Date science in python

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COMP47670 Assignment 1: Data Collection & Preparation

Deadline: Monday 23rd March 2020


The objective of this assignment is to collect a dataset from one or more open web APIs of your choice, and use Python to preprocess and analyse the collected data.

The assignment should be implemented as a single Jupyter Notebook (not a script). Your notebook should be clearly documented, using comments and Markdown cells to explain the code and results.


For this assignment you should complete the following tasks:

1. Data identification:

· Choose at least one open web API as your data source (i.e. not a static or pre-collected dataset). If you decide to use more than one API, these APIs should be related in some way.

2. Data collection:

· Collect data from your API(s) using Python. Depending on the API(s), you may need to repeat the collection process multiple times to download sufficient data.

· Store the collected data in an appropriate file format for subsequent analysis (e.g. JSON, XML, CSV).

3. Data preparation and analysis:

· Load and represent the data using an appropriate data structure (i.e. records/items as rows, described by features as columns).

· Apply any preprocessing steps that might be required to clean or filter the data before analysis. Where more than one API is used, apply suitable data integration methods.

· Analyse, characterise, and summarise the cleaned dataset, using tables and plots where appropriate. Clearly explain and interpret any analysis results which are produced.

· Summarise any insights which you gained from your analysis of the data. Suggest ideas for further analysis which could be performed on the data in future.


· The assignment should be completed individually. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a 0 grade.

· Submit your assignment via the COMP47670 Brightspace page. Your submission should be in the form of a single ZIP file containing the notebook (i.e. IPYNB file) and your data. If your data is too large to upload, please include a smaller sample of the data in the ZIP file.

· In the notebook please clearly state your full name and your student number. Also provide links to the home pages for the API(s) which you used.

· Hard deadline: Submit by the end of Monday 23rd March 2020

· 1-5 days late: 10% deduction from overall mark

· 6-10 days late: 20% deduction from overall mark

· No assignments accepted after 10 days without extenuating circumstances approval and/or medical certificate.



4 1 6




ample API Assignment¶

In [



import os
import urllib.request
import csv
import pandas as pd

Task 1: Identify one or more suitable web APIs¶

API Chosen:

A single API that was chosen for this assignment was that provided by

Specifically, the historic weather data API –

The API is no longer freely available but they give out a free 60 day trial upon signing up, this entitles the user to 500 calls to the API per day.

The API key I received which works here is fbaf











In [3]:

api_key = “fbaf429501ff4c7f92b8463217d103”

Task 2: Collect data your chosen API(s)¶

Collecting Raw Data – Functions needed:

The following 3 functions were written to allow multiple calls of the API as only limited data is available per call.

These function are commented throughout and are called below:

In [4]:

#create a file with set headings – 2 diff types of data to store
def create_file (file_loc, headings):
with open(file_loc, “w”,newline=”) as write_file: #as in get_and_write_data function
f = csv.writer(write_file)

#function to call the API, retreive the raw csv data, and write to a file
def get_and_write_data(link, file_loc):
response = urllib.request.urlopen(link)
html =
with open(file_loc, “a”,newline=”) as write_file: #open the file / create it, newline =” to prevent blank lines being written
f = csv.writer(write_file)
lines = html.strip().split(“\n”)
for l in lines:
if l[0] ==”#”: # prevent it from writing the comments in the return of each API call
elif l[0:10] in [“Not Availa”, “There is n”]: #prevent it from writing lines where no data is present (i.e. returns saying – “Not Available” or “There is no weather data available for the


provided. Past data is available from 1 July,


08 onwards only.”)
else: #if doesn’t have those it is data and so should be written
l = l.split(“,”) #it comes in as a String, so convert to a list for later easier writing and manipulation
#print (“Line Written”)
#return print (“Monthly Data Appending to Raw File – Completed”)
# function to take in parameters set and then use this data to build a link
# to be passed into the get_and_write_data function
def get_raw_data(file_loc, api_key, location, year, month): #month needs to be a string to avoid invalid token errors for ints as the API needs a leading 0 for single digit months
while year <=20 16

: #iterate for all years available in api, namely July 2008 to date
if month == “02”: #need to change end date in the call to the API as it doesn’t return full values if the date doesn’t exist, e.g.


st of February
end_day = “


elif month in [“04”, “06”, “09”, “


end_day = “30”
end_day = “31”
# the bulding of the link is what decides the data returned, it’s available in hourly intervals,
# for any location in different formats, the documentation below outlines the possibilities
link = “”+ api_key + “&q=”+ location +”&format=csv&date=”+ str(year) + “-“+ month +”-01&enddate=”+ str(year) + “-“+ month +”-“+ str(end_day) +”&tp=


get_and_write_data(link, file_loc)
year = year+1

Task 3: Parse the collected data, and store it in an appropriate file format¶

Collecting Raw Data and writing raw data to CSV:

The following code retreives the raw data using the above Functions from the API and writes it to a CSV file.

This data needs extensive cleaning and manipulation before it can be used.

