Enterprise Risk Management Presentation

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Question: What is ERM?

Adopting Enterprise Risk Management in

Today’s World:

An Evidence-B


ed Guide for



Dr. Steven Deck

COPYRIGHT © Steven Deck, 2017


Dr. Steven Deck has over 25 years of experience developing and

implementing risk management, environmental health and safety,

international safety and security, emergency response, and continuity of

operation programs and processes in higher education and in biomedical and

pharmaceutical industries. Dr. Deck has also lead efforts to identify and treat

risks associated with implementing a strategic plan at a large research

university. Hence, he has experience managing risks at both the operational

and strategic level. He holds a doctorate in management, an MBA, and a

bachelor’s degree in safety and industrial hygiene management. Dr. Deck

also holds an associate in risk management and is a certified industrial

hygienist, safety professional, and hazardous materials manager.


This book is dedicated to the people who tirelessly work to reduce

risks organizations face in today’s fast-paced world. Their efforts sometimes

go unnoticed since, if successful, risk managers prevent adverse events from

occurring or significantly reduce their impact on the


A good

day for a risk manager is one that is uneventful with operations continuing

without interruption. However, their work is critical to an organization’s

ability to achieve its mission. By reducing risks that threaten an

organization’s survival, risk managers preserve the organization’s ability to

offer people opportunities to earn a living and provide for their families.

Indeed, a risk manager role is critical to the success of society even if their

work sometimes goes unnoticed.


First, I would like to thank my advisory committee for my dissertation,

Dr. Thomas Mierzwa and Dr. Denise Breckon. The research for my

dissertation served as the foundation for the writing of this book. Their hard

work and commitment to my growth as a scholar enabled me to grow

intellectually and develop the skills needed to write this book. I would also

like to acknowledge Dr. Roger Ward, Senior Vice President for Operations

and Institutional Effectiveness and Vice Dean for the Graduate School at the

University of Maryland Baltimore for encouraging me to pursue my doctoral

degree and continuing to support me throughout my career. Thanks also goes

to Dr. Lauren Sweetman for her guidance and editing of this book. Last, and

most importantly, I would like to thank my wife, Bonnie, for her patience and

support as I fulfilled the demanding requirements of a doctoral program and

writing this book.

Table of Contents


Part 1: Understanding Organizational Risk and Risk


Chapter 1: Organizational Risk

Chapter 2: Traditional Risk Management

Chapter 3: Frameworks for ERM

Part 2: Management Science and ERM: From Theory

to Practice

Chapter 4: Organizational Change I – Institutional Theory, Legitimacy
Theory, and Organizational


Chapter 5: Organizational Change II – Change Management
Chapter 6: Organizational Change III – Organizational Control and
Chapter 7: Organizational Change and COSO’s ERM


Chapter 8: Decision Making I – Sensemaking Theory

Chapter 9: Decision-Making II – Bias and Framing

Chapter 10: Decision Making and the COSO

ERM Framework

Chapter 11: Organizational Learning I – Learning


Chapter 12: Organizational Learning II – Sensemaking-Based and

Team-Based Learning

Chapter 13: Organizational Learning III – Action and Absorptive
Chapter 14: Organizational Learning and COSO’s ERM Framework

Part 3: Factors Affecting ERM Adoption and Implementation

Chapter 15: The Program Implementation Process

Chapter 16: Why Organizations Adopt an ERM


Chapter 17: Factors Influencing the Implementation of an ERM

Chapter 18: A Model for ERM Implementation in Complex

Part 4: Seven Principles for ERM Adoption and Implementation

Chapter 19: The Seven Principles

Chapter 20: Concluding Remarks



Risk is pervasive to conducting business. Consider any operation an

organization performs: each requires identifying and managing the risks that

can impede the execution of the operation. For example, production units

must manage risks such as employee safety or the loss of a critical supplier or

piece of equipment, human resource departments confront potential claims of

unfair labor practices, and information technology groups must be alert to

cyber threats. Moreover, organizations face external risks that arise due to

advances in technology, changing economic and market conditions, and

increased globalization. Even organizations that fall outside of the traditional

conversation on risk must now consider these challenges. Higher education

institutions (HEIs), for example, are under increased pressure from the

government, public, and campus community to manage risks (The Advisory

Board, 2008; University Risk Management and Insurance Association

[URMIA], 2007). Such institutions must manage a wide range of risks in

diverse areas such as safety and security, regulatory compliance, academic

affairs, research, information technology, finance, human resources, and

facilities management (Abraham, 2013). Furthermore, recent events such as

hurricanes Katrina, Harvey, and Maria, the economic downturn, and social

issues such as sexual assault on campus and protest actions point out the

importance of managing risk in higher education. Indeed, although the

institution may survive such events, leadership may not. For example, both

the Penn State Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse scandal in 2011 and the

University of Missouri social protests of 2015 resulted in leadership changes

at these institutions.

Many organizations have historically deferred responsibility to

managing risks to individual operating units within the


However, this approach lacks an overarching strategy for managing risks

from an institutional perspective. The lack of a comprehensive risk

management strategy leads to inconsistent risk tolerance levels, inefficient

resource allocation for risk control activities, and a lack of knowledge on how

risk affects achieving the strategic objectives of the organization. Here, an

approach known as enterprise risk management (ERM) provides a method to

manage risks in organizations holistically. In this book, I unpack this

approach both theoretically and practically, providing a hands-on guide to

understanding, adopting, and implementing ERM within complex

organizations. First, however, in the remainder of this introduction, I describe

the concept of ERM along with the evidence on which this book is based—

my doctoral research—and the systematic review methodology I employed to

analyze it, followed by a brief summary of the structure of the book.

What is ERM?

Enterprise risk management is a senior leadership initiative that aims

to integrate an organization’s risk management practices in order to enhance

the organization’s ability to achieve its strategic objectives (The Committee

of Sponsoring Organizations [COSO], 2004; Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2011). In

doing so, ERM moves beyond traditional risk management approaches that

focus on managing risks in functional silos. Instead, ERM aspires to manage

risks as a portfolio in order to capture the full range of risks and multiple

interdependencies between them. It does this by positioning risk management

as a senior leadership responsibility, assessing risk from an entity-wide

perspective, aligning business strategies with risk tolerance levels, and

integrating accountability for managing risks across the entity (COSO, 2004;

Kimbrough & Componation, 2009; Kleffner, Lee, & McGannon, 2003;

McShane, Nair, & Rustambekov, 2011). Because of this holistic approach,

ERM provides a means to manage organizational risk in a comprehensive and

strategic manner.

Existing ERM models originate from the business sector and were

developed by practitioners in such fields as auditing, accounting, and

insurance (Andersen, 2010). Despite their comprehensive approach, these

original frameworks tend to emphasize hierarchal management structures,

quantifying risk exposure, and control systems for managing risks. And, as

ERM is a relatively new management practice, there is limited empirical

research on implementing the practice in complex organizational


Therefore, today’s organizations face the challenge of introducing useful

ERM frameworks that are undeveloped for complex settings into an

organizational culture that may already be skeptical of new management

approaches due to their previous experiences with restructuring and efforts at

organizational change. With the right tools and knowledge, however, as I

show in this book, ERM can be utilized in any organizational setting to

improve the risk management practices of the organization effectively and


The Systematic Review: An Evidence Base for ERM

This book utilizes a broad evidence base on ERM that I gathered

through the rigorous systematic review study I conducted for my doctoral

research. In this study, I examined the utility of ERM particularly in relation

to complex organizations, using the case study of higher education

environments as a frame for analysis. These environments present a wide

range of risks that cross multiple organizational boundaries. Traditionally,

such institutions had deferred risk management to the individual units most

affected by the risks. Such an approach did not look at the overall risk profile

of the institution and risks’ effects on achieving the institution’s strategic

objectives. Consequently, higher education leaders had turned to ERM as a

strategy to manage institutional risks. However, ERM is a management

practice that originated from the corporate sector. This raised the question as

to whether an ERM strategy for managing risks was appropriate for higher

education. In addition, if an ERM strategy was deemed appropriate for

managing risks in higher education, how should leadership implement such a

program? Prior to my study, existing ERM frameworks lacked information

on how to implement this practice in complex organization settings.

Therefore, in my study I posed the following research question: How do

critical success factors influence a decision to adopt and implement ERM in

higher education institutions? To answer this question, I reviewed both the

literature on this topic as well as its connections to academic theories of

change management,

decision making, and organizational learning.

Overall, I

showed how these theories could enhance the implementation of ERM in

complex organizations—findings I now bring to you. Although the study

used higher educational institutions as a framework for analysis, the findings

and recommendations from the study are transferable to any organization that

has a diverse range of operations, business units, and core functions.

More specifically, in the systematic review, I used a series of study

search terms related to ERM to search the electronic database OneSearch for

credible scholarly sources on ERM. Initially, the search yielded 999 citations

(after duplications were removed). I reviewed all articles in brief (e.g., titles,

abstracts, headings) based on the study’s inclusion and exclusion criteria. I

looked specifically for primary research articles (articles describing research

undertaken by the authors themselves) and articles directly relevant to the

study’s research questions. After this stage, 53 primary studies relevant to the

research question remained for review. I then conducted a quality appraisal

process to ensure the rigor and validity of the research, which resulted in the

further elimination of two studies due to poor quality. I subsequently added

four grey literature studies (reports on ERM by organizations), resulting in a

final dataset of 55 studies. Figure 1 provides a summary of the results of the



Several observations can be made of the studies included in the

systematic review. First, the studies from peer-reviewed journals included in

the dataset were published after 2003, with 84% published after 2009. This

highlights that ERM research is still in its infancy. Second, the studies

published in peer-reviewed journals were found in the following types of

publications: accounting and finance (n = 19), risk management and

insurance (n = 14), engineering (n = 6), management sciences (n = 5),

information technology (n = 4), energy management (n = 2), and higher

education (n = 1). These results point to the strong influence the accounting,

finance, risk management, and insurance fields have on ERM research. The

results also highlight the limited number of studies published in journals

dedicated to the management sciences.

As ERM is a global phenomenon, no geographic limitations were

placed on the literature reviewed in my study. Consistent with Scott’s (1992)

assertion that “we can understand much about a specific organization from

knowing about other organizations” (p. 1), studies from sectors outside of

higher education were also included in the study. This allowed me to observe

which ERM implementation mechanisms worked or failed to work across a

range of organizational settings. Due to the study’s focus on ERM as a high-

level framework for managing risk and the challenges of implementing ERM

in higher education, technical aspects of risk management were outside the

scope of this study. Examples of these include mathematical models for risk

assessment and developing information technology solutions for ERM


Of the studies included in the review, 23 included findings from

U.S.-based organizations, while the remaining were from a diverse set of

countries and regions including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Italy,

Germany, Malaysia, the Middle East, New Zealand, the Netherlands,

Scandinavia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Zimbabwe. The studies looked at a wide

range of industry sectors, including banking, construction, education, finance,

government agencies, insurance, manufacturing, nonprofit organizations, oil

and gas, research institutions, services, suppliers, and utilities. These results

indicate ERM is a management strategy that has received global attention

from a wide variety of industries.

Thirty-five studies employed quantitative methods to analyze data

gathered from surveys, controlled studies, or publicly available financial data

sources. Twelve studies were qualitative, using methodologies such as case

studies and four used mixed methods. Two pieces of grey literature were

based on survey findings and two were from roundtables. Hence, research on

ERM has been conducted using multiple research methodologies. Last,

consistent with the research question this study explored, research on ERM

focused on two aspects of ERM: (a) why an organization would adopt ERM

and (b) the critical factors that influence ERM implementation. Overall, when

looking at the evidence-base as a whole, this book is based on findings from

the 55 studies. This entails evidence from 5,614 survey respondents, publicly

available data from 935 companies, and data from 35 case studies.

A How-To Guide for ERM

In this book, I provide a detailed overview of ERM, along with a guide

for its adoption and implementation. In Part 1, I explain the concepts of

organizational risk and risk management in relation to the complex

organization, unpacking traditional risk management approaches as well as

ERM frameworks in more detail. Then, in Part 2, I review a series of

management theories and concepts that can be utilized to enhance

understanding and implementation of ERM, including: institutional theory,

legitimacy theory, change management models, sensemaking theory, decision

sciences, theories of action, absorptive capacity, and organizational

resiliency. This is followed in Part 3 by a discussion of factors that affect

ERM adoption and implementation. In Part 4, based on my experience as a

practitioner tasked with identifying and mitigating risks in his operational

unit, and later from my broader role in the University’s ERM efforts, I

introduce seven principles for ERM adoption and implementation, providing

a hands-on tool to guide the ERM process in complex organizational settings.

Lastly, in the concluding remarks, I comment to the wide applicability of

ERM for complex organizational settings, speaking to the implications of this

adopting ERM and areas for future research.

Overall, this book will provide you with both practical and

theoretical knowledge for adopting ERM to improve organizational

performance. This book expands the body of knowledge on ERM by

identifying factors that influence ERM implementation in complex

organizational settings, and linking them to a set of management theories that

enhance ERM implementation. To date, existing frameworks on ERM have

lacked practical information on implementing and integrating ERM across

the organization (Fraser, Schoening-Thiessen, & Simkins, 2008). Indeed, a

key difference between ERM and traditional risk management practices is

that ERM elevates managing risks to a senior leadership level. This entails

managing risk across the institution. Therefore, implementing ERM is a

broad organizational change initiative.

As a result, this book is useful for senior leadership and risk

management practitioners who are seeking evidence-based guidance on how

to implement ERM in their organization. This book addresses the interests of

senior leadership by providing answers as to why organizations implement

ERM, and the benefits and pitfalls of implementing an ERM program. This

book also demonstrates how ERM adoption and implementation—and risk

management practices more generally—can be enhanced through the

application of theories from management science on change management,

decision making, and organizational learning.

Part 1: Understanding Organizational Risk and Risk


At its core, adopting and implementing ERM is simply a management

process for how an organization identifies and manages risks that threaten

achieving its mission and business objects. As such, it entails utilizing sound

management practices one would use when implementing a management

process in an organization. However, ERM does have distinct elements that

practitioners should be aware of when implementing an ERM strategy.

Hence, in order to understand how and why ERM may be a good choice for

the complex organization, we must first unpack in more detail three key

concepts or focus areas that underpin this book: organizational risk,

traditional risk management, and ERM. These concepts occur in modern

organizational environments that can entail a wide range of structures that

may change over time. In addition, such environments often include varying

cultural and individual elements such as the culture specific to a nation,

organization, or department, or may relate to certain professional disciplines

(e.g., teacher, police officer, doctor, accountant, and lawyer). In Part 1, I

describe the these three concepts in detail, in order to establish an essential

set of knowledge before discussing management theory and practice further

in Part 2.

Chapter 1: Organizational Risk

Prior to examining the ERM implementation process, it is necessary to

examine why risk presents challenges for complex organizations that

necessitate implementing an ERM strategy.

In this chapter, I discuss how the concept of risk has evolved into a critical

management function requiring senior leadership attention. I situate risk

within the context of the unpredictable, dynamic, and complex business

environments in which organizations operate, and how this influences an

organization’s decision to implement ERM.

