Comparing Evaluations and Creating a Summary Report
Evaluating the attached survey results from two groups (cohort A and cohort B) and evaluate for the following:
What are the themes from the survey results?
What are the commonalities/differences between the two groups?
Do the cohorts seem to be having the same or different experiences?
Anything else noteworthy?
NOTE: There are 12 attachments, but some may be duplicate information. There are 9-11 responses per survey. The summary report needs to be 1.5 pages.
Cohort A Topics
Virtual Module/Name |
Participant Orientation Webinar |
Be Self-Aware and Accountable |
Think and Communicate Strategically |
Collaborate Across Boundaries |
Leader Accountability Session/1 Group A |
Leader Accountability Session/1 Group B |
Influence in All Directions |
Coach Through Continuous Change |
Optimize Team Performance |
Cohort B Topics
>Sheet Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree nothing Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree >Sheet Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree nothing Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree >Sheet Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree N/A Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree N/A N/A Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree N/A Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree N/A N/A Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree nothing Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree >Sheet Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 2 Agree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Agree 3 Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree 3 Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 4 Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 4 Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 >Sheet Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree 5 5 Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree 4 Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 >Sheet Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree 3 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree 3 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Agree 3 Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 >Sheet Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree >Sheet Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree >Sheet Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree 5 4 Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree 4 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree 4 Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 >Sheet Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree 4 4 4 Agree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Agree 4 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 >Sheet Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree Agree 3 5 Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree 4 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree 3 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree 4 >Sheet Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Agree 3 Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree 4 4 Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree 4 Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree 5 Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree 4 Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5 Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 4 Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree 41
This Learning Block has been a valuable learning experience.
The facilitator was knowledgeable and effective in helping me learn.
An open learning environment was created.
The Learning Block provided an opportunity for productive and meaningful discussions with colleagues.
The content covered in this Learning Block was relevant and applicable to my role.
The Application Assignments helped me apply what I learned on the job.
What did you find most valuable about this Learning Block?
What did you find least valuable about this Learning Block?
What would make the experience better?
Additional Comments:
Strongly Agree
2 Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree
I really was able to get help with some challenging situation at work
the learning modules
a recap before we begin. I did the modules a while ago and couldn’t recall all the details.
recognizing my tendencies under stress and knowing how to adjust
More breakouts
Different experiences pertaining to the learning modules that my peers faced.
I really enjoy learning from my peers on topics that I feel that I have been experiencing and don’t want to voice but feel comfortable about voicing it after hearing others.
Mostly a framework for giving feedback (SBID) but the Johari window too… always valuable to consider asymmetrical awareness
I should have slept more last night, but that’s on me.
I’ve noticed that a number of people are reticent to share, and it risks more talkative people (sorry) taking over to fill the silence
The interaction and real life experience details shared by peers.
Technical challenges.
There are occasional Computer challenges for all of us. We just have to deal with it and move on.
Opportunity to interact with co-workers
More direction about how to approach the online learning content. It was difficult to know where to start each section and I know others had the same experience.
the online learning seemed a bit disjointed and like in-person tools were just added as PDFs instead of content developed for online
I think there was value for many – which is great! Most of the content was already known. I think the real challenge here at NW is to change our culture we need to change behaviors starting at the top. I believe many feel that way and are not comfortable sharing what is really on our minds.
It’s really hard to engage when lost – maybe in the future we can have a few minutes to pull up our information from homework so we can discuss real time. The breakouts were great – just not enough of them or enough time.
What if we all have our cameras on? Have more breakout discussions. The reality is we are listening and thinking in the class, not sure we are going deep enough into challenges people are facing.
What I feel is missing – the deeper conversations around what people are experiencing and then talking through how to apply a new skill to face that challenge. The real talk isn’t happening, everyone is being nice and quiet.
Overall conversation
not applicable
no additional comment
Peer Learning
if more people had attended this session, but it was nice being able to share and a larger group may have prevented that, so the size of the group may have been a good or bad thing.
I find the peer to peer sharing the most helpful as we all have similar journeys within NW and have very little opportunities to share with other managers as we seek to apply some of these principles.
sharing by my colleagues
the small group was really useful
Sharing and revisiting/summarizing the previous modules.
Open discussion with pears
All looks good
The program is really good for me.
This Learning Block has been a valuable learning experience.
The facilitator was knowledgeable and effective in helping me learn.
An open learning environment was created.
The Learning Block provided an opportunity for productive and meaningful discussions with colleagues.
The content covered in this Learning Block was relevant and applicable to my role.
The Application Assignments helped me apply what I learned on the job.
What did you find most valuable about this Learning Block?
What did you find least valuable about this Learning Block?
What would make the experience better?
