Hello i need this paper by 02/05 afternoon.
Strictly NO plagiarism
please use your own words.
Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a comparison on the services offered (2 pages maximum). Once again, it is essential that you use your own words (do not just copy and paste from the Internet).
These two links may offer some additional information for this assignment but you are encouraged to use additional sources for your project/assignment.
Strictly NO plagiarism
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 1/
SafeAssign Originality Report
Cybersecurity Planning & Mgmt – 202030 – CRN151 … • Research Assignment – WK 4
%61Total Score: High risk
Deepika Kashni
Submission UUID: a0de6bf5-58f7-f94e-453c-b0d8cf6f48da
Total Number of Reports
Highest Match
61 %
Week 4 CSPM P4 amazon…
Average Match
61 %
Submitted on
10:18 PM EST
Average Word Count
Highest: Week 4 CSPM P4 …
%61Attachment 1
Institutional database (10)
Student paper Student paper
Student paper
Student paper Student paper Student paper
Student paper Student paper Student paper
Student paper
Internet (5)
svitla wikipedia enoumen
aeut sqlazure
Global database (1)
Student paper
Top sources (3)
Excluded sources (0)
View Originality Report – Old Design
Word Count: 705
Week 4 CSPM P4 amazon1 x
10 11
8 1
16 5
4 2
10 Student paper 11 Student paper 7 Student paper
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 2/4
Source Matches (21)
Student paper 70%
wikipedia 64%
Running head: AMAZON VS. AZURE 1
Amazon Web Service vs. Microsoft Azure Deepika
Similarities between AWS and Azure
Most companies in the modern age have large data requirements for the exponentially growing data; physical memory, on the other hand, is
not sufficient. Therefore, cloud computing is providing the much-needed storage facility and hence reducing the size of physical memory re-
quired. AWS and azure provide cloud computing technology. For both of them, cloud computing technologies provide for the expansion of
virtual machines in terms of power and size to be used for applications. Both AWS and azure provide services based on the virtual machine
model (Microsoft Azure 2020). Differences between AWS and Microsoft Azure. · The users of AWS have the ability to configure their virtual
machines and the pre-configured images (AWS 2020). However, for the users of Azure, they are supposed to choose the virtual hard disk to de-
velop a virtual machine that has been configured by a 3rd party; it requires specifying the memory and cores needed. · In AWS temporary
storage is provided and it is allocated once the instance is initiated and deleted when the instance is terminated (AWS 2020). On the other hand
in Azure, temporary storage is given by D drive, block storage by page blobs for the virtual machines. · Although both AWS and Azure provide a
pay as you go payment system, azure provides a more precise pricing structure because it charges per minute, unlike AWS that charges per
hour (AWS 2020). · The services of azure are open to a hybrid cloud system while the services of AWS are limited to the 3rd parties or private
cloud providers (AWS 2020). · In AWS the users can develop an isolated network within the cloud since it provides for virtual private cloud while
in azure the virtual networks provided facilities for the creation of isolated networks, personal IP address range, route tables and subnets (Mi-
crosoft Azure 2020). Choosing between AWS and Azure
To choose which of the two should be used by the business entirely depends on the requirements of the business because both of them offer
very similar capabilities. For a business that requires infrastructure as a service or one that uses a wide range of services and tools, the recom-
mended option if amazon web services. However, for a business that requires windows integrated or an excellent PaaS cloud service provider,
the recommended option in azure. Comparing Services Provided (Alvera A 2019). Computation
AWS uses the elastic compute cloud as the primitive technique for scalable computing and for coordinating the software container with
the Kubernetes. It used the EC2 container and the EC2 container registry. Azure, on the other hand, uses virtual machines in computation
and scaling. It uses the virtual machine scale sets to manage software. It uses the container service in Docker container and for the docker
container registry, it uses the container registry (Alvera A 2019).
AWS uses the simple storage service S3 which has been around for the longest time and it is supported by a lot of documentation and tu-
torials. It provides for Archive storage by data archive, Glacier, and S3 infrequent access. Azure, on the other hand, uses Storage Block Blob
that is comprised of blocks and it uploads big blobs efficiently. For archiving information, it uses the archive and storage cool (Alvera A
2019). Networking
AWS uses a virtual private cloud and application programming interface for networking and cross-premises connectivity. For load balanc-
ing, it uses the elastic load balancing technique. Azure, on the other hand, uses a virtual network for networking and virtual private network
gateway for cross-premises connectivity. For load balancing, it provides for coordination between the load balancer and application gate-
way (Alvera A 2019).
