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So many teams, so little time: Time allocation matters in geographically dispersed teams
Source: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 33, No. 3, The Changing Ecology of
Teams: New Forms, New Work, New Leadership — Not Your Grandfather’s Work Team
(APRIL 2012), pp. 316-341
Published by: Wiley
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Journal of Organizational Behavior, J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
Published online 21 August 2011 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/job.777
So many teams, so little time: Time allocation
matters in geographically dispersed teams
lFuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A.
2The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Summary Geographically dispersed teams whose members do not allocate all of their time to a single team increasingly
carry out knowledge-intensive work in multinational organizations. Taking an attention-based view of team de-
sign, we investigate the antecedents and consequences of member time allocation in a multi-level study of 2055
members of 285 teams in a large global corporation, using member survey data and independent executive ratings
of team performance. We focus on two distinct dimensions of time allocation: the proportion of members’ time
that is allocated to the focal team and the number of other teams to which the members allocate time concurrently.
At the individual level, we find that time allocation is influenced by members’ levels of experience, rank, educa-
tion, and leader role on the team, as predicted. At the team level, performance is higher for teams whose members
allocate a greater proportion of their time to the focal team, but surprisingly, performance is also higher for teams
whose members allocate time to a greater number of other teams concurrently. Furthermore, the effects of mem-
ber time allocation on team performance are contingent on geographic dispersion: the advantages of allocating
more time to the focal team are greater for more dispersed teams, whereas the advantages of allocating time to
more other teams are greater for less dispersed teams. We discuss the implications for future research on new
forms of teams as well as managerial practice, including how to manage geographically dispersed teams with
the effects of member time allocation in mind. Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: virtual teams; time allocation; multiple team membership; external performance
Multinational organizations operate in fast-changing global environments that demand flexibility and require the use
of sophisticated communication technologies. As a result, it is increasingly difficult to find teams whose members all
work together face-to-face for the entire duration of a project. Rather, it is much more common to find teams whose
members are spread across geographies and participate in their projects as needed, balancing the goals of a particular
project with other responsibilities. Greater variation in how members allocate their time to teams is driven in part by
the increasing prevalence of knowledge-intensive work, which relies on the expertise and experience of team
members regardless of where they are located in the organization (Argote, McEvily, & Reagans, 2003; Kozlowski
& Ilgen, 2006). Knowledge-intensive teams bring together members to undertake projects that are too complex, un-
certain, and non-routine to be managed by a single person alone (Cross, Ehrlich, Dawson, & Helferich, 2008; Rulke
& Galaskiewicz, 2000). By bringing together members with different skill sets, background experience, and
functional expertise, these teams are expressly designed to tackle the challenges of knowledge-intensive work
(Bunderson, 2003; Dahlin, Weingart, & Hinds, 2005).
^Correspondence to: Jonathon N. Cummings, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A. E-mail: jonathon.
cummings @
Received 7 February 2010
Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 13 June 2011, Accepted 23 June 2011
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Unlike the stable, bounded entities of traditional team research, where team members work together face-to-face over an
extended period to solve problems, make decisions, and accomplish their task objectives (Cohen & Bailey, 1997;
Hackman, 1987; McGrath, 1984; Steiner, 1972), knowledge-intensive teams are less likely to work together full-
time on a single team in the same location (Barkema, Baum, & Mannix, 2002). Instead, they are increasingly likely
to spend only part of their time on the focal team, work on other teams concurrently, and span a variety of
geographic locations (O’Leary, Mortensen, & Woolley, 201 1). Now that the challenges and opportunities of glob-
alization are an unavoidable reality for organizations large and small, an important question for the design of knowl-
edge-intensive teams is how to effectively allocate the time of members across teams, especially when these
members are geographically dispersed (Boh, Ren, Kiesler, & Bussjaeger, 2007; Faraj & Sproull, 2000; Sole &
Edmondson, 2002).
To address this question, we take an attention-based view of team design that starts from the premise that attention
is a valuable but scarce resource in organizations (March & Simon, 1958; Simon, 1947). In knowledge-intensive
work contexts, demands on attention are particularly acute because new problems of information overload have dis-
placed the old problems of information scarcity (Davenport & Beck, 2002; Hansen & Haas, 2001). As the demands
on their attention multiply, team members increasingly experience “time famine” – the feeling that they have too
much to do and not enough time to do it (Perlow, 1997). According to the attention-based view of the firm, organi-
zational structures and systems manage these demands by channeling the attention of members toward some activ-
ities and away from others (Ocasio, 1997). We extend this attention-based view to teams by suggesting that time
allocation is a structural feature of team design that fundamentally shapes the extent to which the attention of team
members is concentrated on the focal team or diffused across other teams.
We identify two key dimensions of member time allocation that channel the attention of team members
toward the focal team or away from it. First, members who allocate a higher proportion of their time to the
focal team can concentrate more of their attention on the team’s work. Second, members who allocate time
to a greater number of other teams concurrently experience more attention diffusion across teams. Some prior
studies have noted the importance of the proportion of members’ time allocated to a focal team (e.g., Campion,
Medsker, & Higgs, 1993; Clark & Wheelwright, 1992). Others have considered the number of teams to which team
members are assigned simultaneously (e.g., Leroy & Sproull, 2004; O’Leary et al., 2011). However, these studies
have not examined the two separate dimensions of member time allocation together or investigated them systemat-
ically in the field. As the capacity to focus attention on a team’s work depends on both the proportion of time allo-
cated to the focal team and on the number of other teams to which time is allocated concurrently, in this study, we
consider both dimensions of member time allocation and examine their antecedents and consequences both theoret-
ically and empirically.
Building on the argument that time allocation structures the attention of team members, we take a multi-level ap-
proach to studying member time allocation in knowledge-intensive teams. First, we examine the individual-level
antecedents of team member time allocation. Because of the complexity, uncertainty, and non-routine nature of
the work undertaken by knowledge-intensive teams, the attention of individuals who have extensive experience, oc-
cupy senior ranks, or are highly educated is particularly valued (cf. Blackler, 1995; Starbuck, 1992). Such indivi-
duals can offer benefits to a team that include technical expertise (e.g., Faraj & Sproull, 2000), network contacts
(e.g., Hansen & Lovas, 2004), and access to scarce resources (e.g. Finkelstein, 1992). This suggests that the attention
of individuals with greater experience, higher rank, and more education will be in greater demand; thus, individuals
with these characteristics will allocate a lower proportion of their time to the focal team and will allocate time to
larger number of other teams concurrently. Additionally, we propose that members who hold a formal team leader
role will allocate a higher proportion of their time to the focal team and will allocate time to a smaller number of
other teams concurrently because of the responsibilities that require their attention on the focal team as well as their
expertise, networks, and resources.
Second, we examine the team-level consequences of team member time allocation. Recent research on attention
highlights the cognitive, motivational, and behavioral costs resulting, for example, from managing high workloads
(e.g., Schmidt & Dolis, 2009), switching between tasks (e.g., Altmann & Gray, 2008; Leroy, 2009; Rubinstein,
Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/job
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Meyer, & Evans, 2001), or interruptions and distractions (e.g., Jett & George, 2003; Mark, Gonzalez, & Harris,
2005; Okhuysen & Eisenhardt, 2002). Drawing on this research, we expect that teams whose members allocate a
higher proportion of their time to the focal team will perform more effectively, because these members can concen-
trate their attention more fully on their work. In contrast, we expect that teams whose members allocate time to more
teams concurrently will perform less effectively, because the attention of the members is more diffused.
Furthermore, we examine the moderating effects of geographic dispersion on the relationship between member time
allocation and team performance. Consistent with prior research (e.g., Allen, 1977; Hinds & Kiesler, 2002; Espinosa,
Cummings, Wilson, & Pearce, 2003), we conceptualize geographic dispersion as increasing with greater levels
of physical separation among team members (i.e., different rooms, hallways, floors, buildings, cities, countries).