Additional Comments:
Strongly Agree
2 Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree
I really was able to get help with some challenging situation at work
the learning modules
a recap before we begin. I did the modules a while ago and couldn’t recall all the details.
recognizing my tendencies under stress and knowing how to adjust
More breakouts
Different experiences pertaining to the learning modules that my peers faced.
I really enjoy learning from my peers on topics that I feel that I have been experiencing and don’t want to voice but feel comfortable about voicing it after hearing others.
Mostly a framework for giving feedback (SBID) but the Johari window too… always valuable to consider asymmetrical awareness
I should have slept more last night, but that’s on me.
I’ve noticed that a number of people are reticent to share, and it risks more talkative people (sorry) taking over to fill the silence
The interaction and real life experience details shared by peers.
Technical challenges.
There are occasional Computer challenges for all of us. We just have to deal with it and move on.
Opportunity to interact with co-workers
More direction about how to approach the online learning content. It was difficult to know where to start each section and I know others had the same experience.
the online learning seemed a bit disjointed and like in-person tools were just added as PDFs instead of content developed for online
I think there was value for many – which is great! Most of the content was already known. I think the real challenge here at NW is to change our culture we need to change behaviors starting at the top. I believe many feel that way and are not comfortable sharing what is really on our minds.
It’s really hard to engage when lost – maybe in the future we can have a few minutes to pull up our information from homework so we can discuss real time. The breakouts were great – just not enough of them or enough time.
What if we all have our cameras on? Have more breakout discussions. The reality is we are listening and thinking in the class, not sure we are going deep enough into challenges people are facing.
What I feel is missing – the deeper conversations around what people are experiencing and then talking through how to apply a new skill to face that challenge. The real talk isn’t happening, everyone is being nice and quiet.
Overall conversation
not applicable
no additional comment
Peer Learning
if more people had attended this session, but it was nice being able to share and a larger group may have prevented that, so the size of the group may have been a good or bad thing.
I find the peer to peer sharing the most helpful as we all have similar journeys within NW and have very little opportunities to share with other managers as we seek to apply some of these principles.
sharing by my colleagues
the small group was really useful
Sharing and revisiting/summarizing the previous modules.
Open discussion with pears
All looks good
The program is really good for me.
This Learning Block has been a valuable learning experience.
The facilitator was knowledgeable and effective in helping me learn.
An open learning environment was created.
The Learning Block provided an opportunity for productive and meaningful discussions with colleagues.
The content covered in this Learning Block was relevant and applicable to my role.
The Application Assignments helped me apply what I learned on the job.
What did you find most valuable about this Learning Block?
What did you find least valuable about this Learning Block?
What would make the experience better?
Additional Comments:
2 Agree
Strongly Agree
Hearing about my colleagues’ experiences
Coaching since it was the most difficult
Just need more opportunities to practice in real time
Real examples from colleagues
The interaction and comments from peers was insightful and helpful.
The facilitator soliciits feedback from the attendees – there is not much further that can be changed in that regard.
I feel like I always learn nuggets that I can utilize for my benefit.
Just hearing experiences from coworkers and feedback from Carol.
Wonderful session
Hearing how some of the modules, tools, etc. are working for some of my colleagues.
Dialogue amongst the group. Discussion about coaching
Nothing, good conversation
More focus on coaching
Hearing from my colleagues that are experiencing similar things as me.
Overall, I see value in these sessions.
stories from my peers that is helping me in my management style
Its unrelated to LHH but having the time and work environment to apply learned principles
I am grateful for this session because even though it is hard to apply these, its important to keep these concepts and activities on our radars as managers
The content of this module was relevant to me.
The module was engaging.
The activities were useful to my understanding.
I have a clear understanding of how to apply what I learned.
The content was relevant from a REDI lens
The facilitator was knowledgeable on the content.
The facilitator created a positive learning environment.
Which elements of the session did you find the most useful? Why?
In the context of a virtual learning environment, I would rate this session:
Strongly Agree
Stakeholders and thinking about how I can be of influence to them.
2 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5
Peer conversation
5 Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree 5
I really struggled in this session. I think the topic is important for NEW Managers. I really feel like we should separate new mangers for managers with experience and reframe content to match the audience. I don’t think there is a problem with the facilitator, I do think there is a problem with the broad brush approach. For better learning maybe consider grouping managers by years of experience managing people for better impact.
I know this is not the question, but having to use the Program guide that is not editable is a challenge. I have not printed anything since March and have no need to. It is frustrating.
Influencing others
group breakouts
The discussion regarding how to utilize your influence to accomplish work with stakeholders was helpful.
The content of this module was relevant to me.
The module was engaging.
