Why are opioid analgesics so
widely abused?
For Essay #1 you will need to choose ONE of the two options listed below, related to Chapter 4 and
Chapter 6 (respectively), and write an essay addressing the topic.
Option 1: Over the last decade, there has been an increasing awareness of opioid dependence among the
general public. Prescription drug abuse is sometimes called an epidemic. Why are opioid analgesics so
widely abused?
Option 2: Vision is a complex process involving multiple brain areas. To which areas could changes
cause a loss of vision? How would those changes of vision affect your daily life?
Your essay should be based primarily on information from the class textbook and other assigned
materials. Other sources may be used sparingly. All sources (including the textbook and assigned class
materials) should be cited using correct APA style and you should include an APA style reference page
following your essay (even if it only has one reference).
Submit your assignment as a Word ( or x) file; other formats are not acceptable. Your response
should be about 500 words (450-550, not counting citations), typed using Time New Roman 12 point
font, with 1-inch margins. The text should be left aligned with a right ragged edge and double spaced
throughout. NO direct quotes are permitted; all information should be correctly paraphrased.
Use the automatic numbering feature of Word to add right aligned page numbers in the header of your
document. Do not include a title page. On the first line of the first page, type your name (no other
information required; not included in the word count). On the next line, type the topic you’ve chosen
(option 1 or option 2; not included in the word count). Begin your response on the next line and type your
response. The last page of your document should include your APA-style reference section (not included
in word count). A submission that fails to include citations and reference(s) constitutes plagiarism; see
below. Save your as LastnameF_3106_Essay1 x (where you substitute your last name and the first
initial of your first name. Upload the file in Revel before 10AM on Monday, March 2, 2020.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as your own. Many students are not aware that there are
different types of plagiarism. You are responsible for being familiar with the following information
regarding plagiarism as it relates to your work in this class.
Intentional plagiarism involves knowingly and deliberately presenting someone else’s work or ideas
as your own. Copying work from a website is an example of intentional plagiarism. Copying work from
the textbook is an example of intentional plagiarism. Copying work from another student is an example of
intentional plagiarism. Engaging in plagiarism is a violation of the Savannah State University Code of
Conduct instances of intentional plagiarism in this class will be handled as academic dishonesty.
Unintentional plagiarism occurs when you fail to give proper credit for someone else’s ideas or
work even if you did not intend to present them as your own. Writers sometimes do this without being
aware of it, when they fail to follow proper scholarly procedures for citation. To avoid unintentional
plagiarism, it is important to remember that you must give credit to all of the original sources of
information that influence your work, including direct quotes as well as paraphrased material.
• Generally, direct quotations should be used sparingly; typically, only in cases where the exact
phrasing of the original material is crucial to your point. When including direct quotes of fewer than
40 words, use quotation marks around the words you are borrowing directly and provide an
appropriate citation in APA style. Direct quotations that are 40 words or longer should be placed in a
free-standing block of typewritten lines without quotation marks and be accompanied by an
appropriate citation in APA style. NOTE: You may not include direct quotations in your work for
this class.
• Paraphrasing means restating information from original sources in your own words using your own
syntactical structure. When paraphrasing, it is important to make sure that you are doing so
appropriately. Inappropriate paraphrasing probably is the most common type of unintentional
plagiarism. It occurs when an author only makes cosmetic changes to the source text, such as using
synonyms to replace one or two words, rearranging the order of the original text, using passive
instead of active voice, or changing the verb tense. You should work hard to make sure you are
paraphrasing appropriately in all of the work submitted for this class.
As you have been instructed to include citations and references, the content of essays that do not
include both APA style citations and APA style references will not be scored and a score of 0 will be
assigned. Including direct quotes and instances of unintentional plagiarism will result in reduced scores
for the submitted work. More than two instances will result in a maximum of 50% earned credit on the
The scoring rubrics for the two options appear on the pages that follow.
