All-4 – Assignments

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Assignment/Assignment-1/Academic Blueprint Cheat Sheet x
Tips for Completing this Assignment

1. When you complete the first section (Atlas Research of Academic Pathway), KEEP THIS WINDOW OPEN for the Yellow Boxes section. “My Education Plan” is far, far more helpful to you than the Degree Audit. (This will make more sense when you do the yellow boxes below.)
TIP: If you are Dual Enrollment and there is nothing really to see, OR if you are planning on changing your major, you can click on “What If?” at the left and run a report that would give you the requirements if you changed your degree. (What If? Is greyed out, but you can still use it.)

2. Access Your Degree Audit. All you have to do is follow the directions, make a PDF of your degree audit, and turn it in with the assignment. To make a PDF, choose “PRINT” on your web browser and instead of sending it to a printer, choose “Save as PDF” or “Print to Microsoft PDF.”
TIP: There is a “what if?” Option here as well. See #1.

Answer Question 5, Catalog term, by writing whatever term is listed on your Degree Audit. The catalog term is the term you started your program. It is IMPORTANT because it is your contract with the college. If for some reason the college changes the requirements while you are still working on your degree, you are grandfathered in to the requirements that were listed in the catalog when you began. The only way you will lose this grandfathering is if you a) change your major or b) leave school for a year or more. In both of these cases, you will then be grandfathered into the new catalog.

3. College/University Exploration.

a. If you are an AS student, you are going to put Valencia College as College 1 and another school as College 2 that offers a similar AS degree.
b. If you are an AA student, you are going to choose two different colleges (NOT Valencia) that you might want to transfer to.
c. Research both colleges, put the answers in the appropriate columns, and then check off which college you think has the advantage over the other one for each set of questions.

4. Access your degree program sheet. The assignment says you can use I do not recommend this. I recommend going to the actual website of the college you are researching to find the answers. The reasons are:

a. Floridashines is only for Florida colleges. If you are going out of state, this site will not help you.
b. Floridashines is maintained by some outside entity who may or may not have updated information.
c. It is better to learn how to search a college website. Generally, there will be an “Academics” tab and that’s how you will find the degrees and programs.
d. Once you find the sheet with all your requirements, save it as a PDF (as you did in Step 2) and turn it in with this assignment.

The instructions say to use your degree program sheet (YES) and your degree audit (NO). Instead of the degree audit, use the MY EDUCATION PLAN from Step 1. There is far, far, far more information in My Education Plan to help you complete the yellow boxes. You need to write down ALL the remaining courses you plan to take at VALENCIA ONLY. The reason you are using your degree program sheet is so you can plan strategically. You want to look at UCF (or whatever school you’re going to) and see what requirements you need. If there are any 1000 or 2000 level classes you need, you will then see if they will double as Valencia requirements and choose those classes. Only write what you need for Valencia. You do not need to write down your 3000 and 4000 level classes at UCF. If you only need 4 or 5 boxes, leave the rest blank. If you need more boxes, feel free to copy and paste more boxes into the Blueprint Assignment.

TIP: Several students make appointments with their advisor and ask for them to list all the courses they need to graduate. Then they take this list and use it to fill in the yellow boxes.

6. Final Section.
This is pretty self-explanatory. Just answer the questions. However, be careful with the very last sentence in #11 – . Detail your action plan to get accepted into your desired program.

Notice is says PROGRAM, not School. When you look at your degree program sheet, you may see a list of Admission Requirements. Some schools will let you into the school, but not the major. You must answer the question with this information. For example, at UCF, there are certain 3000 and 4000 level classes that need to be completed before you can be accepted into the Accounting major. Your action plan would be to enroll in UCF, complete those courses, then apply to the major. If your program has no special admission requirements, state that in the final question.

Assignment/Assignment-1/Academic BluePrint Revised for Fall 19 (1) x

Academic Blueprint Assignment

Name Click here to enter text.:

· Complete the Academic Blueprint assignment in its entirety to earn full credit. This document must be typed.
· You will need to upload 3 documents to Canvas for this assignment to be considered complete. Upload the following files to the Canvas Assignment area before clicking “Submit Assignment:”
· Academic Blueprint Assignment.
· Degree Audit.
· Bachelors Program Sheet or AS Program Sheet.

· Atlas Research of Academic Pathway

· Login to Atlas and click on the “LifeMap” tab.
· Click on “Take Me to My Education Plan”.
· If you are a high school/Dual Enrollment student please review: MEP “What If”
· Read and review the Education Plan Degree Checklist and answer the following questions: (Need help finding your Education Plan?

1. What degree is listed? Click here to enter text.
2. What major is listed? Click here to enter text.

3. What is your Meta-Major? Click here to enter text.
4. Do you need to change your Degree/Major and/or Meta-Major? Yes☐ No☐ *If yes, please contact your advisor.

· Access Your Degree Audit in Atlas

· Login to Atlas and click on the “Students” tab.
· Scroll down to the Path to Graduation box in the center of the page.
· Click on “My Academic Progress” (Degree Audit).
· Click on “Generate New Degree Audit”.
· Select the current term and then click “Submit”.
· Select the program and then click “Generate Request” *If you get an error message or don’t see your major – Select the “What-If Analysis” link at the bottom of the screen, select your entry term, choose your intended major, and proceed through the next screens.

Read and review the Degree Audit and answer the following question:

5. What is your catalog term?

***Save a copy of the Degree Audit as a PDF for upload with this assignment. ***

*Disclaimer: To save a PDF version of your degree audit, we recommend using Google Chrome.  If you use any other browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) please determine the best way to save your audit as a PDF.  You are also able to print the audit, use a scanner to scan the document, and upload the PDF file into Canvas.  Google Chrome instructions: If using Google Chrome, right click on your Degree Audit, select “Print”, and then change the Destination to “Save as PDF”.

· College/University Exploration

· Complete the form below by identifying two institutions that offer your intended AS or Bachelor’s degree. AA students research 2 institutions; AS students research your program at Valencia and another institution for comparison.
· Explore institutions using the College Navigator website ( and/or go directly to the college/university website.
· In the table below, answer the questions using complete sentences; using “none” or “N/A” as a response is not sufficient.
· Indicate which institution has the advantage for each category.

College Choice #1:


College Choice #2:


a. Where is the school located? (city, state)
b. Will you need to relocate to attend this school?
c. Explain your housing and transportation plans.

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

☐ ☐

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.


a. What program or major would you pursue?
b. What unique opportunities are provided for students in your program or major? (Use the school’s website to research –organizations, honor societies, study abroad, internships, etc.).

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

☐ ☐

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.


a. What is the cost of one year’s tuition?
b. Calculate the overall tuition cost for your degree.
c. List the other expenses you would incur at this school (room and board, transportation).

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

☐ ☐

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

Environment/Campus Setting:

a. Describe the geographical size and setting of the campus (urban or suburb).
b. Evaluate if the school has the conveniences and necessities you want (ex: social and recreational activities, weather, child care, etc.).

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

☐ ☐

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

Student Population:

Use College Navigator to answer these questions.
a. Discuss the student population and demographic. How will it encourage your personal development and college success?
b. What is the student to faculty ratio?
c. Are you comfortable with the student population and student to faculty ratio? Explain.

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

☐ ☐

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

· Access Your Degree Program Sheet

Follow the steps below to access your Degree Program Sheet. After reviewing the Degree Program Sheet, refer back to your Degree Audit. Determine which Common Program Prerequisites can be used to satisfy the General Education and elective requirements for your degree.

· AA Students: locate your Degree Program Sheet, go to your transfer institution’s undergraduate catalog or visit: click on this link for a video tutorial:
· Review the courses required for your four-year degree. You will need to review and determine the Common Program Prerequisites required for your AA degree. This will help you complete the Term-By-Term worksheet below.

· AS Students: locate your AS Program Sheet: Review the courses required for your two-year degree. This will help you complete the Term-By-Term worksheet below.

***Save a copy of the Degree Program Sheet as a PDF to upload with this assignment. ***

· Term-By-Term Plan

6. What is your Program or Transfer Plan: Click here to enter text.

· Use the Degree Audit and the Degree Program Sheet to plan out the remaining required courses for your degree at Valencia (do not include junior level (3000) and senior level (4000) courses). Include all necessary pre-requisites for your program.
· Fill in the courses in which you are enrolled, starting with the current term.
· Type in the term and year for each term box.
· Under the courses column, type the course prefix and code for the course you want to take (ex. ENC 1101, not English Comp).
· Include the credit hours for each course and then total the credit hours for the term at the bottom of the column.