Defining Risk

Definitions of risk associated with organizations operating in the

modern business environment utilize several unique concepts. For example,

Williams, Zainuba, and Jackson (2008) view risk as complex and

multidimensional. The authors added that risk is unavoidable, and defined

risk from a decision-maker’s perspective as

an assessment of whether an unfavorable outcome might occur

(possibility of loss), an assessment of the range of possible unfavorable

outcomes (probabilities of such loss), and an assessment of the extent to

which possible unfavorable outcomes can be managed or controlled

(exposure to hazard or danger). (Williams et al., 2008, p. 59–60)

A more precise definition of risk is “the uncertainty about outcomes that can

be either negative or positive,” where risk management is defined as “the

process of making and implementing decisions that will minimize the adverse

effects of accidental losses to an organization” (Baranoff, Harrington, &

Niehaus, 2005, p. 1.4–1.5).

Woon, Azizan, and Samad (2011) proposed three categories of risks

that affect an organization’s financial performance: (a) tactical risk, which

involves the uncertainty of expected earnings; (b) strategic risk, which entails

the uncertainty of performance outcomes; and (c) normative risk, which

addresses the risk penalty a firm pays for not conducting business within the

accepted norms of the industry and society. Similarly, Kaplan and Mikes

(2012) proposed a three-category system for classifying organizational


First, preventable risks are internal to the organization and arise in the course

of business (e.g., safety hazards and improper employee actions). Preventable

risks lack strategic benefit but must be actively managed due to the negative

impact they can have on the organization. Second, strategic risks are risks a

company voluntarily takes in order to generate desired economic returns.

Strategic risks are not inherently undesirable but require different strategies to

manage than those used to manage preventable risks. Last, external risks

surface from outside the organization and are beyond the control of the

organization. An organization must develop a process to identify potential

external risks and

prepare contingency plans to manage them if they occur.

These two methodologies for categorizing risks illustrate that not all risks are

created equal. Hence, complex organizations need to consider the type of risk

when establishing risk assessment strategies and tolerance levels.

Dimensions of Risk

Brinkmann (2013) identified the following six dimensions of risk:

measurability, attributability, manageability, insurability, voluntariness, and

moral responsibility. Measurability is the quantifiable dimension of risk.

Attributability involves whether the risk can be ascribed to organizational

decisions. Manageability concerns actions that can prevent or eliminate the

risk. Insurability is whether the risk can be insured. Voluntariness deals with

whether a risk is chosen using free will and with sufficient knowledge to

make an informed decision. Finally, moral responsibility involves whether

risk is taken with the informed consent of all parties involved in the decision.

Each of Brinkmann’s dimensions suggests a certain level of understanding

and control an organization has over the risks it faces. However, it is

questionable to what extent the complex types of risks modern organizations

face are measurable and are under the control of the organization. Moreover,

complex organizations need to consider determining the appropriate decision

maker(s) for a risk, whether affected people are informed about the risk, and

if the financial liability for the risk can be controlled through insurance or

other risk transfer mechanisms (e.g., by holding harmless agreements or

contracting out the risk exposure).

Risk management processes tend to focus on analyzing risks from an

event perspective to determine cause and effect relationships. However, risk

is a complex phenomenon, and as Grabowski and Roberts (1997) showed,

implementing a risk mitigation system in large organizational settings is

difficult. The authors argued that such challenges are related to four

characteristics of large systems: (a) simultaneous autonomy and

interdependence, (b) intended and unintended consequences, (c) long

incubation periods that allow problems to develop, and (d) risk migration. As

large systems, complex organizations are likely to encounter these challenges

during ERM


Boisot and McKelvey (2010) used Ashby’s law of requisite variety

to explain complexity in organizational settings. According to Ashby’s law,

“only variety can destroy variety” (p. 421). As such, for an organism or social

entity to be adaptive, it must be able to match the variety of external stimuli

imposed on it. Consequently, the authors proposed that for an organization to

be adaptive, it must have a variety of responses available that match the

variety of external constraints or threats imposed on the organization.

Moreover, when the external variety exceeds the capacity of the organization,

adaptive tension develops that seeks to fill the gap between the system’s

capability and external demands so the system can survive. Consequently,

Boisot and McKelvey’s (2010) separation of complexity into three regions

(chaotic, complex, and ordered) helps explain why certain types of risks can

be understood and controlled by the organization, where other risks are more

difficult to recognize and comprehend. The chaotic region is typified by

stimuli that have no discernible regularities, while the complex region—

where most challenges fall—presents some regularity, though it may be

difficult to discern. The ordered region involves stimuli that, in theory, can be

planned for and controlled.

For example, Andersen (2010) suggested strategic risks can involve

significant exposure to organizations due to their high level of uncertainty.

Thus, strategic risks often lack easily discernible regularities yet present

significant risk to the organization. Hence, strategic risks share the

characteristics of the chaotic or complex regions depicted by Boisot and

McKelvey (2010). Despite this high exposure level, Andersen (2010)

suggested that most risk management approaches tend to focus only on

recognized exposures, and are ill-equipped to handle complex risks

associated with high levels of uncertainty. This is a particularly salient

challenge for ERM since ERM aspires to look at a broad range of

organizational risks, including those at the strategic level. However,

methodologies for evaluating risks are often based on assessing risks that are

more easily identified, measured, and controlled. Examples include risks such

as safety hazards or failing to meet regulatory requirements.

Uncertainty and ambiguity can add to the complexity of identifying and

understanding an organization’s risk exposure. Scott (1992) identified five

dimensions of uncertainty. First, the degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity

involves the level of diversity of customers and stakeholders an organization

must manage. Second, the degree of stability/variability is the extant an

organization experiences change. Third, the degree of threat/security

concerns how vulnerable an organization is to its environment. Forth, the

degree of interconnectedness/ isolation involves how dependent an

organization is on other organizations or agencies. Last, the degree of

coordination/noncoordination is the extent to which an organization deals

with external groups whose actions are coordinated. Due to the diverse set of

customers and stakeholders complex organizations regularly interact with and

the increasing complexity of the environment in which they operate, the

context within which organizations must identify, evaluate, and act on risks

also contains a high level of uncertainty. Indeed, Power (2007) stated that

“when uncertainty is organized, it becomes a risk to be managed” (p. 6).

The concept of risk is further complicated since leadership involves

taking risks and leading organizations through areas where success is not

guaranteed (Brinkmann, 2013). March and Shapira (1987) added that leaders

often define risk differently than the theoretical literature, and that even two

individuals can see the same risk differently. The authors explained that

leaders see risk as something they can control, and risk-taking as part of their

job and identity as leaders. The authors also found that leaders place more

weight on the potential positive outcomes of an activity over negative results.

Furthermore, leaders do not see risk as simply a statistical or probability

concept, or see value in reducing risk to a single quantifiable measure.

Risk also has social dimensions when situated within the context of

an organizational environment. Indeed, Power (2007) suggested risk has

“acquired social, political, and organizational significance as never before”

(p. 3). Weick (1995) proposed that organizations are networks of people

socially interacting through the use of shared meanings and language, and

that internal constructions of knowledge are developed in the presence or

perceived presence of others. Schein concluded that a social reality consists

of the items that groups form consensus around, such as how humans relate

to their environment, distribute power, form group boundaries, develop

ideology, and share cultural elements. More specific to risk, Argyris (1980)

suggested that the inability of organizations to discuss threatening or risky

issues is caused by how people are acculturated and socialized (i.e., their

values, skills, and action strategies for dealing with challenging issues).

Argyris continues that these social elements can inhibit attempts by the

organization to encourage employees to disclose information on actions such

as unethical behavior or hazardous working conditions. Consequently,

organizations must manage a diverse set of risks that require different means

to assess and control. Moreover, individual backgrounds and perceptions on

risks and the organizational environment influences how an organization

evaluates and responds to risk.

Risk and Opportunity

Enterprise risk management implies that effectively managing risk can

result in improving an organization’s ability to recognize and capitalize on

opportunity. Arnold, Benford, Canada, and Sutton (2011) conceived of ERM

as having either a defensive focus on risk control and avoidance or an

offensive focus that looks at the upside of risk in order to identify

opportunities the organization can exploit. Arnold, Benford, Hampton, and

Sutton (2012) made a similar argument that as ERM programs mature, they

increase their ability to manage risks and opportunity. Indeed, Power (2007)

argued that organizations that are more effective at aligning their business

strategy with organizational governance, regulatory compliance, and

enterprise goals will be better positioned to realize opportunities that emerge.

Hence, it is logical to conclude that an organization’s leadership would be

more likely to implement ERM if the program also enhances the

organization’s ability to identify and act on opportunities.

Brunswicker and Hutschek (2010) predicted that firms that use

active processes for identifying opportunities from external and distant

sources will be more successful at finding potentially exploitable

opportunities. Similarly, Baron and Ensley (2006) defined opportunity

recognition as “the process through which ideas for potentially profitable new

business ventures are identified by specific persons” (p. 1331). Riquelme

(2013) identified three factors that influence a person’s ability to recognize

opportunities: cognitive frameworks, self-efficacy, and social networks. The

decision on whether to exploit an opportunity is dependent on attitudes

toward the opportunity (favorable or unfavorable view of the opportunity),

subjective norms (peer pressure on whether or not to act on the opportunity),

and perceived behavioral control (perceived ease of difficulty to exploit the

opportunity successfully). Opportunities that are favorably perceived in these

areas are more likely to be acted on than those that are viewed less favorably

in one or more of these dimensions (De Jong, 2013). As such, the ability to

identify opportunities is influenced by individual and social dynamics similar

to those associated with identifying risks. Moreover, assessing whether the

organization should act on the opportunity should also include evaluating the

risks associated with the opportunity. Hence, organizations can integrate risk

identification and assessment processes with opportunity identification

processes so that each compliments and strengths the other.

In sum, risk is a complex phenomenon that has multiple dimensions. As

such, a one-size-fits-all strategy for evaluating and managing risks is unlikely

to be successful. Consequently, the complexity and multiple dimensions of

risks warrant managing risks using a holistic approach as offered by ERM.

Moreover, an organization’s capability to identify and control risks

effectively is linked with its ability to capitalize on opportunities.

Chapter 2: Traditional Risk Management

Now that we have an understanding of organizational risk more

generally, we can look at the different types of risk management that

ultimately may lead an organization to adopt an ERM program. In this

chapter, I review the concept of traditional risk management, which serves as

a basis to then understand the ERM framework presented in the following


Traditional risk management is defined as “the process of making

and implementing decisions that will minimize the adverse effects of

accidental losses on an organization” (Baranoff et al., 2005, p. 1.5). This

approach to risk management aims to identify potential loss exposures and

examine the feasibility of various strategies to limit these exposures

(Baranoff et al., 2005). Strategies utilized to manage risks fall into two

categories: risk control and risk finance. According to Baranoff et al. (2005),

there are six core risk control techniques: “avoidance, loss prevention, loss

reduction, separation, duplication, and diversification” (p. 2.19). As the name

implies, avoidance simply means the organization does not take on an

activity that exposes it to certain risks. Loss prevention and reduction involve

actions to reduce the frequency and severity of losses from risks. Separation

entails splitting up assets so they are not all exposed to the same risk.

Duplication involves the use of redundant systems to prevent the shutdown of

an operation or process. Finally, diversification spreads risk exposures over a

range of operations, markets, or geographic regions. Examples of risk finance

techniques include transfer methods, such as insurance, hold-harmless

agreements, and hedging; while an example of retention is the self-funding of

losses (Baranoff et al., 2005).

Traditional risk management techniques fail to address the full range

of risk exposures a complex organization may face. Arena, Arnaboldi, and

Azzone (2011) argued that a limit of traditional risk management is its

tendency to manage risk categories separately. Traditional risk management

functions have often been located in the accounting, financial, compliance,

and internal auditor areas of organizations (Blaskovich & Taylor, 2011).

Moreover, March and Shapira (1987) contended that theories on managerial

perspectives of risk, such as classical decision theory, oversimplify human

behavior and thus do not accurately explain how managers perceive risk.

Brinkmann (2013) suggested that the complexity of modern risk combined

with increased pressure to hold organizations accountable for their actions

can lead to managers focusing on providing a defendable justification for

their decisions concerning risk at the expense of using sound professional

judgment. Accordingly, Brinkmann (2013) posited the need for “intelligent

risk management” based on the following tenets: (a) control systems that are

not allowed to overburden managerial attention and innovation, (b) higher

tolerance levels for disorganization and ambiguity in the risk management

process, and (c) internal control systems that focus on generating usable

knowledge and that are always challengeable. Enterprise risk management

frameworks such as the one offered by COSO begin to address the three

dimensions of intelligent risk management; however, they require more

insight on how to manage risks without stifling innovation, how to assess

risks with high levels of ambiguity, and how to create actionable knowledge

through the risk management process.

In sum, modern organizations face a wide range of complex risks that

challenge their ability to meet mission-critical objectives. In addition,

managing risk is more complicated in large institutions composed of multiple

subunits that operate in a global, changing economy (Grabowski & Roberts,

1997). Within the complex institution, the failure to manage risks properly

can lead to events that challenge an organization’s ability to meet critical

objectives and jeopardize its survival. As McShane et al. (2011) stated,

“Managing risks has become a critical function for CEOs as organizational

environments become increasingly turbulent and complex” (p. 653). A survey

by North Carolina State University and Protiviti (2015) identified the top

risks executives perceive their organizations face as regulatory changes,

economic conditions that restrict growth, attracting and retain talent, inability

to identify risks, cyber threats, managing unexpected crisis, sustaining

customer loyalty, resistance to change that restricts the ability adjust business

models, and not meeting performance expectations. Consequently, in light of

these issues, traditional approaches to risk management should be replaced by

methods that position risk management as part of an organization’s

governance process, allowing for a more holistic view of the organization’s

risk exposure. Enterprise risk management is such a strategy.

Chapter 3: Frameworks for ERM

There are several existing frameworks for ERM, including: the

Casualty Actuarial Society ERM framework, the COSO ERM integrated

framework, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 31,000

risk management framework and process, the Australian and New Zealand

standard for risk management, and the Federation of European Risk

Management Associations’ risk management standard (Andersen, 2010;

Kimbrough & Componation, 2009). These frameworks share similar risk

management steps and highlight how ERM influences a broad range of

activities and organizational levels (Kimbrough & Componation, 2009).

Moreover, these frameworks portray ERM as a top-down, driven risk

management approach (Andersen, 2010). In this chapter, I present the COSO

ERM integrated framework, which provides a basis for the discussion

throughout this book, since it is the most prevalent model referenced in the


In 1985, COSO was established to address the increased incidence of

fraudulent financial reporting. This initially resulted in COSO developing

frameworks to improve financial reporting and compliance, followed by the

publication of the ERM integrated framework in 2004, which is referenced

by several U.S. and international standard-setting bodies (Landsittel &

Rittenberg, 2010). The committee is composed of five sponsoring

organizations: the American Accounting Association, the American Institute

of Certified Public Accountants, Financial Executives International, the

Institute of Internal Auditors, and the Institute of Management Accountants.

Its mission is “to provide thought leadership through the development of

comprehensive frameworks and guidance on enterprise risk management,

internal control, and fraud deterrence designed to improve organizational

performance and governance and to reduce the extent of fraud in

organizations” (Landsittel & Rittenberg, 2010, p. 457). The committee’s

composition and mission are especially important as they reveal the

professional background of the framework’s developers and, subsequently,

the challenges organizations may have implementing a framework that relies

heavily on internal controls and top-down management strategies.