Option 1: Opioid Essay Rubric
Vision Essay Exemplary Average Fair Poor Missing/Unacceptable
Development of Ideas
How clear and
focused is the essay?
How well does the
writer know the
topic? Is there a clear
main idea?
Response correctly
describes brain areas
involved in multiple aspects
of vision. • Damage to the
eyes would affect all areas
of vision. • Damage to the
thalamus would affect
conscious perception of
vision. • Damage to visual
cortex would have multiple
effects depending on
location. • Damage to
superior colliculus would
impair orienting behaviors.
• Suprachiasmatic nucleus
is involved in entrainment
of circadian rhythms based
on light- dark cycles.
Response correctly
describes some brain areas
involved in multiple
aspects of vision. • Damage
to the eyes would affect all
areas of vision. • Damage to
the thalamus would affect
conscious perception of
vision. • Damage to visual
cortex would have multiple
effects depending on
location. • Damage to
superior colliculus would
impair orienting behaviors.
• Suprachiasmatic nucleus
is involved in entrainment
of circadian rhythms based
on light- dark cycles.
Response correctly
describes some brain areas
involved in some aspects of
vision. • Damage to the eyes
would affect all areas of
vision. • Damage to the
thalamus would affect
conscious perception of
vision. • Damage to visual
cortex would have multiple
effects depending on
location. • Damage to
superior colliculus would
impair orienting behaviors.
• Suprachiasmatic nucleus is
involved in entrainment of
circadian rhythms based on
light- dark cycles.
Response fails to
describe brain areas
involved in aspects of
vision. • Fails to
consider damage to
the eyes. • Fails to
consider damage to
the thalamus. • Fails
to consider damage to
visual cortex. • Fails to
consider involvement
of superior colliculus
or hypothalamus.
Unrelated to the topic
Organization 10%
Is the essay well
structured? Does the
organization enhance
understanding? How
well are transitions
used? Are the
introduction and
conclusion clear?
Organization is effective and
supports the logical flow of
the response. • Transitions
effectively connect concepts.
• May contain an effective
introduction and/or
Organization is clear and
appropriate. • Transitions
appropriately connect
concepts. • May contain an
appropriate introduction
and/or conclusion.
Organization is skeletal or
otherwise limited, which may
detract from the reader’s
ability to follow the response.
• Some simple or basic
transitions are used, but they
do not necessarily support the
response. • May contain a
minimal introduction and/or
Response lacks a clear
sense of direction. •
Transitions are lacking
or do not help the
reader follow the essay.
• Both the introduction
and conclusion are
minimal and/or absent.
Incomprehensible or
Conventions 10%
Is the essay well-
edited? Does the
writer use a wide
variety of conventions
that enhance the text?
How much do errors
interfere with
Demonstrates sophistication
and skill with a wide variety
of conventions. • Response
may contain minor editing
errors in
grammar, spelling,
punctuation, or sentence
construction. • Errors do not
interfere with the reader’s
Demonstrates adequate
control over a variety of
conventions. • Response may
contain some errors in
grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and/or sentence
construction. • Most errors
do not interfere with the
reader’s understanding.
Although basic conventions
may be mostly controlled,
overall the response
demonstrates inconsistent
control over conventions.
Response may not use a
variety of conventions (or
only basic conventions may
be used.) • Response may
contain a substantial number
of errors
in grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and/or sentence
construction. • Some errors
interfere with the reader’s
Demonstrates a lack of
control over basic
conventions. •
Response may contain
a large number of errors
in grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and/or
sentence structure OR
the errors are severe. •
Errors interfere with the
reader’s understanding
OR the response is
minimal with a density
of errors.
Complete disregard for
or missing
Option 1: Opioid Essay Rubric continued
Opioid Essay Exemplary Average Fair Poor Missing/Unacceptable
Voice 10%
Is the writer’s voice
distinctive? Does the
voice enhance the
essay? Does the essay
beg to be read aloud?
Is the voice
appropriate for the
audience (not too
formal or informal)?