The activities were useful to my understanding.
I have a clear understanding of how to apply what I learned.
The content was relevant from a REDI lens
The facilitator was knowledgeable on the content.
The facilitator created a positive learning environment.
Which elements of the session did you find the most useful? Why?
In the context of a virtual learning environment, I would rate this session:
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
2 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Optimal Team Coaching Conversation
All aspects and interactions
4 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Coaching others and being coached
5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree
As this was a very relevant module for me as we regroup for the new year and concentrating of coaching, creating workplans and regrouping and refocusing after a crazy year. It was very, very useful to be in breakouts with people that were not in my group. It allowed for a certain level of freedom that I don’t usually have in the breakout groups because there are so many in the cohort that are part of my division..
breakout rooms and practicing coaching
Ask more questions!
the coaching session was very helpful. It is good to get practice with questions that are outside my normal conversations with peers and direct reports
The content of this module was relevant to me.
The module was engaging.
The activities were useful to my understanding.
I have a clear understanding of how to apply what I learned.
The content was relevant from a REDI lens
The facilitator was knowledgeable on the content.
The facilitator created a positive learning environment.
Which elements of the session did you find the most useful? Why?
In the context of a virtual learning environment, I would rate this session:
Strongly Agree
that conflict is not all bad
2 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Conflict techniques
4 Agree Agree Agree
5 Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 5
The wheel was most useful to me as I’ve never looked at collaborative perspectives in this manner.
not new content for me but I enjoyed the discussion with my breakout partner
The scenarios were a little weak and we could have used a little more time on the first exercise. But overall, I found the shared experience to be the most valuable part.
All of it was very useful
The break out sessions and how to handle tough conversations
Overall conversation and engagement. Breakout session, discussion about tough conversations
I enjoyed the Breakout Session where we utilized the Diversity wheel. I found the discussion between me and my partner for that session was very enlightening.
This Learning Block has been a valuable learning experience.
The facilitator was knowledgeable and effective in helping me learn.
An open learning environment was created.
The Learning Block provided an opportunity for productive and meaningful discussions with colleagues.
The content covered in this Learning Block was relevant and applicable to my role.
The Application Assignments helped me apply what I learned on the job.
What did you find most valuable about this Learning Block?
What did you find least valuable about this Learning Block?
What would make the experience better?
Additional Comments:
Strongly Agree
2 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Ability to learn and discus the content with other managers.
Peer exchange
Session 1.
I found the content to be very generic. I wish discussions of culture were customized to our organization.
group discussions
more practice
The ability to speak to my colleagues in small groups. The experience level was varied so I gained knowledge from listening to different appoaches.
Offering sessions for multiple times.
The way it all fits together, and applies to really any team situation to a degree
Nothing–this was all useful, and I’ll take advantage of all of it at some point
Nothing–really like the format, and especially connecting with colleagues
Thanks for keeping this fast-paced and engaging!
Hearing the experiences of other managers throughout NeighborWorks express how they are applying the learning to their role in the organization.
Some of the exercises in each module were not as challenging as I would have liked.
More interactive assignments that allow us to think out loud during the session, much like we did in the breakout rooms.
Love it, so glad this was offered to middle management.
The Johari window and conflict assessment
not sure
Being able to apply what you’ve learned as you go through each module
Some of the strategies for feedback and addressing conflict.
A lot of the material is too rudimentary. .
I was surprised to learn that my coach isn’t familiar with the content of this program, and wasn’t in a position to reinforce what we were learning.
The facilitators are knowledgeable and have a nice manners. This program seems disconnected from the other work we’ve been doing in NeighborWorks over the past few years.
I appreciated the many tools (models) that were introduced.
The practical application tools were very effective (Johari and ESL)
Interaction with colleagues.
Flexible scheduling.
Thank you!!!!!
Revisiting the key concepts and how others have used them.
It was all good. Maybe more time.
Nothing at this point.
This Learning Block has been a valuable learning experience.
The facilitator was knowledgeable and effective in helping me learn.
An open learning environment was created.
The Learning Block provided an opportunity for productive and meaningful discussions with colleagues.
The content covered in this Learning Block was relevant and applicable to my role.
The Application Assignments helped me apply what I learned on the job.
What did you find most valuable about this Learning Block?
What did you find least valuable about this Learning Block?
What would make the experience better?
Additional Comments:
Strongly Agree
2 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Ability to learn and discus the content with other managers.
Peer exchange
Session 1.
I found the content to be very generic. I wish discussions of culture were customized to our organization.
group discussions
more practice
The ability to speak to my colleagues in small groups. The experience level was varied so I gained knowledge from listening to different appoaches.
Offering sessions for multiple times.