According to COSO (2004), enterprise risk management is a process,

affected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel,

applied in strategy setting across the enterprise, designed to identify potential

events that may affect the entity, and manage risk to be within its risk

appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of entity

objectives (p. 4).

This definition outlines the following six key elements of ERM: (a)

led by senior management, (b) integrated throughout the organization, (c)

considers risk from a strategic perspective, (d) provides reasonable assurance

of meeting an organization’s goals, (e) identifies risks that affect the

organization, and (f) manages risk based on the organization’s risk appetite

and tolerance level. In addition, COSO proposed four critical areas for

establishing risk management objectives: (a) strategic objectives, which

involve high-level goals and the mission of the organization; (b) operation

objectives, which outline the efficient use of organizational resources; (c)

objectives to meet an organization’s reporting requirements; and (d)

regulatory compliance objectives. According to COSO (2004), organizations

need to set objectives for managing risk at each organizational level to

include the entity, divisional, business unit, and subsidiary levels of the


The COSO (2004) ERM framework is composed of eight

interrelated components. These include: (a) the internal environment, such as

the organization’s risk management philosophy, ethical values, and the

operating environment; (b) objectives that align with the organization’s

tolerance for risk; (c) the identification of internal and external events that

present risks to the organization; (d) the assessment of events to determine

the likelihood and impact risks may have on the organization; (e) the

selection of responses to control risks, such as avoiding, accepting, reducing,

or sharing the risk; (f) the establishment of control activities, such as policies

and procedures to help ensure risks are adequately addressed; (g) the

adoption of mechanisms to communicate and capture information on risks;

and (h) the implementation of processes to assess and monitor the state of the

ERM program continually. Figure 2 illustrates the basic logic of the COSO

framework. Here, risk objectives are set in their respective domains for each

level of the organization, and realized through the application of the eight

interrelated components. Although portrayed in the illustration as a linear

operation, the process is, in practice, more iterative with activities co-

occurring across each area.

In sum, the COSO framework reflects practices found in mechanistic

organizational settings typified by management practices that focus on

control and top-down decision making. Mikes (2009) described this

framework as advocating for ERM as a “strategic management control

system” (p. 20). Consequently, the framework provides limited information

on managing risks in global, multiorganizational, large-scale systems with

diverse management processes led by a wide variety of people (Grabowski &

Roberts, 1997). Formal approaches to risk management such as these may

lead to a focus on identifiable and quantifiable risks instead of the strategic

risks that have more uncertainty (Andersen, 2010). Indeed, Fraser,

Schoening-Thiessen, and Simkins (2008) found that executives expressed

concern over the lack of information on integrating ERM across their

organizations, and viewed the framework as impractical to implement.

In addition, ERM is a relatively new practice. The first evidence of

such activity occurred in 1998, with the first academic study on ERM

published in 1999 by Colquitt, Hoyt, and Lee. In this initial study, Colquitt et

al. investigated the role risk managers have in nonoperational risks and the

techniques they use to control these risks. Subsequently, the majority of

research on ERM has been published in peer-reviewed insurance and

accounting journals (Iyer, Rogers, & Simkins, 2010), and tends to favor

quantitative approaches to risk analysis and the use of management control

systems. Landsittel and Rittenberg (2010) have argued that ERM research

needs to go deeper than simple assessments of current best practices. Iyer et

al. (2010) further stated that ERM research lacks a natural “disciplinary

home” and, as such, is a topic that can be studied from a variety of

management theory perspectives (p. 420). As such, in Part 2, I explore how

concepts from the management sciences in areas such as change

management, decision making, and organizational learning can advance

understanding on ERM from both practical and theoretical perspectives.

Part 2: Management Science and ERM: From Theory

to Practice

In Part 1, I discussed the key concepts of organizational risk, traditional

risk management, and the COSO ERM framework. One of the key findings

from my research is that knowledge on ERM implementation has been

disconnected from management concepts, despite its clear connection to

senior leadership and management strategy. This is true both of research on

ERM as well as in how it is practically implemented in organizations.

Therefore, in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of ERM, in

Part 2, I review concepts in management science theory that may enhance

ERM implementation within complex organizations (see Figure 3). In the

chapters that follow, I focus on three main areas: organizational change,

decision making, and organizational learning. For each area, I first explain

aspects of the theories more generally, followed by how that area connects to



Chapter 4: Organizational Change I – Institutional

Theory, Legitimacy Theory, and Organizational


Concepts relating to institutional theory, legitimacy theory, and

organizational culture can be used to analyze how external and internal

factors in an organization’s environment influence the decision to adopt ERM

and the implementation process. In this chapter, I unpack these models to

provide a context to understand change management more generally.

Institutional Theory

Institutional theory speaks to how external pressures from

governmental agencies, laws and regulations, stakeholders, professional

norms, and the public influence an organization (Wicks, 2001). Scott (2014)

explained that “institutions comprise regulative, normative, and cultural

cognitive elements that, together with associated activities and resources,

provide stability and meaning to social life” (p. 56). Moreover, he proposed

that each element operates through distinct mechanisms and forms the “three

pillars of institutional theory,” which are: (a) regulative, which focuses on

expedience, coercive mechanisms, and regulative rules; (b) normative, which

relies on social obligation, normative mechanisms, and binding expectations;

and (c) culture-cognitive, which values shared understanding, mimetic

mechanisms, and cultural influences. These elements help to provide

institutions with the meaning and stability that create organizational

structures and guide behavior.

However, each has distinct underlying assumptions and mechanisms

that can be used as analytical elements for understanding institutions. More

specifically, the regulative element focuses on expedience, coercive

mechanisms, and regulative rules; the normative component relies on social

obligation, normative mechanisms, and binding expectations; and the culture-

cognitive element values shared understanding and mimetic mechanisms.

Consequently, institutional theory is used to analyze how an organization’s

history, culture, and operating environment shape the decision to adopt ERM

and influence the type of program implemented.

Legitimacy Theory

Suchman (1995) defined legitimacy as “a generalized perception or

assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate

within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and

definitions” (p. 574). Suchman (1995) also asserted that there are three broad

types of organizational legitimacy: pragmatic, moral, and cognitive.

Pragmatic legitimacy relates to whether the activity is perceived as beneficial

to the organization and its stakeholders. Thomas and Lamm (2012) stated that

such perceived benefits may include items such as better use of resources,

reduced risk and legal liability, and improved reputation; items similar to

those benefits touted by ERM proponents. Secondly, Suchman (1995) argued

that legitimacy has a moral dimension that involves whether an

organization’s actions and image are consistent with socially accepted norms.

This moral legitimacy includes beliefs stakeholders share about an activity’s

value in advancing the interests of society. However, Suchman (1995)

cautioned that resistance and organizational politics can significant affect

moral legitimacy. Lastly, cognitive legitimacy involves how easily an activity

is comprehended and how consistent it is with existing organizational culture

and belief system. Here, people assess whether the activity will make their

job easier or more difficult (Thomas & Lamm,


Protecting and enhancing the organization’s identity can also have

positive effects on the overall perceptions members have of the organization.

For example, people develop their personal identities in part through their

perception of how others view the organization where they work (Weick,

1995). Indeed, Ravasi and Schultz (2006) found that how people perceive

identity threats to an organization is influenced by how they believe the

organization is perceived externally and their assumptions about the

distinctive behavioral patterns of the organization. The authors also found

that organizational responses to identity threats can be limited by the need to

reconcile responses with external changes. Moreover, the organization’s

culture provides the context for the sensemaking process the organization

undergoes as it seeks to understand, reevaluate, and redefine the organization

in response to the identity threat.

Within the context of complex organizations, the reasons

organizations adopt a new business practice such as ERM can vary. For

example, Gioia and Thomas (1996) found measures like profit and return are

not as relevant to higher education leadership. Instead, items such as prestige

and ranking are critical, making an institution’s image a critical strategic

issue. According to the authors, leadership issues can be separated into two

categories: strategic and political. Strategic issues are items associated with

creating the desired future state, while political issues involve the status quo

and managing competing interests. The authors found that image and identity

powerfully influence how leaders in organizations interpret the critical issues

they confront and that strategy and information processing are critical to how

leaders interpret these issues. Consequently, the literature suggests that

organizational leadership will be moved to adopt ERM when leadership sees

linkage between adopting ERM and protecting and enhancing the

institution’s reputation. Legitimacy theory thus addresses the issue of why a

certain course of action is accepted by an organization and hence helps

explain the factors that influence whether members of the organization accept

an initiative such as ERM (Suchman, 1995). Therefore, legitimacy theory is

used to explain the logic for why leadership at a complex organization may

select an ERM strategy and factors that affect employee perceptions on the

validity of the program.

Organizational Culture

Mintzberg and Westley (1992) posited that changing an organization’s

culture involves shifting the collective mindset of the organization. On the

other hand, Schein (2010) proposed that culture is formed as organizations

solve problems of external adaption and internal integration, such as an

organization’s mission, strategy, goals, and methods to measure progress.

Internal integration problems include creating a common language and

defining group boundaries, power distribution, and behavioral norms. Schein

(2010) added that an organization’s overall culture is influenced by national

and ethnic identities, cultures from other organizations with which the

organization interacts, cultures associated with different occupations, and

microcultures that develop in cross-functional organizational groups. He

found that these cultural forces are powerful and significantly affect the

actions of the organization. Schein (2010) also argued that an organization’s

culture is, in part, a “learned defense mechanism to avoid uncertainty,” which

can cause the organization to fail to address uncertainty proactively (p. 277).

Lastly, Schein stated that a concern for an organization’s culture is an issue

unique to leadership and one that differentiates leadership from general

management and administration. Based on Schein’s broader definition of

organizational culture, Cooper, Faseruk, and Kahn (2013) defined risk culture


a pattern of basic assumptions that the group learned as it identified,

evaluated, and managed its internal and external risks that has worked

well enough to be considered valid, and therefore to be taught to new

members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to

those risks. (p. 65)

As Cooper’s definition of risk culture illuminates, developing a risk culture at

a complex organization entails building the organization’s understanding of

how it identifies, understands, and manages risks. Therefore, leadership plays

a critical role in ERM programs that aspire to change the culture surrounding

how the institution understands and responds to risks.

As further discussed in relation to decision making, Osland and Bird

(2000) utilized the concept of sensemaking to help explain how people

understand different cultures. In particular, they explored cultural paradoxes

where situations cause different and contradictory responses. The authors

stressed the need for context to understand actions and responses in a cultural

setting. They further determined that cultural values and histories influence

the schema people select in a situation. They defined a schema as “a pattern

of social interaction that is characteristic of a particular cultural group” (p.

71). Indeed, Schein (1993) warned that complex business and societal

problems are often caused by cultural misunderstandings. These issues can be

amplified in complex organizational settings with multiple cultural elements.

Therefore, understanding how diverse cultural units and associated views on

risk affect ERM implementation is critical, worthy of deeper exploration, and

directly related to the internal environment COSO speaks to in its ERM


For example, at universities and colleges, Birnbaum (1988) noted

the cultural divide between faculty and administrators, where faculty viewed

administrators as imposing red tape and constraints on their work, and

administrators viewed faculty as unconcerned with costs and reasonable

appeals for accountability. To address the different priorities between faculty

and administrators, Birnbaum suggested that HEIs have two distinct control

structures: one for administrative decisions and another for faculty. Birnbaum

(1988) also explained there are four basic models for how HEIs function:

collegial, bureaucratic, political, and anarchical. As the name implies,

collegial institutions value shared power and consensus with leadership that

seeks input on decisions, and where responsibility is collectively shared.

However, Birnbaum noted that collegial institutions only work for relatively

small organizational settings. In contrast, a bureaucratic institution is

common to colleges in which large-scale administrative functions are

organized to reduce uncertainty and improve performance. In this setting,

people can be more easily replaced and are not as critical to the overall

performance of the institution (e.g., in community colleges where faculty

only teach part-time). On the other hand, faculty members at political

institutions are deeply connected to the organization and are often part of a

wide array of specialized subunits. Consequently, such an organization is too

complex for a bureaucratic structure and thus relies on decentralized decision

making with diffused power. This results in constant competition among

subunits for resources and influence on the direction of the organization.

Lastly, anarchical institutions are characterized by having several schools or

units that appear to operate independently from the overall organization.

Anarchical institutions often have vague goals, ambiguous understandings of

how inputs are converted to outputs, and unclear

decision-making processes.

Consequently, from a broad perspective, there are unique cultures at

universities and colleges that require adapting the ERM process so it is

compatible with the existing culture and management style at the institution.

Chapter 5: Organizational Change II – Change


Theories on change management can be used to analyze how to

implement a broad organizational initiative such as ERM. Therefore, in this

chapter, I explain change management and models for change management

within the context of the complex organization. Change requires leaders to

manage the interests of diverse and vast groups of stakeholders (Jongbloed,

Enders, & Salerno, 2008). According to Kezar and Eckel (2002), strategies

for transformational change at complex organizations include leadership

support, collaboration, well-designed programs, staff development, and

observable action. The authors found that these strategies are effective

because they provide opportunities for key stakeholders to help create

direction and priorities for change, clarify roles, and understand what change

means for them. The authors pointed out that the real value of such strategies

is their ability to generate organizational sensemaking.

Gioia and Chittipeddi (1991) studied a major change initiative at a large

public university. The authors defined change as an effort to alter how an

organization thinks and acts, and strategic change as organizational change

that seeks to capitalize on critical opportunities and respond to potential

threats. The authors concluded that change requires organizational members

to make sense of the organization’s internal and external environment, and to

understand change in relation to their existing cognitive interpretation of what

the change initiative means for them. Gioia, Thomas, Clark, and Chittipeddi

(1994) also conducted research on strategic change. They found that task

forces that are charged with implementing change go through four stages.

First, people interpret who they are, their responsibilities for the change

initiative, and what external forces influence their ability to act. Next,

members of the task force define their role in the change initiative and

determine the methods for implementing the initiative. The group then moves

to the legitimation stage, which focuses on how to enhance the organization’s

perception of the group as legitimate agents for the change initiative. Last, the

task force works to increase its influence in an effort to institutionalize

change so it has a lasting impact on the organization. Hence, complex

organizations that choose to use a team for ERM implementation should

select members who can be effective at guiding the program through the

strategic change process.

Woon et al. (2011) posited that ERM is a change management initiative

that requires a significant shift in an organization’s mindset about managing

risk. However, Schein (2010) cautioned that leaders must first understand the

general process for organizational change before attempting to change the

culture of an organization. In keeping with these findings, the literature on

change management has identified key elements of the organizational change

process. For example, Cinite et al. (2009) identified factors that indicate

whether an organization is ready for change (e.g., senior management’s

commitment, competent change agents, and immediate managers’ support).

According to the authors, employees desire competent change champions that

consider options prior to implementing change, a senior management team

that is decisive about an organization’s strategies and goals for change, and

leadership that is committed to the success of the change initiative. In

addition, employees desire managers that encourage participation in change,

share information, and acknowledge the impact of change on people. Cinite,

Duxbury, and Higgins (2009) also found that factors indicative of a lack of

readiness for change include poor communication of the reasons for and

benefits of the change initiative, increased workloads, and workloads that do

not allow employees to participate in the change initiative.