Voice is appropriately
authoritative indicating a
high level of comfort with
the material. • Words used
are precise and well-
chosen. • Sentences are
varied and have a natural
Voice is appropriate and
clear. • Word choice is
appropriate to the subject
matter and functional. •
Sentences are appropriate
and varied, making the
response easy to read.
Voice may be artificial or
uneven. • Word choice may be
correct for the subject matter,
but original material be
limited or may demonstrate a
limited vocabulary range. •
Sentences may be choppy,
rambling, or repetitive in a
way that limits fluency.
Voice may be lacking or
inappropriate. • Original
word choices may be
simplistic, vague,
inappropriate, or
incorrect. • Sentences
may be limited in variety
or be comprised of
awkward fragments or
run-ons which produce a
halting voice.
Complete disregard for
appropriate voice or
Focus and Coherence
The extent to which
the document
establishes and
maintains a
controlling idea or
bottom line, and an
understanding of
purpose and
audience, and
completes all parts of
the task.
Response persuasively
justifies its conclusions
through logic, examples,
and illustrative language.
References to concepts,
theories, etc. effectively
demonstrate a strong
command of
Response justifies its
conclusions through some
combination of logic,
examples, and illustrative
language. References to
concepts, theories, etc.
effectively demonstrate a
good command of
Response provides some
justification for its
Some combination of logic,
examples, and illustrative
language are present but are
inconsistent or somewhat
ineffective. References to
concepts, theories, etc.
effectively demonstrate a
partial command of
Response provides no
significant justification
for its conclusions.
Logic, examples, and
illustrative language are
absent, inconsistent,
and/or ineffective.
References to concepts,
theories, etc. effectively
demonstrate a weak
grasp of
Complete lack of focus
and coherence or missing
Instructions 5%
Follows all instructions Failed to follow 1-2
Failed to follow 3-4
Failed to follow 5-6
Fails to follow more than
6 instructions.
Option 2: Vision Essay Rubric
Vision Essay Exemplary Average Fair Poor Missing/Unacceptable
Development of Ideas
How clear and
focused is the essay?
How well does the
writer know the
topic? Is there a clear
main idea?
Response correctly
describes brain areas
involved in multiple aspects
of vision. • Damage to the
eyes would affect all areas
of vision. • Damage to the
thalamus would affect
conscious perception of
vision. • Damage to visual
cortex would have multiple
effects depending on
location. • Damage to
superior colliculus would
impair orienting behaviors.
• Suprachiasmatic nucleus
is involved in entrainment
of circadian rhythms based
on light- dark cycles.
Response correctly
describes some brain areas
involved in multiple
aspects of vision. • Damage
to the eyes would affect all
areas of vision. • Damage to
the thalamus would affect
conscious perception of
vision. • Damage to visual
cortex would have multiple
effects depending on
location. • Damage to
superior colliculus would
impair orienting behaviors.
• Suprachiasmatic nucleus
is involved in entrainment
of circadian rhythms based
on light- dark cycles.
Response correctly
describes some brain areas
involved in some aspects of
vision. • Damage to the eyes
would affect all areas of
vision. • Damage to the
thalamus would affect
conscious perception of
vision. • Damage to visual
cortex would have multiple
effects depending on
location. • Damage to
superior colliculus would
impair orienting behaviors.
• Suprachiasmatic nucleus is
involved in entrainment of
circadian rhythms based on
light- dark cycles.
Response fails to
describe brain areas
involved in aspects of
vision. • Fails to
consider damage to
the eyes. • Fails to
consider damage to
the thalamus. • Fails
to consider damage to
visual cortex. • Fails to
consider involvement
of superior colliculus
or hypothalamus.
Unrelated to the topic
or missing
Organization 10%
Is the essay well
structured? Does the
organization enhance
understanding? How
well are transitions
used? Are the
introduction and
conclusion clear?
Organization is effective and
supports the logical flow of
the response. • Transitions
effectively connect concepts.