In [98]:

###Set Variable get the raw data from the API and store in the File location set here
location = “Dublin”
raw_file_loc = “weather-data-raw.csv”
create_file (raw_file_loc, ” “) # create a file with no headings to store the raw data, no headings needed as the data returns 2 distinct CSV lines with different # of columns
# the api only returns 1 month worth of data at a


# so a loop to iterate over all months beginning at Jan is needed
# the API needs the month in 0x format, therefore months 1-9 need to have a 0 added to the front,
# therefore the conversion between int and str was necessary here and a string is passed through to the funtion
month = 1
while month <= 12

if month <10: month = "0" + str(month) else: month = str(month) get_raw_data(raw_file_loc, api_key, "location", 2008, month) month = int(month)+1 print("Raw Data Collection Completed \n") Begin Raw Data Collection Raw Data Collection Completed

Task 4: Load and represent the data using an appropriate data structure. Apply any pre-processing steps to clean/filter/combine the data¶

Parsing Raw Data:

The raw data returns alternating lines of values, 8 CSVs for each day, and 24 columns of “Hourly data” which is also a daily average as the call to the API has been configured.

These need to be parsed and the data that is to be used later saved, while only 1 data set was needed, I decided to keep and write both sets to different files, for future proofing.

In [ ]:

hourly_file = “weather-data-hourly.csv”
daily_file = “weather-data-daily.csv”
#these are the headings as provided by the API documentation
hourly_headings = [“date”,”time”,”






































daily_headings = [“date”,”maxtempC”,”maxtempF”,”mintempC”,”mintempF”,”sunrise”,”sunset”,”moonrise”,”moonset”]
#call on the function to create the files as needed
create_file(hourly_file, hourly_headings)
create_file(daily_file, daily_headings)
# open the raw data and then based on the length of the line, write to appropriate file
# the len of the lines is actually around 58-62 and over


0, so


was chosen for safety,
# this can be easily changed in future if the API changes
raw_data = open(raw_file_loc, “r”)
lines = raw_data.readlines()
for l in lines:
# print (len(l))
if len(l) <= 100: with open(daily_file, "a",newline='') as daily: df = csv.writer(daily) l = l.split(",") df.writerow(l) daily.close() elif len(l) >101:
with open(hourly_file, “a”,newline=”) as hourly:
hf = csv.writer(hourly)
l = l.split(“,”)

Utilising Pandas and further Data Modification

  • With the CSV files written these are imported using Pandas.
  • 2 columns were chosen for analysis, namely Temperature and Precipitation for each day
  • The date field was stored as a String, so this was converted to a Datetime to allow for time analysis.

In [5]:

hourly_data = pd.read_csv(hourly_file)
daily_data = pd.read_csv(daily_file)
#convert date string to datetime –


pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default=’warn’ ## suppress warning regarding A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. – same warning was appearing using a For loop, the index and .loc, and that loop took 5 minutes to run on my machine
hourly_data[‘date’] = pd.to_datetime(hourly_data[‘date’]) # removed from to_datetime {, format=”YYYY-MM-DD”}
#for i in simplified_data.index:
# simplified_data.loc[i,’date’]=pd.to_datetime(simplified_data.loc[i, ‘date’])
simplified_data = hourly_data[[“date”, “tempC”, “precipMM”]] # extract temp and precip data for analysis and visualisation
simplified_data = simplified_data.sort_values(by=[‘date’]) # reorder the data by date

In [101]:



date time tempC tempF windspeedMiles windspeedKmph winddirdegree winddir16point weatherCode weatherIconUrl

HeatIndexC HeatIndexF DewPointC DewPointF WindChillC WindChillF WindGustMiles WindGustKmph FeelsLikeC FeelsLikeF


24 7

11 17

… 7 44 2


13 20 4 38


24 6 42 18 28… … 6 42 2 35 1

1 33


24 5

S 113… … 5 41

31 3

7 11 3 37


24 6

12… … 6 42 3 37 3 37 10 17 3 37


24 5 42 17 28 100 E… … 5 41 1 33 0 33

42 0 33

2009-01-01 44 94 E 113… 35 38
2009-01-02 121 ESE 116 33 22 36
2009-01-03 41 14 23 172 -1 37
2009-01-04 43 19 314 NW 122
2009-01-05 176 26

5 rows × 26 columns

In [102]:



date tempC precipMM









2008-07-01 15 15.8
2008-07-02 9.9
2008-07-03 25.5
2008-07-04 4.6
2008-07-05 37.5

Missing Data

Final Pre-Processing steps are to look for missing data to see if further pre-processing is needed.

In [138]:

#look for missing data
simplified_data.isnull().sum() # no missing values in the reduced dataset


date 0
tempC 0
precipMM 0
dtype: int64

In [104]:



float64 1
int64 1
datetime64[ns] 1
dtype: int64

There’s no Null’s in the data, there’s also no strings either, this means there’s therefore no values in it such as “Not Available” or for example “No moonrise” in moonrise column, etc.

Both of these are highly indicative that all values are present.