Click here to enter current term.


Click here to enter next term.


Click here to enter next term.



Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.

 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


Total Cr. Hrs.

Total Cr. Hrs.

Total Cr. Hrs.

Click here to enter next term.


Click here to enter next term


Click here to enter next term.



Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.

 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


Total Cr. Hrs.

Total Cr. Hrs.

Total Cr. Hrs.


Click here to enter next term.


Click here to enter next term.


Click here to enter next term.



Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.

 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


Total Cr. Hrs.

Total Cr. Hrs.

Total Cr. Hrs.

Revised Fall 2019
· Action Plan

7. Are you assigned an advisor? (Hint: look at your academic profile in Atlas under the Courses tab) If so, who? If not, who would you contact and/or where would you go on campus for academic advising? Click here to enter text.

8. Explain what requirements must be met for admission to the program:

a. Application deadlines? Click here to enter text.
b. GPA or specific grade requirements? Click here to enter text.
c. Does your program require a portfolio, audition, interview, etc. Click here to enter text.
d. College level foreign language requirement? Click here to enter text.
e. Orientations? Click here to enter text.
f. Other? Click here to enter text.

9. Does your degree program have Common Program Prerequisites? If so, please list them. Click here to enter text.

10. What is the length of time needed to complete your degree in terms at Valencia; also state the anticipated term and year that you will graduate Valencia. Click here to enter text.

11. Explain why you selected a particular school and the reasons you gave it the advantage over the other institution. Provide specific rationale for your choice using the information from your research.  Include specific facts that demonstrate you have thought critically about the institution you have selected. Detail your action plan to get accepted into your desired program.

Click here to enter text.


Fall 2019

Academic Bluep

rint Assignment


Click here to enter text.




the Academic Blueprint assignment in its entirety

to earn full credit

. This document must be typed.


You will need to upload 3 documents to Canvas for this assignment to be considered complete. Upload the following files to t

he Canvas

Assignment area before clicking “Submit Assignment:”


Academic Blueprint Assignment.





Bachelors Program Sheet or AS

Program S




Atlas Research of Academic Pathway


Login to Atlas

and click on the




Click on

Take Me to

My Education Plan



If you are a high school/Dual Enrollment student please review:

MEP “What If”


Read and review the Education Plan


Checklist and answer the following questions


(Need help finding your Education Plan?



What degree is listed?

Click here to enter text.


What major is listed?

Click here to enter text.


What is your Meta



here to enter text.


Do you need to change your













If yes, please contact your advisor.



ccess Y

our Degree Audit in Atlas


Login to Atlas

and click on the




Scroll down to the Path to Graduation box in the center of the page.



on “

My A

cademic Progress

(Degree Audit).


Click on

“Generate New Degree Audit”



Select the current term and then click “Submit”.


Select the program and then click “

Generate Request”

*If you get an error

message or don’t see your major

Select the “




link at the


of the screen, select

your entry term, choose your intended major,

and proceed

through the next screens.

Read and review the Degree Audit and answer the following


Revised Fall 2019
Academic Blueprint Assignment

Name Click here to enter text.:

 Complete the Academic Blueprint assignment in its entirety to earn full credit. This document must be typed.
 You will need to upload 3 documents to Canvas for this assignment to be considered complete. Upload the following files to the Canvas
Assignment area before clicking “Submit Assignment:”
o Academic Blueprint Assignment.
o Degree Audit.
o Bachelors Program Sheet or AS Program Sheet.

 Atlas Research of Academic Pathway

 Login to Atlas and click on the “LifeMap” tab.
 Click on “Take Me to My Education Plan”.
o If you are a high school/Dual Enrollment student please review: MEP “What If”
 Read and review the Education Plan Degree Checklist and answer the following questions: (Need help finding your Education Plan?

1. What degree is listed? Click here to enter text.
2. What major is listed? Click here to enter text.
3. What is your Meta-Major? Click here to enter text.
4. Do you need to change your Degree/Major and/or Meta-Major? Yes? No? *If yes, please contact your advisor.
 Access Your Degree Audit in Atlas
 Login to Atlas and click on the “Students” tab.
 Scroll down to the Path to Graduation box in the center of the page.
 Click on “My Academic Progress” (Degree Audit).
 Click on “Generate New Degree Audit”.
 Select the current term and then click “Submit”.
 Select the program and then click “Generate Request” *If you get an error message or don’t see your major – Select the “What-If
Analysis” link at the bottom of the screen, select your entry term, choose your intended major, and proceed through the next screens.

Read and review the Degree Audit and answer the following question:

Assignment/Assignment-1/Academic Blueprint Rubric2 x
Academic Blueprint Rubric





Atlas Research of Academic Pathway: #1-4

Demonstrate use of MEP Checklist by reviewing information and identifying declared major and degree, and necessary updates their Degree, Major and/or Meta-Major (#1-4).


Complete with errors


Access your Degree Audit in ATLAS: #5

Demonstrate use of Degree Audit by reviewing information and identifying catalog term (#5).


Complete with errors


Access your Degree Audit in ATLAS: Upload

Generate and upload Degree Audit.


Incomplete/Upload not included

College/University Exploration: Compare Schools

Compare and contrast two schools of interest by researching and providing detailed responses about the institutions.


Complete with errors/minor omissions


College/University Exploration: Advantage

School with advantage identified for all categories.




Access your Degree Program Sheet: Upload

Locate and upload Degree Program Sheet.


Incomplete/Upload not included

Term-By-Term Plan: #6

Program/Transfer Plan identified (#6).


Complete with errors


Term-By-Term Plan: Label Boxes

Term boxes are labeled accurately.


Complete with errors


Term-By-Term Plan: Course Selection

Term-by-term academic plan includes all courses required for degree/program.


Complete with errors


Term-By-Term Plan: Credit Hours Totaled

Credit hours are totaled for each term box.




Action Plan: #7-10

Demonstrate understanding of degree/program/major by identifying advisor, requirements, CPP, and completion term/year (#7-10).


Complete with errors


Action Plan: #11

Rationale for selecting institution is explained in detail using information from research and the steps and requirements to gain program admission/earn desired degree (#11).




Writing Mechanics

Clarity, Sentence Fluency, Word Choice and Spelling/Grammar

Writing is free of grammatical and mechanical errors. Words are used correctly. Sentence structure conveys the ideas clearly.

No errors

Minimal errors

Frequent errors

Updated 5/28/19

Assignment/Assignment-1/Academic BluePrint SAMPLE Revised for Fall 19 x
Academic Blueprint Assignment

Name: Charli Atlas

· Complete the Academic Blueprint assignment in its entirety to earn full credit. This document must be typed.
· You will need to upload 3 documents to Canvas for this assignment to be considered complete. Upload the following files to the Canvas Assignment area before clicking “Submit Assignment:”
· Academic Blueprint Assignment.
· Degree Audit.
· Bachelors Program Sheet or AS Program Sheet.

· Atlas Research of Academic Pathway

· Login to Atlas and click on the “LifeMap” tab.
· Click on “Take Me to My Education Plan”.
· If you are a high school/Dual Enrollment student please review: MEP “What If”
· Read and review the Education Plan Degree Checklist and answer the following questions: (Need help finding your Education Plan?

1. What degree is listed? Associate in Arts Degree
2. What major is listed? AA General Studies

3. What is your Meta-Major? Industry/Manufacturing & Construction
4. Do you need to change your Degree/Major and/or Meta-Major? Yes☒ No☐ *If yes, please contact your advisor.

· Access Your Degree Audit in Atlas

· Login to Atlas and click on the “Students” tab.
· Scroll down to the Path to Graduation box in the center of the page.
· Click on “My Academic Progress” (Degree Audit).
· Click on “Generate New Degree Audit”.
· Select the current term and then click “Submit”.
· Select the program and then click “Generate Request” *If you get an error message or don’t see your major – Select the “What-If Analysis” link at the bottom of the screen, select your entry term, choose your intended major, and proceed through the next screens.