Change Management Models

Organizational change is defined by Van de Ven and Poole (1995)

as “a difference in form, quality, or state over time in an organizational

entity” (p. 512). Kurt Lewin, a social scientist that studied how to resolve

social conflict, forged understanding of organizational change through his

development of a 3-step model for change based on unfreezing existing

behaviors, moving (learning) new behaviors, and refreezing new behaviors

by making them congruent with the environment (Burnes, 2004). Schein

(2010) further elaborated on Lewin’s work by proposing a conceptual model

for managed cultural change. Consistent with Lewin’s theory on change,

Schein (2010) proposed that change consists of three stages: unfreezing,

changing, and refreezing. The unfreezing stage entails creating the motivation

to change by using information to challenge existing beliefs. This is paired

with the creation of survival anxiety to motivate change, and psychological

safety to overcome learning anxiety. The changing stage takes place by

learning new concepts, meanings, and standards for judgment. This stage is

aided by providing role models with whom people can identify and fostering

opportunities to pursue new solutions and for trial-and-error learning. The

refreezing stage involves internalizing these new concepts, meanings, and

standards, and incorporating them into self-conception and identity, and

ongoing relationships. Such organizational change models were used to

examine how the type and stage of the change management process

influences ERM implementation. Orlikowski and Hofman (1997) add that

organizational change is a dynamic ongoing process involving multiple

stages of change interacting in an iterative manner. The authors referred to

this as the improvisational model for managed change that “recognizes that

change is typically an ongoing process made up of opportunities and

challenges that are not necessarily predictable at the start” (p. 13). Theoretical

work on change management provides a means to clarify the process of

implementing an organizational-wide initiative such as ERM and the

challenges likely to be encountered in such an endeavor.

Mintzberg and Westley (1992) explained how organizational change

occurs at different levels in an organization. In this model, the highest level

of change occurs in an organization’s culture and vision, followed by changes

in structure and positions, systems and programs, and people and facilities.

Mintzberg and Westley (1992) argued that changing an organization’s culture

and vision must include change at the lower levels. Similarly, Schein (2010)

stated that embedding mechanisms for cultural change fall into two

categories. The first category entails primary embedding mechanisms such as

what leadership pays attention to, measures and controls, how leaders react to

critical events or crises, how resources and rewards are allocated, intentional

role modeling and coaching, and how people are recruited, selected, and

promoted. Schein referred to the other category as secondary articulation and

reinforcement mechanisms that include items such as organizational structure

and procedures, rituals, building design and layout, stories regarding

important organizational events, and formal statements and creeds.

Orlikowski and Hofman (1997) proposed that change is an ongoing

process that involves three different types of change that build on each other

in an iterative manner: anticipated, emergent, and opportunity-based.

Anticipated change is planned for and happens as designed, while emergent

change occurs suddenly, was not intended, and is generated by local

innovation. Opportunity-based change is not planned but implemented in

response to opportunities that arise while the change initiative is being

implemented. The authors noted that this type of change requires flexibility

and that management’s role should be focused on guiding change, not

controlling it. Furthermore, employees responsible for change must be

provided the responsibility, resources, and ability to influence the change


Chapter 6: Organizational Change III – Organizational

Control and Resilience

Various ERM frameworks propose implementing organizational

control mechanisms to manage risks. Therefore, understanding organizational

control and resilience—the concepts featured in this chapter—is important to

understanding organizational change more broadly. Simon (1994) defined

organizational control systems as the recognized information-driven routines

and practices used to sustain or change organizational activities. He specified

four types of organizational control systems: (a) belief systems, which top

management uses to communicate direction and purpose; (b) boundary

systems, which set limits for the organization and its members; (c) diagnostic

control systems, which generate feedback for monitoring outcomes; and (d)

interactive control systems, which top managers use to inject themselves into

the decision-making process of subordinates. Simon (1994) found that new

managers use control systems to overcome organizational complacency,

communicate new agendas, establish implementation objectives and

timelines, focus attention through incentives, and concentrate organizational

learning on addressing the uncertainty of the new direction. Consequently,

control systems—when used effectively—can be powerful tools for

communicating organizational goals and boundaries, and can assist in

creating commitment and shared beliefs for organizational activities.

Weick (1995) outlined three levels of control in an organization: (a)

first-order control, which entails direct supervision; (b) second-order control,

which involves programs and routine activities; and (c) third-order control,

which is based on assumptions that are taken for granted by organization

members. Weick (1995) explained that first- and second-order controls

require that the work is understood by the organization and affected

employees and is sub dividable in order for controls, rules, and standardized

procedures to work effectively. Weick (1995) also specified that third-order

controls are more important at the top of organizations where nonroutine

work is common. However, third-order controls are highly influenced by

personal and cultural biases that can result in defensive and self-justifying

behavior. Therefore, challenges may arise with using control systems in

organizations. For example, faculty members with significant freedom to

conduct non-routine research activities may oppose imposing controls on

them. Hence, complex organizations may encounter resistance implementing

first- or second-order control systems for non-routine research while the

application of third order controls may be hindered due to the personal

preferences of faculty.

Organizational Resilience

Despite efforts to address risk, organizations need to have the capacity

to respond to crises that develop from the residual and inherent risks of

conducting business. For example, Williams et al. (2008) noted that risk is

unavoidable and exists only when uncertainty exists about a positive

outcome. Similarly, Roberts and Bea (2001) pointed out that any complex

and interdependent system will eventually fail, and thus organizations must

plan for such occasions. However, this does not mean organizations should

not take proactive steps to prevent these breakdowns. Therefore,

organizational resilience is used to explain how complex organizations can

prepare for the adverse events that affect the institution. Resilient

organizations actively try to understand what they do not know, and

communicate the larger picture of the organization’s mission and employees’

roles in fulfilling that mission (Roberts & Bea, 2001). In addition, resilient

organizations utilize multiple and diverse decision-making methods and

focus on developing shared mental models to mitigate risk (Grabowski &

Roberts, 1997).

Weick (2011) proposed that resilient organizations expect interruptions

to operations, take steps to identify the impacts of failure, and create early

warning signs that indicate potential failure points. Roberts and Bea (2001)

found that critical characteristics of high-reliability organizations include

aggressively trying to know what they do not know, utilizing a balanced

reward and incentive plan that looks at costs from a long-term perspective,

and ensuring everyone understands the big picture and their role in realizing

this vision. Therefore, organizations need to plan for organizational crises

that may occur due to residual risk; that is, the risk that remains after risk

response actions have been implemented as part of the ERM program.

In another study, Bigley and Roberts (2001) examined the Incident

Command System used at a large California fire department to determine

what attributes of the system could be applied to organizations facing

complex and ambiguous situations. The Incident Command System is a

management system agencies use to respond to emergencies. It is both highly

structured and flexible. Based on their findings, the authors proposed that

organizations that face potential situations that require a reliable and error-

free response develop a temporary system to manage these situations. This

system should be based on the following: preplanned design structures and

response guidelines, methods to develop and maintain mental models during

the response, discouragement of uncoordinated or ad lib responses; training

and development programs; and after-action reviews. Such a program should

be developed in a manner that integrates resources across the entity.

Consequently, ERM can help an organization’s planning process for

emergencies by capturing and sharing critical information on the risks the

institution faces. Incorporation of such information into the organization’s

emergency training and exercise initiatives can aid in facilitating

organizational learning on both the risks the organization faces and its

emergency response process and capabilities.

Moreover, resilient organizations provide a roadmap of a culture that

captures the essence of organizations that effectively manage risk. For

example, Weick and Sutcliffe (2007) propose that resilient organizations have

five characteristics. First, they have a preoccupation with failure. Resilient

organizations encourage reporting errors and use failures as an opportunity to

learn how to improve processes. Second, they are reluctant to accept

simplification. Instead, they take active steps to thoroughly understand the

risks the organization faces and value diverse expertise and opinions. Third,

resilient organizations are sensitive to operations. This allows them to

develop situational awareness through a dedication to understanding the

challenges front line personnel confront. Fourth, they are committed to

resilience. This entails a willingness to acknowledge that no system is perfect

and thus they constantly seek to identify and learn from errors and/or failures.

Last, they have deference to expertise. Resilient organizations push decision-

making authority out to the people who are the most knowledgeable of the

process, regardless of their position in the organization. Consequently,

complex organizations should look to develop these cultural dimensions as

part of the ERM program, especially in operations that present significant,

complex risks such developing new industrial technologies.

In sum, critical findings from the literature related to change

management are: (a) designing the program to reflect the organization’s

culture, (b) ERM implementation as a significant organizational change

initiative, (c) implementation as a dynamic and ongoing process, (d) long-

term commitment to implementing ERM, and (e) ERM as means to build

organizational resiliency. Hence changing the culture at an organization is a

long, ongoing, complex process. To improve the acceptability of ERM at the

early stages of implementation, the organization should design the program to

be compatible with the existing culture and practices at the organization.

Achieving the long-term goal of improving the risk management culture at

the institution requires understanding ERM as a long-term process that is

ongoing and dynamic in nature. Hence, the ERM program will need to be

continually adapted to the new realities and challenges encountered

throughout implementation. Last, the attributes of resilient organizations can

form the basis for the attributes of an effective risk management culture.

Thus, organizations should seek to build organizational resiliency by

implementing ERM.

Chapter 7: Organizational Change and COSO’s ERM


With our new understanding of the broader concepts of organizational

change, in this chapter I show how these concepts relate to the

implementation of ERM in the complex organization. The literature suggests

implementing a significant organizational initiative such as ERM at a

complex organization is a complex process requiring leadership commitment.

To affect change requires that leadership understand the process of change

and whether the organization is ready for change. Therefore, the complexity

and diverse cultures found at complex organizations necessitate that a change

initiative such as ERM be designed and implemented in a manner that is

consistent with management theories on organizational change. The findings

further highlight the difficulty organizations may encounter when

implementing an ERM program that aspires to change existing practices at

the institution. Hence, an organization should first consider designing the

ERM program to fit the culture and management practices at

the institution.

Starting with an ERM program that recognizes the existing institutional

cultural and practices should reduce the initial level of organization change

needed to launch the program. However, organizations should not neglect

that the long-term object of ERM is to integrate risk management into the

institution’s management practices. Therefore, consistent with the change

models, organizations need to determine the ERM program goals for each

organizational level and establish mechanisms for embedding risk

management into the institution’s management


In sum, organizational change entails the environment conditions at the

organization that influence ERM implementation. Hence, the organizational

change area involves the internal environment, objective setting, and internal

control components of the COSO ERM framework. An organization’s

internal environment includes items such as the history and culture of the

organization, its risk management philosophy, the level of risk it is

comfortable accepting, its ethical values, its organizational structure, and how

it distributes authority (COSO, 2004). The objective setting component

requires objectives to be aligned with an organization’s risk appetite and

tolerance levels (COSO, 2004).

Risk appetite is the balance the organization chooses between growth,

risk, and return; and risk tolerance is the level of variation it accepts to

achieve its objectives (COSO, 2004, p. 20). To accomplish this, an

organization must evaluate the risks associated with the strategic objectives

the organization sets to achieve its mission and vision. Moreover, strategic

objectives are used as the basis for establishing risk management objectives

in areas such as operations, reporting, and compliance. The COSO (2004)

framework also includes control activities to ensure the organization’s

exposure to risk is kept within the tolerance limits set by the organization.

Control activities involve establishing and implementing policies and

procedures that outline risk management activities at all levels of the

organization. Examples include requiring preapproval, authorizations,

verifications, assessing operations, and the segregation of duties.

Several authors have found evidence to support COSO’s (2004)

assertion that ERM needs to speak to an organization’s internal environment

and objective-setting process. For example, Gates, Nicolas, and Walker’s

(2012) survey of risk management executives from companies with ERM

programs suggested that improvements in an organization’s internal

environment builds management consensus, leads to better decision making,

and creates higher levels of accountability for the ERM program. In addition,

Cooper et al.’s (2013) meta-analysis of existing ERM literature found

organizational culture can be either a major benefit or a major barrier to ERM

implementation. However, the authors found only limited support for the

“tone at the top” impact on understanding and controlling risk. Furthermore,

they found that defining an organization’s risk appetite improves the ability

to manage risk.

A key element of COSO’s (2004) objective-setting process involves

integrating risk management into the process an organization uses to establish

its strategic objectives. In addition, the risks associated with strategic

objectives are evaluated and used as a basis for gauging risk in other areas,

such as operations, reporting, and compliance. Throughout this process, risks

are identified in each area and assessed based on the organization’s risk

appetite and tolerance (COSO, 2004). In this regard, Louisot and Ketcham

(2009) stated that ERM improves an organization’s strategic decision making

by integrating discussions on threats and opportunities into the strategic

planning process. Similarly, COSO (2004) stresses the importance of

understanding and developing risk management objectives for each

organizational level.

Kimbrough and Componation (2009) noted that the major

frameworks for ERM implementation (i.e., Casualty Actuarial Society ERM

framework, COSO ERM integrated framework, and ISO 31,000 risk

management framework and process) all suggest culture change as a primary

concern with ERM implementation. However, these frameworks provide

limited guidance on the impact culture has on ERM implementation, or how

to change an organization’s culture to improve the ERM implementation

processes. Moreover, the authors posited that existing frameworks portray

ERM implementation in a manner that reflects only mechanistic

organizational cultures. Mechanistic cultures are characterized by controlling

management who believe employees need detailed direction and coercion to

act for the organization. This raises a concern that ERM is viewed as needing

to change the organization’s culture versus the organization adopting ERM to

fit with the existing culture. For example, implementing an ERM strategy that

relies heavily on quantifying risks and control mechanisms may fit the culture

at a financial firm while not holding relevance for the culture at a complex


In regards to theory, although the COSO (2004) ERM framework refers

to normative and culture-cognitive elements, the framework relies heavily on

the regulative element outlined in institutional theory. Thus, the framework

lacks insight on key mechanisms that enable organizations to build shared

understandings on how they manage risk. Institutions with diverse

organizational cultures require an ERM framework that reflects the existing

institutional forces that drive action in each subculture of the organization.

Moreover, the ERM framework should recognize how the organization’s

existing assumptions and behaviors influence ERM effectiveness.

Lastly, Beasley, Clune, and Hermanson’s (2005) research on ERM

implementation in the banking, education, and insurance industries found that

senior management and board of directors’ leadership were the most critical

factors for ERM implementation. Kleffner et al. (2003) found that that key

deterrents to ERM implementation are organizational structure, culture,

resistance to change, and lack of qualified personnel to implement ERM. In

addition, Yaraghi and Langhe (2011) concluded that having a well-defined

and clear long-term strategy for risk management is the most critical element

in ERM implementation. Consequently, ERM touches on key strategic issues

at a complex organization such as its risk management philosophy and

culture, and the institution’s strategic objectives. Moreover, as an

organizational initiative that aspires to affect how the organization thinks

about and manages its risks, ERM requires the attention and commitment of

senior leadership.