AWS (2020). Introduction to AWS Security. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from https://d1.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/Security/Intro_-
to_AWS_Security ?did=wp_card&trk=wp_card
Microsoft Azure (2020). AWS to Azure services comparison. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
Alvera A (2019). Zarantech. Differences between AWS and Azure. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from
13 14
2 15
Student paper
Service vs.
Original source
Amazon Web Service VS Microsoft
Azure Amazon Web Service VS Mi-
crosoft Azure
Student paper
Microsoft Azure Deepika
Original source
^ “Microsoft Azure Support
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 3/4
sqlazure 63%
svitla 74%
Student paper 76%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 73%
svitla 74%
Student paper 62%
enoumen 64%
Student paper 82%
Student paper 77%
Student paper 70%
Student paper 73%
Student paper 63%
aeut 63%
Student paper
Original source
Student paper
Similarities between AWS and
Original source
Difference between AWS and Azure
Student paper
AWS and azure provide cloud com-
puting technology.
Original source
Both Azure and AWS provide the
three cloud computing services
Student paper
Differences between AWS and Mi-
crosoft Azure.
Original source
Differences between Microsoft
Azure and AWS
Student paper
· In AWS temporary storage is pro-
vided and it is allocated once the
instance is initiated and deleted
when the instance is terminated
(AWS 2020). On the other hand in
Azure, temporary storage is given
by D drive, block storage by page
blobs for the virtual machines.
Original source
AWS has temporary storage that is
allocated once an instance is start-
ed and destroyed when the in-
stance is terminated Azure offers
temporary storage through D drive,
block storage through page Blobs
for Virtual Machines
Student paper
Choosing between AWS and Azure
Original source
Difference between AWS and Azure
Student paper
AWS uses the elastic compute
cloud as the primitive technique for
scalable computing and for coordi-
nating the software container with
the Kubernetes.
Original source
AWS uses Elastic Compute Cloud
(EC2) as a primary solution for scal-
able computing and for manage-
ment of software container with
Docker or Kubernetes it uses ECS
(EC2 Container service) and uses
EC2 container registry
Student paper
It used the EC2 container and the
EC2 container registry.
Original source
EC2 Container Registry | Azure
Container Registry
Student paper
It uses the container service in
Docker container and for the dock-
er container registry, it uses the
container registry (Alvera A 2019).
Original source
For software management, uses
container service in Docker con-
tainer and uses container registry
for Docker container registry
Student paper
AWS uses the simple storage ser-
vice S3 which has been around for
the longest time and it is supported
by a lot of documentation and tuto-
rials. It provides for Archive storage
by data archive, Glacier, and S3 in-
frequent access. Azure, on the oth-
er hand, uses Storage Block Blob
that is comprised of blocks and it
uploads big blobs efficiently.
Original source
AWS uses S3 (Simple storage ser-
vice) which is longest running than
Azure and it provides lots of docu-
mentation and tutorials It offers Ar-
chive storage by a Glacier, data ar-
chive and S3 Infrequent access (IA)
Azure uses Storage Block blob for
storage which are comprised of
blocks and uploads large blobs
Student paper
For archiving information, it uses
the archive and storage cool
(Alvera A 2019).
Original source
For archiving data it uses Storage
cool and storage archive
Student paper
AWS uses a virtual private cloud
and application programming in-
terface for networking and cross-
premises connectivity. For load bal-
ancing, it uses the elastic load bal-
ancing technique. Azure, on the
other hand, uses a virtual network
for networking and virtual private
network gateway for cross-premis-
es connectivity.
Original source
· AWS uses virtual private cloud for
networking and uses API gateway
for cross premises connectivity
During networking for load balanc-
ing AWS uses Elastic load balancing
· For networking Azure uses a virtu-
al network or content delivery and
for cross-premises connectivity
VPN gateway is used
Student paper
For load balancing, it provides for
coordination between the load bal-
ancer and application gateway
(Alvera A 2019).
Original source
It works with load balancer and ap-
plication gateway for load balanc-
ing during content delivery
Student paper
Introduction to AWS Security.
Original source
AWS Security Groups
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 4/4
Student paper 79%
wikipedia 64%
Student paper 90%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 78%
Student paper
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
ty ?did=wp_card&trk=wp_card
Original source
Retrieved from https://d1.awsstat-
WS-Security-Pillar ?
Student paper
Microsoft Azure (2020).
Original source
^ “Microsoft Azure Support
Student paper
AWS to Azure services comparison.