Read and review the Degree Audit and answer the following question:

5. What is your catalog term?

***Save a copy of the Degree Audit as a PDF for upload with this assignment. ***

*Disclaimer: To save a PDF version of your degree audit, we recommend using Google Chrome.  If you use any other browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) please determine the best way to save your audit as a PDF.  You are also able to print the audit, use a scanner to scan the document, and upload the PDF file into Canvas.  Google Chrome instructions: If using Google Chrome, right click on your Degree Audit, select “Print”, and then change the Destination to “Save as PDF”.

· College/University Exploration

· Complete the form below by identifying two institutions that offer your intended AS or Bachelor’s degree. AA students research 2 institutions; AS students research your program at Valencia and another institution for comparison.
· Explore institutions using the College Navigator website ( and/or go directly to the college/university website.
· In the table below, answer the questions using complete sentences; using “none” or “N/A” as a response is not sufficient.
· Indicate which institution has the advantage for each category.

College Choice #1: Fictional FL Univ.


College Choice #2: Sham State Univ.


a. Where is the school located? (city, state)
b. Will you need to relocate to attend this school?
c. Explain your housing and transportation plans.

Tangerine, FL
Yes, I will need to relocate.
I will live close to campus in an apartment. To get to campus, I will be able to use the campus shuttle; I can bike or longboard if the weather is good.
☒ ☐

Fabricated, FL
No, I will not need to relocate.
I will live at home and drive to campus for classes.


a. What program or major would you pursue?
b. What unique opportunities are provided for students in your program or major? (Use the school’s website to research –organizations, honor societies, study abroad, internships, etc.).

BA Basketweaving
The program has senior year internships, an International Basketweavers Association chapter, and the opportunity to learn basketweaving in Europe during a study abroad.

☒ ☐

BA Basket Art and Construction
The program has internships at United Basketweavers of Florida, a weekly market for students to display and sell their baskets, and a chapter of Beta Tau Upsilon Basketweaving Honor Society.


a. What is the cost of one year’s tuition?
b. Calculate the overall tuition cost for your degree.
c. List the other expenses you would incur at this school (room and board, transportation).

I would have expenses related to housing including rent, bedding, towels, etc. I would also have to pay for car expenses.

☐ ☒

I would have expenses related to my transportation like gas, tolls, and maintenance.

Environment/Campus Setting:

a. Describe the geographical size and setting of the campus (urban or suburb).
b. Evaluate if the school has the conveniences and necessities you want (ex: social and recreational activities, weather, child care, etc.).

The FFU campus is 1,222 acres and has a lot of open space. The campus feels like a small town with stores and restaurants.
FFU has a ukulele club, a recreation center with a 52 lane bowling alley. I am okay with the weather since it is a lot like where I live now.

☒ ☐

SSU is in the center of the downtown area and is in two high-rise buildings. The campus is definitely urban.
SSU has a gym/recreation center with three rock-climbing walls and a large lap pool. The weather is great and I love not having to worry about the cold.

Student Population:

Use College Navigator to answer these questions.
a. Discuss the student population and demographic. How will it encourage your personal development and college success?
b. What is the student to faculty ratio?
c. Are you comfortable with the student population and student to faculty ratio? Explain.

202,000 students attend FFU and there is a mixture of races. Most students are around my age (18-24) and take classes full time. This is a good fit for me since I will meet a variety of people.
The student to faculty ratio is something I am not comfortable with since the number of students in most classes will be large. I am not familiar with learning in a situation like this and it makes me cautious about selecting FFU.
☐ ☒

1,298 students attend SSU and 68% are Klingon. The students are mostly part time and tend to be older. I think I will make new friends and have to step out of my comfort zone, but this will be good.
The student to faculty ratio is even better than what I am used to. I think I will be able to work closely with my professors and really benefit from my classes.

· Access Your Degree Program Sheet

Follow the steps below to access your Degree Program Sheet. After reviewing the Degree Program Sheet, refer back to your Degree Audit. Determine which Common Program Prerequisites can be used to satisfy the General Education and elective requirements for your degree.

· AA Students: locate your Degree Program Sheet, go to your transfer institution’s undergraduate catalog or visit: click on this link for a video tutorial:
· Review the courses required for your four-year degree. You will need to review and determine the Common Program Prerequisites required for your AA degree. This will help you complete the Term-By-Term worksheet below.

· AS Students: locate your AS Program Sheet: Review the courses required for your two-year degree. This will help you complete the Term-By-Term worksheet below.

***Save a copy of the Degree Program Sheet as a PDF to upload with this assignment. ***

· Term-By-Term Plan

6. What is your Program or Transfer Plan: BA Basketweaving

· Use the Degree Audit and the Degree Program Sheet to plan out the remaining required courses for your degree at Valencia (do not include junior level (3000) and senior level (4000) courses). Include all necessary pre-requisites for your program.
· Fill in the courses in which you are enrolled, starting with the current term.
· Type in the term and year for each term box.
· Under the courses column, type the course prefix and code for the course you want to take (ex. ENC 1101, not English Comp).
· Include the credit hours for each course and then total the credit hours for the term at the bottom of the column.

Fall 2019


Spring 2020


Summer 2020



Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.

 ENC 1101


 ENC 1102


 HUM 1020


 SPC 1608


 MGF 1106


 STA 2023


 SLS 1122


 BSW 1020


 Click here to enter text.


 BSW 1000


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


Total Cr. Hrs. 12

Total Cr. Hrs. 9

Total Cr. Hrs. 6

Fall 2020


Spring 2021


Summer 2021



Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.

 HUN 1202


 EVR 1001


 EUH 2000


 POS 2041


 BSW 2024


 BSW 2941


 BSW 2022


 SPN 1121


 Click here to enter text.


 SPN 1120


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


Total Cr. Hrs. 13

Total Cr. Hrs. 10

Total Cr. Hrs. 4


Fall 2021


Click here to enter next term.


Click here to enter next term.



Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.


Cr. Hrs.

 HUM 2220


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 BSW 2048


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


 Click here to enter text.


Total Cr. Hrs. 6

Total Cr. Hrs.

Total Cr. Hrs.

Revised Fall 2019
· Action Plan

7. Are you assigned an advisor? (Hint: look at your academic profile in Atlas under the Courses tab) If so, who? If not, who would you contact and/or where would you go on campus for academic advising? Yes, Walt Wicker is my Basketweaving advisor.

8. Explain what requirements must be met for admission to the program:

a. Application deadlines? Application deadline is April 1.
b. GPA or specific grade requirements? A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for admission.
c. Does your program require a portfolio, audition, interview, etc. Yes, I have to submit samples of my work.
d. College level foreign language requirement? Yes, one semester of college-level foreign language.
e. Orientations? No orientations for the Basketweaving program.
f. Other? I have to pay a $500 supplies fee prior to admission to the Basketweaving program.

9. Does your degree program have Common Program Prerequisites? If so, please list them. Yes, BSW 1000 and BSW 1020 must be completed with a B or better.

10. What is the length of time needed to complete your degree in terms at Valencia; also state the anticipated term and year that you will graduate Valencia. My degree will take 7 terms and I will complete my AA degree in Fall 2021.

11. Explain why you selected a particular school and the reasons you gave it the advantage over the other institution. Provide specific rationale for your choice using the information from your research.  Include specific facts that demonstrate you have thought critically about the institution you have selected. Detail your action plan to get accepted into your desired program.

I selected Fictional Florida University for my Bachelors of Arts degree in Basketweaving because it has one of the best programs in the nation. The opportunity to intern during my senior year and to study abroad in Europe would contribute greatly to my skills in this field. I am concerned about the size of my classes because of the student to faculty ratio but I will make sure to visit my professors during office hours and use the resources available on campus so I can do well in my courses. I think I will make new friends in my classes and the International Basketweavers Association chapter. I can become involved with the chapter and possibly even hold a leadership position. I can also get involved with the ukulele club and join a bowling team. The cost of FFU tuition is slightly higher than SSU and I will incur the additional expense of housing but I think that it will be worth it because in the end I will have better opportunities to secure a job after graduation. My action plan to get accepted into the Basketweaving program at FFU is to mix in my Common Program Prerequisites like BSW 1000 and BSW 1020 with my other classes so I can start to develop my skills now. I have to earn at minimum of a B in the BSW courses and I believe I can do that if I attend class, complete the projects, and use my professors as a resource. The projects from these classes could end up being part of the samples I have to submit for admission to the program if I do my best work. I will have to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA to be accepted into the program so I will use resources like tutoring and study groups to keep my grades up. I need to take a foreign language class for admission to the program but since I did not take foreign language classes in high school I have to take two semesters for my AA degree. I will start to save the $500 supply fee that is part of admission to make it more manageable. If I save $25 each month, I will have enough to cover the fee. I will need to apply to the program by April 1 so I can start in January 2022 after I finish my AA in Fall 2021. Finally, I know that I should check in with my advisor, Mr. Wicker, each semester to talk about my classes and the program.