Chapter 8: Decision Making I – Sensemaking Theory

Moving to the second of the three main concepts reviewed in Part 2, in

this chapter I examine the concept of decision making, first in relation to

sensemaking theory. Decision making concerning risk can be adversely

affected by failure to recognize and use available relevant data. Bazerman

and Moore (2009) described this phenomenon as bounded awareness, and

posited that it is caused by people’s assumptions about where to focus their

attention. Bounded awareness causes people to miss information due to

focusing on another item, not recognizing that a situation has changed, or

over-focusing on a specific event. Furthermore, research suggests people in

group settings often discuss information that is already known by the group

and do not consider unique or unshared information. In contrast, Weick,

Sutcliffe, and Obstfeld (2005) said that managers often focus on obtaining

scarce data instead of using data that is readily available to create action that

fosters developing a better understanding of the situation. Consequently, prior

to creating new processes for gathering data on risks, organizations can

benefit from determining the existing data the institution already has

available that may aid in the risk assessment process.

COSO’s (2004) ERM framework is based on a rational decision-

making model (further discussed below) that offers limited theoretical insight

on how decisions actually occur in an organization. Sensemaking theory can

offer more robust explanations of the factors associated with organizational

decision-making than rational decision-making models. According to Smerek

(2013), sensemaking focuses on action, shifting the analysis from individual

events to a more comprehensive examination of the continuous stream of

events and situations in organizational life. Weick (2007) further specifies

that sensemaking is an ongoing and continuous process of change, enactment,

selecting, and retention that people utilize to provide plausible meanings and

to develop actions in response to a perceived abnormality or unexplained

event. Weick et al. (2005) stated that once awareness of an abnormal event

occurs, people start to assign new meaning to the previously unrecognized or

event. This leads to labeling and categorizing the event in order to

provide stable interpretations that allow for the development of viable

alternatives to manage and coordinate a response to the event.

Weick et al. (2005) state that sensemaking also entails building

retrospective interpretations through a process of reciprocal exchanges

between people and their environments. In this scenario, the actions of people

iteratively interact with changes to the environment. The interactions between

people and their environments continuously cycle to provide an ongoing

retrospective update of the event. Consequently, certain interpretations of the

event are selected and those determined plausible are retained by the

individual and/or group as valid and meaningful.

Weick et al. (2005) pointed out that sensemaking is influenced by

social factors and the sharing and coordination of information across the

organization. The authors added that actions and discussions cycle back and

forth during the sensemaking process as individuals use existing frameworks

to help interpret events and, in some cases, develop new frameworks for

interpretation. In essence, sensemaking is thus an ongoing dialogue people

use to make sense of a situation in order to take action. Sensemaking is also

driven by plausibility since people need accounts that are socially acceptable

and credible in order to act, even if the account lacks

accuracy (Weick, 1995). Social dimensions of sensemaking are consistent

with Wall’s (2011) finding that a person’s perception of risk is related to the

social context surrounding their assessment of the risk. Specific social

dimensions Wall (2005) found central to how people understand risk include

their experience, personal and group orientation, attachment to a place, and

social class.

Beach and Connolly (2005) stated that image theory, similar to

sensemaking theory, regards decision making as a social act in which groups

and organizations influence and constrain individual decisions. More

specifically, three types of images influence decision making: value images,

trajectory images, and strategic images. Value images consist of the decision

maker’s values, morals, and ethics; and define standards for how things

should be and how people ought to act in a given situation. Trajectory images

address the decision maker’s agenda, goals, and overall vision for the future.

Strategic images speak to the individual’s predictions of the future and plans

for attaining their goals. Indeed, many complex organizations are comprised

of people with diverse national and cultural backgrounds. Hence, the ERM

risk assessment process needs to account for the diverse backgrounds, values,

and beliefs of its members and the social dimensions of the decision-making

processes that sensemaking and image theory illustrate.

Sensemaking theory also suggests that people do not rely solely on

accurate information to act but instead base decisions on whether an action is

plausible (Weick, 1995). Weick (1995) stated that executives’ perceptions are

often not accurate with regards to their organization and environment.

Furthermore, most organizational action is time sensitive, and consequently a

tradeoff exists between speed and accuracy. Therefore, sensemaking theory

maintains that decisions on a course of action for an organization are often

made based on plausibility, coherence, reasonableness, and explanations that

are credible and socially acceptable. Consequently, ERM programs that

overemphasize accuracy over plausibility may fail to address the practical

and real ways people make decisions in today’s complex organizational


Chapter 9: Decision-Making II – Bias and Framing

Many things may influence decision making in a complex organization.

In this chapter, I review two of these factors: bias and framing. Weick (1995)

stated that sensemaking is “grounded in identity,” as people make sense of

events by questioning the effect it will have on who they are (p. 19). In other

words, “Depending on who I am, my definition of what is ‘out there’ will

also change” (Weick et al., 2005, p. 20). As such, human biases affect the

quality of the risk decision-making process. Bazerman and Moore (2009)

pointed out several common biases inherent to decision making, such as

availability heuristics, representativeness heuristics, and confirmation

heuristics. Availability heuristics biases are tendencies to judge events that

are easily remembered or recalled as more common and likely to happen.

Representative heuristics are biases caused by ignoring base rates and sample

size, holding inaccurate beliefs that small samples of chance events will occur

as a random data set, overestimating an abnormal event’s effect on future

outcomes, and overrating the probability of coincidental events. Confirmation

heuristics biases include seeking information to confirm a person’s beliefs,

overvaluing initial assessments of an event, underestimating the probability

of separate events, overconfidence in a person’s judgment, and

overestimating how accurately a person would have predicted an event that

already occurred.

According to Weick (1995), there is a “fallacy of centrality” where

people deny an event or situation exists simply because they do not know

about it. This can cause people to avoid inquiring about a situation or event,

or even to take a hostile position about its occurrence. In addition, Weick

noted that outcomes can often precede a decision and create a situation where

the focus of the decision maker is on justifying a course of action. This point

was supported by McKenna (1999), who said that managers often make new

decisions to validate previous decisions. Indeed, Weick (1995) cautioned that

the retrospective nature of sensemaking can also lead to hindsight bias, where

people reconstruct a negative event in a manner that draws incorrect

conclusions about how previous actions and analyses contributed to the

event. Moreover, such conclusions can result in unrealistic expectations that

errors could have been corrected to prevent the event from occurring.

Biases can also be a byproduct of organizational factors. Argyris

(1976) proposed that effective decision making can be impeded by

ineffective work groups and organizational politics (e.g., coalition rivalries,

failing to address organizational conflict, and avoiding uncertainty). In

addition, individuals can impede decision making by competing excessively,

focusing on personal gain, hoarding information, and improperly using

power. Similarly, Bisel and Arterburn (2012) identified that employees may

not provide negative feedback to their supervisors for a number of reasons,

including: (a) being concerned over adverse repercussions, (b) believing

supervisor will not listen, (c) doubting their expertise, and (d) viewing the

supervisor as responsible for the issue. Furthermore, Williams et al. (2008)

determined a manager’s perception of risk is influenced by the amount of

outcome uncertainty, whether losses are expected to be significant, whether

options carry personal consequences, how the situation is framed, and the

manager’s desire to accept risk. The authors also concluded that the factors

that indicate whether a manager will seek risk are limited to the potential for

gain and how the situation is framed. Consequently, the ability of the ERM

risk assessment process to overcome human bias in decision making is a

critical consideration when designing processes to assess risk.

Decision-Making Framing

March and Shapira (1987) proposed that how a problem is framed can

influence the perception of risk. Palazzo, Krings, and Hoffrage (2012)

referred to rigid framing as a phenomenon that impairs a person’s ability to

see multiple options. The authors also said that consequences from past

decisions frame the context for current decisions. Wood and Bandura (1989)

pointed out the significance of the effect that situational demands and self-

referent factors can have on the context of a decision. According to the

authors, how people construe their cognitive ability, the controllability of the

organization’s performance, and the organization’s complexity affect how

people perceive the context surrounding a decision. Blaskovich and Taylor

(2011) also found that decisions concerning risk are subject to framing

problems. For example, the functional composition of groups assigned to

identify and assess risk shapes how risk is prioritized in an organization. In

addition, the authors stated that the existing tendency to rely heavily on

accounting and finance functions for ERM has resulted in an overemphasis

on financial risks. Arena et al. (2011) noted the importance of incorporating

risk management specialists from different managerial levels into the ERM

program so perspectives from different organizational levels are brought into

the discussion on risk.

Effectively framing a problem can also enhance decision making.

Stigliani and Ravasi (2012) pointed out that material representation, such as

models and prototypes, can enhance the sensemaking and sensegiving

processes. The authors continued to state that physical representations can

increase cognitive capacity. Indeed, the authors argued that managers are

well-served by complementing their analytical tools with material

representations to stimulate new thinking. Similarly, Wood , Bostrom,

Bridges, and Linkov (2012) proposed mapping out complex risks to identify

knowledge gaps between a nonexpert’s perception of risk and that of experts,

in order to identify misconceptions nonexperts have about the risk. Such

action can lead to focused educational programming that addresses

mismatches or misunderstandings organizational members have about risk.

Consequently, constructing material representations can be a powerful

method for framing and facilitating discussions on risks.

Chapter 10: Decision Making and the COSO ERM


As in the case of organizational change, with our new understanding of

decision making, in this chapter I now connect the concept more directly to

the ERM framework. The ERM decision-making conceptual area is

composed of the following three elements of the COSO (2004) framework:

event identification, risk assessment, and risk response. Research by Gates et

al. (2012) showed that effective risk identification leads to better risk

response, control, and monitoring of activities. In relation to ERM, Louisot

and Ketcham (2009) proposed that ERM provides decision makers with a

more complete picture of the organization’s risks, which can improve the

overall decision-making process of the organization. However, Paape and

Speklé (2012) suggested that the COSO model is based on decision makers

acting in a fully rational manner.

The COSO framework is similar to the rational decision-making model

outlined by Bazerman and Moore (2009), which contains six steps (see

Figure 4). The COSO event identification process first requires that

organizations identify internal and external events that present risks or

opportunities to the organization. The organization then assesses events to

determine appropriate responses and control activities that ensure such

responses are completed. The COSO framework labels this as event

identification, while the rational decision-making process simply calls it

“defining the problem.” Next, each process proposes analyzing the problem

or event, evaluating response options, and then selecting the most appropriate

response. Consequently, the COSO decision-making process reflects a

rational approach. Although the COSO framework also mentions identifying

opportunities, little information on how this occurs as part of the ERM

process or its relationship to risk is provided in the framework. Moreover,

limited information is furnished on the actual processes complex

organizations can utilize to evaluate the diverse set of risks the organization


As Bazerman and Moore (2009) pointed out, rational decision-

making models have considerable limits in real-world situations. The authors

defined rational decision making as a process that results in the selection of

the most logical option based on complete and accurate information and an

accurate assessment of all the concerns of the decision maker(s). The authors

cautioned that this is not how people normally make decisions. Weick et al.

(2005) additionally posited that the large amount of ambiguous information, a

wide range of problems, and time constraints restrict the application of

rational decision-making models in organizational settings.

Sonenshein (2007) pointed out that people often do not engage in

purposeful and comprehensive reasoning as rational decision-making theory

proposes. In fact, people often use rational analysis post hoc to explain and

justify their decisions. Sonenshein (2007) adds that people are reluctant to

change their initial intuition and normally seek confirmatory evidence to

justify their decisions. In addition, the author argued that people use rational

analysis to explain retrospectively their decisions and actions in terms that

justify their views and protect their self-identities. Furthermore, people need

to be taught more elaborate cognitive processes to help overcome their

natural tendency to respond to issues in automatic and habitual ways. Hence,

ERM risk assessment processes need to be designed to overcome the

limitations of rational decision-making processes and tendencies to seek

information that confirms the correctness of a past decision.

The effectiveness the process an organization uses to evaluate risks

is dependent on establishing clear risk tolerance levels and categories of

risks. For example, Gates et al. (2012) found that an organization that clearly

defines its risk tolerance levels and aligns their risk management goals with

the organization’s overall objectives is better at identifying risks. However,

Blaskovich and Taylor (2011) cautioned that establishing an organizational

risk appetite level is challenging. Moreover, the values, attitudes, and

experiences of individuals, the organization’s culture, and the focus of

management can compromise establishing a risk appetite level. In addition,

practitioners have noted dissatisfaction with the broadness of COSO’s four

risk categories (strategic, operations, reporting, and compliance) and the

failure to define the activities covered by these categories. In particular,

practitioners have noted concerns with the broadness of the operational

category. Indeed, practitioners stated it was necessary for their organizations

to define operational risk in a manner reflective of the risks common to the

operations at their organization (Simkins, 2008). Consequently, establishing

clear risk tolerance levels for the organization is beneficial, though

organizations struggle with establishing these tolerance levels. This may be

due to an overemphasis on using quantitative measures to assess risks and

attempts to establish a universal risk tolerance level that applies across the

full range of risks at an organization. For example, having a low tolerance

level for risk may be appropriate when dealing with regulatory compliance

issues; however, such restrictions may be counterproductive when looking at

business risks, such as entry into a new market.

Chapter 11: Organizational Learning I – Learning


Moving to the third concept from management theory, in the remaining

chapters in Part 2 I explain organizational learning, beginning with what

constitutes a “learning organization.” A learning organization is a place

where people continually develop their ability to create the results they

desire, where new and innovative methods of thinking are developed, and

where people learn how to grow together (Senge, 1990, p. 3). Senge (1990)

further explained that a learning organization is “an organization that is

continually expanding its capacity to create its future” (p. 14). Popper and

Lipshitz (2000) proposed that the feasibility of organizational learning is

dependent on the level of uncertainty in the environment, the potential cost of

errors, the level of professionalism, and leadership commitment to learning.

According to Argyris (1976), feedback and organizational learning are

also important to effective decision making. Since decisions are often made

based on incomplete information, it is critical that feedback be obtained to

evaluate the effectiveness of the decision. Argyris (1976) further explained

that the purpose of learning is to detect and correct errors due to lack of

knowledge. Wood and Bandura (1989) stressed the importance of teaching

people general rules and strategies for different situations and the need to

provide opportunities to practice what is learned. The authors also pointed

out the effect that situational demands and self-referent factors can have on

decision making. Effective decision making is thus limited by breakdowns in

organizational learning (Kim & Senge, 1994). According to Kim and Senge

(1994), these breakdowns occur due to: (a) role constraints that prevent

people from taking action, (b) individual actions that have unclear results for

the organization, (c) fragmented learning that is limited to particular

individuals or groups, and (d) unclear understanding of the impact of an

action. As a result, people may misperceive the consequences of their actions,

thus inhibiting their ability to learn from the situation.

Kim and Senge (1994) concluded that due to their focus on immediate

organizational needs and problems, traditional training programs are often

inadequate to create generative learning that develops new organizational

capabilities. Instead, the authors suggested that organizations should create

scenarios and learning experiences in which people can appreciate the long-

term consequences of their decisions, have time to reflect on their habitual

ways of thinking, and discover the systemic causes of problems. Schein

(1993) also stated that attempts to create learning that leads to

transformational change often fail since they lack depth. Indeed, to be

effective, Schein (2010) posited that organizational learning requires

significant commitment of an organization’s energy and resources. Therefore,

organizational learning, if used effectively, can play a key role in ERM


Overall, Stewart, Williams, Smith-Gratto, Black, and Kane (2011)

found that pedagogies that focus on experiential learning and social

interaction result in better organizational learning, as compared to technical-

based pedagogies, due to their ability to develop shared mental models

amongst organizational members. Indeed, technical-based pedagogies, such

as lectures and case studies, rarely challenge how people think or their

existing mental models. Furthermore, the authors proposed that

improvements in organizational knowledge result in better decision making,

and allow people to challenge their existing mental models. Senge (1990)

also proposed that “mental models determine not only how we make sense of

the world, but how we take action” (p. 164). He also suggested that existing

mental models are the result of deeply ingrained assumptions,

generalizations, and images of how people see the world. According to Senge

(1990), organizations can increase their capacity to challenge existing mental

models by: (a) developing tools that promote personal understanding and

reflection, (b) creating structures and processes that allow for the regularly

application of mental models, and (c) fostering a culture that values open

inquiry and questioning ideas and practices (p. 171). Therefore, an effective

ERM program needs to address existing mental models and improve upon

them to address organizational risk.

