness because it will start venturing in them as sources of income rather than meeting the goals of education. The education standards will drop, mainly because the institution is focusing more on creating enrollment and the numbers that are not as beneficial to the students, thus becoming a burden in the long run. 

Foundational Assumptions for proposals

External Assumptions 

           The university is working on the concept that numerous students in the current generation would prefer studying via the various social media frameworks. The organization believes students do not have time to move across the world and country to explore; thus, they are availing the education services to them from any location around the globe. Also, the institution is targeting students of any age, including adults in employment that do not have time to endure fulltime learning programs. According to Berry, Hawsey & Princeton Review (Firm) (2015), the institution is encouraging students to undertake short term courses and online within a short duration of less than a year, thus making it easier for people to move on to their next life stages. People do not have to spend four years or more studying and locked up in the learning institution; instead, they can have their freedom to grow and adjust to a better society. The model of using the online platform and shorter courses is the main agenda for the president and the institution, believing that they propel it to success. 

Internal Assumptions

           The university is making the change in its model, starting with shaping the thinking of their employees by transforming it from just a service and viewing the students as customers. Programs at the institutions are all turning to the student center, where they work for students and work towards improving their programs. It is essential to have the plan in that sequence, mainly because they are seeking to attract more students and work towards boosting their enrollment figures in the country. The organization had to introduce more practical courses for the students to make sure that the target clients have the alternative of studying for a shorter duration while relating to their field of practice. Also, the fact that the organization has an open-door policy with the president and other offices makes it one of the best models and theories because it makes it easier for them to maintain a direct flow of information. 

Student enrollment strategy

           This section identifies the objectives and goals for the student enrollment by learning modality and degree program. Further, this section identifies the specific metrics and key performance indicators that will use to determine the goals that have been achieved. The enrollment management includes retention and recruitment. A strategic plan that neglects to capture retention is missing important aspects of enrollment and student success (Hossler & ·, 2014). That is why this section has goals, strategies about essential factors such as financial aid, academic support programs, and faculty engagement. 

Institutional Goals

Goal 1: Enhance marketing, recruitment, and early outreach strategies from initial contact through first-day attendance and first-year


Strengthen the university position as an essential institution in America. The marketing will also grant the University an image of dedication to support for the people of California and show the learning institution is devoted to the community of professionals, students, and scholars.

Rationale and Strategies

1. Ensure there is a branding message for the Caltech University that is consistent with the visions and mission of all campus. 


· Communicate effectively with the staff, current students, and Faculty to build awareness of events, programs, activities, and services to improve students’ participation.

· Effective communication with businesses, prospective students, media, and alumni to build awareness of services, activities, and events.

1. Use the media to pass the message that is reliable and consistent with the university vision and mission. 


· Be informed on the current technology and update the University technical skills within the institution’s budgets and available human resources.

· Balance personal and e-communication to improve the institution brand. 

1. Improve access and enrollment through target promotion and marketing


· Use yearly scheduling to market events in the University and avoid duplication of these events

· Use target marketing to boost the overall enrollments in the university programs.

Key performance indicators (KPI)

The planning team determines the key performance indicators and performance indicators (PI). The key performance indicators focus on enrollment, student progress, fiscal health, student ability metrics at the registration, and students’ engagement. 

Indicator Measurements

           The indicators of the success of marketing are student satisfaction surveys, marketing surveys, competitive analysis, tracking traffic sources keywords, and tracking the rate of visitors on university webpages. 

 Goal 2: Increase the probability of student achievement through the development of new academic and support strategies targeted for the student’s first-year experience.


The University should refine the processes by identifying responsibilities, roles, and desired outcomes, resulting from increasing in prospective student achievement and satisfaction. To ensure students’ first-year experiences have a deep understanding as to how the institution can help them achieve their educational goals and provide a support system and out of classroom experience. 

Rationale and Strategies      

1) Develop effective strategies and mechanisms to reduce redundancy in the processes and afford the smoother transition to the University; continue streamlining inefficient processes; and provide systems to ensure information is accessible to the new students.

