essay 78


This is a timely and very important topic, that you properly address through a communication and media-related lens.

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I would like to start from the method section, which was not due for the first draft but that I think works. You may decide to do qualitative semi-structured interviews, as you suggest, or to instead develop a survey to try to reach more people and collect quantitative data about their TV consumption habits and their opinions. Up to you. I would still recommend that you revise the method section for the final draft and make adjustments now that we have gone through the entire textbook and learned more about different ways of conducting research.

Moving backwards (upwards in the text), the research question you ask is too broad. The media play many roles in society, and here you are only talking about news media, and even news media have subgroups depending on how we want to classify them: mainstream, alternative, niche, with a left slant, with a right slant, liberal, conservative, etc. 

Also, are you referring to U.S. society? American society as a whole is difficult to consider. There are countless subcultures based on geography, ethnicity, language, religion, gender relations, minority groups, etc.

I would recommend rephrasing the research question to match what you ask in the questions listed at the end and to narrow down your study in order to investigate something that is manageable. What are you actually trying to find out about the audience members you are thinking about interviewing?

By the way, who are those audience members? It depends on the media that you are interested in. There are thousands of TV stations in the U.S. and hundreds of millions of viewers. Find a small market and concentrate on that, so you can come up with a reasonable sample of viewers to interview or survey.

The introduction and literature review are extremely dense. You use APA style well, citing sources where appropriate. For the final draft, you are going to need to integrate 4 additional sources which must be academic sources. 

My other suggestion is that you review both intro and lit review and remove all the parts that are not essential. See where the same concepts are repeated and edit out the redundancies. Some terms and ideas also require that you define them.

Guidelines for Phase 2

  • Check the rubric attached to this assignment to get an idea of how it is going to be graded.
  • Utilize the feedback you received on your first draft to revise the information already included in your manuscript.
  • Make sure that your research project is about a topic investigated through the lens of communication and/or media.
  • Build on your introduction to write a 1 to 2-page (no more than 2 pages) Literature Review for your research project that relies on at least four (4) sources.

    A lit review summarizes previous research done on the subject you are studying, informs your research question(s) and/or hypothesis/es and explains to the reader how your study produces new knowledge about the subject at hand.
    A lit review is made mostly of information published in peer-reviewed academic journals and books written by scholars. No newspaper, magazine, trade publication articles, blog posts, Wikipedia entries, etc. will be accepted as sources for the lit review. Only academic publications (again, peer-reviewed journal articles and books) will count for this portion of the assignment.

  • Revise your original research question or hypothesis on the basis of what you have found in your lit review. Include in the final research project only one research question (no need for more or for hypotheses). Make sure that the research question is about communication or media and sufficiently specific to be investigated.

    Pro Tip: A research question such as “What is the role of cats in people’s consumption of social media?” is not a good research question because it is vague and may mean anything. A good research question is detailed and relies on objects or ideas that are operationally defined. “Which breed of cats is the most popular in viral cat videos published on YouTube in 2020?” is a well phrased research question because it sets clear parameters about what to study and can realistically be answered. A researcher “only” needs to do a search of all videos of cats published on YouTube last year, select a random sample of said videos, and count the frequency with which each breed of cats appears on the screen in the sample.

  • Write your method section: 1-2 pages but no more than 2 pages. To look for an answer to your research question, select one of the methods that you have learned about over the course of the term: semiotic analysis, rhetorical analysis, ideological criticism, qualitative interviews, participant observation, content analysis, surveys or experiments.

    Choose the method that you think is the most suited to finding the answer. State in your paper what method you are going to employ.
    Describe the method. That is, explain in detail how you are going about collecting the data to find an answer to your research question.

    For example, “To answer the research question, I am going to employ quantitative content analysis. According to Asa Berger (2014), content analysis is…” And then proceed to explain what population of artifacts you are going to analyze, how big of a sample of artifacts you are going to select from that population, and what precisely you are going to look at. Back to the example above, having decided I want to know which cat breed is the most popular in viral YouTube videos, I am going state in my paper that I am going to search YouTube for the term “cat video” published this year (2021) and consider all videos that have at least 200 million views. Say I found that there are 1,000 such videos: I am going to explain that I am randomly going to sample 400 of them. Then I am going to also explain that I am going to catalog each video by recording how long it is (how many minutes), how many views it has at the time of data collection, how many cats appear in the video, and what breed each cat is.
    If I am thinking about interviewing people, I am going to explain how many people I am going to interview (bearing in mind that each interview requires at least one hour of time, several hours to transcribe the content of the interview, and many hours to code that content), how I am selecting the interviewees, in what context (where and when) I am going to interview them, what questions I am going to ask, etc.
    If I am planning to administer a survey, I am going to illustrate how I am going to select the sample of respondents/participants, whether the survey is going to be in person, on the phone, or online, what exact questions I am going to ask, etc.
    For an experiment, I am going to detail both the sampling and the way the experiment is going to be conducted step by step. What exactly is going to happen, when, where, etc.