• May contain an effective
introduction and/or
Organization is clear and
appropriate. • Transitions
appropriately connect
concepts. • May contain an
appropriate introduction
and/or conclusion.
Organization is skeletal or
otherwise limited, which may
detract from the reader’s
ability to follow the response.
• Some simple or basic
transitions are used, but they
do not necessarily support the
response. • May contain a
minimal introduction and/or
Response lacks a clear
sense of direction. •
Transitions are lacking
or do not help the
reader follow the essay.
• Both the introduction
and conclusion are
minimal and/or absent.
Incomprehensible or
Conventions 10%
Is the essay well-
edited? Does the
writer use a wide
variety of conventions
that enhance the text?
How much do errors
interfere with
Demonstrates sophistication
and skill with a wide variety
of conventions. • Response
may contain minor editing
errors in grammar, spelling,
punctuation, or sentence
construction. • Errors do not
interfere with the reader’s
Demonstrates adequate
control over a variety of
conventions. • Response may
contain some errors in
grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and/or sentence
construction. • Most errors
do not interfere with the
reader’s understanding.
Although basic conventions
may be mostly controlled,
overall the response
demonstrates inconsistent
control over conventions.
Response may not use a
variety of conventions (or
only basic conventions may
be used.) • Response may
contain a substantial number
of errors in grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and/or sentence
construction. • Some errors
interfere with the reader’s
Demonstrates a lack of
control over basic
conventions. •
Response may contain
a large number of errors
in grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and/or
sentence structure OR
the errors are severe. •
Errors interfere with the
reader’s understanding
OR the response is
minimal with a density
of errors.
Complete disregard for
conventions or missing
Option 2: Vision Essay Rubric continued
Vision Essay Exemplary Average Fair Poor Missing/Unacceptable
Voice 10%
Is the writer’s voice
distinctive? Does the
voice enhance the
essay? Does the essay
beg to be read aloud?
Is the voice
appropriate for the
audience (not too
formal or informal)?
Voice is appropriately
authoritative indicating a
high level of comfort with
the material. • Words used
are precise and well-
chosen. • Sentences are
varied and have a natural
Voice is appropriate and
clear. • Word choice is
appropriate to the subject
matter and functional. •
Sentences are appropriate
and varied, making the
response easy to read.
Voice may be artificial or
uneven. • Word choice may be
correct for the subject matter,
but original material be
limited or may demonstrate a
limited vocabulary range. •
Sentences may be choppy,
rambling, or repetitive in a
way that limits fluency.
Voice may be lacking or
inappropriate. • Original
word choices may be
simplistic, vague,
inappropriate, or
incorrect. • Sentences
may be limited in variety
or be comprised of
awkward fragments or
run-ons which produce a
halting voice.
Complete disregard for
appropriate voice or
Focus and Coherence
The extent to which
the document
establishes and
maintains a
controlling idea or
bottom line, and an
understanding of
purpose and
audience, and
completes all parts of
the task.
Response persuasively
justifies its conclusions
through logic, examples,
and illustrative language.
References to concepts,
theories, etc. effectively
demonstrate a strong
command of vision
anatomy and physiology.
Response justifies its
conclusions through some
combination of logic,
examples, and illustrative
language. References to
concepts, theories, etc.
effectively demonstrate a
good command of vision
anatomy and physiology.
Response provides some
justification for its
Some combination of logic,
examples, and illustrative
language are present but are
inconsistent or somewhat
ineffective. References to
concepts, theories, etc.
effectively demonstrate a
partial command of vision
anatomy and physiology.
Response provides no
significant justification
for its conclusions.
Logic, examples, and
illustrative language are
absent, inconsistent,
and/or ineffective.
References to concepts,
theories, etc. effectively
demonstrate a weak
grasp of vision anatomy
and physiology.
Complete lack of focus
and coherence or missing
Instructions 5%
Follows all instructions Failed to follow 1-2
Failed to follow 3-4
Failed to follow 5-6
Fails to follow more than
6 instructions.
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