2) Secure and provide scholarship opportunities that increase student enrollment and retention. 


                      i. Collaborate across the University to develop unrestricted scholarships. 

                      ii. Track retention data for needy students 

                      iii. Help program coordinators in using scholarships to recruit for programs.

3) Target a specific student population, including physically challenged, economically disadvantaged, and multi-cultural students.


I. Expand enrollment of diverse students for the purpose of supporting and fostering diversity. 

                        II. Provide strategic admissions plan to monitors enrollment

                       III. Develop a university-specific action calendar.

Indicator Measurements:

· Design unrestricted fundraising activities

· Budget allotments

· Student satisfaction survey

· Scholarship awarded to underprivileged persons

· Program enrollment growth.

 Goal 3: Enhance academic programs and support systems to improve student persistence and student success.


Emphasize the student persistence and success initiatives from the University’s strategic plan to improve pre-identified efforts. The goal aims at meeting specific desired outcomes tailored to learners identified career paths. To enhance the message that student success is the driving force, there will be a stronger focus on communicating Caltech University’s commitment to foster a culture of success. Career and learning readiness will be positioned as the primary tool for success and will be promoted to incoming students. 

           All units at Caltech University will create an accountability system that includes measurable goals, timeliness, and designation of responsibility to support retention and student success. The University will enhance student programs and measure the impact on student learning.

Rationale and Strategies

1) Promote and emphasize the concept of student success, which is captured in the university strategic plan.


· Implement activities which are designed to address learners perception issues

· Engage staff and faculties to develop exercises that strengthen support skills and customer service.

· Improve career services to assess job placement activities as defined by the enrollment program offering.

· Incorporate peer mentoring programs to ease the transition process from high school to University

· Identify and emphasis on out of classroom experiences which improve academic credit.

· Expand resources available for maximizing services to students.

3) Offer a comprehensive network of delivering systems designed to meet students’ identified career paths.


· Develop stronger cooperation between University College and academic colleges.

· Encourage opportunities across different units to serve learners by continuing education and academic affairs to determine the identified programs which are needed for the service area.

· Involve the University program coordinators in the assessment if the career market correlates with the current offerings in the University.

· Provide staff and the Faculty with the needed information for students.

· Provide development of the university council to reinforce the delivery of quality service to the learners. 

Indicator Measurements:

· The enrollment and retention rates.

· Student satisfaction survey.

· Infrastructure to include internal communication, technology, and system of accountability

· Persistence rates

· Staff and Faculty professional development.

· Campus climate perception.

Determine the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

i. Applications received, acceptance, and the yield rates from the first-time and degree-seeking students

ii. The success of a student can be determined by the use of SAT scores for the newly enrolled students. 

iii. Total fall headcount enrollment for undergraduate and graduate students

iv. The total annual full-time equivalent enrollment for all levels within the university

v. The student diversity at all levels (undergraduate and graduate).

vi. Academic progress rate. This can be determined by the use of a second-year retention rate with a 2.0 GPA.

vii. The four-year graduation rates for full-time students or the total degrees awarded in all levels in the University.

viii. The percentage of Bachelor’s graduates enrolled and employed. 

ix. The percentage of adult undergraduate enrolled.

x. The average cost to the student obtained

xi. University access rates.

Projected Outcomes

Programmatic Changes

Class sections are operating in many programs at the Caltech University, the enrollments overall have been on the decline. The impact of the extended class reductions, along with the improvement in the job market, has resulted in slowing enrollment recovery and little growth in many programs. There are various things which Caltech university are doing to help grow its programs strategically and manage the reducing enrollment and this include

· Offering relevant courses and programs which meet the market demand for skilled workers and targeting industries and profession by carefully examining and tracking the labor market trends in the region.

· They are implementing courses, support services, and programs that close gaps in the underrepresented minority population. The University has started scheduling a class at a time that is convenient for the targeted population, such as single-parents, working professionals, and older students. The changes in the program allow the student to complete their programs in a reasonable amount of time.