Chapter 12: Organizational Learning II – Sensemaking-

Based and Team-Based Learning

There are several theories on how learning occurs within the

organization. In this chapter, I review two of organizational learning theories

and their applicability to ERM. Both theories illustrate that generating

learning in organizations requires looking at learning as an ongoing process

that requires multiple opportunities for people to absorb new knowledge.

Sensemaking-Based Learning

Kim and Senge (1994) presented learning as a cycle composed of

observation, assessment, design, and implementation (OADI). The OADI

cycle seeks to foster learning that generates new mental models and increases

organizational capabilities. The OADI cycle is very similar to the COSO

framework’s model of event identification (observation), risk assessment

(assessment), risk response (design), and control and monitoring activities

(implementation); and also reflects elements of the sensemaking process.

Brock et al. (2008) found that a sensemaking-based curriculum can shift an

individual’s mental models and is particularly useful in helping people deal

with complex and ambiguous situations. Sensemaking can also help people

understand and overcome personal biases that are common to decision

making. Brock et al.’s (2008) model focuses on five sensemaking processes:

framing, affect, forecasting, self-reflection, and information integration. Items

covered in the framing process include problem appraisal, goal assessment,

framing, monitoring, and perceived threats or opportunities. The affect

process involves emotion regulation. The forecasting process includes

autobiographical extraction, solution revision, and contingency planning. The

self-reflection process includes self-based and other-based perceptions. Last,

the information integration process involves solution appraisal and the

advantages and disadvantages each course of action has for impacted

stakeholders. Hence, sensemaking based learning may be an effect at

developing the people’s abilities to evaluate complex and ambiguous risks.

For example, risks associated with new strategic initiatives at an organization

are often hard to identify and evaluate. Thus, sensemaking-based training

could help organizational leaders learn how to evaluate risks that are difficult

to recognize and with which the institution lacks experience managing.

Maitlis (2005) used sensemaking theory to explain the process people

go through to understand organizational reality, identifying four forms of

organizational sensemaking: guided, fragmented, restricted, and minimal.

The author based the model on two critical types of sensemaking roles: (a)

the leader as sensegiving (level of control), and (b) the stakeholder as

sensegiving (level of animation). In this context, the author defined

sensegiving as “the process of attempting to influence the sensemaking and

meaning construction of others toward a preferred redefinition of

organizational reality” (p. 22). Maitlis (2005) proposed that guided

organizational sensemaking produces the most robust form of organizational

sensemaking. In this scenario, leader sensegiving is highly controlled and

involves such activities as scheduled meetings, formal committees, and

planned events with restricted attendance. Guided sensemaking also entails

stakeholders that use high-animated sensegiving processes involving the

robust flow of information. Maitlis (2005) found behavior common to this

type of sensegiving includes stakeholders that actively engage in shaping

interpretations of events and intense reporting between leadership and the

board, executive teams, and other stakeholders. Complex organizations can

foster ERM implementation by having leaders and stakeholders engage in

sensegiving activities. For example, Kezar (2014) suggested that sensegiving

vehicles commonly used at an organization should include extensive and

ongoing conversational, collaborative, and cross-functional teams, public

events and presentations, open discussions about challenges faced by the

organization, and opportunities to contribute to the vision and direction of the

organization. Consequently, building these sensegiving vehicles into the

ERM program can foster organizational learning on risk management

practices while also serving to embed these concepts into the process and

culture at the institution.

Thomas, Sussman, and Henderson (2001) investigated how

sensemaking theory explains the means by which an organization creates

strategic learning. According to the authors, the goal of strategic learning is to

focus attention on events that directly supports an organization’s business

strategy. The authors highlighted four dimensions of this process: defining

the event set, data acquisition, interpretation, and packaging. Selection of

event sets focuses on the ability to explore organizational problems and test

strategic beliefs. Data acquisition involves a purposeful collection of real-

time data relevant to the event from across the organization. The authors

suggested using a template to guide the collection of data. Subject experts

then engage in extensive dialogue on the data in order to generate multiple

interpretations of the event applicable to current and future contexts. Lesson

learned are packaged for distribution across the organization. The authors

stressed the knowledge developed in the process needs to be of high quality

so consumers of the information value and willingly use the knowledge. The

authors found that this type of learning generates useful knowledge that is

dispersed across the organization, that learning is a critical and entwined part

of sensemaking, and learning uses sensemaking mechanisms and validated

processes. Although this level of effort may not be applicable to routine

organizational risks, such an effort may be of value when assessing risks

associated with critical strategic decisions at complex organizations.

Mumford, Connelly, and Brown (2008) proposed that sensemaking is

critical to ethical decision-making processes in three areas: (a) the need to

realize a situation has ethical implications, (b) the lack of simple yes/no

answers, and (c) the implications sensemaking and mental models have for

forecasting the outcomes of decisions. To test these propositions, the authors

conducted research using a sensemaking-based training model. They found

that sensemaking-based training improves ethical decision-making

capabilities due to the training’s ability to provide context for the application

of rules and guidance, generate new mental models that are applicable to

situations with ethical implications, and acknowledge real-life complexity

and ambiguity in the decision-making process. Ethical decisions share similar

complexity as decisions on risks that are both hard to identify and lack

quantifiable measures or other simpler decision-making criteria.

Consequently, training on assessment methods for complex risks may benefit

from the application of the sensemaking-based training approach offered by

Mumford et al. Therefore, the literature suggests sensemaking-based

methodologies can be effective for training people to evaluate risks.

Team-Based Learning

Senge (1990) argued that thought is mainly a collective experience.

According to Senge (1990), teams make or implement most of today’s

important decisions, however teams often fail to realize their potential due to

a tendency to focus on discussion where one person’s view prevails over

another. To counter this tendency, Senge (1990) proposed that teams should

learn how to foster dialogue that allows the group to explore complex and

difficult issues. Three conditions are required to develop this dialogue: (a)

suspending assumptions, (b) viewing other team members as colleagues, and

(c) utilizing a facilitator to keep the team on track. Senge acknowledged that

it is challenging for people to suspend their beliefs, and teams may encounter

defensive routines. However, teams that are truly committed to learning can

overcome defensive behavior.

Higgins, Weiner, and Young (2012) found that team-based learning can

be improved by ensuring that teams are composed of people with positional

diversity. According to the authors, conditions that enable team-based

learning include: understanding team membership requirements, stable

membership, work that requires interdependence, a clear purpose, norms of

conduct, supportive reward systems, and members that could also serve as

mentors. Higgins et al. (2012) also found that teams with good positional

diversity are able to reduce the adverse effects of having poor enabling

conditions. Team-based learning should be part of the ERM program due to

the social nature within which risks are understood in an organization and the

collective nature of program implementation at complex organizations.

Chapter 13: Organizational Learning III – Action and

Absorptive Capacity

The theories of action and absorptive capacity, the focus of this

chapter, can be used to analyze how organizational learning influences ERM

implementation. Senge (1990) stated that a learning organization is a place

where people continually develop their ability to create the results they
desire, where new and innovative methods of thinking are developed, and

where people learn how to grow together. Argyris (1976) proposed two types

of organizational learning in his theories of action. First, single-loop learning

is characterized by people using strategies “to control the relevant

environment and tasks unilaterally and to protect themselves and their group

unilaterally” (p. 368). This type of learning is characterized by controlling

behavioral strategies, such as defensiveness, closedness, lack of sharing

information, and limited decision-making capabilities. In contrast, double-

learning is “governed by valid information, free and informed choice, and

internal commitment” (p. 369). Double-looped learning is characterized by

sharing information with relevant decision makers, use of valid information,

and a willingness to discuss and challenge ideas. Consequently, theories of

action are useful to analyze how organizational learning influences and can


ERM implementation.

Absorptive capacity is defined as the collective ability of an

organization to recognize the value of new information and utilize it for

business purposes (Sun & Anderson, 2010). Absorptive capacity is

characterized by an organization’s ability to recognize the value of

information, assimilate information, and apply information. Absorptive

capacity is comprised of four capabilities: (a) acquisition, which is an

organization’s ability to identify and acquire external knowledge; (b)

assimilation, which is the processes the organization uses to understand

external knowledge; (c) transformation, which entails how the organization

combines the new knowledge with existing knowledge; and (d) exploration,

which is an organization’s ability to use the new knowledge for competitive

advantage (Sun & Anderson, 2010). As such, absorptive capacity is useful to

analyze how organizations can acquire and utilize external knowledge as part

of the ERM implementation process.

In sum, the literature indicates organizations implementing ERM

need to develop learning strategies that expand people’s capabilities and

mental models for assessing and managing risks. However, changing mental

models is a deep, complex learning process (Kim & Senge, 1994). As such,

this level of learning requires that complex organizations utilize more

comprehensive and effective methodologies than those found in traditional

training approaches. Moreover, organizational learning must provide people

with the cognitive ability to assess and respond to the complexity and

uncertainty inherent in decisions on risk. Consequently, organizations must

acknowledge the importance of organizational learning in the ERM

implementation process and using educational programs based on

sensemaking-based and team-based learning models.

Chapter 14: Organizational Learning and COSO’s

ERM Framework

In the final chapter of Part 2, I link organizational learning to the

following components of the COSO (2004) framework for ERM

implementation: information and communication and monitoring. According

to COSO (2004), organizations must identify and capture critical information

on ERM and communicate it to employees in a manner that allows them to

make informed decisions. Additionally, top management must communicate

a clear message on ERM responsibilities across the organization. This relates

to Schein’s (2010) proposition that effective and meaningful communication

of information across the organization is central to building a learning

culture. However, COSO’s focus is on ERM information management

systems and processes, not on how an organization can create an environment

conducive to learning and problem solving. Additionally, COSO stated that a

key challenge with information management is collating large volumes of

data into actionable information. Indeed, Senge (1990) said that today’s

environment creates far more information than people can absorb or manage,

and that this information overload adds to the complexity organizations face.

Weick (1995) argued that organizations often mistakenly think they need

more information when instead they need better values, priorities, and clarity

so they can effectively determine what is important to the organization.

Consequently, complex organizations need to develop communications

strategies in conjunction with their learning programs to enhance people’s

ability to make informed decisions on risk.

There are two types of monitoring activities for ERM implementation:

ongoing activities that build monitoring into the day-to-day activities, and

separate evaluations conducted by either internal staff or by external parties

(COSO, 2004). Concerning the monitoring component, Schein (2010)

pointed out the importance of creating agreement in the organization on what

and how activities are measured. According to Schein (2010), this is a

particular concern when organizational subcultures have different concepts

on what and how to evaluate results. In addition, an organization must agree

on how to communicate monitoring information and on who is responsible

for taking action on that information. Hence, complex organizations need to

come to agreement on how the institution will monitor its risks and what

measures will be taken to control risks.

Part 3: Factors Affecting ERM Adoption and


Moving to the application of the theories discussed in Part 2, in Part 3 I

examine the range of factors that can affect ERM adoption and

implementation. More specifically, I first explain the process organizations

experience when implementing a significant initiative such as ERM. I then

review the scholarly research on why organizations adopt an ERM strategy

and the critical success factors that enable the successful implementation of

ERM. In the final chapter of Part 3, I synthesize the findings of the literature,

suggesting an evidence-based model for ERM implementation.

Chapter 15: The Program Implementation Process

In order to examine the factors affecting ERM adoption and

implementation, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the

process itself. The findings from Leseure, Bauer, Birdi, Neely, and Denyer’s

(2004) systematic review on the process organizations use to identify and

implement external business practices provide a framework for

conceptualizing ERM implementation. They use the phrase “adopting

promising practices” to denote the externally-developed management

practices an organization decides to implement. Examples include total

quality management, just-in-time practices, and business process re-

engineering. As a management practice broadly affecting the organization,

ERM is similar to the examples of promising practices provided by the

authors. As illustrated in Figure 5, the implementation process involves five

stages: (a) the adoption decision, (b) set-up (adaption), (c) implementation,

(d) ramp-up, and (e) integration.

The adoption phase encompasses all events that lead to the decision to

adopt a business practice. The set-up (adaption) is the stage in which the

decision to proceed is made, and the approach to implementing the new

practice is customized to meet the organizational context. Leseure et al.

(2004) found that practices “pushed” on an organization by regulations,

management, or external norms and that did not meet a perceived need

seldom resulted in performance improvements. In addition, the authors

suggested that to be successful, practices must be adapted to the

organizational context and resource needs must be developed at the set-up


Continuing along the process, the implementation phase is the launch

of the program. The focus at this stage is activities that have short-term

horizons for completion. Leseure et al. (2004) stated that factors critical at

this stage include a project champion, a well-designed program, training,

supervisor reinforcement, and a developing commitment to the program.

Next, the organization starts to use the promising practice during the ramp-up

stage. At this stage, it is important that the practice is tailored to meet the

needs of individual employees or groups versus a generic one-size-fits-all

approach. This requires flexible approaches and communicating the practice

to all levels in the organization. Lastly, the integration stage occurs after

positive results have been achieved from implementing the practice.

Gradually, the new practice becomes a part of the routine operations of the

organization. Leseure et al. (2004) found that integrating new practices

requires persistence in order to embed the practice into the organization’s

accepted knowledge base.

Complex organizations considering ERM will likely go through a

similar process of identifying ERM as a new business practice to adopt at the

institution. If this decision is favorable, the organization will then go through

the process of designing the ERM program, introducing and utilizing ERM,

and integrating ERM so that it becomes an accepted practice at the


Chapter 16: Why Organizations Adopt an ERM


In this chapter, I outline the logic behind why organizations adopt an

ERM strategy to manage their risks. The findings are based on a

comprehensive review of scholarly research on ERM. Here, I explain what

the desired outcomes are that organizations seek to address by adopting

ERM. The discussion starts with an overview of studies that focus on the

financial value of adopting ERM and whether ERM increases a firm’s value.

The conversation then shifts to performance outcomes that drive

organizations to adopt ERM such as: (a) enhanced regulatory compliance; (b)

increased accountability; (c) improved performance and decision making; (d)

pressure from board members, senior leadership, and external stakeholders;

(e) enhanced understanding of organizational risk; and (f) improved ability to

navigate crises. I conclude with an overview of how an organization’s

rationale for implementing ERM can influence the type of ERM program it


Financial Value

Initial studies on ERM focused on whether ERM is associated with

increased firm value. Hence, it is prudent to begin by reviewing the empirical

research on ERM and increased financial performance. Studies in this section

largely used regression modeling with publicly available data on

organizations and their financial filings to ascertain whether there is a

correlation between ERM and profitability.