In knowledge-intensive teams that are more geographically dispersed, team member time allocation patterns
can be expected to look different from those found in traditional teams. Specifically, members of more
geographically dispersed teams can be expected to allocate a lower proportion of their time to the focal team and to
allocate time to a greater number of other teams concurrently. Yet, the benefits of team members concentrating atten-
tion on the focal team, as well as the costs of diffusing attention across other teams, can be expected to be greater when
the members are more geographically dispersed, because of the increased needs for coordination and information about
each others’ priorities, constraints, and contexts across locations (e.g., Herbsleb, Mockus, Finholt, & Grinter, 2000;
Massey, Montoy a- Weiss, & Hung, 2003; Olson & Olson, 2000). Accordingly, we argue that more dispersed teams
will benefit more from having members who allocate a greater proportion of their time to the focal team but suffer
more from having members who allocate time concurrently to a greater number of other teams.
We test hypotheses derived from our multi-level theory with a sample of 2055 members from 285 teams engaged
in knowledge-intensive work in a multinational organization. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and
managerial implications of our findings.
Antecedents and Consequences of Team Member Time Allocation
The divergence of knowledge-intensive teams from the bounded, stable entities of traditional team research (e.g.,
Cohen & Bailey, 1997; Hackman, 1987) has created a need for new theorizing about member time allocation in
teams. By exploring the individual-level antecedents and team-level consequences of member time allocation, we
aim to extend traditional theories of team effectiveness to new forms of work teams. Our multi-level model is sum-
marized in Figure 1 .
Individual-level antecedents of time allocation
Because knowledge-intensive work can be facilitated by technical expertise, network contacts, and access to scarce
resources, the attention of individuals who can provide such benefits is in demand. In the succeeding paragraphs, we
consider four characteristics of individuals that prior research suggests can offer such benefits for knowledge-inten-
sive teams: (i) company experience, acquired through years spent in the firm; (ii) organizational rank, achieved by
reaching a level of seniority in the hierarchy, for example as a manager who supervises employees; (iii) educational
attainment, gained through degrees earned at academic institutions; and (iv) leader role, involving formally assigned
responsibility for the team. These characteristics suggest that in the same amount of time, some people can be
expected to provide higher quality attention – and thus more benefits for their teams – than others. Thus, these char-
acteristics can influence the patterns of members’ time allocation, both to the focal team and to other teams
First, company experience helps individuals develop firm-specific knowledge and skills that are potentially valu-
able for teams in that organization. More company experience is generally associated with better performance, es-
pecially when the experience is relevant to the task (Quinones, Ford, & Teachout, 1995). In particular, during
Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/job
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Figure 1 . A multi-level model of the antecedents and consequences of member time allocation in geographically dispersed teams.
Note : Solid lines denote formally proposed and tested hypotheses. Dashed line represents an aggregation of the individual-level
concept into a parallel team-level concept
their years with the company, individuals accumulate extensive explicit and tacit knowledge that is deeply grounded
in the specific context of their jobs (Schmidt, Hunter, & Outerbridge, 1986). Additionally, individuals develop in-
sight into the often complex processes through which work actually gets done in the organization over time, as well
as where to go for information and advice (Levin & Cross, 2004). Understanding the network structures that connect
people in the organization, as well as the distribution of power, can also be useful for accessing and securing critical
resources, such as additional funding for a project or senior executives’ support for a high-risk initiative (Krackhardt,
1990). Together, their accumulated job-related knowledge and understanding of the organization’s processes, net-
works, and power structure makes the attention of individuals with greater experience in the company highly valued.
The increased demands on individuals with greater company experience impact time allocation in two ways. First,
these individuals will tend to have less time available to allocate to a focal team. Second, these individuals will tend
to be asked to allocate time to a greater number of teams simultaneously, thus controlling for the number of other
teams on which a team member works concurrently:
Hypothesis la: At the individual level, company experience is negatively associated with the percentage of time a
member spends on the focal team.
And controlling for the percentage of time that the team member spends on the focal team:
Hypothesis lb: At the individual level, company experience is positively associated with the number of other
teams on which a member works concurrently.
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DOI: 10.1002/job
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Second, organizational rank also offers potential benefits to teams through the firm-specific knowledge and skills
that individuals who occupy higher positions in the formal hierarchy can provide. As a function of their position in
the organization, individuals who are higher in organizational rank typically have contact with a greater variety of
people and information (Lincoln & Miller, 1979). They often have access to and control over more important
resources, including the allocation of financial resources through the formal budget process (Finkelstein, 1992). Be-
cause of their greater authority and decision-making rights, individuals who are higher in the formal hierarchy also
are usually more involved in company decision processes (Bunderson, 2003). The combination of their diverse net-
works contacts, access to critical information and resources, and decision involvement makes the attention of indi-
viduals who are higher in the organizational hierarchy potentially important for their teams. The resulting demands
on their attention mean they are likely to have less time available to allocate to a given team. These demands also
reduce their capacity to devote time to any particular team. Consequently, controlling for the number of other teams
on which a team member works concurrently:
Hypothesis 2a: At the individual level, organizational rank is negatively associated with the percentage of time a
member spends on the focal team.
Moreover, controlling for the percentage of time the team member spends on the focal team:
Hypothesis 2b: At the individual level, organizational rank is positively associated with the number of other teams
on which a member works concurrently.
Third, individuals with high levels of educational attainment are valuable to their teams because formal education
builds general knowledge and skills. The higher the education level, the more likely a team member can interpret
and make sense of ambiguous task information (Dahlin, Weingart, & Hinds, 2005). In the context of knowledge-
intensive work, where team members often have to figure out what comes next as they make progress on a task,
a higher level of education increases their information processing ability in the face of uncertainty (Tushman,
1979). A higher level of education also makes it easier for members to communicate technical or complicated ideas
to other members, given that differences in education level can be a barrier to language compatibility (Tsui &
O’Reilly, 1989). Formal education thus enables individuals to develop a set of general skills that are potentially valu-
able across many situations (Becker, 1993). Because their interpretation skills, information processing abilities, and
communication proficiency suggests that the attention of individuals with higher levels of education can be partic-
ularly valuable for teams, their time is likely to be in greater demand. Accordingly, such individuals are likely to
spend less time on a particular team, and furthermore, they are more likely to work on multiple teams concurrently.
Thus, controlling for the number of other teams on which a team member works concurrently:
Hypothesis 3a: At the individual level, educational attainment is negatively associated with the percentage of time
a member spends on the focal team.
In addition, controlling for the percentage of time a member spends on the focal team:
Hypothesis 3b: At the individual level, educational attainment is positively associated with the number of other
teams on which a member works concurrently.
Finally, team leaders are also valued for their technical expertise, network contacts, and access to scarce resources.
However, their formal responsibilities on the team should lead them to spend more time, rather than less time, on the
focal team. Moreover, they are likely to serve on fewer, rather than more, other teams concurrently, because of their
heightened responsibilities to the focal team. For example, team leaders have formally assigned administrative duties
such as coordinating project resources, guiding team members, and regulating team tasks. They are responsible for
taking care of the needs required for accomplishing a task, such as ensuring that members have the knowledge and
skills necessary for success (Hackman & Walton, 1986). They are also charged with organizing activities and
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DOI: 10.1002/job
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directing work teams towards goals, which includes managing relationships and facilitating outside feedback on
progress (Wageman, 2001). Furthermore, team leaders have the authority to use a variety of resources to facilitate
task completion, such as budget and personnel provided by upper management (House, 1971). Given their admin-
istrative duties, responsibilities, and authority to ensure necessary expertise, networks, and resources, members in a
leader role are likely to be in more demand. As a result, they are more likely to spend time on the focal team. They
are also more likely to work on fewer other teams concurrently than other members of the team. Hence, controlling
for the number of other teams on which a team member works concurrently:
Hypothesis 4a: At the individual level, leader role is positively associated with the percentage of time a member
spends on the focal team.
And controlling for the percentage of time a member spends on the focal team:
Hypothesis 4b: At the individual level, leader role is negatively associated with the number of other teams on
which a member works concurrently.
Team-level consequences of time allocation
In addressing the effects of member time allocation on team-level performance, our attention-based view of team
design suggests that teams whose members allocate more time to the team and work on fewer other teams concur-
rently will perform more effectively, because they are less likely to suffer from the cognitive, motivational, and be-
havioral costs of attention diffusion. Put differently, controlling for the quality of the attention available to a team
(as represented by members’ company experience, organizational rank, educational attainment, and leader roles),
we expect the quantity of attention available to the team to be positively related to team performance.
