Analysis Of Red Cross Print Advertisement: Relevant Attention And Involvement Of Consumers

Summary of the Organisation

Question- You should investigate some advertisements for a range of non-profit organisations. These may be political, economic, sport, health, management or government organisations at local, national or international level. Select one of these and provide an analysis using theory about exposure, attention and attitudes as discussed in this course? 

1.   Introduction

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Analysis Of Red Cross Print Advertisement: Relevant Attention And Involvement Of Consumers
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  1.1 Summary of the organisation

  1.2Description of the advertisement

2.  Analysis

  2.1 Attention Factors

  2.2 Comprehension

  2.3 High and Low Involvement Behaviour 

  2.4 Function of Attitude

3.  Summary


Quietly and moderately inconspicuously, charity has gotten enormous business in numerous nations. Australia does not stray from this viewpoint. Drawing on discoveries from the last extensive national study directed on giving, Lyons and Passey (2005) report that 87% of the grown-up populace give by and by in changing degrees to charity, with gifts in abundance of $5.7 billion yearly. Despite the fact that the general interest rate is high, various benefactors could be viewed as relative tenderfoots, given constrained part investment. A lot of people are unpracticed and uncommitted, giving just occasionally or erratically. Then again, these people alongside present non-providers speak to a noteworthy obtaining open door for foundations battling in the company of escalated rivalry for benefactor subsidizes as of late (Bennett, 2003). Contributors in such circumstances confront a decision between numerous associations that can use their gifts for the related reason. It is thusly astonishing that in spite of the fact that much examines consideration has been given to why individuals give to charity; little has been paid to how they give, for example, how the decision between foundations is made in a giving circumstance (Hibbert and Horne, 1996).

Ad assumes a vital part in such circumstance to get the inclusion of shoppers with pertinent consideration element and help them to settle on decisions of charity that ought to be given. With a yearly turnover of more than 400 million Australian dollars (2012–20138) Australian Red Cross is one the biggest non-benefits in nation, with 680 branch, 18,500 parts, 35,000 volunteers and 3,000 staff. Present paper deals with the analysis of the print advertisement of Red Cross organization on the ground of relevant attention factor and involvement behavior of the consumer.

Australian Red Cross was structured at the flare-up of World War I in 1914, when many volunteers were prepared to give backing to help the war influenced. It was reinforced throughout World War II when Australian Red Cross sent men and ladies to serve the diseased, injured, ex-administration individuals and their families to places where Australian troops were included. They gave an extent of administrations to Australian detainees of war and their families, offered administrations in military healing facilities, and aided in the repatriation of ex-administration staff.

Initially an extension of the British Red Cross, it was not until 1941 that Australian Red Cross was joined by Royal Charter and turned into a National Society in its own particular right. The post-war period saw remaking and recovery that concentrated on social welfare, debacles and crises, advancement of the blood donation center and emergency treatment programs, all of which was supported by a broad limb system and many volunteers. Throughout this time Australian Red Cross additionally amplified its inclusion in the more extensive concerns of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, particularly in worldwide philanthropic law and outcast administrations.

Description of the Advertisement

Today, Australian Red Cross is a heading philanthropic association in Australia that works towards engaging and making powerless individuals more secure and more flexible through the conveyance of administrations and the advancement of compassionate laws and qualities. Administrations are concentrated on seven necessity ranges made by the administrations audit and the support of the current key arrangement, Strategy 2015.

The advertisement conveys the message to people that they can use their Wills to help other people. It is strong message provide to people that their little contribution means a lot for other peoples life.  Your Will is a standout amongst the most essential records you sign throughout your lifetime. It’s the main way you might make certain that you’re belonging and holdings go to the individuals and philanthropies you think about. Making or overhauling your Will doesn’t have to be an overwhelming undertaking. Red Cross has orchestrated an extraordinary offer with neighbourhood specialists who will give their time to set up a straightforward Will from $75.

In the wake of accommodating your friends and family we might be respected in the event that you might think about leaving a blessing in your Will to Red Cross. Each blessing in every Will has any kind of effect and will keep on improving the lives of helpless individuals in our groups and abroad for eras to come.

 The print advertisement of Red Cross consists of four main attention factors which help to attract people towards charity. Also the overall impact of the advertisement provides an insight to readers or viewers that they can easily contribute and their contribution will make big difference in the people who are looking out for help.       

Relevance- The advertisement is very much relevant and appealing to the people. As making a will is a common process being down. It is routine process which people do just to ensure that their belongings are passing on to their loved ones. This advertisement has added so much importance to the process that a small initiative from people can make huge differences for others.

Credibility- The advertisement in a simple word explains the credibility of the organization and their willingness to help poor and needy people. The advertisement claims that the organization demanding for charity is worth enough and is purely dedicated to well being of society.

Headlines- The line use to convey the message ie “Wills of life” very much attractive and meaningful. It provides the overall idea of the importance of donation and how quickly one can contribute in the whole process and reaching out people who are in pain.

Layout- The layout is small and made up of good color combination so that a casual magazine or newspaper reader will also take acknowledgement of the advertisement.