Revised Fall 2019

Academic Bluep

rint Assignment



Charli Atlas



the Academic Blueprint assignment in its entirety

to earn full credit

. This document must be typed.


You will need to upload 3 documents to Canvas for this assignment to be considered complete. Upload the following files to t

he Canvas

Assignment area before clicking “Submit Assignment:”


Academic Blueprint Assignment.





Bachelors Program Sheet or AS

Program S




Atlas Research of Academic Pathway


Login to Atlas

and click on the




Click on

Take Me to

My Education Plan



If you are a high school/Dual Enrollment student please review:

MEP “What If”


Read and review the Education Plan


Checklist and answer the following questions


(Need help finding your Education Plan?



What degree is listed?


ssociate in Arts Degree


What major is listed?

AA General Studies


What is your Meta


Industry/Manufacturing & Construction


Do you need to change your













If yes, please contact your advisor.



ccess Y

our Degree Audit in Atlas


Login to Atlas

and click on the




Scroll down to the Path to Graduation box in the center of the page.



on “

My A

cademic Progress

(Degree Audit).


Click on

“Generate New Degree Audit”



Select the current term and then click “Submit”.


Select the program and then click “

Generate Request”

*If you get an error

message or don’t see your major

Select the “




link at the


of the screen, select

your entry term, choose your intended major,

and proceed

through the next screens.

Read and review the Degree Audit and answer the following


Revised Fall 2019
Academic Blueprint Assignment

Name: Charli Atlas

 Complete the Academic Blueprint assignment in its entirety to earn full credit. This document must be typed.
 You will need to upload 3 documents to Canvas for this assignment to be considered complete. Upload the following files to the Canvas
Assignment area before clicking “Submit Assignment:”
o Academic Blueprint Assignment.
o Degree Audit.
o Bachelors Program Sheet or AS Program Sheet.

 Atlas Research of Academic Pathway

 Login to Atlas and click on the “LifeMap” tab.
 Click on “Take Me to My Education Plan”.
o If you are a high school/Dual Enrollment student please review: MEP “What If”
 Read and review the Education Plan Degree Checklist and answer the following questions: (Need help finding your Education Plan?

1. What degree is listed? Associate in Arts Degree
2. What major is listed? AA General Studies
3. What is your Meta-Major? Industry/Manufacturing & Construction
4. Do you need to change your Degree/Major and/or Meta-Major? Yes? No? *If yes, please contact your advisor.
 Access Your Degree Audit in Atlas
 Login to Atlas and click on the “Students” tab.
 Scroll down to the Path to Graduation box in the center of the page.
 Click on “My Academic Progress” (Degree Audit).
 Click on “Generate New Degree Audit”.
 Select the current term and then click “Submit”.
 Select the program and then click “Generate Request” *If you get an error message or don’t see your major – Select the “What-If
Analysis” link at the bottom of the screen, select your entry term, choose your intended major, and proceed through the next screens.

Read and review the Degree Audit and answer the following question:

Assignment/Assignment-1/Academic Blueprint

3/18/2020 Academic Blueprint 1/4

Academic Blueprint

Due Tuesday by 11:59pm Points 200 Submitting a file upload
File Types pdf, doc, and docx Available Feb 25 at 12am – Mar 31 at 11:59pm about 1 month

Academic Blueprint Rubric

Submit Assignment

The purpose of the Academic Blueprint assignment is to allow students to gain an understanding of:

The pros and cons of specific institutions and programs that a student is considering for transfer
The cost of tuition and the requirements for admission to the transfer institution
The usefulness of the Degree Audit in ATLAS

Academic Blueprint Assignment

Academic Blueprint Assignment

Academic Blueprint Cheat Sheet x

Academic Blueprint Rubric

Academic Blueprint Sample

Directions for Submission

1. To submit an assignment, click the Submit Assignment
2. Ensure that the File Upload tab is selected (this is how you be able to upload a file from your

computer and submit it as your assignment).
3. Click the Choose File button to select the file that will be submitted for grading. If more than one file

must be included in your submission, click Add Another File to add another file.
4. Click the Submit Assignment button to submit your assignment for grading.

If you forget to attach a file, click the Re-Submit Assignment button to submit your file before the

3/18/2020 Academic Blueprint 2/4

Criteria Ratings Pts

2.0 pts

2.0 pts

2.0 pts

20.0 pts

2.0 pts

4.0 pts

2.0 pts

2.0 pts

Atlas Research of Academic Pathway:

Demonstrate use of MEP Checklist by
reviewing information and identifying
declared major and degree, and
necessary updates to their Degree,
Major and/or Meta-Major (#1-4).

2.0 pts

1.0 pts
Complete with errors

0.0 pts

Access your Degree Audit in ATLAS:

Demonstrate use of Degree Audit by
reviewing information and identifying
catalog term (#5).

2.0 pts

1.0 pts
Complete with errors

0.0 pts

Access your Degree Audit in ATLAS:

Generate and upload Degree Audit.

2.0 pts

0.0 pts
Incomplete/Upload not included

College/University Exploration:
Compare Schools

Compare and contrast two schools of
interest by researching and providing
detailed responses about the

20.0 pts

6.0 pts
Complete with errors/minor

0.0 pts

College/University Exploration:

School with advantage identified for all

2.0 pts

1.0 pts

0.0 pts

Access your Degree Program Sheet:

Locate and upload Degree Program

4.0 pts

0.0 pts
Incomplete/Upload not included

Term-By-Term Plan: #6

Program/Transfer Plan identified (#6).
2.0 pts

1.0 pts
Complete with errors

0.0 pts

Term-By-Term Plan: Label Boxes

Term boxes are labeled accurately
with term/year.

2.0 pts

1.0 pts
Complete with errors

0.0 pts

3/18/2020 Academic Blueprint 3/4

Criteria Ratings Pts

20.0 pts

2.0 pts

20.0 pts

20.0 pts

Term-By-Term Plan: Course Selection

Complete a term-by-term academic
plan which includes all courses
required for degree/program.

20.0 pts

3.0 pts
Complete with errors

0.0 pts

 NSE-TermByTerm-CT-V1
view longer description
threshold: 1.0 pts

2.0 pts
Excellent – This
information is
used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade

1.0 pts
Satisfactory –
This information
is used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade

0.0 pts
Developing – This
information is
used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade

Term-By-Term Plan: Credit Hours

Credit hours are totaled for each term

2.0 pts

1.0 pts

0.0 pts

Action Plan: #7-10

Demonstrate understanding of
degree/program/major by identifying
advisor, requirements, CPP, and
completion term/year (#7-10).

20.0 pts

6.0 pts
Complete with errors

0.0 pts

Action Plan: #11

Rationale for selecting institution is
explained in detail using information
from research and the steps and
requirements to gain program
admission/earn desired degree (#11)

20.0 pts

6.0 pts

0.0 pts

 NSE-ActionPlan-CT-V1
view longer description
threshold: 1.0 pts

2.0 pts
Excellent – This
information is
used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade

1.0 pts
Satisfactory –
This information
is used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade

0.0 pts
Developing – This
information is
used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade

3/18/2020 Academic Blueprint 4/4

Total Points: 100.0

Criteria Ratings Pts

2.0 pts

Writing Mechanics

Clarity, Sentence Fluency, Word
Choice and Spelling/Grammar; Writing
is free of grammatical and mechanical
errors. Words are used correctly.
Sentence structure conveys the ideas

2.0 pts
No errors

1.0 pts
Minimal errors

0.0 pts
Frequent errors

Assignment/Assignment-2/Final Story Planning Document (Revised 2019) 6.6-1 x
Final Story Project Planning Document

Instructions: For the Final Story Project assignment, you are required to present where you will be eight to ten years from now. In the spaces below, provide detailed responses to the prompts. Your responses are key points to address in your presentation and will be helpful in developing your Final Story Project.