· Part of the change in the program includes making pathways to certificates, degrees, and transfer clear and accessible to all prospective and current students via education planning with advisors or counselors. This helps students manage their academic pathways.

· The University has started a program aim at effective retention and outreach. This new strategy aims at improving program sustainability, scalability, and scope. Some of the initiatives include learning communities, accelerated learning program options, and early alert. 

· Finally, Caltech University must offer programs that are competitive within the region instead of providing programs that are available in many regional universities. This approach is supported by the presence of a suitable mix of online courses and campus courses. To boost enrollment, the University has articulated course and program offerings between non-credit and credit to widen the pipeline of potential students.

Impact on student achievement

           Finding from a study at the University hold that students do not complete some programs because of conflicts with employment, family responsibilities, new employment opportunities, and financial circumstances. Strategies for improving student retention should be made in a manner that programs reflect the conditions and needs of the students and should be designed and implemented to help learned to reach their academic goals (Baylor 2014). An essential theory of student retention is Tinto’s theory. According to this theory, students have some attributes such as prior schooling, family background, skills, and abilities, and these attributes influence personal commitments and goals. Moreover, student departure from an institution is a result of the social and academic connection of the student with the institution. Therefore, recommendations on ways to improve retention are subject to the interplay of student beliefs and attributes with institutional characteristics.

Recommendation to improve retention

           One effective method is to come up with university-wide task forces pertaining the student retention. This ensures that retention efforts are pervasive in the whole institution. Second, the University should embark on continuous research on student behaviors. Instead of proposing an idea regarding some practices, the University should find out what student is doing. Third, Caltech University must determine the factors which correlate to student withdrawal or persistence. Administrators should find the unique and specific factors that influence retention at the institution. Lastly, retention intervention should be developed and implemented. The responses should be evaluated based on the effects on programs. 

Financial implications

Type of cost

The cost of the implementation of the strategic enrollment plan involves a variety of prices. It is essential to recognize these costs and the classification of the expenditure for the enrollment plan. The University will incur direct charges. These costs are directly related to the strategic enrollment plan. They are subject to the influence of the university administration. For example, time spends organizing and coordinating is considered as a direct cost. This cost can be reduced by improving logistics. Second, the enrollment will have service costs (Blumenstyk 2014). These costs are not explicitly linked to the plan but affect the program based on consumption. Finally, the enrollment plan has general and administrative expenses. These types of costs are not related to the specific project but benefit all activities. For example, costs associated with financial management and legal actions.

Financial implications

Robust enrollment efforts are significant cost expenditures. Recruiting traditional, distance, and online education students is a source of revenue growth. However, the institution should not develop strategies solely to realize additional enrollment to increase revenue. Increased enrollment will have an immediate impact on revenue and cost for the institutions, but it is not guaranteed as retention and quality of education can result in cost increase. Caltech University cannot rely on gifts, grants, and fundraising to improve enrollment and retention of students. The University will require marketing and branding efforts that blend cost-effective and cost-bearing strategies that become revenue-generating. The recommended procedure for marketing and branding in the digital and online space. The institutions can use this technology more so the social media to market the degree programs and improve enrollment. Today effective strategic enrollment plan requires more than traditional advertising, identity development, or marketing (Blumenstyk 2014). It is recommendable for the institution to craft, present, and manage the brand message to achieve a competitive advantage in retaining, recruiting, and building loyalty among prospective students, staff, and donors.

Type of revenue

           Revenues and costs are either operating or non-operating. The primary source of income for the strategic enrollment plan includes auxiliary services such as dining and housing, net tuition, and clinics. There are other types of revenue, such as contracts and grants, donor contribution, and endowment income for financial aid and academic programs. These funds are used for educational activities, program development, and facilities enhancement to improve the retention of students. Significant recurring sources of the university revenues are investment income and state appropriations, and these are non-operating. 

Financial implication

           The measure of the enrollment plan is based on the cost per completed degree or credentials. The total yearly higher education expenditures determine the price; the time needs to complete a program and the number of degrees produced annually. Caltech University must invest in student success strategies to increase the level of attainment for rural students, racial minorities, and low-income students.