Time allocation and team performance
An attention-based view of team design suggests that team performance can be harmed if members allocate a lower
proportion of their time to the focal team. Social psychology research on attention suggests that limited time leads
team members to narrow their attention to a smaller set of cues and to become more concerned with reaching con-
sensus or making a decision quickly and less concerned with other goals, such as improving the quality of the team’s
decision or systematically evaluating alternatives (Karau & Kelly, 1992; Kelly & Loving, 2004; Parks & Cowlin,
1995). On tasks that are complex, uncertain, or non-routine, like those that characterize knowledge-intensive work,
these information processing and interaction strategies can produce less creative or well-reasoned decisions (Kelly &
Karau, 1999). The implication is that team members who can devote only a low proportion of their time to complet-
ing their work for a focal team may contribute less to that team as a result.
Independent of the problems arising from having a lower proportion of member time allocated to the focal team,
there are also potential costs created by having member time allocated to more other teams concurrently because each
additional assignment increases the cognitive load on the team members (Sweller, 1988). The cumulative demands
created by multiple competing goals may exceed team members’ perceptions of their capabilities and lead them
to partially or completely abandon some of their goals in order to assure the attainment of others (Schmidt & Dolis,
2009). Team members may also incur switching costs when they transfer their attention across teams, and the more
teams they must switch across, the greater these costs. There is considerable empirical evidence that task switching is
costly because cognitive interference from a previous task reduces effectiveness on a current task (e.g., Altman &
Gray, 2008; Rubinstein et al., 2001). This interference has been found to be particularly problematic when the pre-
vious task is not yet completed (Leroy, 2009), which is the case when team members allocate time to multiple teams
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DOI: 10.1002/job
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Beyond these cognitive effects of time allocation, there may also be motivational and behavioral implications of
allocating less time to the focal team and time to more other teams concurrently. Team members who only allocate a
relatively small amount of time to a focal team may not be motivated to engage fully with the team’s task even in the
time assigned to that team (Clark & Wheelwright, 1992). They may also identify less with the focal team, which
could further reduce their level of engagement and beliefs that they can be effective (Campion, Medsker, & Higgs,
1993). These motivational risks also arise from working on more other teams concurrently, as engagement is likely
to be more difficult to sustain in the face of more simultaneous demands from other teams as well as multiple
competing team identities (O’Leary et al., 201 1).
Finally, the behavioral risk of interruptions and distractions is greater both when team members allocate a lower
proportion of their time to the focal team and when they allocate time to more teams concurrently. Interruptions can
sometimes be useful for teams and introduce valuable information for their work (e.g., Jett & George, 2003;
Okhusyen & Eisenhardt, 2002; Zellmer-Bruhn, 2003). However, interruptions can also reduce productivity by
distracting attention from the focal project (Perlow, 1999), and resuming work on a focal project has been shown
to be more difficult when interruptions are longer and more demanding (Altmann & Trafton, 2002; Monk, Trafton,
& Boehm-Davis, 2008). Allocating a lower proportion of time to the focal team and allocating time to a greater num-
ber of other teams concurrently can impose attention costs on teams due to pressures for completion, competing
goals, task switching, reduced engagement, and interruptions. Hence, we predict, controlling for the number of other
teams on which members work concurrently:
Hypothesis 5a: At the team level, the percentage of time the members spend on the focal team is positively asso-
ciated with team performance.
And controlling for the percentage of time the members spend on the focal team:
Hypothesis 5b: At the team level, the number of other teams on which the members work concurrently is nega-
tively associated with team performance
Moderating role of geographic dispersion
Teams engaged in knowledge-intensive work often draw members from multiple geographic locations, as this
work frequently requires more expertise than is available in a single location (for a review, see Hinds & Kiesler,
2002). The members of geographically dispersed teams may be separated by boundaries that represent increasing
levels of physical separation ranging from different rooms to different hallways to different floors to different build-
ings to different cities to different countries (Espinosa et al., 2003). Because crossing such boundaries and dealing
with competing pressures from their local work environments increases the demands on team members’ attention,
we expect that geographic dispersion will influence the relationship between time allocation and team performance.
Prior research has shown that overcoming physical separation requires team members to devote extra attention to
coordination and communication across the boundaries that separate them (Cramton, 2001). For team members who
are located in different rooms, hallways, or floors in a building, even these low levels of geographic dispersion create
difficulties of coordination and communication that increase the demands on their attention. For example, although
such team members have relatively low barriers to scheduling face-to-face meetings, each increasing level of phys-
ical separation nevertheless increases the barriers to informal interactions and spontaneous communication between
them, reducing their awareness of each others’ activities and perspectives (Allen, 1977; Van den Bulte & Moenaert,
1998, Zahn, 1991).
For members who are dispersed across buildings, the demands on their attention are increased because not only
are informal interactions and spontaneous communication less likely, but scheduled face-to-face meetings become
more difficult as well. As a result, team members must rely more heavily on communication technologies, despite
Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/job
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the increased interpretation challenges that can accompany the lower richness of e-mail, phone, or other substitute
communication media (Daft & Lengel, 1984; Sosa, Eppinger, Pich, McKendrick, & Stout, 2002).
Along with the coordination and communication difficulties arising from dispersion, team members who are lo-
cated in different cities have the demands on their attention further compounded by the proximity of local collea-
gues, whose attempts to pull their attention toward other tasks and away from the focal team can be hard to resist
(Armstrong & Cole, 1995). For team members who are located in different countries, finally, the demands on their
attention are compounded even further by the greater differences encountered across countries as well as by the need
to manage pressures from local colleagues. In particular, such team members must not only overcome physical dis-
tance and often time zone differences, but cultural differences too (Hansen & Lovas, 2004; Jarvenpaa & Leidner,
1999; Maznevski & Chudoba, 2000).
Because of the increasing demands on team members’ attention due to greater geographic dispersion, the cogni-
tive, motivational, and behavioral benefits of attention focus created by spending a higher proportion of time on the
focal team are more valuable for teams with greater dispersion. For example, members who spend more time fo-
cused on a dispersed team are more likely to be aware of the needs of other members, more likely to be motivated
to help out in critical situations, and more likely to override local distractions and interruptions. In contrast, the cog-
nitive, motivational, and behavioral costs of attention diffusion that arise from working on a greater number of other
teams concurrently are likely to be more harmful for teams with greater dispersion. For instance, dispersed team
members who are also on more other teams are less likely to engage fully with issues raised by other members, less
likely to be driven to solve time-consuming problems, and less likely to deal effectively with competing demands
made by local colleagues. Thus, there are increasing benefits of attention focus and increasing costs of attention
diffusion as teams become more geographically dispersed. Given these arguments, we expect that, controlling for
the number of other teams on which members work concurrently:
Hypothesis 6a: At the team level, the percentage of time members spend on the focal team is more positively as-
sociated with team performance when geographic dispersion is greater.
Moreover, controlling for the percentage of time members spend on the focal team:
Hypothesis 6b: At the team level, the number of other teams on which members work concurrently is more neg-
atively associated with team performance when geographic dispersion is greater.
Teams in this study worked in a large multinational company that employs more than 100000 people in over 50
countries worldwide. The company is engaged in diversified operations in the food industry. In terms of company
experience, educational attainment, organizational rank, and leader role for the study participants, 42 percent had
more than 10 years of experience working for the company, 86 percent had at least a bachelor’s degree, 58 percent
had at least one company employee who reported to them, and 21 percent had occupied a formal team leader role.
At any given time, the company had thousands of teams, most of which were temporary project teams that were time
limited, produced one-time outputs, and disbanded after the task was complete. The standard practice in the com-
pany was for a local manager to secure funding for a particular team, to recruit individuals in the organization to
work on the team, and to assign one or more of the members as formal leaders of the team. As a result of the
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DOI: 10.1002/job
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company’s emphasis on using teams to work on non-routine, complex tasks in an uncertain environment, the teams
can be characterized as highly knowledge-intensive.