1. What is the setting for your presentation?
Click here to enter text.
2. Who is your audience?
Click here to enter text.
3. Why are we (the audience) listening to your story?
Click here to enter text.
4. What type of visual aids/media will you use in your presentation? Select all that apply.

☐ PowerPoint Presentation
☐ Video
☐ Other (if selected, please list what will be used): Click here to enter text.
☐ None

5. List any props you will use to assist with telling your story.
Click here to enter text.
6. Describe the attire you will wear for your presentation.
Click here to enter text.


7. What is your purpose? State your purpose statement.

Click here to enter text.

8. Explain how you came to understand your purpose.
Click here to enter text.
9. Explain how your purpose is related to your values, goals, interests, and/or strengths.
Click here to enter text.
10. Explain how your purpose is related to your career goals.
Click here to enter text.

Career Pathway

11. During your presentation what is your career?
Click here to enter text.
12. During the final semesters in college and following graduation from college, what was your career pathway? Provide details as to certifications, licensures, internships, and promotions that occurred.

Click here to enter text.
13. Describe your profession including job duties and daily routines. Include details and vocabulary that are unique to this career.

Click here to enter text.
14. Explain the general workforce skills that are needed for your profession. Discuss what skills are needed to perform your job.

Click here to enter text.

Academic Pathway

15. During the presentation, what degree(s) will you have completed? Include degrees from Valencia and transfer institutions, if applicable. Also include majors.

Click here to enter text.
16. Outline the overall cost of your education and the sources for funding your degree(s). Provide specific names of grants, loans, or scholarships.

Click here to enter text.
17. What steps did you take to ensure that you successfully complete your degree(s)? Include Valencia resources, including people, places, and course lessons, which you utilized for academic success and career planning.

Click here to enter text.

18. In the space below, provide a detailed outline of how you plan to organize the information in your presentation. Remember, your final presentation should be approximately 5-8 minutes in length.

Click here to enter text.


19. My Final Story Project is due on: Click here to enter a date.

Important note: The key to a great presentation is preparation. Plan to start working on your project _______ weeks prior to the due date. Doing so will ensure you have time to rehearse, record, or make changes to the project before it is due.
Updated 6/10/2019

Assignment/Assignment-2/Final Story Planning Document (Revised 2019) sample x

Final Story Project Planning Document

Instructions: For the Final Story Project assignment, you are required to present where you will be eight to ten years from now. In the spaces below, provide detailed responses to the prompts. Your responses are key points to address in your presentation and will be helpful in developing your Final Story Project.


1. What is the setting for your presentation?
Conference room at The Hershey Company in Hershey, PA.
2. Who is your audience?
Managing officers and human resources staff of The Hershey Company; individuals who are responsible for the hiring process.
3. Why are we (the audience) listening to your story?
I am in the final round of the interview process for a position in logistics management at The Hershey Company. I have completed two previous interviews, one on the phone and the other with an individual who would be my supervisor. I believe going into this interview as the top choice for the logistics manager for the American markets.
4. What type of visual aids/media will you use in your presentation? Select all that apply.

☒ PowerPoint Presentation
☐ Video
☐ Other (if selected, please list what will be used): Click here to enter text.
☐ None

5. List any props you will use to assist with telling your story.
Planner, tablet, pen.
6. Describe the attire you will wear for your presentation.
Business dress (jacket, blouse/shirt, pants, dress shoes).


7. What is your purpose? State your purpose statement.

My purpose is to use my skills and strengths to identify challenges I encounter through life and develop creative solutions that lead to positive outcomes.

8. Explain how you came to understand your purpose.
Identifying my purpose has been an ongoing struggle because I continually hear I should “be happy” or “make a lot of money.” By completing the My Plan activities and StrengthsQuest I realized that if I really find my purpose I will be happy. I also realized that just because I have loads of money I won’t necessarily want to get up every morning to deal with job I hate. I know that when there is a problem to be solved, I often come up with solutions that others don’t see after I have time to think things over. I like to complete logic problems and solve riddles; I can lose track of time when completing a Sudoku puzzle. I started to recognize after talking about purpose in the NSE course that my love for being logical and solving problems could be my purpose.
9. Explain how your purpose is related to your values, goals, interests, and/or strengths.
My purpose is strongly linked to my analytical strength. I always knew that I thought about a majority of things in my life by evaluating all of the information I had available. I know that in relationships with family and friends I sometimes “overthink” things but this time is important for me to really understand the full situation and be able to help others. The My Plan interest inventory provided results that I am investigating, enterprising, and realistic. These three qualities really relate to my purpose: I want to engage with others and identify problems, try to solve the problems creatively, and help everyone around me be happy.
10. Explain how your purpose is related to your career goals.
My purpose relates to my career goals because logistics management is a daily challenge in problem solving. I read the job description for logistics management and got excited. My purpose relates to my career goals because I will be able to use information to help the company that hires me and solve problems. Problems are a key part of my purpose and I recognize that I don’t run from them. I look at problems like a puzzle and like to solve them.

Career Pathway

11. During your presentation what is your career?
Logistics Manager/Supply Chain Manager
12. During the final semesters in college and following graduation from college, what was your career pathway? Provide details as to certifications, licensures, internships, and promotions that occurred.

While completing my bachelor’s degree at Florida Polytechnic University I was able to complete an internship with Siemens related to transportation and logistics for their power and gas division.
I was encouraged by my professors and colleagues at Siemens to join the American Society of Transportation and Logistics (AST&L). Membership in AST&L allowed me to gain certifications in my field immediately following graduation. I received certification as a Global Logistics Associate which helped me gain employment following graduation.
Following completion of my bachelor’s degree at FPU in 2019 I joined Coca-Cola as a transportation planner at the Auburndale, FL plant.
While working for Coca-Cola I completed my Master’s degree in Supply Chain Management in 2021 at Penn State through their online world campus.
I was promoted to the transportation planning manager position of the southeast U.S. in 2022.
I completed additional certification with AST&L: Professional Designation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in 2023, and Certified in Transportation and Logistics in 2024.
I have actively attended conferences related to logistics management and supply chain management.

13. Describe your profession including job duties and daily routines. Include details and vocabulary that are unique to this career.

Logistics managers are responsible for planning and coordinating the movement of inventory from suppliers to production facilities to vendors.
My daily schedule involves time on the computer tracking materials and researching information about numerous variables that can impact the price and availability of materials.
Meetings with other top managers like financial officers and executive officers happen on a regular basis.
In addition, I need to attend sales meetings with suppliers and vendors to ensure that a quality product is delivered from both sides of the production process.

14. Explain the general workforce skills that are needed for your profession. Discuss what skills are needed to perform your job.

Organization, computer skills, and the ability to work under stress are important in my job. People skills are also important; I am not dealing directly with the “customer” who will buy our product but my co-workers, vendors, and suppliers need to have clear communication from me.

Academic Pathway

15. During the presentation, what degree(s) will you have completed? Include degrees from Valencia and transfer institutions, if applicable. Also include majors.

I will have completed my associate in arts degree from Valencia College, my bachelors of science in logistics management from Florida Polytechnic University, and my master’s degree from Penn State’s College of Business in Supply Chain Management.
16. Outline the overall cost of your education and the sources for funding your degree(s). Provide specific names of grants, loans, or scholarships.