    Double-check that all sources used are listed in the References and that they are presented in APA style.
    Revise the title of your manuscript in light of the changes you have made.


  1. Title Page: 1 page (revised)
  2. Introduction: 1/2 page (revised)
  3. Literature Review: 1-2 pages [NEW]
  4. Research question: 1 research question phrased in 1 sentence (revised)
  5. Method: 1-2 pages [NEW]
  6. References: 8 entries (4 entries for introduction and 4 entries for lit review) (updated)


Importance of Television News

Nathalia Tasama

Central Washington University


Importance of Television News


Watching the evening news is a daily event that I undertake. It is a form of interaction

that takes place between me and the media. Ideally, the news is a common form of interaction

that is mainly informative. Through it I get to understand the relevance of communicating with

one another about the daily occurrence of events. Today, almost each person relies on the news

to get to understand the things that normally takes place around the world. The communication

framework relies on basic mediums that facilitate the receiver to understand the important

message that is being conveyed promoting the appropriate action to be taken (Williams, 2020).

Understanding the communication process involved in the news makes up a basic factor that

enables individuals to appreciate its importance in shedding enlightenment to the affected

individuals only. This paper would give more explanations to the communication process


The form of interaction that takes place between the involved parties rotates between

audience and the media house. The audience is actively involved in the news by relying on the

audio and video given by the media house through the television. Through the video, a visual

communication is involved between the sender and the receiver (Laghate, 2017). The television

only acts as the news medium between the communications that takes place on both parties. It is

an important communication framework that ensures that all the ideals are addressed when the

interest of the learners comes in place. The sender is the media house while the receiver is the

audience that watches the television. The verbal communication takes place is highly important


as it enables parties to understand the daily events that takes place on different parts of the world

through the medium.

The media house plays an important part in ensuring that the communication takes place

between it and the audience. The role that the media has played in ensuring that the news reaches

the members of the public is ideal. It is a form of informative communication process that

ensures that the news is conveyed through the use of a reliable mechanism that facilitates both

parties to work with one another without any form of complication (Williams, 2020). The

communication process is complicated and detailed based on the process involved in the

collection of information and determining the ways in which the information is expected to reach

out to the audiences. It is an essential communication framework that is purely based on

important educative ideals that focuses on the interest of the public in a way that is clearly


The way that feedback is taken after the receiver receives the news is quite different from

other common forms of communication. In this practice, the receiver looks for other

communication methods to ensure that the feedback about the informative content is gained. The

media houses often look at the feedback to judge the quality of news that they provide to the

members of the public (Marek, 2016). It is an essential communication practice that is focused

on the interest of the audience. In this case, the use of phone calls to explain the feedback on how

the new was received is important. The media houses also suggest the use of opinions to ensure

that important data is received is part of the practice. This is an essential practice that is focused

on ensuring that relevant communication ideals are put in place.

Literature Review


The informative aspect of television news is the interesting factor of concern in this case.

The television news play an important part in ensuring that communication takes place in a way

that is ideal and reflective. The media houses have a structured way of ensuring that the

communication reaches the intended audience (Williams, 2020). This is a realistic practice that is

visible based on the way that communication is normally initiated among parties and how they

normally relate with one another when it comes to the conveying of important and relevant news.

The structured way of communication is an essential factor that makes the media houses to have

a key part in the daily communication process in the society. it is a medium that I and other

individuals rely on to get important information on what events are taking place in different parts

of the world.

The structured communication process that takes place normally involves active

journalism. The journalism normally research information and current events taking place around

the world. They are in charge of coming up with a report on the events that are taking place.

Various factors are involved such as language selection. The language used is expected to be

precise and points out to the relevant ideals that are supposed to be observed when the interest of

the learners comes in place (Marek, 2016). This is a realistic approach that is focused on

providing information that reflects on common factors that is important for the communication

process. The news presenters are the ones charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the

information reaches the intended audience in an organized way. Therefore, the entire

communication process is highly organized.