The way it all fits together, and applies to really any team situation to a degree
Nothing–this was all useful, and I’ll take advantage of all of it at some point
Nothing–really like the format, and especially connecting with colleagues
Thanks for keeping this fast-paced and engaging!
Hearing the experiences of other managers throughout NeighborWorks express how they are applying the learning to their role in the organization.
Some of the exercises in each module were not as challenging as I would have liked.
More interactive assignments that allow us to think out loud during the session, much like we did in the breakout rooms.
Love it, so glad this was offered to middle management.
The Johari window and conflict assessment
not sure
Being able to apply what you’ve learned as you go through each module
Some of the strategies for feedback and addressing conflict.
A lot of the material is too rudimentary. .
I was surprised to learn that my coach isn’t familiar with the content of this program, and wasn’t in a position to reinforce what we were learning.
The facilitators are knowledgeable and have a nice manners. This program seems disconnected from the other work we’ve been doing in NeighborWorks over the past few years.
I appreciated the many tools (models) that were introduced.
The practical application tools were very effective (Johari and ESL)
Interaction with colleagues.
Flexible scheduling.
Thank you!!!!!
Revisiting the key concepts and how others have used them.
It was all good. Maybe more time.
Nothing at this point.
The content of this module was relevant to me.
The module was engaging.
The activities were useful to my understanding.
I have a clear understanding of how to apply what I learned.
The content was relevant from a REDI lens
The facilitator was knowledgeable on the content.
The facilitator created a positive learning environment.
Which elements of the session did you find the most useful? Why?
In the context of a virtual learning environment, I would rate this session:
Strongly Agree
2 Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
ESL format
thinking about managing complexity
4 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
The small group work–it was great to talk about how this applies to OUR world!
5 Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
the ESL session. I have a better understanding of how to apply this to the business process
How to use strategy.
ESL Model, Case Study and Align Message graphic.
like the time to talk casually with other managers in the corp
Session on Communications
How to deal/tackle complexities
I found the breakout sessions useful because they helped check my understanding of what I read.
learning from my peers
I enjoy the breakouts as they give us the opportunity to meet folks that we might not other work with and have conversations
The content of this module was relevant to me.
The module was engaging.
The activities were useful to my understanding.
I have a clear understanding of how to apply what I learned.
The content was relevant from a REDI lens
The facilitator was knowledgeable on the content.
The facilitator created a positive learning environment.
Which elements of the session did you find the most useful? Why?
In the context of a virtual learning environment, I would rate this session:
Strongly Agree
2 Agree Agree
4 Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
The breakout rooms where we could discuss actual previous examples of conflict and what we could do differently was extremely helpful!
5 Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Conflict resolution techniques
Learning that my peers find it difficult to collaborate and resolve conflicts in NWA, which has not been the same experience for me, where my manager who is SVP encourages collaboration.
The content of this module was relevant to me.
The module was engaging.
The activities were useful to my understanding.
I have a clear understanding of how to apply what I learned.
The content was relevant from a REDI lens
The facilitator was knowledgeable on the content.
The facilitator created a positive learning environment.
Which elements of the session did you find the most useful? Why?
In the context of a virtual learning environment, I would rate this session:
Strongly Agree
3 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Mary is a great facilitator–makes the substance of the session easy to digest.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly disagree
5 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Framework for Influencing
all of it was beneficial and useful do to the nature of the work and relationships I have both internal and external
It was hard to focus on the session while news is breaking about people storming the Capital in a coup attempt. It might have been nice to acknowledge that it is a very scary time right now, and it’s understandable that attendees might be anxious or upset.
The discussion on influence and power
Sharing tips with each other regarding how we can use strategic influence. Also, remembering and understanding we all have power. It is important to remember this because as middle managers I think we often forget the power and influence that we have. But we must remember and leverage our power.
The content of this module was relevant to me.
The module was engaging.
The activities were useful to my understanding.
I have a clear understanding of how to apply what I learned.
The content was relevant from a REDI lens
The facilitator was knowledgeable on the content.
The facilitator created a positive learning environment.
Which elements of the session did you find the most useful? Why?
In the context of a virtual learning environment, I would rate this session:
Strongly Agree
Hearing the stories of colleagues I didn’t know well.
2 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Possibility of chatting in small groups to bounce ideas.
5 Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Delivery of feedback
I enjoyed the breakout group discussion on the strengths and development areas from the Leading Other Leaders Hogan assessment
Both the Johari window and the feedback format tools were very helpful and practical
The activities and discussion. Model for feedback.
Learning how to give feedback in a way that it is accepted in a positive spirit. We need more of this.
Getting to better know staff during breakouts
hogan strengths and jouney
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