Undergraduate Degrees
Valencia: 60 credits x $103.06 = $6,183.60
FL Poly: 60 credits x $165 = $9,900
Total cost of my undergraduate tuition: $16,083.60***
*** (does not include books, transportation, housing, etc.)
Pell Grant: $5,775 x 4 years = $23,100
I will have sufficient funds if I maintain satisfactory academic progress to pay for my undergraduate tuition. I will have approximately $7,017 that I can apply to books ($500 x 10 semester = $5,000). I plan on living at home while I attend Valencia and Florida Polytechnic so I will contribute the remaining amount ($2,000+) to household expenses. By living at home I will save a substantial amount of money when compared to living on campus at Florida Poly. The disadvantage is that I will have to commute approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes each day of classes and I will miss being part of the on-campus activities.
I plan on working a part-time job while at Valencia and I estimate that I will be able to pay my transportation costs (insurance, fuel, vehicle maintenance) from those paychecks. I average 22 hours a week and make around $550 each month after taxes and withholdings. I plan on applying for scholarships through the Valencia Foundation and Florida Polytechnic. Florida Poly currently offers to transfer students the Poly Scholarship, Provost’s Scholarship and President’s Scholarship that range from $1,000 to $16,000. The scholarships are tied to GPA and course completion so I will focus on keeping the highest GPA possible to qualify for financial assistance when I transfer. Any scholarship awards will be used to pay for my tuition and books, and my Pell Grant award will then be saved to help pay for my graduate degree.
Graduate Degree
Penn State: 30 credits x $975 = $29,250 *** (program is completely online)
*** does not include books, transportation, housing, etc.
I will be working full-time while completing my master’s degree so I plan on using a tuition installment plan to break my tuition expenses into monthly payments. If that is not an option I will take out a loan to pay for the cost of my graduate degree. I will research student loans and select one that has the lowest interest rates. I will also focus on paying back the loan early by making additional payments whenever my income allows. I realize that I am paying for the convenience of completing this degree online while still working full-time. I rationalize that since I am going to be fresh out of college and not used to the slight increase in income from my full-time job, I will be able to better at saving for my graduate program expenses.
17. What steps did you take to ensure that you successfully complete your degree(s)? Include Valencia resources, including people, places, and course lessons, which you utilized for academic success and career planning.

I used the Career Center to evaluate majors that were related to business; I knew I wanted to work in an office environment but did not want to major in business administration, marketing, or accounting.
The My Plan assessment in LifeMap was helpful to learn more about myself and good career matches. When I first saw my results I did not think many were good matches for me but once I took time to read though details about the careers I could see how some were perfect choices for me.
I made use of the Advising Center when selecting courses to be sure that my class schedule aligned with my intended major. I would often see the first available advisor, but my favorite was Mr. Velez because he would take time to ask me questions about my current classes before jumping into the classes for the next term. He really took interest in my success as a student and that motivated me to continue to work hard. I took time to visit the Advising Center at least once each term to ensure my course selections prior to registration were on target.
The tutoring services were helpful for my math courses and it became a routine that I visited weekly to review homework and prep for quizzes and tests.
I attended a Skillshop about interviews and resumes which provided tips that helped me prepare for entry into the workforce. I had created a resume in high school but the information I learned in the Skillshop was more on target with what I will need in the business world.
My OST 1335C Business Communication course was an initial course that I completed which proved beneficial each semester. I knew that communicating clearly, whether in writing or verbally, would be important for my future job. The course actually taught me skills I used in future courses and during my internships.

18. In the space below, provide a detailed outline of how you plan to organize the information in your presentation. Remember, your final presentation should be approximately 5-8 minutes in length.

· I will begin by thanking the audience (hiring committee at The Hershey Company) for inviting me back for another opportunity to talk to them about my qualifications for the role as Logistics Manager.
· I will say that I know they asked me to come prepared with a quick biography to share with them about why I feel I would be a good addition to the “Hershey Family.” PowerPoint will be used to share images related to main topics.
· I will share information about my purpose (purpose statement) and my strengths (highlighting analytical and focus).
· Next, I will mention my initial desire to work in a business environment and how I came to recognize my unique skillset for logistics managements (NSE course using My Plan, conducting career interview, using StrengthsQuest to better understand and develop my strengths).
· I will discuss my educational path at Valencia, FL Poly, and Penn State, making sure to highlight internship experience.
· I will discuss my involvement in professional organizations, especially AST&L.
· My work experience with Siemens and Coca-Cola will be shared and then I will open the floor to questions from the hiring committee.


19. My Final Story Project is due on: 12/14/2019

Important note: The key to a great presentation is preparation. Plan to start working on your project _______ weeks prior to the due date. Doing so will ensure you have time to rehearse, record, or make changes to the project before it is due.

Updated 6/10/2019

Updated 6/



Final Story Project Planning Document




Final Story P



, you are required to


where you will be


to ten

years from now. In the spaces below, provide



to the prompts. Your responses

are key

points to address in your presentation and will be helpful in developing your Final S






What is the setting for your presentation?

Conference room at The Hershey Company in Hershey, PA.


Who is your audience?

Managing officers and human resources staff of The Hershey C


; individuals who


responsible for the hiring process.


Why are we (the audience) listening to your story?

I am in the final round of the interview process for a position in logistics management at



Company. I have completed two previous

interviews, one on the phone and the other

with an individual who

would be my supervisor.

I believe going into this interview


the top


for the logistics manager for the




What type of visual aids/media will you use in your pres


Select all that apply.


PowerPoint Presentation




Other (if selected, please list what will be used):

Click here to enter text.




List any props you will use to assist with telling your story.





Describe the attire you will wear for your presentation.

Business dress (jacket, blouse/shirt, pants, dress shoes).



What is your purpose? State your purpose statement.

My purpose

is to use my skills and strengths to identify challenges


encounter through life


develop creative solutions that lead to positive outcomes.

Updated 6/10/2019

Final Story Project Planning Document
Instructions: For the Final Story Project assignment, you are required to present where you will be eight
to ten years from now. In the spaces below, provide detailed responses to the prompts. Your responses
are key points to address in your presentation and will be helpful in developing your Final Story Project.
1. What is the setting for your presentation?
Conference room at The Hershey Company in Hershey, PA.
2. Who is your audience?
Managing officers and human resources staff of The Hershey Company; individuals who are
responsible for the hiring process.
3. Why are we (the audience) listening to your story?
I am in the final round of the interview process for a position in logistics management at The
Hershey Company. I have completed two previous interviews, one on the phone and the other
with an individual who would be my supervisor. I believe going into this interview as the top
choice for the logistics manager for the American markets.
4. What type of visual aids/media will you use in your presentation? Select all that apply.
? PowerPoint Presentation
? Video
? Other (if selected, please list what will be used): Click here to enter text.
? None

5. List any props you will use to assist with telling your story.
Planner, tablet, pen.
6. Describe the attire you will wear for your presentation.
Business dress (jacket, blouse/shirt, pants, dress shoes).
7. What is your purpose? State your purpose statement.

My purpose is to use my skills and strengths to identify challenges I encounter through life and
develop creative solutions that lead to positive outcomes.

Assignment/Assignment-2/Final Story Project (Final Exam)

3/18/2020 Final Story Project (Final Exam) 1/4

Final Story Project (Final Exam)

Due No Due Date Points 100
Submitting a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
Available until Apr 23 at 11:59pm

Submit Assignment

Throughout the semester you have had the opportunity to identify your purpose, explore your career,
and plan for your education here at Valencia and beyond. You have taken a variety of assessments that
offered insight into your strengths, values, interests, learning, and student strategies. You have also
learned about Valencia’s valuable resources that will help you navigate your way through college and
successfully accomplish your ultimate purpose in life. Now it is time to share what you have learned by
telling a story.

Review the Final Story Project Directions.

Use the Final Story Planning Document to organize the content and flow of your final story.

Since we will not be presenting this in class, you may submit this assignment in one of two ways:

1. POWERPOINT and TRANSCRIPT. Create a powerpoint that you would have shown in class if you
were going to present live. You must also include a word-for-word transcript of what you would have
said in your presentation to the class.

2. VIDEO. Video presentations do not need powerpoints or transcripts. You can film yourself giving the
presentation as if you would have given it in class, or you can film yourself doing a creative
presentation. For video ideas, go to YouTube and search for “Valencia Final Story Project” or “SLS Final
Story Project.”


Assignment Files

Final Story Project Directions (File Link)

Final Story Planning Document (File Link)

Final Story Planning Document SAMPLE (File Link)

Final Story Project Rubric (File Link)

Directions for Submission

3/18/2020 Final Story Project (Final Exam) 2/4

Final Story Project (Final Exam) Rubric

1. To submit an assignment, click the Submit Assignment
2. Ensure that the File Upload tab is selected (this is how you be able to upload a file from your

computer and submit it as your assignment).
3. Click the Choose File button to select the file that will be submitted for grading. If more than one file

must be included in your submission, click Add Another File to add another file.
4. Click the Submit Assignment button to submit your assignment for grading.