The audiovisual perspective involved in watching television is the ideal factor that points

out is general importance within the society. The importance of the practice is that important

news is provided to different individuals through a common platform. The professionalism


involved in the process is an ideal factor that makes television a part of our daily lives. It creates

the relevance of the media within the society that is a practice that is important for the society as

a whole (Laghate, 2017). The media houses ensure that they fulfill their roles in the expected

ways by providing the necessary information in a way that is reflective and essential as it

explains all the communication ideals that are supposed to be addressed when the interest of the

audience comes in place.

The form of audiovisual character that is involved in television makes it an ideal practice

that is generally focused on the interest of the learners in a way that is reflective of the basic

concepts that are in place. the manner in which the news are presented plays an important part in

making the news to be highly memorable based on the respective roles that it plays in ensuring

that effective organization is observed when it comes to news. This is an important

communication framework that is team based and ensures that all the proper ideals involved in

communication are observed (Mullin, 2019). It creates the vivid impressions in our minds, which

aids the emotional involvement that we have with the things that surrounds us. Ideally, this is an

essential communication framework that is based on the positive expression and realistic

reflections ion events that takes place around us together with its basic relevance.

The ability of the TV to reach out to the massive audience makes it an important

communication medium within the communication process. The main purpose of the TV is

ensuring that an important event such as politics, news and entertainment reaches the intended

audience (Stephanie, 2018). The use of news on the regular communication process such as news

is the one that makes the platform to clearly stand out as it ensures that all the important

information reaches the audience at the required time. Popular media houses focuses on the

initiative to ensure that it continues communicating with the members of the audience and


ensuring that they get the information that they need. It is an important factor that makes the

media to stand out.

Research Question

What role does media news play in the society?


The selection of the correct research method play an important part in this respective

case. It would ensure that quality and accurate data is collected to be analyzed within the future.

This is a respective practice that is looked at in a research team perspective. Apparently, the

appropriate way of collecting the data is through the use of qualitative research methods. The

team is focused on collecting a theoretical feedback that is expected to be used to understand the

form of information that they normally need in the collection of data. It points out to all the

relevant ideals that surrounds the use of effectual information that is keenly concerned with the

interest of the learners in a way that is positive and reflective to the data set that is collected

through the process.

The use of interviews is the correct set of data collection method that would be applied in

this case. It focuses on ensuring that the correct communication ideals are reflected upon. The

interest of the interview would be focused on collecting accurate and validated data to be applied

for the entire research team. The use of interviews would be appropriate in this case, as it would

ensure that the collected information is taken directly from the source. The direct feedback

involved in the practice makes it an ideal research practice that is highly popular among the

research team. The practice is also effective as the determination of the correct audience is an


activity that is easy to put in practice and reflect upon. The measures involved in the practice

ensure that only appropriate data is collected in the process.

The research team would be made of 20 interviewers. They are the selected individuals

that would be tasked with asking the relevant questions to the interviews. The interviewees in

this case are expected to the audience that listens to the news. The questions asked needs to be

reflective with the aim of the research. Apparently, the questions asked plays an important part in

determining the general outcome of the research that is expected to be effective and reflective of

the general expectations. The ability of the news to reach out to the different audiences selects to

be results oriented. The questions asked in the research mainly includes

 Do you watch television?

 How often do you watch?

 What role does television play in your life?

 Do your friends and family watch television?

 How has watching television helped you?

 How informative is the television is?

 Do you expect to stop watching television?

 If given a chance, what would you change about television news?



Williams, R. (2020). Google expands media-buying services as connected TV’s importance

grows. Marketing Dive,

Marek, S. (2016). Pac-12’s aufhauser talks TV everywhere and the importance of compelling

content. FierceOnlineVideo,

Laghate, G. (2017, Aug 23). Prasar bharati can’t air sports of ‘national importance’ on pay TV:

SC [companies: Pursuit of profit]. The Economic Times (Online)

Stephanie Kang and, V. K. (2018, Apr 04). TV learning importance of targeting. Wall Street


Mullin, B. (2019, Dec 27). Injury-plagued NBA draws fewer TV viewers; commissioner adam

silver recently called the traditional pay-TV system ‘broken,’ emphasizing the importance

of reaching fans on several platforms. Wall Street Journal (Online)

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