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
Original source
AWS to Azure services comparison
Student paper
Differences between AWS and
Original source
The differences between Azure and
Student paper
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
Original source
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 1/
SafeAssign Originality Report
Cybersecurity Planning & Mgmt – 202030 – CRN151 … • Research Assignment – WK 4
%61Total Score: High risk
Deepika Kashni
Submission UUID: a0de6bf5-58f7-f94e-453c-b0d8cf6f48da
Total Number of Reports
Highest Match
61 %
Week 4 CSPM P4 amazon…
Average Match
61 %
Submitted on
10:18 PM EST
Average Word Count
Highest: Week 4 CSPM P4 …
%61Attachment 1
Institutional database (10)
Student paper Student paper
Student paper
Student paper Student paper Student paper
Student paper Student paper Student paper
Student paper
Internet (5)
svitla wikipedia enoumen
aeut sqlazure
Global database (1)
Student paper
Top sources (3)
Excluded sources (0)
View Originality Report – Old Design
Word Count: 705
Week 4 CSPM P4 amazon1 x
10 11
8 1
16 5
4 2
10 Student paper 11 Student paper 7 Student paper
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 2/4
Source Matches (21)
Student paper 70%
wikipedia 64%
Running head: AMAZON VS. AZURE 1
Amazon Web Service vs. Microsoft Azure Deepika
Similarities between AWS and Azure
Most companies in the modern age have large data requirements for the exponentially growing data; physical memory, on the other hand, is
not sufficient. Therefore, cloud computing is providing the much-needed storage facility and hence reducing the size of physical memory re-
quired. AWS and azure provide cloud computing technology. For both of them, cloud computing technologies provide for the expansion of
virtual machines in terms of power and size to be used for applications. Both AWS and azure provide services based on the virtual machine
model (Microsoft Azure 2020). Differences between AWS and Microsoft Azure. · The users of AWS have the ability to configure their virtual
machines and the pre-configured images (AWS 2020). However, for the users of Azure, they are supposed to choose the virtual hard disk to de-
velop a virtual machine that has been configured by a 3rd party; it requires specifying the memory and cores needed. · In AWS temporary
storage is provided and it is allocated once the instance is initiated and deleted when the instance is terminated (AWS 2020). On the other hand
in Azure, temporary storage is given by D drive, block storage by page blobs for the virtual machines. · Although both AWS and Azure provide a
pay as you go payment system, azure provides a more precise pricing structure because it charges per minute, unlike AWS that charges per
hour (AWS 2020). · The services of azure are open to a hybrid cloud system while the services of AWS are limited to the 3rd parties or private
cloud providers (AWS 2020). · In AWS the users can develop an isolated network within the cloud since it provides for virtual private cloud while
in azure the virtual networks provided facilities for the creation of isolated networks, personal IP address range, route tables and subnets (Mi-
crosoft Azure 2020). Choosing between AWS and Azure
To choose which of the two should be used by the business entirely depends on the requirements of the business because both of them offer
very similar capabilities. For a business that requires infrastructure as a service or one that uses a wide range of services and tools, the recom-
mended option if amazon web services. However, for a business that requires windows integrated or an excellent PaaS cloud service provider,
the recommended option in azure. Comparing Services Provided (Alvera A 2019). Computation
AWS uses the elastic compute cloud as the primitive technique for scalable computing and for coordinating the software container with
the Kubernetes. It used the EC2 container and the EC2 container registry. Azure, on the other hand, uses virtual machines in computation
and scaling. It uses the virtual machine scale sets to manage software. It uses the container service in Docker container and for the docker
container registry, it uses the container registry (Alvera A 2019).
AWS uses the simple storage service S3 which has been around for the longest time and it is supported by a lot of documentation and tu-
torials. It provides for Archive storage by data archive, Glacier, and S3 infrequent access. Azure, on the other hand, uses Storage Block Blob
that is comprised of blocks and it uploads big blobs efficiently. For archiving information, it uses the archive and storage cool (Alvera A
2019). Networking
AWS uses a virtual private cloud and application programming interface for networking and cross-premises connectivity. For load balanc-
ing, it uses the elastic load balancing technique. Azure, on the other hand, uses a virtual network for networking and virtual private network
gateway for cross-premises connectivity. For load balancing, it provides for coordination between the load balancer and application gate-
way (Alvera A 2019).
AWS (2020). Introduction to AWS Security. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from https://d1.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/Security/Intro_-
to_AWS_Security ?did=wp_card&trk=wp_card
Microsoft Azure (2020). AWS to Azure services comparison. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
Alvera A (2019). Zarantech. Differences between AWS and Azure. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from
13 14
2 15
Student paper
Service vs.