If you forget to attach a file, click the Re-Submit Assignment button to submit your file before the

3/18/2020 Final Story Project (Final Exam) 3/4

Criteria Ratings Pts

20.0 pts

5.0 pts

25.0 pts


Student vividly defined setting,
audience, and background.
Student used a creative/original
approach to articulate their story in a
realistic and logical way.
Visual aids, props, and/or attire were
relevant to the setting and story.
Presentation was within the time limit.
Student was prepared and media (if
applicable) was well-produced.

20.0 pts

15.0 pts
Mostly fulfilled

10.0 pts
Partially fulfilled


Delivery techniques contributed to the
effectiveness of the presentation
(expressive, dynamic, natural, and
The speaker appeared confident and
prepared. Imaginative and memorable
language was used.

5.0 pts

3.0 pts
Mostly fulfilled

1.0 pts
Partially fulfilled

 NSE-LanguageDelivery-OC-V1
view longer description
threshold: 1.0 pts

2.0 pts
Excellent – This
information is
used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade

1.0 pts
Satisfactory –
This information
is used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade

0.0 pts
Developing –
This information
is used for data
collection and
does not impact
your grade


Student clearly stated their personal
purpose statement and included all of
the following:
– a rationale for the personal purpose
– a clear connection between their
values, goals, interests and/or
strengths and their personal purpose
– an explanation of how the personal
purpose statement informed their
career goals

25.0 pts

20.0 pts

10.0 pts

3/18/2020 Final Story Project (Final Exam) 4/4

Total Points: 100.0

Criteria Ratings Pts

25.0 pts

25.0 pts

Career Pathway

Student clearly identified profession/title
identified and provided a detailed
explanation of career pathway
including: internships, certifications,
licensures, etc. required for the
profession (if applicable).
Student also included all of the
– a detailed description of the
– a discussion of general workforce

25.0 pts

20.0 pts

10.0 pts

Academic Pathway

Student clearly articulated their
academic pathway. All of the following
were clearly outlined:
– Valencia degree, transfer institution
degree and major, advanced or
professional degrees required (if
– cost of education and the financial
plan used to fund their associate’s and
bachelor’s degree (if applicable)
– Valencia resources used to be
successful and/or develop the
education plan

25.0 pts

24.0 pts

10.0 pts

Assignment/Assignment-2/Final Story Project Directions Revised for Fall 19 UPDATED 6.28.19 x
Final Exam: Final Story Project


Throughout the semester you have had the opportunity to identify your purpose, explore your career, and plan for your education here at Valencia and beyond. You have taken a variety of assessments that offered insight into your strengths, values, interests, learning, and student strategies. You have also learned about Valencia’s valuable resources that will help you navigate your way through college and successfully accomplish your ultimate purpose in life. Now it is time to share what you have learned by telling a story.

Imagine that it is eight to ten years from now. You have already completed your education and you are currently working in your dream career. You are looking back on your journey and telling your story while incorporating what you have learned in this course. You can choose who you will be sharing your story with and the manner in which you tell your story, but it must be delivered in class during your final exam.

Creativity and forward thinking are extremely important for this project. Below are a couple of examples of ways a story could be told. Note: You do not have to tell your story in any of the following ways, these are only examples.

· You are talking to your high school coach/mentor who believed in you and now you want to let him or her see where you are today.
· You are being interviewed on the news because you ________________.
· You are mentoring a new employee/student who wants to know how you got to where you are today.

The ideas are endless, so think about your audience and bring the background, setting, and overall presentation to life. Be creative with how you share your story. Plan your presentation and ensure that delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness) help to convey the meaning of your final presentation.

Presentation Instructions
Your presentation must be 5-8 minutes. You must submit a copy of the presentation.

The following elements must be included:


Your story should be told in a creative, realistic way. The audience should be able to clearly identify the setting and background for your presentation. You should also use visual aids, props, and/or attire that is relevant to the setting and story.
You should adhere to the time limit (5-8 minutes) for your presentation.
You should be prepared for your presentation and if you incorporate media it should be well-produced.


You should be prepared and confident when speaking.
You should use language/vocabulary that aligns with your future path.

Personal purpose

Discuss your personal purpose statement (from your purpose paper). Your presentation should include:
· A rationale for your personal purpose statement
· A clear connection between your values, interests, strengths or goals (from the assessments taken in the course)
· An explanation of how the personal purpose statement helped you choose your career

Academic pathway

Discuss the path you took to complete your education. Your presentation should include:
· The degree you pursued at Valencia and your transfer institution (if applicable)
· A review of how much it cost you to complete your associate’s and bachelor’s degree (if applicable) and how you paid for your education (for example: grants, loans, scholarships, personal budget)
· Information about the resources (for example: people, places, course lessons) you used at Valencia to help you be successful and/or develop your education plan

Career pathway

Discuss the path you took to get to your career of choice. Your presentation should include:
· The steps you took after completing your degree to secure your career (internships, certifications, licensures, etc.)
· A detailed description of your profession (what do you do?)
· A discussion of general workforce skills (what skills are needed to do what you do?)

Review the Final Story Project Rubric to gain a better understanding of how you will be assessed on your final exam.

Updated 6/11/19

Assignment/Assignment-2/Final Story Project Rubric (Revised 2019) 6.4 x

Final Story Project Rubric






Student vividly defined setting, audience, and background.
Student used a creative/original approach to articulate their story in a realistic and logical way.
Visual aids, props, and/or attire were relevant to the setting and story.
Presentation was within the time limit.
Student was prepared and media (if applicable) was well-produced.


Mostly fulfilled

Partially fulfilled


Delivery techniques contributed to the effectiveness of the presentation (expressive, dynamic, natural, and comfortable).
The speaker appeared confident and prepared. Imaginative and memorable language was used.


Mostly fulfilled

Partially fulfilled


Student clearly stated their personal purpose statement and included all of the following:
· a rationale for the personal purpose statement
· a clear connection between their values, goals, interests and/or strengths and their personal purpose statement
· an explanation of how the personal purpose statement informed their career goals

Fully addressed

Mostly addressed

Partially addressed

Career Pathway

Student clearly identified profession/title identified and provided a detailed explanation of career pathway including: internships, certifications, licensures, etc. required for the profession (if applicable).
Student also included all of the following:
· a detailed description of the profession
· a discussion of general workforce skills

Fully addressed

Mostly addressed

Partially addressed

Academic Pathway

Student clearly articulated their academic pathway. All of the following were clearly outlined:
· Valencia degree, transfer institution degree and major, advanced or professional degrees required (if applicable)
· cost of education and the financial plan used to fund their associate’s and bachelor’s degree (if applicable)
· Valencia resources used to be successful and/or develop the education plan

Fully addressed

Mostly addressed

Partially addressed

SLO: Student Learning Outcomes (6 P’s)

GE: General Education Outcomes (Critical Thinking, Oral Communication)
Updated 6/4/19

Updated 6/4/19

Updated 6/4/19

Final Story Project Rubric






Student vividly defined setting, audience, and background.

Student used a creative/original approach to articulate


story in a realistic and logical way.

Visual aids, props, and/or attire were relevant to the setting and story.

Presentation was within


time limit


Student was prepared and media (if applicable) was well



Mostly fulfilled




Delivery techniques contributed to the effectiveness of the presentation (


dynamic, natural,

and comfortable



The speaker appeared confident and prepared. Imaginative and memorable language was used.


Mostly fulfilled




Student clearly stated


personal purpose statement and included


of the following:


a rationale for the personal purpose statement


a clear connection between


values, goals, interests and/or strengths and


personal purpose statement


an explanation of how the personal purpose statement informed


career goals

Fully addressed





Career Pathway

Student clearly identified p

rofession/title identified and provided a

detailed explanation

of career pathway including:

internships, certifications, licensures, etc. required for the profession (if applicable).





of the following:


a detailed description of the profession


a discussion of general wor

kforce skills

Fully addressed





Academic Pathway

Student clearly articulated their a

cademic pathway.



of the following were clearly outlined:


Valencia degree, transfer institution degree and major, advanced or

professional degrees required (if applicable)


cost of education and the financial plan used to fund their associate’s and bachelor’s degree (if applicable)


Valencia resources used to be successful and/or develop the education plan

Fully addressed






: Student Learning Outcomes (6 P’s)


: General Education Outcomes (Critical Thinking, Oral Communication)

Updated 6/4/19

Final Story Project Rubric
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Developing

Student vividly defined setting, audience, and background.
Student used a creative/original approach to articulate their story in a realistic and logical way.
Visual aids, props, and/or attire were relevant to the setting and story.
Presentation was within the time limit.
Student was prepared and media (if applicable) was well-produced.