The teams that participated in this study included all teams nominated by their local managers for a company-wide
recognition program. The only explicit criterion for nomination was that teams had to have completed their tasks;
thus, we do not have teams in our sample that had not finished their tasks or that had stopped working on their tasks
prematurely. Because managers around the world differed in their reasons for nominating a team (e.g., some man-
agers nominated teams for simply finishing their task, some nominated teams to recognize hard work, and some
nominated teams for what they viewed as a successful task output), the teams in the sample varied in their
Each team was classified by the local nominating manager according to one of three task types: (i) customer
service (e.g., task could have an impact on customers’ cost, profit, or revenue or focuses on maximizing long term
customer relationships); (ii) operational improvement (e.g., task could result in significant improvement, a sustain-
able return, or internal growth, or there is a clear relationship between the results of the team’s performance and the
goals of the business unit); or (iii) product innovation (e.g., task could be a unique and useful breakthrough for the
industry, provides the company with a major competitive advantage, or is difficult to replicate or imitate). Tasks
lasted a little over 1 year, on average, and addressed a range of problems, which are illustrated in Table 1, together
with descriptive data on their member time allocations.
Initially, a corporate vice-president sent an e-mail message to all 2701 members of the 365 teams that partici-
pated in the program, inviting them to contribute to this study, followed by two reminders. A total of 2179 team
members responded to the survey, for a response rate of 81 percent. The survey was written in English as this was
the common language among the participants. In the beginning of the survey, each respondent was provided with
the team name (which usually described the project) as well as the first and last names of members on the team. To
verify team membership, we asked survey respondents to indicate if they thought they were officially on the team
and only included those respondents who confirmed being on the team in our study (96 percent of respondents
confirmed; the primary reason given by the other 4 percent was minimal participation on the team, such as pro-
viding input only once or twice). Furthermore, we only used data from teams that had at least four confirmed team
members and at least a 50 percent response rate to our survey. Our final sample included 2055 members of 285
teams (76 percent of all team members and 78 percent of all teams surveyed). As we were able to gather back-
ground data on company experience, education level, organizational rank, and leader role from respondents only,
we do not know how these characteristics differ for non-respondents. However, we do know that the final sample
of teams did not differ significantly on these characteristics when compared with the teams that were excluded
from the analysis because of the criteria outlined above (i.e., at least four confirmed members with at least a 50
percent response rate). Several months following completion of the survey, independent panels of senior execu-
tives rated team performance.
Company experience
Respondents indicated their levels of experience in the company (1: 0-4 years, 2: 5-10years, 3: 11-15 years, 4:
16-20years, 5: 21-25years, 6: >25 years). At the team level, we computed the average years of company expe-
rience for members on each team.
Organizational rank
We measured the rank of respondents within the company with a categorical variable where 1 =employee (no direct
reports), 2= manager (direct employee reports), and 3= senior manager (direct manager reports). At the team level,
we computed the average rank for members on each team.
Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/job
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Table 1. Examples of knowledge-intensive work by time allocation and type of task in the sample of N= 285 teams.
Percentage of time Number of
on focal team other teams Type of task Examples of knowledge-intensive work
63 (high) 5.0 (high) Customer Used operations, R&D, and sales knowledge to create a system for
service integrating food products into the store distribution channels of an
important customer
56 (high) 4.5 (high) Operational Used finance, management, operations, quality, R&D, and sales
improvement knowledge to refine a business strategy for extending product lines
of existing food products sold to retailers
53 (high) 3.4 (high) Product Used engineering, operations, product support, quality, R&D, and sales
innovation knowledge to develop a new food product that extends an existing
10 (low) 7.6 (high) Customer Used engineering, operations, R&D, and sales knowledge to deliver an
service ingredient as a way to improve productivity and functionality for a
key customer
13 (low) 7.2 (high) Operational Used engineering, operations, quality, and R&D knowledge to turn
improvement ingredient optimization processes into a single comprehensive
9 (low) 7.5 (high) Product Used marketing and R&D knowledge to make advances in nutrition,
innovation including the creation of a new nutrient used during critical stages of
food development
60 (high) 1.3 (low) Customer Used marketing, product support, quality, R&D, and sales knowledge
service to streamline offering of an ingredient to meet customer needs
88 (high) 1.3 (low) Operational Used engineering and operations knowledge to re-design a
improvement manufacturing plant and port used for special production and
delivery through transportation
64 (high) 2.0 (low) Product Used engineering and operations knowledge to build a non-proprietary
Innovation control system and database with new capabilities to replace obsolete
systems across the company
6 (low) 1.3 (low) Customer Used operations, trading, and transportation knowledge to secure a new
service relationship with a top customer by solving a problem they had with
the quality of available options
4 (low) 1.7 (low) Operational Used accounting, finance, and IT knowledge to improve productivity
improvement and reduce costs through introducing a standardized paperless system
for responding to customer requests
19 (low) 2.0 (low) Product Used accounting, engineering, management, sales, and trading
innovation knowledge to introduce the production of new ingredients inside of
an existing food production facility
Educational attainment
Respondents reported their education on a scale where l=high school, 2= some college, 3= bachelor’ s degree,
4= master’ s degree, 5= professional degree, and 6= doctorate. At the team level, we computed the average ed-
ucation level for members on each team.
Leader role
We asked each member to indicate whether or not they were a formal leader on the team (1 =yes, 0=no). At the team
level, we created a variable that captured whether a team had multiple formal leaders (l=yes, 0=no). Just over 40
percent of our sample had two or more formal leaders, indicating that the practice was quite common in these
knowledge-intensive teams.
Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J . Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/job
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Percentage of time spent
Respondents reported the percentage of time they spent on the focal team: 1 = 1-10 percent of average work week,
2=11-20 percent, 3=21-30 percent, 4=31-40 percent, 5=41-50 percent, 6=51-60 percent, 7=61-70 percent,
8=71-80 percent, 9=81-90 percent, 10=91-100 percent. At the team level, we computed the average percent-
age of time spent for members on each team (ICC1=0.33, p< 0.001; ICC2=0.80, p<. 001, indicating that it is
appropriate to aggregate this measure to the team level).
Number of other teams
Respondents also reported the number of other teams they were on at the same time as the focal team: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10+. At the team level, we computed the average number of other teams for members on each team (ICC1 =
0.18, p<. 001; ICC2=0.63, /?<.001, indicating that it is appropriate to aggregate this measure to the team level).
Geographic dispersion
We measured geographic dispersion with a seven-point scale that captures increasing levels of physical separation
(l=same room, 2= different room on the same hallway, 3= different hallway, 4= different floor, 5= different build-
ing, 6=different city, 7=different country; Allen, 1977; Olson & Olson, 1999; Sosa et al., 2002; Levin & Cross,
2004). Team members indicated the extent to which they were physically separated from every other member of
the team. At the team level, we computed the average physical separation among members to determine the extent
to which the team was geographically dispersed. In our sample, the average team member had 15 percent of other
members in the same room, 1 1 percent of other members in a different room on the same hallway, 5 percent of other
members in a different hallway, 9 percent of other members in a different floor, 14 percent of other members in a
different building, 30 percent of other members in a different city, and 15 percent of other members in a different
Team performance
We used independent evaluations generated by panels of senior executives who were not previously familiar with
the teams in the study to measure team performance. These panels judged the work of the teams on the dimensions
of uniqueness, usefulness, customer engagement, value delivery, goal alignment, and tangible results. To avoid po-
tential conflicts of interest, no senior executives were members of any of the teams, had team members as direct
reports, or were nominating managers. We judged within the task categories of customer service, operational im-
provement, and product innovation, ensuring that they were only judged against other teams with the same type
of task.
For each task category, there were three rounds of judging, and a different panel of senior executives who were
identified as experts in that category judged each round (the first round panels had four senior executives, the second
round panels had four senior executives, and the third round panels had three senior executives). To reinforce that all
types of tasks were valued equally by the company, the number of teams advancing in each round was proportional
to the number of teams in each of the three task categories. The panels reached their decisions by consensus and did
not report raw scores or other metrics behind their judgments. Of the 285 teams in our sample, 217 teams made it as
far as the first round only (76 percent), 45 teams made it as far as the second round (16 percent), and 23 teams made
it as far as the third and final round (8 percent). Thus, we used an ordinal variable to capture whether teams ended up
“We also computed several alternative measures of geographic dispersion following O’Leary and Cummings (2007), including (i) physical dis-
tance based on the average number of miles separating pairs of members, (ii) temporal distance based on the average number of time zones sep-
arating pairs of members, and (iii) locational configuration based on the number of cities or countries on the team. Additionally, following
Hofstede (1991), we computed (iv) the cultural distance separating team members based on the four categories of low versus high power distance,
individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus, femininity, and uncertainty avoidance. In exploratory analyses, we did not find any signif-
icant main effects of these alternative measures or any moderating effects on the relationship between time allocation and team performance. In
models that included these alternative measures, the results of our analyses using the seven-point geographic dispersion variable were unchanged.
Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/job
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in the first, second, or final round of judging, coded l=low performance, 2=medium performance, and 3=high
Though we did not have access to data that would allow us to compute the percent agreement among judges
within a panel, reliability was built into the overall evaluation process. For example, teams reaching the final round
were judged by three separate panels, so high performing teams had agreement across panels that they were the best
within their task category. Moreover, panels did not have any of the survey data described above (including member
time allocation) when making judgments about team performance. Rather, they relied on a variety of inputs such as
reported results, customer satisfaction, and project impact, which were provided in the form of written documents,
powerpoint slides, and spreadsheets included in the judging materials. It is important to note that not all types of
outcome information were available for all teams, so the panels had to synthesize and integrate the different sources
to make an overall judgment about performance. Finally, teams learned about which round they reached (i.e., first,
second, or final) only well after the study was over, which was important for ensuring that member survey responses
were not influenced by executive ratings of team performance.
We also included several control variables in the models. At the individual level of analysis, we control for the
knowledge area of each team member. Though our attention-based view of team design does not provide a theoret-
ical reason to expect particular knowledge areas to be more influential than others, there may be variation in how
time is allocated for different kinds of expertise. Team members were asked to select a primary area of expertise that
they contributed to the team (accounting, engineering, finance, IT, management, marketing, operations, product sup-
port, quality, R&D, sales, trading, transportation, other; 0=no, l=yes). At the team level of analysis, we controlled
for size of the team , length of the project (in months), type of task (categorized as product innovation (0=no, 1 =yes),
operational improvement (0=no, l=yes), or customer service (0=no, l=yes)), and number of knowledge areas
(unique number of areas indicated by individuals on the team).
Statistical approach
At the individual level of analysis, we used hierarchical linear modeling (or HLM, sometimes referred to as
multi-level modeling or random coefficient modeling) to examine the antecedents of member time allocation
(Bryk and Raudenbush, 1992; Singer and Willett, 2003). As we are testing associations between independent
and dependent variables within teams, HLM is preferred over ordinary least squares (OLS) because the data
represent a hierarchically nested structure (i.e., individuals nested within teams). Specifically, HLM takes into
account the non-independence of observations when two or more people are interdependent, such as members
of a team. To evaluate the appropriateness of using HLM, we first ran a NULL model that included the de-
pendent variables and no predictor variables. This model indicated that there was significant between-team
variation for both percentage of time spent (intercept =3.39, ř(284)=28.34, /?<.001) and number of other teams
(intercept=5.27, ¿(284)=46.81, /?<.001), indicating that using HLM was appropriate. Consistent with established
practice (e.g., Hofmann & Gavin, 1998; Klein, Lim, Saltz, & Mayer, 2004), we also team-mean centered the predic-
tor variables so that the coefficients reflect the effects of members relative to other members on the same team (rather
than relative to other members in the entire sample, as grand-mean centering would reflect). Team-mean centering is
particularly important in knowledge-intensive teams because factors like aggregate time requirements for the task
overall are taken into account when designing the team; thus, members are interdependent in terms of their time
At the team level of analysis, we used ordinal logit regression to assess the relationship between team-level time
allocation and team performance. Ordinal logit is preferred over OLS as our measure of team performance is cate-
gorical and ordered (i.e., low, medium, and high levels of performance) rather than continuous. Positive coefficients
indicate the likelihood that a team reaches a later round of judging. We conducted likelihood-ratio tests to compare
the fit of each model with the preceding one (i.e., whether the model fit is significantly improved when additional
variables are added to the analyses).
Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/job
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Table 2 presents descriptive statistics and correlations for the individual-level variables. This table shows that per-
centage of time spent on the focal team and number of other teams are significantly negatively associated with each
other, as we would expect (r=- .39, /?<.001). Cross-tabulation of these two components of time allocation (not
shown) indicated that a small proportion of the team members were high on both components (e.g., 2 percent of
members spent more than 50 percent of their time on the focal team and worked on more than five other teams con-
currently), whereas somewhat higher proportions were high on one component and low on the other (e.g., 1 1 percent
spent more than 50 percent of their time on the focal team and worked on no more than one other team concurrently;
16 percent spent less than 10 percent of their time on the focal team and worked on more than 5 other teams con-
currently). The remainder had a mix of low, moderate, and high values.
The descriptive statistics and correlations for the team-level variables are presented in Table 3. These show that
teams that were more geographically dispersed had members who allocated less time to the focal team (r= – .23,
pc.001) and were on more other teams concurrently (r=.29, /?<.001), as we anticipated.
Individual-level models
Table 4 shows results from the HLM analyses predicting member time allocation. The baseline model predicting
percentage of time spent with control variables only shows that team members with expertise in engineering, IT,
and R&D allocated a higher percentage of their time to the focal team (Model 1: #=.68, /7 <.05; 5=1.52, p <.001;
#= 1.05, p< .001). Models 2-5 introduce each independent variable separately, and Model 6 tests hypotheses la, 2a,
3a, and 4a together. There is support for hypothesis la, as we find a significant negative relationship between indi-
vidual-level company experience and percentage of time spent (Model 6: #= - .1 l,p< .01). Support is provided for
hypothesis 2a, as there is a significant negative relationship between individual-level organizational rank and
percentage of time spent (Model 6: #= - .59, p< .001). Hypothesis 3a is not supported, as the relationship between
individual-level educational attainment and percentage of time spent is not significant (Model 6: #=- .09, p<.01).
Finally, hypothesis 4a is supported, as we find a significant positive relationship between team leader role and per-
centage of time spent (Model 6: #=. 99, /7 < .001). The results show that greater experience and higher rank each
were associated with a significantly lower percentage of time allocated to a focal team, and leader role was associ-
ated with a significantly higher percentage of time allocated to a focal team.
Turning to number of other teams, Model 1 in Table 5 includes the baseline model with control variables only;
this model shows that team members with expertise in IT worked on a greater number of other teams concurrently
(Model 1: B=. 90, /7 < .01). Models 2-5 show each independent variable separately, and Model 6 tests hypotheses
lb, 2b, 3b, and 4b together. We find support for hypothesis lb, as there is a significant positive relationship between
company experience and number of other teams (Model 6: #=.13, p< .01). Hypothesis 2b is supported, as there is a
significant positive relationship between organizational rank and number of other teams (Model 6: £=.80, p< .001).
Hypothesis 3b is supported, as there is a significant positive relationship between educational attainment and number
of other teams (Model 6: #=.21, /?<.001). However, hypothesis 4b is not supported: there is a significant positive,
rather than negative, relationship between leader role and number of other teams when this variable is entered
separately (Model 5: #=.56, p< .001), and this finding is no longer significant in the full model (Model 6: #=.25,
p >.10). Thus, greater experience, higher rank, and more education each were significantly associated with a greater
likelihood that members worked on a greater number of other teams concurrently.
Team-level models
The models in Table 6 predict team performance. Model 1 includes control variables only and shows that teams with
longer project duration, members with higher rank, and more educated members perform significantly better (Model
Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012)
DOI: 10.1002/job
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Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) MEMBER TIME ALLOCATION 331
Table 4. Main effects for hierarchical linear models predicting member time allocation (N=2055 team members).
Member predictors Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Intercept 3.01***(.23) 3.01***(.23) 2.9***(.23) 3.0***(.23) 2.92***(.23) 2.78***(.23) Percentage of time spent Pseudo /^-square .14 .15 .15 .14 .16 .18 ***p< ooi; **/7 <.01; *p<. 05.
Note. Dependent variable = percentage of time spent. Unstandardized coefficients from full maximum likelihood estimation. Individual-level pre-
dictors are team-mean centered. Standard errors are in parentheses below the estimates.
1: #=.03,/? <.05; #=.1.08, p <.05; #=.57,/?<.05). Model 2 adds the two member time allocation variables. In sup-
port of hypothesis 5a, the coefficient estimate of percentage of time spent is positive and significant when predicting
performance (#=.36, /?<.001). However, contrary to our prediction of a negative effect for hypothesis 5b, the
coefficient estimate for number of other teams is also positive and significant when predicting performance
(#=.28, /7 < .01).