· To develop a comprehensive retention plan for the University, the point persons are administrators’ in-charge of enrollment, student affairs, and academic affairs. The Dean of Students and Directors of Admission should also participate. The financial implications of the strategy are the cost expense of consultation and the implementation costs. 

· The University should explore additional ways and costs for attracting and retaining minority students. This requires the participation and input from the Director of Finance and Director of Admission. The financial implication of this maintains strategy depends on the procedure used or selected.

· The scholarships give students account for cost. The tuition waivers will have cost implications in terms of management and finance.

Communication and messaging

Caltech University engage in marketing with an intention to campaign and promote the university reputation as a leading educational institution. In the marketing process, every TV spot, print publication, and web page has an effect on brand recognition and identity. With this in consideration, the message to the world, the imagery used to represent the institution and the communication with diverse internal communities, staff, faculty, and prospective students need to reflect the same level of excellence. The communication emphasis on commitment to diversity considering the demographic composition of the society in which the university is located. The message feature student demographic information, develop diverse marketing material, provide welcoming environment for the LGBTQ, and the minority and disabled students.

Communication channels

As part of targeted communication plan, different programs are selected for messaging. For best preparation for the marketing and communication, tactics for reaching the widest demographic audience are considered. However, the marketing channels are determined based on the knowledge of the local industry. Moreover, the communication plan is based on collected data which is used to guide marketing.

Differentiating of messaging for different stakeholder

The purpose of the Caltech University communication effort is to increase public awareness of the services and programs provided by the college to current students, prospective students, and the community at large. The right balance between funding for strong and effective messaging versus the expense of market analysis is needed. In this case, dedicated external market research was conducted. It was established that social media offer the best platform for marketing messages and content. One of the critical aspect of social media is the overall cost of test messages. The Caltech University does not play for social media advertisement unless an engagement occurs. This is very good way to try out marketing messages to find out which inspire the most engagement in terms of clicks and interactions.

Goals of communication

· Expand awareness and recognition of Caltech University, its events, offerings, and programs in an attempt to promote student enrollment and success. This will be achieved by:

· Submitting two feature news release per week to university websites, TV, newspaper, and radio stations about the university programs

· Promote administration attendance at community events.

· Produce marketing materials targeted towards prospective students.

· Incorporate social media such as Twitter and Facebook to update students and prospective students with fresh information about Caltech University.

· Raise public awareness of the Caltech University educational opportunities in high schools with assistance from enrollment planning and admissions. This will be achieved by:

· provide marketing materials to admissions to distribute to high school initiative coordinators

· Keep the college in spotlight through advertisement.

Media outlets

The following list outline Caltech University primary media outlets.

1) Newspaper (Press and Sun-Bulletin)

2) Television (Fox 40, New Channel 34, WBHG TV)

3) Spectrum Radio ( WEBO, WHWK, 92.5)

4) Internal Websites (caltechuniversity.edu, My College Portal)

5) Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube).


The Caltech University general audiences are potential students, current high school students, college graduate looking to update their skills, unemployed workers, GED graduates looking to advance their education, people looking to change careers, reverse transfers, honors students, family decision makers, underserved populations, civic organizations, legislators, current Caltech University students, high school teachers, and the community at large.

Key message

Message 1: Caltech University offer the widest variety of affordable courses in California so any prospective students (young and old) can reach their full potential and enrich their life. This is supported variety of courses and mix of education, recreation and special interest courses.

Message 2: Enrolling and attending Caltech University courses are safe, easy, and convenient because the lecturers understand the differences and needs of its students. This is supported by online application enrollment and variety of communication channels for courses informed by the demographic consideration.

Example of key messages

· Caltech University: You can go anywhere from here.

· Caltech University is a community college.

· Caltech University provides experience beyond the classroom.