Fulfilled Mostly fulfilled Partially

Delivery techniques contributed to the effectiveness of the presentation (expressive, dynamic, natural, and comfortable).
The speaker appeared confident and prepared. Imaginative and memorable language was used.

Fulfilled Mostly fulfilled Partially

Student clearly stated their personal purpose statement and included all of the following:
 a rationale for the personal purpose statement
 a clear connection between their values, goals, interests and/or strengths and their personal purpose statement
 an explanation of how the personal purpose statement informed their career goals

Fully addressed Mostly
Career Pathway

Student clearly identified profession/title identified and provided a detailed explanation of career pathway including:
internships, certifications, licensures, etc. required for the profession (if applicable).
Student also included all of the following:
 a detailed description of the profession
 a discussion of general workforce skills

Fully addressed Mostly
Academic Pathway

Student clearly articulated their academic pathway. All of the following were clearly outlined:
 Valencia degree, transfer institution degree and major, advanced or professional degrees required (if applicable)
 cost of education and the financial plan used to fund their associate’s and bachelor’s degree (if applicable)
 Valencia resources used to be successful and/or develop the education plan

Fully addressed Mostly

SLO: Student Learning Outcomes (6 P’s)
GE: General Education Outcomes (Critical Thinking, Oral Communication)

Assignment/Assignment-3/College, Self, and Career Exploration

3/18/2020 College, Self, and Career Exploration 1/1

College, Self, and Career Exploration

Due Mar 31 by 11:59pm Points 100
Submitting a text entry box, a website url, or a file upload File Types pdf, doc, and docx
Available Mar 4 at 12am – Apr 7 at 11:59pm about 1 month

Submit Assignment

Follow these directions to write your assignment:

Complete the Career Personality Assessment in MyPlan.Com. What is your 4-letter personality

Since we are not having the formal lecture on this material in class, review your 4-letter type on
this website: (

What can you learn from each of these letters about yourself? (500 words/2 page minimum)

You may write about how the four letters help you in your interpersonal exchanges with others, how they
might affect your study habits, or how they might guide your choice of career.

Assignment/Assignment-4/Valencia College Orlando Florida Support Services Exploration

3/18/2020 Support Services Exploration 1/2

Support Services Exploration

Due Apr 14 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload
File Types pdf, doc, and docx Available Jan 7 at 12am – Apr 21 at 11:59pm 4 months

Submit Assignment

Please choose a place on campus (any campus) and do a brief, 2-page research report on this place. You
may wish to speak with a staff member at the place in order to answer the following questions, or do your
own research. At least five of the following six questions must be answered in your report:

What key services are provided at this place?
What hours is this place open? When is this place the busiest (time of day and/or part of term)?
How can this place help you become a better student?
What advice does the faculty/staff have on being a successful student?
Do you foresee visiting this place in the future and would recommend it to a friend? Why or why not?
What were the two most important things you learned about the place?


The following are a list of places you might consider doing your project on:

Advising Center
Answer Center
Assessment/Testing Center
Atlas Lab
Business Office
Campus Store
Career Center
Fitness and Wellness Center
International Student Services
Internship and Workforce Services
Learning Support Center
Math Labs
Office for Students with Disabilities
Security Office
Student Development
Veterans Affairs
Writing Labs

3/18/2020 Support Services Exploration 2/2

*watch Netflix. And of course, finish this assignment
*write about music, I should choose any kind of music and write about it
*you can write a 2 page transcript of what you would have said if you could have done it in person. Or you could send me a YouTube link of yourself presenting your chosen work of art, music, or literature.

Valencia College – Degree Checklist

Student View AA12yiPa as of 12/21/2019 at 03:39

Student Alhumaidi, Sajidah Ahmed M Degree Associate in Science Degree

VID V03618584 Major AS Electronics Engineering Tech: Electronics

Campus West Campus Valencia GPA

Advisor Sowell, Jon M Transfer GPA 2.57

Expected Grad 31-DEC-24 Overall GPA 2.57


Earned Credits 26.00




Meta-Major Science, Tech, Engin, Math

Degree Progress
Requirements 33%

Credits 60%

Degree in Associate of Science

Unmet conditions for this set of requirements:
A minimum of 17 credits must be taken in residence at Valencia


68 credits are required.

You meet the overall minimum GPA
A minimum Valencia GPA of 2.0 will be
required for graduation.

Major Requirements Still Needed: See Electronics Engineer Tech/Electronics section

Electronics Engineer Tech/Electronics
Catalog Year: 2019-2020 Credits Required: 68

GPA: 3.42 Credits : 19

Unmet conditions for this set of requirements: 68 credits are required.


The New Student Experience SLS 1122 New Student Experience IP (3) Spring 2020

Freshman Composition I

ENC 1101 Freshman Comp I A 3 Fall 2019


ENG1101 – English Composition I – Sinclair Community College

Mathematics for Engineering Technology MTB 1329 Mathematics for Engin Tech IP (3) Spring 2020

Introduction to Engineering Technology EET 1214C Intro to Engineering Tech IP (3) Spring 2020

Digital Systems I Still Needed: 3 Credits in CET 2112C*

Humanities Core Requirement HUM 1020 Intro To Humanities IP (3) Spring 2020

Social Science Core Requirement

Still Needed:

3 Credits in ANT 2000 or 2000H or AMH 2020 or 2020H or

ECO 2013 or 2013H or POS 2041 or 2041H or PSY 2012 or 2012H

or SYG 2000 or 2000H

Conceptual Physics

PHY 1020 Conceptual Physics B 4 Fall 2019


PHY1141 – College Physics I – Sinclair Community College


Digital Systems II Still Needed: 3 Credits in CET 2113C*

Fundamentals of Microprocessors Still Needed: 3 Credits in CET 2123C*

Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Still Needed: 3 Credits in EET 1141C*

Introduction to Photonics Still Needed: 3 Credits in ETS 1210C*


Still Needed: Choose from 1 of the following:

Fundamentals of DC and Fundamentals of

Still Needed: ( 6 Credits in EET 1015C* and 1025C* ) or

Fundamentals of DC and AC Circuits Still Needed: ( 6 Credits in EET 1036C* )


Integrated Circuits Still Needed: 3 Credits in EET 2142C*

Electromechanical Systems Still Needed: 3 Credits in ETS 2511C*

RF Communication Still Needed: 3 Credits in EET 2325C*

Wireless and Data Communication Still Needed: 3 Credits in EET 2365C*

Programmable Logic Controllers I Still Needed: 3 Credits in ETS 2542C*

Electronics Engineering Technology

Still Needed:

11 Credits in CET 1000:3000 or EET 1000:3000 or

EGN 1000:3000 or EGS 1000:3000 or ETD 1000:3000 or

ETP 1000:3000 or ETS 1000:3000

Fallthrough Courses Credits : 16
SPC 1017 Interpersonal Commuinication C 3 Fall 2019

Transferred From:

XFER 1000 Precalculus D 5 Fall 2019

Transferred From:
XFER 1000 DC Circuits C 4 Fall 2019

Transferred From:
XFER 1000 Electronic Shemats & Fab B 4 Fall 2019

Transferred From:

Insufficient Credits : 4
XFER 1000 DC Circuits W 4 Fall 2019

Transferred From:
XFER 1000 Electronic Shemats & Fab F 0 Fall 2019

Transferred From:

In-progress Credits : 15
EET 1214C Intro to Engineering Tech IP 3 Spring 2020
HUM 1020 Intro To Humanities IP 3 Spring 2020
MAT 0028C Developmental Math II IP 3 Spring 2020
MTB 1329 Mathematics for Engin Tech IP 3 Spring 2020
SLS 1122 New Student Experience IP 3 Spring 2020

Not Counted Credits : 6
MAT 0018C Developmental Math I A 3 Fall 2019

Transferred From:
MAT 0028C Developmental Math II IP 3 Spring 2020

Complete In Progress (*) Prerequisite Required

Not Complete Nearly Complete @ Any Course Number

My Degree Progress is an unofficial guide for measuring your progress toward completion of the above degree/certificate program. This is not an
academic transcript and cannot be considered official notification of completion of degree/certificate requirements. If you have any questions or
concerns, please visit your academic advisor.

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