Model 3 includes the main effect of geographic dispersion (our moderating variable), and Models 4 and 5 show
the interaction effects between dispersion and the two time allocation variables. In support of hypothesis 6a, the in- of the more dispersed (dotted) line is significantly greater than the slope of the less dispersed (solid) line (p<.01).
Moreover, a simple slope analysis revealed that the more dispersed teams benefited from having members who spent
more time on the team (steeper sloping line is significantly greater than zero, p < .001), whereas less dispersed teams
did not (flatter line is not significantly greater than zero).
Finally, in support of hypothesis 6b, the interaction between number of other teams and geographic dispersion in Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) 332 J. N. CUMMINGS AND M. R. HAAS
Table 5. Main effects for hierarchical linear models predicting member time allocation (N=2055 team members).
Member predictors Model 1 Model 2 Model3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Intercept 5.26***(.27) 5.25***(.27) 5.46***(.27) 5.27***(.27) 5.19***(.27) 5.41***(.27) Company experience .19***005) .13**005) Pseudo /^-square .12 .13 .15 .13 .13 .16 ***/7 <.001; **/?<. 01; */? <.05.
Note. Dependent variable = number of other teams. Unstandardized coefficients from full maximum likelihood estimation. Individual-level predic-
tors are team-mean centered. Standard errors are in parentheses below the estimates.
performance on the y- axis with separate lines for less dispersed and more dispersed teams as a function of number of
other teams on the x-axis. In this plot, the slope of the less dispersed (solid) line is significantly greater than the slope Further exploratory analyses
In exploratory analyses not reported in the tables, we examined the interaction of the percentage of time that team Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) MEMBER TIME ALLOCATION 333
Table 6. Team-level ordinal logit regression models predicting team performance (N= 285 teams).
Team predictors Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Intercept (3) -2.83***(.45) -3.28**%50) -3.27**%50) -3.18**(.50) -3.13***(.50) Pseudo /^-square .12 .16 .16 .18 .18 ***/?<. 001; **/7 <.01; *p<. 05.
Note. Unstandardized coefficients. Team-level predictors are grand-mean centered. Standard errors are in parentheses below the estimates.
evidence of a tipping point at which allocating more time to the focal team or allocating time to more teams concur- aration between team members on the relationship between time allocation and team performance. Specifically, variable to identify members who were high on multiple background characteristics that can be beneficial for knowl- patterns of time allocation or significantly different influences on team performance above and beyond the effects of Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) 334 J. N. CUMMINGS AND M. R. HAAS
Figure 2. Team-level interaction plot of (a) percentage of time spent and geographic dispersion predicting team performance and quality” individuals on the team did not moderate the relationship between time allocation and team performance. Discussion
The global nature of work in organizations today, in which knowledge-intensive teams are fluid and dynamic, chal- Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) MEMBER TIME ALLOCATION 335
percent of their time to the team. This feature of the changing ecology of teams, where members are often drawn Taking an attention-based view of team design, we extend theory and research on these new forms of work teams At the individual level, we found general support for our hypotheses that experience, rank, education, and leader At the team level, we found support for our hypothesis linking percentage of time that members allocate to the However, we did not find support for our team-level hypothesis linking number of other teams to which team bers who participated on more teams at the same time was beneficial rather than detrimental for the focal team’s per- Theoretical and managerial implications
By applying an attention-based view to team design, our study builds on a wide-ranging literature on attention than To further understand the nature of the benefits that arise from having members who spend more time on Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) 336 J. N. CUMMINGS AND M. R. HAAS
so each also has specific implications for two key processes of knowledge-intensive work: knowledge integra- multiple teams may be in a position to bring knowledge acquired from those teams to the focal team. This possibility Follow-up studies on the intersection of knowledge integration/acquisition and time allocation could shed further Our study also has implications for the growing literature on the importance of time and timing in organizations the timing and synchronicity of organizational work life. For example, as organizations continue to globalize and not only how time is allocated for particular members but also the extent to which members have overlapping time There are several managerial implications of our results for knowledge-intensive teams, which highlight the po- However, this does not mean that managers should have all team members work on as many teams as pos- bers dedicated to the focal task. Thus, there may be an optimal level of multiple team membership, depending Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) MEMBER TIME ALLOCATION 337
Finally, for managers confronting changes such as workforce globalization and the spread of advanced informa- multiple team assignments when members are in different locations. However, team members may benefit from Limitations and future directions
Although our field study of member time allocation in knowledge-intensive teams draws on different data Second, although our independent and dependent variables were measured using data from different informants at Third, teams in our sample were relatively similar to each other in their focus on knowledge-intensive work (see Fourth, we did not have fine-grained information on how members spent their time on any given day. Our knowledge
of the organization and its team member assignment practices indicated that a team member’s overall time allocation to
that project was a conscious design decision by team leaders, staffing coordinators, and the team members themselves. their utilization profile across projects. However, within this overall time allocation, individual choices may well have Despite these limitations, one notable feature of our study is its use of original field data. Although much prior could build on these foundations by studying how members of the same team make use of the time they spend with
Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) 338 J. N. CUMMINGS AND M. R. HAAS
the focal team or other teams throughout the day, for example by examining their modes of communication. To fa- Researchers could also take a longitudinal approach that analyzes team member time allocation in a more dynamic Conclusion
In knowledge-intensive work settings, individuals are increasingly spending only part of their time on a given team, as the consequences of time allocation at the team level. We hope these ideas will contribute to the further develop- Acknowledgement
The research reported in this article was funded by NSF Award #IIS-0603667.
Author biographies
Jonathon N. Cummings is an Associate Professor of Management at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke Univer- Martine R. Haas is an Associate Professor of Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Copyright © 201 1 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 316-341 (2012) MEMBER TIME ALLOCATION 339
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Accounting .00(.31) -.01031) .16031) -.01(31) -.12031) .01(30)
Engineering .71*030) .68*030) .82*030) .72*030) .56030) .62*030)
Finance .50030) .47030) .55030) .55030) .39030) .45030)
IT 1.56**%28) 1.52***028) 1.52***028) 1.56***028) 1.48***(.28) 1 .4***027)
Management -.42030) -.4Ц.30) -.17030) -.41(30) -.53(.30) -.26(.30)
Marketing .37(.30) .39(.30) .54(.30) .36(.30) .27(.29) .45(.29)
Operations .57(.30) .58*(.30) .73*(.30) .55(.30) .53(.30) .68*(.30)
Product support -.26(.32) -.26(.32) – .19(.32) -.28(.32) -.38(.32) – .33(.31)
Quality .20(.30) .17(.30) .28(.30) .21(.30) .16(.30) .22(.30)
R&D 1.09***(.30) 1.05***030) 1.13***(.30) 1.13***(.30) 1.01***(.30) 1.05***(.29)
Sales .ЗЦ.ЗЗ) .30(.32) .50(.33) .ЗО(.ЗЗ) .18(.32) .32(.32)
Trading -.47(.31) -.39(.31) -.15(.31) -.46(.31) -.65*(.30) -.24(.30)
Transportation – .26(.35) – .26(.35) – . 1 3(.35) – .26(.35) – .38(.35) -.25(.34)
Number of other teams – .26***(.02) – .25***(.02) – .23***(.02) – .25***(.02) – .26***(.02) -.23***(.02)
Company experience -.13***(.04) – .1 1**(.04)
Organizational rank -.52***0 10) -.59***0 10)
Educational attainment – .08(.05) – .09(.05)
Leader role .80***(.13) .99***(.13)
Fit statistic (deviance) 9681 9671 9639 9679 9642 9576
Model comparison 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6
X2 (A deviance) 10** 42*** 2 39*** 105***
teraction between percentage of time spent and geographic dispersion in predicting performance is positive and sig-
nificant (#=.13, /? < .05). The plot in Figure 2(a) shows team performance on the y- axis with separate lines for less
dispersed teams (i.e., below the mean level of dispersion, corresponding to teams with members in different rooms,
hallways, or floors) and more dispersed teams (i.e., above the mean level of dispersion, corresponding to teams with
members in different buildings, cities, or countries) as a function of percentage of time spent on the x-axis. The slope
predicting performance was negative and significant (#=-.15, /?<.05). The plot in Figure 2(b) shows team
DOI: 10.1002/job
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Accounting -.75*(.38) -.72038) -1.01**038) -.72038) -.83*038) -.96**038)
Engineering -.09038) -.05037) -.26037) -.11037) -.18038) -.25(31)
Finance .62037) .64037) .49036) .49037) .54037) .38036)
IT .87**034) .90**034) .86**(.34) .85**034) .83*034) .85**034)
Management -.48037) -.48037) -.91**037) -.50037) -.56037) -.89*037)
Marketing .21(31) .24(31) -.06(31) 30(31) .21(31) -.03036)
Operations -.59037) -.60037) -.87*037) -.52(31) -.60(31) -.78*037)
Product support -.45039) -.45039) -.56039) -.41039) -.53039) -.54039)
Quality .02037) .06037) -.12037) -.01037) -.01037) -.11037)
R&D .77*037) .81 (.37) .63037) .65037) .73*037) .55037)
Sales -.43040) -.41(.40) -.70040) -.38040) -.51040) -.63040)
Trading -.40038) -.51038) -.93**038) -.44038) -.53038) -1.01**038)
Transportation -.77043) -.76043) -.99*(.43) -.77043) -.85*(.43) -.98*043)
Percentage of time spent – .41***003) – .40***003) – .37***003) – .41***003) – .42***003) -.37***003)
Number of other teams
Organizational rank .96***012) .80***013)
Educational attainment .23***007) .21 ***(.07)
Leader role .56***(. 16) .24(.16)
Fit statistic (deviance) 10505 19488 10426 10494 10493 10409
Model comparison 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12
X2 (A deviance) 17*** 79*** ц*** 12*** %***
of more dispersed (dotted) line (pc.01). Furthermore, when conducting a simple slope analysis on the lines in the
plot, we found that less dispersed teams benefited from having members on more other teams concurrently (steeper
sloping line is significantly greater than zero, /7 < .001), whereas more dispersed teams did not (flatter line is not
significantly greater than zero). We should note that when both interaction effects are included in the same model,
neither one is statistically significant, which reflects multicollinearity in the models.