Original source
Amazon Web Service VS Microsoft
Azure Amazon Web Service VS Mi-
crosoft Azure
Student paper
Microsoft Azure Deepika
Original source
^ “Microsoft Azure Support
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 3/4
sqlazure 63%
svitla 74%
Student paper 76%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 73%
svitla 74%
Student paper 62%
enoumen 64%
Student paper 82%
Student paper 77%
Student paper 70%
Student paper 73%
Student paper 63%
aeut 63%
Student paper
Original source
Student paper
Similarities between AWS and
Original source
Difference between AWS and Azure
Student paper
AWS and azure provide cloud com-
puting technology.
Original source
Both Azure and AWS provide the
three cloud computing services
Student paper
Differences between AWS and Mi-
crosoft Azure.
Original source
Differences between Microsoft
Azure and AWS
Student paper
· In AWS temporary storage is pro-
vided and it is allocated once the
instance is initiated and deleted
when the instance is terminated
(AWS 2020). On the other hand in
Azure, temporary storage is given
by D drive, block storage by page
blobs for the virtual machines.
Original source
AWS has temporary storage that is
allocated once an instance is start-
ed and destroyed when the in-
stance is terminated Azure offers
temporary storage through D drive,
block storage through page Blobs
for Virtual Machines
Student paper
Choosing between AWS and Azure
Original source
Difference between AWS and Azure
Student paper
AWS uses the elastic compute
cloud as the primitive technique for
scalable computing and for coordi-
nating the software container with
the Kubernetes.
Original source
AWS uses Elastic Compute Cloud
(EC2) as a primary solution for scal-
able computing and for manage-
ment of software container with
Docker or Kubernetes it uses ECS
(EC2 Container service) and uses
EC2 container registry
Student paper
It used the EC2 container and the
EC2 container registry.
Original source
EC2 Container Registry | Azure
Container Registry
Student paper
It uses the container service in
Docker container and for the dock-
er container registry, it uses the
container registry (Alvera A 2019).
Original source
For software management, uses
container service in Docker con-
tainer and uses container registry
for Docker container registry
Student paper
AWS uses the simple storage ser-
vice S3 which has been around for
the longest time and it is supported
by a lot of documentation and tuto-
rials. It provides for Archive storage
by data archive, Glacier, and S3 in-
frequent access. Azure, on the oth-
er hand, uses Storage Block Blob
that is comprised of blocks and it
uploads big blobs efficiently.
Original source
AWS uses S3 (Simple storage ser-
vice) which is longest running than
Azure and it provides lots of docu-
mentation and tutorials It offers Ar-
chive storage by a Glacier, data ar-
chive and S3 Infrequent access (IA)
Azure uses Storage Block blob for
storage which are comprised of
blocks and uploads large blobs
Student paper
For archiving information, it uses
the archive and storage cool
(Alvera A 2019).
Original source
For archiving data it uses Storage
cool and storage archive
Student paper
AWS uses a virtual private cloud
and application programming in-
terface for networking and cross-
premises connectivity. For load bal-
ancing, it uses the elastic load bal-
ancing technique. Azure, on the
other hand, uses a virtual network
for networking and virtual private
network gateway for cross-premis-
es connectivity.
Original source
· AWS uses virtual private cloud for
networking and uses API gateway
for cross premises connectivity
During networking for load balanc-
ing AWS uses Elastic load balancing
· For networking Azure uses a virtu-
al network or content delivery and
for cross-premises connectivity
VPN gateway is used
Student paper
For load balancing, it provides for
coordination between the load bal-
ancer and application gateway
(Alvera A 2019).
Original source
It works with load balancer and ap-
plication gateway for load balanc-
ing during content delivery
Student paper
Introduction to AWS Security.
Original source
AWS Security Groups
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 4/4
Student paper 79%
wikipedia 64%
Student paper 90%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 78%
Student paper
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
ty ?did=wp_card&trk=wp_card
Original source
Retrieved from https://d1.awsstat-
WS-Security-Pillar ?
Student paper
Microsoft Azure (2020).
Original source
^ “Microsoft Azure Support
Student paper
AWS to Azure services comparison.