Liebenberg and Hoyt’s (2003) study of 26 U.S.-based firms from the

financial and industrial sectors and one airline company found a positive and

significant correlation between higher leveraged firms, firms with more

external funding, and the appointment of a chief risk officer (CRO). The

authors argued that firms that appointed a CRO were more likely to engage in

ERM, and that employing a CRO helped to alleviate lender concerns over

agency costs. Ultimately, the authors suggested that firms that appoint a CRO

are likely to see increased value due to better coordinated risk management

and an increased ability to communicate the organization’s risk profile to

stakeholders. A subsequent study by Hoyt and Liebenberg (2011) with a

larger sample population, which consisted of 117 U.S. insurance firms, found

organizations that implemented ERM were larger, less leveraged, less opaque

(easier for outside firms to evaluate), and had less financial slack (more

access to liquid funds) and lower return volatility. Moreover, the results of

this study suggested that insurers that engaged in ERM had value levels

approximately 20% higher than those that did not engage in ERM. However,

the direction of this correlation was not clear, and did not indicate if ERM led

to the improvements in these variables, or whether firms with these

characteristics were more likely to implement ERM.

In another study, Eckles, Hoyt, and Miller (2014) analyzed 69 U.S.-

based insurance firms, and found that organizations that adopt ERM see

greater reductions in risk per dollar spent on risk. However, the authors

cautioned that these benefits are gradual at first but become stronger over

time. Similarly, Farrell and Gallagher’s (2015) research suggested that the

financial benefits of ERM increase as the ERM program matures and

integrates with the strategic and routines practices of an organization. Grace,

Leverty, Phillips, and Shimpi’s (2015) study of the insurance sector

suggested ERM contributes to increased firm value. This is particularly

salient in organizations with a dedicated risk management function and a risk

manager that reports to the CEO. Last, Aabo, Fraser, and Simkins’s (2005)

case study of a Canadian utility company found that ERM had a positive

influence on credit ratings, which resulted in substantial annual savings on

the interest paid on debt.

Conversely, McShane et al. (2011) surveyed 82 U.S.-based publicly

traded insurers and found a correlation between increased levels of traditional

risk management practices and firm value, but not between ERM and firm

value. Likewise, Lin, Wen, and Yu’s (2012) analysis of 85 publicly traded

U.S.-based property and casualty insurers from 2000 to 2007 found ERM to

have a negative effect on firm value when controlling for independent risk

management practices. Moreover, Beasley, Pagach, and Warr’s (2008)

analysis of 120 U.S.-based publicly traded firms did not support broad

statements about shareholder benefits or reduced costs for firms that adopted

ERM. However, the latter study suggested shareholders of large firms with

limited cash supplies value ERM. Last, a study by Onder and Ergin (2012) of

50 financial companies listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange found higher

levels of ERM implementation correlated with highly leveraged and, to a

lesser extent, larger firms. However, they did not find a correlation between

profitability and ERM implementation.

As such, the evidence on whether ERM increases firm value is mixed.

Six studies found a correlation between ERM and improved financial

performance, and one indicated that stakeholders valued ERM in large

organizations with limited access to capital (Beasley et al., 2008; Eckles et

al., 2014; Hoyt & Liebenberg, 2011; Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003). However, it

is unclear if ERM is the actual mechanism that leads to improved

performance or whether improved financial performance is caused by other

factors, such as better management practices or simply the perception that the

firm is taking measures to address risk. Conversely, one study found a

correlation between increased traditional risk management practices

(McShane et al., 2011), and another found lower value associated with ERM

when controlling for independent risk management practices (Lin et al.,


Studies in this area used rather abstract methodologies (e.g.,

regression modeling) to analyze publicly available financial data in order to

identify correlations between ERM and firm value. Only one study assessed

the effect the maturity of an ERM program has on financial performance

(Farrell & Gallagher, 2015), while other studies only used a CRO as a proxy

for ERM. Therefore, although it may be logical to argue that organizations

that are more competent at managing risks will see improved financial

performance, the research to date provides limited and inconclusive evidence

to support organizations adopting ERM purely from an increased financial

value perspective. Table 1 provides a summary of the findings on ERM and

firm value.

Additional Factors

The literature showed organizations adopt ERM for reasons other than

to increase financial value. For example, Arena et al.’s (2011) multiple case

study of nine Italian nonfinancial companies indicated that the three main

reasons firms adopted ERM were corporate governance, internal auditing,

and decision making. The authors found that corporate implementation of

ERM related to the need to comply with governance codes and regulations

and board of directors’ reporting requirements. Alternatively, internal

auditing groups used ERM to compare their analysis of risk with those of

local managers, to plan future audits, and for inclusion in audit reports. The

authors also found ERM supported operational decision making at all nine

companies; however, only three organizations used ERM for corporate-wide

decision making. Similarly, Hayne and Free’s (2014) research suggested that

the three reasons organizations adopted ERM were due to new regulations,

the desire to self-insure, and requirements that risk be auditable.

Table 1

Enterprise Risk Management and Financial Value
Outcome Authors Mechanism(s) Context


Aabo et al.

Improved credit rating resulted
in savings due to reduced
interest rates on loans

Canadian utility

Eckles et al.

Firms that adopted ERM saw
greater reductions in risk per
dollar spent on risk.

insurance firms

Hoyt &

Insurers that engaged in ERM
had value levels approximately
20% higher than those that did
not engage in ERM.

insurance firms

& Hoyt

Higher leveraged firms were
more likely to appoint a CRO
and adopt ERM to reduce lender
agency cost concerns, which led
to higher firm value.

U.S. firms from
the financial
services, industrial
sector, and airline

Grace et al.

Firms with ERM programs, a
dedicated risk management
function, and a risk manager
that reports to the CEO show
increased cost and revenue

insurance firms

Farrell &

Financial benefits of ERM
increase with ERM program

North America,
UK, and Australia
firms from a wide
range of industries


Lin et al.

When controlling for
independent risk management
practices, ERM was found to
have a negative effect on firm

Publicly traded
U.S.- based
property and
casualty insurers

McShane et
al. (2011)

A correlation was found
between increased levels of
traditional risk management and
firm value, but not between

United States-
based publicly
traded insurers

ERM and firm value.
Onder &


No correlation was found
between higher profit levels and
ERM implementation, but a
correlation was found between
highly leverage and larger firms
and ERM implementation.

Financial firms
listed on the
Istanbul Stock


Beasley et
al. (2008)

No support was found for broad
statements about shareholders
benefits or costs for firms
adopting ERM; however, the
study suggested shareholders of
large firms with limited cash
supplies value ERM.

publicly traded

Hallowell, Molenaar, and Fortunato (2013) suggested that

experienced executives and senior leaders at the U.S. Department of

Transportation perceived that ERM offered the following benefits: (a) better

use of data for decision making, (b) improved consideration of political

factors and stakeholder expectations, (c) enhanced performance and strategic

planning, (d) better contingency planning, and (e) an improved risk

management culture. Similarly, in Arnold et al.’s (2011) survey of 113 North

American chief audit executives, the authors concluded that a strong ERM

program in conjunction with flexible organizational structures enhances an

organization’s ability to respond to new regulatory requirements. Arnold et

al.’s (2012) subsequent study of ERM at transnational supply chain

companies found that ERM promotes absorptive capacity and reduces overall

global risk and business-to-business e-commerce risk. Fraser et al. (2008)

noted that executives charged with ERM stated that the top reason for

adopting ERM was to improve organizational understanding of managing

risk. Additional reasons cited by executives for adopting ERM included

improved governance, better allocation of resources, enhanced decision

making, and minimizing surprises to the organization. Similarly, Gates’s

(2006) survey of 271 respondents from multiple industry sectors located in

North America, Continental Europe, and the United Kingdom found the top

five drivers for adopting ERM were: (a) corporate governance requirements,

(b) better understanding of strategic and operational risks, (c) regulatory

pressures, (d) board requests, and (e) development of a competitive

advantage. Gates et al. (2012) further found that ERM created greater

management consensus, improved decision making, and increased

accountability. Last, a survey of Chinese construction firms by Zhao, Hwang,

and Low (2015) found motives for adopting ERM include improving

decision making, reduce costs, losses and earning volatility, gain competitive

advantage, and improve control of larger projects.

Seik, Yu, and Li (2011), in a study on U.S. publicly-traded property

and casualty insurance companies, found those with strong ERM programs

were more capable of navigating the 2008 financial crisis. In addition, the

authors suggested that firms with poor ERM programs performed worse

during the crisis than the firms without ERM programs. However, due to the

small sample size of their study, caution needs to be exercised when drawing

strong inferences from their findings. Aabo et al. (2005) noted that one

company viewed adopting ERM as a means to protect its reputation, while

Arena, Arnaboldi, and Azzone (2010) noted ERM implementation was driven

at one organization by a recent organizational crisis that damaged the

company’s image with stakeholders. The authors further found that the

company that implemented ERM in response to a recent crisis had more

success with ERM implementation than did those that adopted ERM to

address compliance and corporate governance concerns. Di Serio et al.

(2011) found the benefits realized from adopting ERM included buildup of

shareholder trust, prevention of interruptions to operations, perceived

increase in operation results, and enhanced identification of opportunities and


In Huber and Rothstein’s (2013) case study of risk management at a

U.K. university system, the authors noted that the need for more integrated

approaches to risk management was driven by three factors. First,

organizational complexity in the university system had spurned a wide

variety of methods for managing adverse outcomes, which sometimes

contradicted each other. Second, government pressure necessitated that the

university system adopt practices from the business sector in order to provide

rational and legitimacy for decisions on risks. Third, the system was required

to meet social and political demands for accountability. In addition, the

authors noted that academic risks were increasingly framed as reputational


This set of studies suggests that desires to improve corporate

governance, compliance, and decision-making processes influence the

decision to adopt ERM. In addition, aspirations to improve risk management

and crisis management capabilities, to meet regulatory and stakeholder

expectations, and to create a competitive advantage influence the decision to

adopt ERM. Last, organizations also appear to adopt ERM to protect their

reputation and to demonstrate they have processes in place to manage risks.

Consequently, there are multiple reasons an organization may decide to adopt

ERM beyond those that are purely profit driven. Indeed, these factors may be

antecedents to the realization of improved financial performance. That is,

organizations that are successful at using ERM to improve governance,

compliance, decision-making process, and to protect their reputation and

meet stakeholder expectations will, in turn, realize improved financial


Characteristics of Organizations That Adopt ERM

In survey by Beasley et al. (2005) of 123 chief auditors from multiple

industries, such as banking, education, and insurance, the authors found that

firms with more robust ERM programs were positively correlated with: (a)

the presence of a chief risk officer, (b) an independent board of directors, (c)

explicit requests from the chief executive or financial officer, (d) larger firms,

and (e) firms audited by the big four. Interestingly, the authors found that

U.S. firms had less advanced ERM programs. Additionally, di Serio, de

Oliveira, and Schuch (2011), through case studies of three Brazilian firms,

found ERM implementation was simply driven by demands from upper


Kleffner et al. (2003)’s study of 118 Canadian organizations from the

energy, manufacturing, transportation, finance, government, nonprofit, and

other sectors showed that firms adopted ERM due to influence from risk

managers, pressure from boards of directors, and the need to comply with

industry guidelines. In addition, the authors suggested that firms from the

energy sector, organizations where the risk manager reports to the vice

president of finance, and those that rely more heavily on external resources

were more likely to adopt ERM. The authors noted that firms who recently

adopted ERM tended to exhibit such behaviors as: (a) increased public

disclosures via the Intranet, (b) development of company-wide risk

management policies, (c) increased board interaction, (d) higher external

board membership, (e) heightened awareness of operational risk, (f) more

frequent reports on risk management to leadership and the board, and (g)

increased levels of shared decision making across departments. The authors

also found that firms with existing separate risk management functions were


likely to adopt ERM.

Consistent with other studies, Lundqvist’s (2015) survey of publicly

traded Nordic companies showed that larger-sized firms adopt ERM to

provide a governance structure to manage that increase in agency problems

associated with larger organizations. Additionally, Lundqvist (2015)

suggested that firms with a CEO on the board of directors are less likely to

adopt ERM. Lundqvist suggested that CEOs are reluctant to accept an

additional governance structure such as ERM, and as board members, are

able to discourage the board from requiring that the organization adopt ERM.

Daud, Haron, and Ibrahim (2011) conducted a study of publicly traded

Malaysian companies from multiple nonfinancial industries to determine

whether the quality of an organization’s board of directors influences ERM

implementation. This was assessed in three areas: board structure,

composition, and meetings. The authors found a correlation between a higher

quality board of directors and ERM implementation, and asserted that this

was due to board members’ desires to protect their reputation. However, one

factor potentially affecting the findings of this study is that data was collected

via a survey sent to chief executives and board members, and thus the quality

of the board was determined by members’ self-reporting on the performance

of boards of which they were members, thus potentially biasing the findings.

Pagach and Warr (2011) conducted an analysis of U.S.-based public

organizations that had announced the appointment of a senior risk officer

between 1992 and 2005. The authors suggested that larger firms with riskier

stock returns and higher levels of cash flow volatility were more likely to

appoint a chief risk officer. They argued that the appointment of a chief risk

officer was a proxy for indicating that an organization adopted ERM. The

authors also found that organizations that had CEOs with risk-taking

incentives were more likely to adopt ERM. Similarly, Paape and Speklé

(2012) found that large, publicly traded, and/or financial organizations tend

to have more advanced ERM programs. Additionally, Kanhai, Ganesh, and

Muhwandavaka (2014) found that the primary reason banks in Zimbabwe

adopted ERM was to develop a portfolio view of enterprise risks.

Findings from this set of studies suggest that the characteristics of an

organization influence whether it will decide to adopt ERM. Hence, larger

organizations operating in high risk or highly regulated environments are

more likely to adopt ERM. Organizations with leadership that actively seek

information on the risks the organization faces and who desire to improve

risk management are more likely to adopt ERM. Although one study

suggested that leadership may avoid adopting ERM if it is perceived as an

additional management burden (Lundqvist, 2015). Last, having an existing

senior level person responsible for risk management also appears to increase

the chances an organization will adopt ERM. This evidence suggests that

ERM will be more attractive to larger organizations with operations that

present higher levels of risks. Examples of such operations may include

global operations, biomedical research, and the use of private organizations

to commercialize university-developed innovations. Such operations expose

the institution to higher levels of risk and increased regularity requirements.

Moreover, organizations with leadership and a board of directors that views

effective risk management as critical to the success of the institution are more

likely to adopt ERM.

The Adoption Decision’s Influence on the Type of ERM


Two studies in the dataset suggested that the reasons an organization

adopts ERM influence the type of ERM program an organization implements.

First, in a case study of two large U.S. banks, Mikes (2009) found one

institution adopted ERM to address a strong concern for shareholder value.

This led to an ERM program that focused on risk quantification and a lack of

discussion on nonquantifiable strategic risks. The second institution looked at

risk management from a corporate governance perspective, which resulted in

a more holistic approach to risk management that focused on both

quantitative and qualitative approaches, and an emphasis on strategic

decision making.