members allocated to the focal team and the number of other teams to which they allocated time concurrently, as
both were positive and significant predictors of team performance. The combination of spending a high proportion
of time on the focal team and working on a high number of other teams concurrently fell short of being statistically
significant (#=.03, p=.13). We also examined curvilinear effects of percentage of time spent and number of other
teams in the models predicting team performance. The findings indicated non-significant squared terms for both per-
centage of time spent (p > .8) and number of other teams (p > .6), suggesting that in this dataset at least, there was no
DOI: 10.1002/job
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Intercept (2) -1.44**%42) -1.80**%46) -1.80%46) -1.68(.46) -1.62(.46)
Team size .04(.06) -.02(.06) -.02(.06) .00(.06) -.02(.06)
Project length .03%01) .02(.01) .02(.01) .02(.01) .02(.01)
Innovation task – .57(.36) – .56(.38) – .55(.38) – .51(.38) – .62(.39)
Customer task – .77*(.38) – .65(.40) – .65(.40) – .60(.40) – .62(.40)
Number of knowledge areas .11(.10) . 17(. 10) . 17(. 10) . 14(. 11) .1 5(. 11)
Company experience . 1 1 (.22) .31 (.23) .31 (.23) .33(.23) 33(23)
Organizational rank 1.08*(.50) .66(.52) .12(26) .84(.53) .62(.53)
Educational attainment .57%24) .72*%26) .72*%26) .84*%27) .88*%27)
Multiple leader roles .44(.31) .56(.32) .56(.32) .48(.32) .58(.32)
Percentage of time spent .36**% 10) .36**% 10) .40***(.10) .40***(.10)
Number of other teams .28*%10) .29*%10) .30*%10) .33*%10)
Geographic dispersion – .04(.13) – .18(.13) – .08(.13)
Geographic dispersion X percent time .13%05)
Geographic dispersion x other teams – . 15 *(.06)
-2 Log likelihood 365 350 349 343 343
Model comparison 1-2 2-3 3-A 3-5
Likelihood-ratio (LR) chi-square 15*** 15*** 7** 7**
rently started to hurt performance. Finally, we explored experience, rank, education, and leader role as moderators of
the relationship between time allocation and team performance, but did not find any significant moderating effects.
For our moderating variable of geographic dispersion, we examined the influence of each level of physical sep-
we constructed separate variables for the proportion of team members who worked in the same versus different
rooms, hallways, floors, buildings, cities, and countries. We found that, in our sample, the pattern of moderating
effects of geographic dispersion held up across each level of physical separation. As reported in footnote 1, we also
conducted extensive analyses using alternative measures of geographic dispersion, including the miles, time zones,
cities, countries, and cultural distance between team members. We found that these alternative measures had no
effects in our sample, regardless of whether they were included in the models alone or along with other measures
of dispersion. The insignificant effects of these measures may be due to the fact that 85 percent of the team member
pairs in our study worked in the same country, which substantially constrained the team-level variance for measures
that reflect the extent of dispersion across countries.
Finally, to explore the potential influence of particularly “high quality” individuals, we constructed a dichotomous
edge-intensive teams (specifically, on at least two of company experience, organizational rank, and educational at-
tainment). In extensive exploratory analyses, we found no evidence that such individuals had significantly different
the continuous experience, rank, and education variables. When only the dichotomous variable was included in the
models (in place of the continuous variables rather than in addition to them), this variable predicted time allocations,
as we would expect, but still had no significant effect on team performance. Furthermore, having one or more “high
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(b) number of other teams and geographic dispersion predicting team performance (N= 285 teams)
Thus, we found no evidence that “high quality” individuals helped their teams perform more effectively despite
spending less time with their teams on average or that the time they did spend was more valuable for their teams.
These results were robust when accounting for leader role as well as when varying the thresholds that determined
high quality (e.g., company experience of more than 15 versus more than 20 years, organizational rank of manager
versus senior manager, educational attainment of bachelor’s degree versus advanced degree).
lenges what we know about the design of work teams. The organization we studied provides one illustration of how
stable, bounded teams might be a relic of the past: not a single team in our dataset had all members allocate 100
DOI: 10.1002/job
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onto projects for brief periods to provide their expertise, suggests that members’ time allocation within and across
teams is increasingly critical for understanding team performance.
at two levels of analysis. At the individual level, we examine the antecedents of time allocation within and across
teams by exploring the influence of member characteristics on time allocated to the focal team and on the number
of other teams to which time is allocated concurrently. At the team level, we examine the consequences of these
two dimensions of time allocation for team performance. Additionally, we examine how another common feature
of knowledge-intensive teams – geographic dispersion – influences the relationship between member time allocation
and team performance. Thus, through our attention-based view of team design at the individual and team levels of
analysis, we develop a multi-level theory of member time allocation in teams.
role are related to time allocation. Specifically, we found that company experience and organizational rank were
significantly negatively related to percentage of time spent on the focal team, and team leader role was significantly
positively related to percentage of time spent on the focal team. We also found that company experience, organiza-
tional rank, and educational attainment were significantly positively related to the number of other teams on which
the member participated concurrently.
focal team with the performance of that team. That is, teams with members who spent more time on the team were
better performers, on average. We also found that geographic dispersion moderated the positive relationship between
percentage of time allocated and team performance, such that the performance advantages of allocating more time to
the focal team increased for teams with greater geographic dispersion.
members allocated time concurrently with performance of the focal team. Surprisingly, we found a positive main
effect of working on a greater number of teams instead of the negative effect predicted, indicating that having mem-
formance. We also found that geographic dispersion moderated the positive relationship between number of other
teams and team performance, such that the unexpected performance advantages of having members who allocated
time to more other teams were greater for less dispersed teams. This suggests that teams whose members spent time
on other teams reached a point where the attention costs incurred through having members spread across locations
outweighed the benefits gained from having such these valuable members on the team.
spans individuals, teams, and organizations (e.g., Altmann & Gray, 2008; Karau & Kelly, 1992; March & Simon,
1958; Yu, Engleman, & Van de Ven, 2005). In particular, we identify two dimensions of member time alloca-
tion – proportion of time spent on the focal team and number of other teams on which time is spent concur-
rently – that both channel the attention of team members, but have not previously been considered together.