Criteria for reaching the target audience

The quality and intensity of communication will depend on the amount of money allocated for this purpose. With limited messaging or marketing funds, the university cannot afford to target-market every program. Different colleges choose to focus on branding and marketing of the institution as a whole, this has proven effective for some institutions which have stunning geographic features and proximity to cities. For Caltech University the choice of the program to market is difficult. This is the list of criteria considered when selecting the programs to invest the marketing funds.

• Historical enrollment trends

• Budget consideration

• External opportunities

• Internal strengths

Considering the above criteria, the university will invest heavily in social media to deliver the intended message to the targeted audience. The social media is an important means of communication and it covers wide range of systems and tools. The social media and online engagement will be important as the university expands its online courses offerings. Social media plays an important role as a medium for emergency information such as notifying the public of events and reminding them of important dates. It relays information about events of interest to prospective students and can serve as main means of communication within the university. Moreover, social media encourage connection with alumni and this can improve recommendations to prospective students, encourage donations to college initiatives and programs. Therefore, the university will use social media to attract and recruit new students and retain the current learners by

• Sharing university news

• Promoting enrollment with Facebook and Twitter advertisement campaigns.

• Liking and sharing students post where appropriate.

• Forging relationship with students.

• Showcasing alumni success stories on social media outlets

• Build relationship with prospective and current donors and general community

Facebook and Twitter are ideal for communication and messaging to improve enrollment plan. Facebook is number one site and it has more than 2.3 billion users monthly. Of these users, 24% log at least five times a day and about 50% of Americans say that Facebook greatly influence their buying decisions (Ellison, Steinfield and Lampe 2018). With this in mind, 80% of marketers get improvement enrollment through the service. Twitter has over 550 million users and about 215 million are active monthly users. Twitter will be used to cover live events.

The key performance indicators for the communication and messaging will be:

· Number of overall enrollment registered compared to past years.

· The numbers of enrollment by new students.

· Increase of awareness after benchmark survey from prospective students.

· Number of website page engagements and views.

· Feedback from high schools.

· Number of new fans and followers in Facebook and Twitter.


           Currently, higher education institutions are forced to market their services to increase new students’ enrollment and retention. The advancement in user-friendly technology and acceptance and reliance of news methods of learning, Caltech University is under pressure to stay current. The Caltech University strategic plan provides a vision, mission, and goals for the institution. However, the enrollment trends have downwards and this has hurt funding needed to survive. Within this paper, the enrollment management initiative outlines strategies that support the enrollment and retention of students. Marketing strategies are used to utilize and maximize resources needed for the future while supporting the recruitment and retention process. The annual assessment will focus on the measurement of “Key Performance Indicators (KPI),” and adjustment will be made if need be. 


Adams, W. J. (2008). Reflections on the University Scene. Bertrams Print On Demand.

Altbach, P. G., & Salmi, J. (2011). The road to academic excellence: The making of world-class research universities. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Baylor, E. 2014. State divestment in higher education has led to an explosion of student-loan debt. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress.

Berry, D., Hawsey, D., & Princeton Review (Firm). (2015). America’s elite colleges: The smart applicant’s guide to the Ivy League and other top schools. New York: Random House.

Blumenstyk, G. 2014. American Higher Education in Crisis? What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ellison, Nicole B., Charles Steinfield, and Cliff Lampe. 2018. “The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites.” Journal of Computer-Mediated communication 12 (4): 1143–1168. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00367.x.

Hossler, D., & ·, B. B. (2014). Handbook of Strategic Enrollment Management. New York: Wiley.

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We understand your guidelines first before delivering any writing service. You can discuss your writing needs and we will have them evaluated by our dedicated team.

  • Clear elicitation of your requirements.
  • Customized writing as per your needs.

We Mirror Your Guidelines to Deliver Quality Services

We write your papers in a standardized way. We complete your work in such a way that it turns out to be a perfect description of your guidelines.

  • Proactive analysis of your writing.
  • Active communication to understand requirements.

We Handle Your Writing Tasks to Ensure Excellent Grades

We promise you excellent grades and academic excellence that you always longed for. Our writers stay in touch with you via email.

  • Thorough research and analysis for every order.
  • Deliverance of reliable writing service to improve your grades.
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