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
Original source
AWS to Azure services comparison
Student paper
Differences between AWS and
Original source
The differences between Azure and
Student paper
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
Original source
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 1/
SafeAssign Originality Report
Cybersecurity Planning & Mgmt – 202030 – CRN151 … • Research Assignment – WK 4
%61Total Score: High risk
Deepika Kashni
Submission UUID: a0de6bf5-58f7-f94e-453c-b0d8cf6f48da
Total Number of Reports
Highest Match
61 %
Week 4 CSPM P4 amazon…
Average Match
61 %
Submitted on
10:18 PM EST
Average Word Count
Highest: Week 4 CSPM P4 …
%61Attachment 1
Institutional database (10)
Student paper Student paper
Student paper
Student paper Student paper Student paper
Student paper Student paper Student paper
Student paper
Internet (5)
svitla wikipedia enoumen
aeut sqlazure
Global database (1)
Student paper
Top sources (3)
Excluded sources (0)
View Originality Report – Old Design
Word Count: 705
Week 4 CSPM P4 amazon1 x
10 11
8 1
16 5
4 2
10 Student paper 11 Student paper 7 Student paper
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 2/4
Source Matches (21)
Student paper 70%
wikipedia 64%
Running head: AMAZON VS. AZURE 1
Amazon Web Service vs. Microsoft Azure Deepika
Similarities between AWS and Azure
Most companies in the modern age have large data requirements for the exponentially growing data; physical memory, on the other hand, is
not sufficient. Therefore, cloud computing is providing the much-needed storage facility and hence reducing the size of physical memory re-
quired. AWS and azure provide cloud computing technology. For both of them, cloud computing technologies provide for the expansion of
virtual machines in terms of power and size to be used for applications. Both AWS and azure provide services based on the virtual machine
model (Microsoft Azure 2020). Differences between AWS and Microsoft Azure. · The users of AWS have the ability to configure their virtual
machines and the pre-configured images (AWS 2020). However, for the users of Azure, they are supposed to choose the virtual hard disk to de-
velop a virtual machine that has been configured by a 3rd party; it requires specifying the memory and cores needed. · In AWS temporary
storage is provided and it is allocated once the instance is initiated and deleted when the instance is terminated (AWS 2020). On the other hand
in Azure, temporary storage is given by D drive, block storage by page blobs for the virtual machines. · Although both AWS and Azure provide a
pay as you go payment system, azure provides a more precise pricing structure because it charges per minute, unlike AWS that charges per
hour (AWS 2020). · The services of azure are open to a hybrid cloud system while the services of AWS are limited to the 3rd parties or private
cloud providers (AWS 2020). · In AWS the users can develop an isolated network within the cloud since it provides for virtual private cloud while
in azure the virtual networks provided facilities for the creation of isolated networks, personal IP address range, route tables and subnets (Mi-
crosoft Azure 2020). Choosing between AWS and Azure
To choose which of the two should be used by the business entirely depends on the requirements of the business because both of them offer
very similar capabilities. For a business that requires infrastructure as a service or one that uses a wide range of services and tools, the recom-
mended option if amazon web services. However, for a business that requires windows integrated or an excellent PaaS cloud service provider,
the recommended option in azure. Comparing Services Provided (Alvera A 2019). Computation
AWS uses the elastic compute cloud as the primitive technique for scalable computing and for coordinating the software container with
the Kubernetes. It used the EC2 container and the EC2 container registry. Azure, on the other hand, uses virtual machines in computation
and scaling. It uses the virtual machine scale sets to manage software. It uses the container service in Docker container and for the docker
container registry, it uses the container registry (Alvera A 2019).
AWS uses the simple storage service S3 which has been around for the longest time and it is supported by a lot of documentation and tu-
torials. It provides for Archive storage by data archive, Glacier, and S3 infrequent access. Azure, on the other hand, uses Storage Block Blob
that is comprised of blocks and it uploads big blobs efficiently. For archiving information, it uses the archive and storage cool (Alvera A
2019). Networking
AWS uses a virtual private cloud and application programming interface for networking and cross-premises connectivity. For load balanc-
ing, it uses the elastic load balancing technique. Azure, on the other hand, uses a virtual network for networking and virtual private network
gateway for cross-premises connectivity. For load balancing, it provides for coordination between the load balancer and application gate-
way (Alvera A 2019).
AWS (2020). Introduction to AWS Security. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from https://d1.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/Security/Intro_-
to_AWS_Security ?did=wp_card&trk=wp_card
Microsoft Azure (2020). AWS to Azure services comparison. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
Alvera A (2019). Zarantech. Differences between AWS and Azure. Retrieved on February 4, 2020, from
13 14
2 15
Student paper
Service vs.