Over all the advertisement is nicely designed with strong message to get donation from individuals.

Publicizing was at first intended to make individuals mindful of the products accessible in the business sector. It was as straightforward as proclaiming what you have in your store or the administrations you offer in your premises. Through the years, promoting has developed into a real industry that goes past advising to influencing and affecting. It is a type of mentally programming shoppers.


Yes it is a brainwashing advertisement which makes a impact on the thought process of the reader or viewer. People look towards donation or charity as a additional work but this offer has given a rout of making donation by just using the facility of Will set up from Red Cross at reasonable rate in turn providing small gift to people through charity.

As you have seen, numerous components impact a customer’s conduct. Contingent upon a buyer’s experience and information, a few buyers may have the capacity to settle on snappy buy choices and different purchasers may need to get data and be more included in the choice process before making a buy. The level of contribution reflects how by and by essential or intrigued you are in devouring an item and what amount of data you have to settle on a choice. The level of contribution in purchasing choices may be viewed as a continuum from choices that are reasonably normal to choices that require far reaching thought and an abnormal amount of association. Whether a choice is low, high, or restricted, inclusion shifts by buyer, not by item, despite the fact that a few items, for example, obtaining a house regularly oblige a high-contribution for all customers. Customers with no experience obtaining an item may have more association than somebody who is reinstating an item.

Here the advertisement includes the high involvement behaviour from the consumer. As the advertisement is very much meaningful it make consumer think seriously about the charity. The careless attitude of people towards the donation process is being changed by this advertisement campaign. People seriously start thinking that they can change the routine work of making Will into some positive work of making contribution as a helping had to the prosperity of the society.

The meddlesome strategies promoters utilize when seeking purchasers consideration could be irritating to the groups of onlookers ( Zhang 2000). Thusly, studies have a tendency to show a for the most part negative open disposition towards publicizing (Alwitt and Prabhaker, 1994). Notwithstanding, the above discoveries are not sufficient to prevent the worth from claiming publicizing as a vehicle of passing on data to the target groups. Ducoffe (1996) contends, “The dominant part of promoting exposures achieve people when they are not looking for the item or administration being publicized, so most messages are essentially not significant to buyer concerns at the time of presentation” (p.22). Accordingly, the essentialness of a promoting method that coddles customer’s needs has developed.

Practically matched ads evoked more positive disposition, cognitive reactions, and buy plans than did befuddling ads. Resulting examination yielded a practical matching impact when members were approached to compose their ads for utilitarian and social character items (Shavitt et al., 1992). The advertisement ‘Will for life’ has totally changed the attitude of people towards donation and process of giving charity. Many times people resist giving donation and only paying if somebody is forcing a lot. The forceful donation is no more exist now. Based on this advertisement people’s perception towards charity will completely change and people will look towards it as an easy and vital process.

Red Cross is one of the leading organizations in the field of charity. The company use strategy of awareness for advertisement. The company believe the charity should be willing and not by force. The offer given in the advertisement is useful for people who will participate in the Will setup also is useful in getting donation from people. The advertisement is truly applicable and speaking to the individuals. As making a will is a typical methodology being down. It is standard methodology which individuals do simply to guarantee that their tangibles are passing on to their friends and family. This commercial has added such a great amount of essentialness to the process that a little activity from individuals can make immense contrasts for others.

The ad in a basic word clarifies the trustworthiness of the association and their readiness to help poor and destitute individuals. The notice asserts that the association requesting for charity is worth enough and is simply devoted to prosperity of public opinion.

The line utilization to pass on the message ie “Wills of life” really magnetic and compelling. It gives the general thought of the vitality of gift and how rapidly one can help in the entire process and connecting individuals who are in agony.  The format is little and made up of great color mixture so that a cool magazine or daily paper onlooker will additionally take acknowledgement of the ad. Over all the notice is pleasantly outlined with solid message to get gift from people. In light of this commercial individuals’ observation towards charity will totally change and individuals will look towards it as a simple and essential procedure.


Alwitt, L. F. and Prabhaker, (1994), P. R. Identifying Who Dislikes Television Advertising: Not By Demographics Alone. Journal of Advertising Research (34:6), 17-29.

Bennett, R.,( 2003), Competitor analysis practices of British charities. Marketing Intelligence & Planning 21 (6), 335-345.

Ducoffe, R. H.  (1996), “How Consumers Assess the Value of Advertising.” Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising 17,1-18.

Hibbert, S., Horne, S., (1996), Giving to charity: questioning the donor decision process.  Journal of Consumer Marketing 13 (2), 4-13.

Lyons, M., Passey, A., (2005), Australians giving and volunteering 2004. Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Australian Government, Canberra.

Shavitt, S., Lowrey, T. M., & Han, S. (1992). Attitude functions in advertising: The interactive role of products and self-monitoring. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1, 337-364.

Zhang, P.(2000), The Effect of Animation on Information Seeking Performance on the World Wide Web: Securing Attention or Interfering with Primary Tasks, Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS) (1:1).

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