Although researchers have examined the importance of managerial attention more generally in organizations,
including the processes of sensemaking and mindfulness (Weick, 1995) as well as how organizational structures
and systems channel attention (e.g., Ocasio, 1997), we focus specifically on the design of teams to highlight how
time allocation decisions can have consequences for team performance.
the focal team, as well as having members who participate in a greater number of other teams concurrently,
we revisit the knowledge-intensive nature of the teams’ work. The two dimensions of member time allocation
studied here not only channel the attention of team members toward or away from the focal team but in doing
DOI: 10.1002/job
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tion and knowledge acquisition. Members who contribute a greater proportion of their time to the focal team
are likely to more effectively integrate the knowledge that is relevant to this team’s work, given that this pro-
cess takes time, energy, and effort (e.g., Reagans & McEvily, 2003). Thus, consistent with our earlier argument,
members who spend more time on the team can focus greater attention on integrating relevant knowledge within the
team, which should improve team performance. Members who are on multiple teams at the same time may incur
costs of attention diffusion, as we have argued, but simultaneously, they also may acquire knowledge from these
other teams that is beneficial for the focal team (e.g., Ancona & Caldwell, 1992). Counter to the argument that being
on more teams should hurt team performance because attention to the focal team is reduced, members who work on
could explain our finding that teams with members who worked on more other teams actually performed better
rather than worse.
light on how knowledge sharing is shaped by allocating member time to the focal team and other teams. For exam-
ple, teams whose members spend time on several teams simultaneously may find some kinds of knowledge easier to
integrate and acquire than others. Explicit knowledge, which can be codified and shared through documents and
materials, may be more amenable to integration and acquisition by such teams than tacit knowledge, which is more
difficult to articulate and share. The complexity of the work, especially when it is conducted across geographies, is
also likely to affect the extent to which knowledge is effectively integrated and acquired. In the case of less complex
work, members may be able to effectively share knowledge even when working at a distance on multiple teams. In
the case of more complex work, however, it may be difficult to effectively share knowledge remotely, necessitating
travel to spend time face-to-face with other members.
(e.g., Ancona, Goodman, Lawrence, & Tushman, 2001; Orlikowski & Yates, 2002). Although our results highlight
the importance of time allocation within and across teams, this is likely to be further complicated by issues related to
their members work at different times of day and night around the world, the design of teams must take into account
(Jarvenpaa & Leidner, 1999). In fact, even two members in the same location may not overlap if one member works
primarily in the morning and another works primarily in the evening. Thus, the timing and synchronicity of mem-
bers’ work patterns might matter for how effectively time is allocated to the team.
tentially unintended effects that managers can encounter when they design such teams. First, managers may be in-
terested in the question of whether it is better for teams to have members who contribute a large proportion of their
time to a focal team or to have members who contribute a smaller proportion of their time to many teams. Our find-
ings suggest that there are advantages to having members who spend a greater proportion of time on a focal team, as
would be expected, but that there are also unexpected benefits of having members who work on a greater number of
other teams concurrently, possibly because of their ability to acquire knowledge that is useful to the focal team.
sible, as the benefits of members working on many teams concurrently are likely to depend on a number of
factors. For example, if too many team members work on other teams, there will not be a critical mass of mem-
on the individuals and their tasks. The nature of the work performed by the team members on other teams is
also likely to influence the value of multiple team memberships. If their work on other teams is complementary,
yet distinct, then these team members may be able to more readily import valuable insights and learning from
those other teams to the focal team. Additionally, the benefits of having members participate on multiple other
teams is likely to depend on the workflow, pacing and deadlines of the simultaneous tasks, and which commit-
ment takes priority at a given point in time.
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tion and communication technologies that allow employees to work across space and time, our results have addi-
tional implications. Because the relationship between time allocation and team performance is contingent on the
level of team dispersion, managers of knowledge-intensive teams should recognize that the benefits of securing
the attention of members who are on multiple teams must be traded off against the increased difficulties of managing
training that can help them work effectively on multiple teams that are geographically dispersed. For example, mem-
bers could focus on developing skills to facilitate remote teamwork, attention allocation, and task switching. Ulti-
mately, organizations that develop a culture that supports members who work on multiple teams across geographies
will be better positioned to take advantage of the capabilities available from these kinds of teams.
sources (i.e., team member surveys and independent executive ratings of team performance) to offer insight into
important and increasingly widespread new forms of team design that have received little empirical attention to
date, the data are limited in several ways. First, although we know the percentage of time spent on the focal
team and the number of other teams on which each member served, we do not know what percentage of time
each member spent on every other team. Understanding how member time is allocated across other teams could
help us better understand the benefits and costs that members can gain from participating in multiple teams (e.g.,
through knowledge acquisition).
different points in time, the possibility of at least some reverse causality may still exist. It is possible, for example,
that worse team performance led to changes in member time allocation. However, this concern is mitigated by the
fact that the executive ratings of team performance were not available until several months after the survey, so that
the team members could not have known how their team was performing relative to others in the study at the time
the work was conducted.
Table 1 again for examples). Our data provide a useful way to understand the effects of time allocation on the per-
formance of knowledge-intensive teams, but simultaneously limit our ability to address teams engaged in work that
is not knowledge-intensive. For example, we did not have any teams in our sample that worked on manufacturing
assembly lines, processed paperwork all day, or performed maintenance tasks.
That is, there was a clear expectation of how much time the individual would contribute to the project overall, as part of
governed their day-to-day time allocations to specific projects. In future research, it would be interesting to explore the
conditions under which the impact of time allocation varies as a function of team design versus individual choice. For
example, are the effects of time allocation even stronger when individuals have more control over how much time they
commit to a given team and the number of other teams on which they work concurrently?
research on attention has been conducted in highly controlled laboratory settings in which important features of
the context are held constant, our study builds on the less extensive but increasingly active body of research that
suggests that studying teams in the field is useful for developing insight into how well members attend to their work
and the extent to which distractions, interruptions, and demands on their time impact how they work. Future research
DOI: 10.1002/job
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cilitate such studies, researchers could use diaries or other electronic data collection methods (Amabile, Barsade,
Mueller, & Staw, 2005) to assess the extent to which members’ contributions to the team vary in terms of effort,
knowledge and skills, and use of performance strategies (Hackman, 1987). Additionally, our understanding of the
effects of time allocation could be further advanced by analyzing more detailed survey and project data on poten-
tially important factors such as where teams are in their work cycle, previous experience with the team’s task,
and the number of people who share the work load for that task.
way, by examining how members engage and disengage with particular teams over time. A longitudinal analysis
could also help to establish causality by confirming that the patterns of time allocation in previous periods influence
subsequent team performance and offer insight into the connections between timing and time allocation. Addition-
ally, our study did not examine how specific intra-team processes and learning environments might mediate the
effects of time allocation on team performance. Understanding the role played by factors such as transactive memory
systems or mental models (e.g. Klimoski & Mohammed, 1994; Lewis, 2004) could shed useful light on the mechan-
isms through which time allocations affect team performance. Lastly, we have emphasized that understanding the
relationship between member time allocation and team performance requires careful consideration of moderating
factors such as geographic dispersion. Examining additional contingencies, across levels of analysis, will allow
for a better understanding of how and when member time allocation impacts team performance.
working on other teams concurrently, and spanning a variety of geographic locations. In this changing ecology of
teams, time allocation is an increasingly important issue for teams and their members. Our multi-level model draws
on an attention-based view of team design to explore the antecedents of time allocation at the individual level as well
ment of useful theory and research on time allocation in knowledge-intensive teams.
sity. His current research focuses on social networks and teams in corporations and science, and the role of knowl-
edge in distributed work. His publications have appeared in journals ranging from Management Science to Research
Policy to MIS Quarterly.
Her research focuses on collaboration in knowledge-intensive organizations, with particular emphasis on team effec-
tiveness, knowledge sharing, and global work. She received her Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Harvard
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Front Matter
Editorial: The changing ecology of teams: New directions for teams research [pp. 301-315]
So many teams, so little time: Time allocation matters in geographically dispersed teams [pp. 316-341]
Something(s) old and something(s) new: Modeling drivers of global virtual team effectiveness [pp. 342-365]
Implementation teams: A new lever for organizational change [pp. 366-388]
Finding the right mix: How the composition of self-managing multicultural teams’ cultural value orientation influences performance over time [pp. 389-411]
Sociometric badges: Using sensor technology to capture new forms of collaboration [pp. 412-427]
From causes to conditions in group research [pp. 428-444]
Back Matter
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