Original source
Amazon Web Service VS Microsoft
Azure Amazon Web Service VS Mi-
crosoft Azure
Student paper
Microsoft Azure Deepika
Original source
^ “Microsoft Azure Support
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 3/4
sqlazure 63%
svitla 74%
Student paper 76%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 73%
svitla 74%
Student paper 62%
enoumen 64%
Student paper 82%
Student paper 77%
Student paper 70%
Student paper 73%
Student paper 63%
aeut 63%
Student paper
Original source
Student paper
Similarities between AWS and
Original source
Difference between AWS and Azure
Student paper
AWS and azure provide cloud com-
puting technology.
Original source
Both Azure and AWS provide the
three cloud computing services
Student paper
Differences between AWS and Mi-
crosoft Azure.
Original source
Differences between Microsoft
Azure and AWS
Student paper
· In AWS temporary storage is pro-
vided and it is allocated once the
instance is initiated and deleted
when the instance is terminated
(AWS 2020). On the other hand in
Azure, temporary storage is given
by D drive, block storage by page
blobs for the virtual machines.
Original source
AWS has temporary storage that is
allocated once an instance is start-
ed and destroyed when the in-
stance is terminated Azure offers
temporary storage through D drive,
block storage through page Blobs
for Virtual Machines
Student paper
Choosing between AWS and Azure
Original source
Difference between AWS and Azure
Student paper
AWS uses the elastic compute
cloud as the primitive technique for
scalable computing and for coordi-
nating the software container with
the Kubernetes.
Original source
AWS uses Elastic Compute Cloud
(EC2) as a primary solution for scal-
able computing and for manage-
ment of software container with
Docker or Kubernetes it uses ECS
(EC2 Container service) and uses
EC2 container registry
Student paper
It used the EC2 container and the
EC2 container registry.
Original source
EC2 Container Registry | Azure
Container Registry
Student paper
It uses the container service in
Docker container and for the dock-
er container registry, it uses the
container registry (Alvera A 2019).
Original source
For software management, uses
container service in Docker con-
tainer and uses container registry
for Docker container registry
Student paper
AWS uses the simple storage ser-
vice S3 which has been around for
the longest time and it is supported
by a lot of documentation and tuto-
rials. It provides for Archive storage
by data archive, Glacier, and S3 in-
frequent access. Azure, on the oth-
er hand, uses Storage Block Blob
that is comprised of blocks and it
uploads big blobs efficiently.
Original source
AWS uses S3 (Simple storage ser-
vice) which is longest running than
Azure and it provides lots of docu-
mentation and tutorials It offers Ar-
chive storage by a Glacier, data ar-
chive and S3 Infrequent access (IA)
Azure uses Storage Block blob for
storage which are comprised of
blocks and uploads large blobs
Student paper
For archiving information, it uses
the archive and storage cool
(Alvera A 2019).
Original source
For archiving data it uses Storage
cool and storage archive
Student paper
AWS uses a virtual private cloud
and application programming in-
terface for networking and cross-
premises connectivity. For load bal-
ancing, it uses the elastic load bal-
ancing technique. Azure, on the
other hand, uses a virtual network
for networking and virtual private
network gateway for cross-premis-
es connectivity.
Original source
· AWS uses virtual private cloud for
networking and uses API gateway
for cross premises connectivity
During networking for load balanc-
ing AWS uses Elastic load balancing
· For networking Azure uses a virtu-
al network or content delivery and
for cross-premises connectivity
VPN gateway is used
Student paper
For load balancing, it provides for
coordination between the load bal-
ancer and application gateway
(Alvera A 2019).
Original source
It works with load balancer and ap-
plication gateway for load balanc-
ing during content delivery
Student paper
Introduction to AWS Security.
Original source
AWS Security Groups
2/5/2020 Originality Report
https://blackboard.nec.edu/webapps/mdb-sa-BB5b75a0e7334a9/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=59551c87-6a54-4f15-a798-6788e4f3b0b1&course_id=_4573… 4/4
Student paper 79%
wikipedia 64%
Student paper 90%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 78%
Student paper
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
ty ?did=wp_card&trk=wp_card
Original source
Retrieved from https://d1.awsstat-
WS-Security-Pillar ?
Student paper
Microsoft Azure (2020).
Original source
^ “Microsoft Azure Support
Student paper
AWS to Azure services comparison.
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
Original source
AWS to Azure services comparison
Student paper
Differences between AWS and
Original source
The differences between Azure and
Student paper
Retrieved on February 4, 2020,
Original source
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