The final Pre-processing step is to get Monthly averages to create a reduced size data set that can be easier visualised, but still accurate and indicative of the months rain and temperature.

In [107]:

monthly = simplified_data.groupby([pd.Grouper(key=’date’,freq=’M’)]) #
avg_month = monthly.mean() #create a new DF based on the mean of the groupby object created above

tempC precipMM
2008-07-31 16.419355 8.290323
2008-08-31 17.064516 7.906452
2008-09-30 15.833333 5.186667
2008-10-31 13.032258 5.477419
2008-11-30 10.766667 3.250000

Task 5: Analyse and summarise the cleaned dataset¶

Descriptive Statistics

Initially of the Data Set containing all daily data:

In [110]:

print(“\nSimplified_data columnns:\n” + str(simplified_data.columns) + “\n”)
print(“Simplified_data Descriptive Stats:\n”)

Simplified_data columnns:
Index([‘date’, ‘tempC’, ‘precipMM’], dtype=’object’)
Simplified_data Descriptive Stats:
tempC precipMM
count 2740.000000 2740.000000
mean 12.941241 3.267628
std 4.517523 5.706110
min 2.000000 0.000000
25% 10.000000 0.100000
50% 13.000000 1.100000
75% 16.000000 3.800000
max 25.000000 52.400000

In [111]:

print(“Descriptive Stats:\n”)

Descriptive Stats:
tempC precipMM
count 92.000000 92.000000
mean 12.742613 3.327383
std 3.926780 2.076563
min 4.000000 0.100000
25% 9.403226 1.858871
50% 12.768817 2.784516
75% 16.108333 4.209516
max 21.354839 12.500000

As can be seen from comparing both descriptive stats, the monthly average, seems to have removed outliers (e.g. max precipitation 52mm), has reduced the standard deviation, but the quartiles have remained largely the same.

Matplotlib and Pandas Graphing

In [112]:

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Line Graphs and Area Plot¶

In [28]:

plt.title(“Avg Monthly Temperature and Precipitation in Dublin since July 2008\n”)
plt.ylabel(“Temperature C | Precipitation MM”)

In [35]:



Basic Line Graph and Area Plot show how temp and precip interact, as expected Temp increases and falls based on time of year.

Precipitation doesn’t seem to follow the same expected trend. It seems the Irish reputation for never ending rain is well deserved, although it would appear to have fallen in recent years.

Stacked Histogram¶

Shows the distribution of the data.

In [33]:




Explore the data, look for patterns, outliers, etc.

In [38]:

avg_month.plot.scatter(x=”tempC”, y=”precipMM”, s=50 )


In [114]:

plt.scatter(avg_month[‘tempC’], avg_month[‘precipMM’])

In [39]:

from import scatter_matrix
scatter_matrix(avg_month, alpha=0.2, figsize=(6, 6), diagonal=’kde’)


]], dtype=object)

In [40]:

from import scatter_matrix
scatter_matrix(daily_data, alpha=0.2, figsize=(6, 6), diagonal=’kde’)


]], dtype=object)

Dual Axis Line Graphs¶

In [54]:

ax = avg_month.plot(secondary_y=[‘precipMM’])
ax.set_ylabel(“Temperature C”)
ax.right_ax.set_ylabel(“Precipitation MM”)
plt.title(“Avg Monthly Temperature and Precipitation in Dublin since July 2008\n”)

In [55]:

avg_month.plot(subplots=True, figsize=(6, 6));

Final Manipulation, Exploration and Visualisation¶

Temperature v Precipitation¶

For the purposes of this exploration, 2 new Data Frames were created, grouping by Temp and Precipitation and comparing to the mean value of the other, this data was then explored as outlined further below

In [132]:

#x=”tempC”, y=”precipMM”
avg_month_temp = avg_month.groupby(“tempC”)
temp_data = avg_month_temp.mean() #create a new DF based on the mean of the groupby object created above

4.000000 12.500000
5.333333 0.100000
6.322581 4.441935
6.392857 2.585714
6.903226 2.574194

In [135]:

plt.title(“Avg amount (mm) of Precipitation as Temperature increases (Dublin since July 2008)\n”)
plt.xlabel(“Temperature – C”)
plt.ylabel(“Precipitation MM”)

In [136]:

#x=”tempC”, y=”precipMM”
avg_month_precip = avg_month.groupby(“precipMM”)
precip_data = avg_month_precip.mean() #create a new DF based on the mean of the groupby object created above

0.100000 5.333333
0.722581 11.387097
0.733333 19.166667

In [137]:

plt.title(“Avg Temperature as amount of Precipitation increases (Dublin since July 2008)\n”)
plt.xlabel(“Precipitation – MM”)
plt.ylabel(“Temperature – C”)

Tentative Conclusion¶

Further in-depth studies and tests could be carried out to test the statistical significant of the results, and to incorporate other meterological datasets. However, based on the current data, there does not seem to be a strong relationship between level of rain compared to temperature.

So it doesn’t really matter how hot it gets in Dublin, we can still expect rain!

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