Second, Arena et al.’s (2010) 7-year longitudinal case study of three

Italian firms identified three rationalities for risk management: (a)

compliance, (b) improved corporate governance, and (c) enhanced

performance. Firms that only focused on compliance failed to motivate

managers to increase their knowledge of risk, and organizations that framed

ERM as a corporate governance initiative limited ERM to an internal control

process. However, organizations that proposed ERM as a means to improve

performance were able to install accountability for risk throughout the

organization and motivate managers to envision both potential risks and

opportunities. The authors found implementation of ERM challenged an

organization’s existing risk management practices, and that whether ERM

caused a shift in the decision-making mindset of managers was contingent on

whether risk was perceived as a real problem. Moreover, ERM change agents

significantly influenced how ERM was implemented but were also

constrained by the existing organization. The authors also suggested that

ERM was only perceived as a real problem if it was framed in operational

terms and linked to performance, or if a recent adverse event had influenced

how the organization conceived uncertainty. These studies suggest that

organizations that adopt ERM to improve organizational governance and

performance are more likely to have ERM programs that positively effect the

organization’s risk management practices.

In sum, there is a diverse body of evidence from a wide range of

business sectors that suggests organizations adopt ERM for the following

reasons: (a) compliance, (b) increased understanding of organizational risks,

(c) improved decision-making and performance, (d) internal pressures, (e)

external stakeholder demands, and (f) corporate governance. These factors,

combined with normative forces for increased accountability and risk

management, are also powerful drivers for organizations to adopt ERM.

Tables 2 and 3 provide a summary of the compliance and performance

outcomes organizations hope to achieve by adopting ERM.

Table 2

Compliance Outcomes Organizations Desire from Adopting an ERM

Desired Outcome Number

of studies



6 Arena et al. (2010); Arnold et al. (2011);
Hayne & Free (2014); Huber & Rothstein
(2013); Kallenberg (2009); Kleffner et al.

Governance 6 Arena et al. (2010, 2011); Fraser et al. (2008);
Gates (2006); Lundqvist (2015); Mikes (2009);
Muralidhar (2010)


4 Di Serio et al. (2011); Hallowell et al. (2013);
Kallenberg (2009); Mikes (2009);

Board of
leadership demands

Di Serio et al. (2011); Gates (2006); Kleffner et
al. (2003); Muralidhar (2010)

Auditability 2 Arena et al. (2011); Gates (2206); Hayne &
Free (2014)

Accountability 2 Gates et al. (2012); Huber & Rothstein (2013)

Table 3

Performance Outcomes Organizations Desire from Adopting an ERM

Desired Outcome Number
of studies

Risk management (culture,
understanding risk,
reducing risk)

6 Arnold et al. (2012); Clyde-Smith
(2014); Fraser et al. (2008); Gates
(2006); Hallowell et al. (2013); Kanhai
et al. (2014)

Decision making 5 Arena et al. (2011); Fraser et al.
(2008); Gates et al. (2012); Hallowell
et al. (2013); Zhao et al. (2015)

Performance (general) 4 Arena et al. (2010); Di Serio et al.
(2011); Hallowell et al. (2013);
Muralidhar (2010)

planning and response

3 Fraser et al. (2008); Hallowell et al.
(2013); Seik et al. (2011)

Response to new

1 Arnold et al. (2011)

Absorptive capacity 1 Arnold et al. (2012)
Resource allocation 1 Fraser et al. (2008)
Competitive advantage 1 Gates (2006); Zhao et al. (2015)
Management consensus 1 Gates et al. (2012)
Improved strategic

1 Hallowell et al. (2013)

Organizational complexity

1 Huber & Rothstein (2013)

Reduce costs/earning

1 Zhao et al. (2015)

Chapter 17: Factors Influencing the Implementation of

an ERM Program

In this chapter, I now turn to the factors that increase the likelihood an

organization will be successful when implementing an ERM strategy. More

specifically, I provide an overview of the findings from a comprehensive

review of scholarly research on the factors that are both critical to and inhibit

successful ERM implementation, namely: (a) management practices, (b)

culture, (c) change agents, (d) program design, (e) implementation barriers,

(f) decision making, and (g) organizational learning.

Management Practices

Lundqvist’s (2014) study of 153 firms from Scandinavian countries

(i.e., Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark) identified four pillars for

ERM implementation. The first two are not unique to ERM and can be

considered antecedents to its implementation. They include factors related to

general business processes associated with the organization’s internal

environment (e.g., training, codes of conduct, performance measures, defined

responsibilities, and business strategies) and control activities (e.g., policies,

procedures, and methods to report suspect behavior). The third pillar is

generic to managing risks for different types of events that influence the

organization from financial, compliance, reputational, and strategic

perspectives. However, activities in this area do not differentiate between

silo-based or integrated risk management approaches. The last pillar is

reflective of ERM and speaks to managing risk in a holistic manner with

clearly defined risk management tolerances and responsibilities that include

senior leadership and board oversight and accountability. The last pillar

highlights that ERM provides a governance structure for how an organization

manages the processes it uses to understand and control risks. Hence, the

study showed that ERM provides that overall framework for how an

organization executes the activities outlined in the first three pillars.

Gates et al. (2012) developed a survey based on the eight components

of the COSO framework (i.e., internal environment, objective setting, event

identification, risk assessment, risk response, control activities, information

and communication, and monitoring) and sent it to 150 audit and risk

management executives in various industries and countries. The results

supported the COSO framework’s ability to lead to better ERM

implementation. Moreover, the findings showed that ERM enhances

management and improves business performance. However, Arena et al.

(2010) found that strict adherence to the COSO framework resulted in the

program being perceived as solely focused on compliance and limited

acceptance by managers with oversight of key risks.

Similarly, Zhao, Hwang, and Low’s (2013) study of Chinese

construction firms found that the top five critical success factors for ERM

implementation, from highest to lowest, were: (a) senior leadership

commitment; (b) risk identification, analysis, and response; (c) clear

objectives at each organizational level; (d) a designated “owner” of the ERM

program; and (e) integration of ERM into routine business processes. Zhao,

Hwang, and Low’s (2014a) survey of 35 Chinese construction firms asked

respondents to rate their organization’s ERM implementation level based on

66 ERM best practices identified in a previous study. Respondents rated risk

communication, objective settings, risk-aware culture, risk identification,

analysis, and response, and leveraging risk as opportunity as the top five

items firms implement as part of their ERM programs. As a follow-up the

survey, Zhao, Hwang, and Low (2014b) conducted case studies on three

firms from the initial survey population (one from each firm size: large, mid,

and small) to confirm or disconfirm survey findings. The authors found

support for the initial findings; however, firm size significantly influenced the

extent to which ERM was implemented at the firms. In addition, Liu, Zou,

and Gong’s (2013) case study of two international Chinese construction firms

found that ERM improves operational risk management practices.

Research by Clyde-Smith (2014) on the implementation of ERM at a

new multipartner research institution showed that the working group charged

with developing an ERM program felt ERM needed to be consistent with

existing policies, and that risk management processes requires coordination at

high levels while deferring the management of specific risks to individual

stakeholders. Hallowell et al. (2013) found that effectively implementing

ERM requires: (a) integrating ERM into all organizational functions, (b)

developing a clear organization-wide understanding of ERM, (c) involving

employees in the development of the ERM program, and (d) forming a small-

dedicated implementation team and providing that team with adequate

resources. Furthermore, Gordon, Loeb, and Tseng’s (2009) research

suggested that aligning an ERM program with factors such as environmental

uncertainty, industry competition, firm size and complexity, and monitoring

by the board of directors leads to improved ERM performance. Finally, di

Serio et al. (2011) found that two main items facilitating ERM

implementation in three award-winning Brazilian companies were leadership

support and the use of a multifunctional team to implement ERM.

Conversely, Arena et al. (2010) found that an ERM program that lacks

leadership commitment may be perceived by the organization as an additional

regulatory compliance activity. Aabo et al. (2005) noted additional

implementation factors, including the assistance of a consultant, an ERM

workshop to prioritize organizational risks, development of a written ERM

policy and framework, linking of risk to organizational objectives, and

identification of local managers to champion the program.

These findings support the need to adapt the ERM program to fit the

culture and business processes at an organization. Moreover, they illustrate

the importance of clearly outlining the purpose of ERM and educating

employees on the goals of the ERM program. The evidence also points out

that leadership commitment is required for implementing an ERM program.

Furthermore, looking at the aggregate findings in this area highlight that

implementing ERM requires the application of sound management practices.

Consequently, although ERM is a distinct organizational activity,

organizations should assess the management practices have worked when

implementing other broad initiatives at the institution. An institution should

next consider how it can use knowledge on previous initiatives to ascertain

whether this can also enhance ERM implementation at the institution.

Organizational Culture

The evidence on the influence organizational culture has on ERM

implementation is limited to findings from two studies. First, Kimbrough and

Componation (2009) conducted a survey of 116 internal audit executives

from various industries in the United States and 20 other countries. The

survey revealed that organizations with organic cultures characterized by

open, collaborative atmospheres in which employees were viewed as assets

and required little direction were able to implement ERM faster and more

effectively. Second, Silva, Wu, and Ojiako’s (2013) case study of a Sri

Lankan financial firm found that multiple cultures can coexist within an

organization. Using Douglas’s (1978) four risk culture dimensions (fatalism,

hierarchy, individualism, and egalitarianism), the authors found the legal

department heavily exhibited a hierarchy risk culture, while research

personnel tended toward fatalism. Stock brokering staff members were

individualistic, and accounting employees were egalitarian. Although the

specific findings of culture types from this study cannot be extrapolated

directly to similar departments in other organizational settings, it is

reasonable to assume that large, complex organizations will have subcultures

that tend to favor one or more of Douglas’s risk culture dimensions. The

limited information on the influence organizational culture has on ERM only

suggests that culture does affect implementation. However, how culture

affects implementation remains unclear.

Change Agents

Several studies have examined the influence a change agent—often

referred to as a CRO in the literature—can have on ERM implementation.

Paape and Speklé (2012) surveyed 825 public and nonprofit organizations

from the Netherlands and found a correlation between the presence of a CRO

and audit committee and the level of ERM implementation. Silva et al.’s

(2013) survey of employees at a financial service company found internal

support for hiring a CRO, while Kimbrough and Componation (2009)

suggested that the appointment of a CRO led to faster ERM implementation

and more effective programs. Interestingly, Clyde-Smith’s (2014) study

found differing views were held among senior leadership on the skill sets

needed by the person charged with ERM oversight. Some suggested that the

person should have strong strategic planning skills, while others argued for

an audit background with strong risk management skills. Another simply

thought the role should be filled by the chief operating officer (COO) and

supported by the CFO.

Mikes (2008) identified four roles risk managers fulfill: (a) compliance

champion, who presses for organizational fulfillment of regulatory

requirements; (b) modeling expert, who implements entity-wide processes for

risk assessment and aggregation; (c) strategic advisor, who provides expertise

on high-level risk decisions; and (d) strategic controller, who integrates risk

and performance measurements that are reliable and utilized by the

organization (p. 9). Similarly, Mikes’s (2009) research identified three types

of risk officers: (a) a risk silo specialist, who focuses on measuring and

assessing risk and the production of large reports on which senior leadership

place little value; (b) a risk capital specialist, who supports risk-based

performance measures that aggregate the institution’s risks and set risk limits

(this person also fails to gain senior leadership attention); and (c) the senior

risk officer, who plays a devil’s advocate role that challenges existing

organizational assumptions. This requires that they address nonquantifiable

risks involving strategic and reputational issues with senior leadership. Mikes

(2009) added that those overseeing a truly holistic risk management process

need significant knowledge of the business. However, only those that have

information and agenda-setting responsibilities can exert influence on

strategic decision making. Therefore, the evidence suggests the need for an

ERM program champion with the authority and resources to implement

ERM. Moreover, an organization needs to select a leader for ERM that

matches the type of program the institution wants to develop.

Program Design

Several studies have investigated the design of ERM programs.

Andersen (2010) surveyed business executives to determine whether there is

an association between organizations that use central planning in conjunction

with decentralized decision making, higher average economic performance,

and lower variation in performance. The author found organizations that

scored above the median for emphasizing central planning and decentralized

decision making had significantly higher average performance and lower

variation in performance. This supported the author’s proposition that central

planning in conjunction with decentralized decision making can lead to more

effective risk management. In addition to this empirical research, the author

further supported his argument by discussing how this proposition is

advocated for in the literature on strategic management. Moreover, the author

provided evidence that existing ERM models that only emphasize central

planning can be improved if they incorporate decentralized decision making

in the process for assessing and responding to organizational risks. However,

this presented a macro view of the topic and did not provide evidence directly

related to whether this would hold true for ERM. Nonetheless, these findings

are relevant for organizations in which decentralized decision making is


Mikes (2009) distinguished four forms of ERM. First, risk silo

management is consistent with traditional approaches to risk management

that rely heavily on risk quantification techniques and control approaches.

Second, integrated risk management, a similar approach, aspires to aggregate

the individual risk of the organization. Third, risk-based management takes a

more performance-driven approach to risk management. Last, holistic risk

management seeks to manage nonquantifiable risks and includes such

methods as scenario and sensitivity analysis and risk assessment. Mikes

(2009) suggested that holistic ERM focuses on both quantifiable and

nonquantifiable risks where risk numbers are viewed as trend indicators, and

learning about the underlying profile of risk is privileged. This model is

driven by a risk-based control imperative that views ERM as a “learning

machine.” Similarly, Arena et al. (2011) identified three types of ERM

systems: (a) responsive systems, which are superficial and used for external

conformance; (b) discursive systems, which involve central knowledge

sharing but do not guide future actions; and (c) prospective systems, which

allow managers the ability to plan proactively for future actions. Moreover,

their case study of nine Italian companies found various levels of risk

integration. For example, two of the firms had high levels of integration with

ERM being an integral part of key business processes with the local risk

managers reporting to the CRO. On the other hand, three firms with medium

levels of integration were characterized as having two independent risk

management systems, with one focused on corporate level risk, such as

strategy and compliance, and another that emphasized operational risks at the

project level. Finally, four firms demonstrated low integration due to

disparate and independent risk management practices specific to a certain risk

category. Hence, an organization needs to determine what type of ERM

program it wants to develop and design the program accordingly. The type of

program also affects the characteristics of the person(s) the organization

should select to oversee the program.

Barriers to Implementation

Several authors noted inhibitors to ERM implementation. Gates’s

(2006) survey found the top five impediments to ERM were competing

priorities, insufficient resources, lack of agreement on the benefits of ERM,

challenges associated with organizational change, and the lack of ability to

quantify soft risks. However, Gates noted these challenges were perceived as

less significant at firms that had advanced ERM programs. Similarly,

Kleffner et al.’s (2003) study of Canadian organizations found inhibitors to

ERM implementation included organizational structure and culture,

resistance to change, lack of qualified personnel, and the needs of existing

internal control systems. Additionally, Arena et al. (2010) found that ERM

programs that were framed as a rule-based approach to risk management

created distance between the ERM program and managers accountable for

treating risks. The authors also found ERM was poorly received in one utility

company that had strong existing risk-specific programs coupled with limited

uncertainty due to operations being highly controlled by regulations. Last, in

a survey of Chinese construction firms, Zhao et al. (2015) identified

inhibitors to ERM implementation include insufficient resources, lack of

perceived value for ERM, view that ERM increases costs, unsupportive

organizational culture, and ineffective ERM training.

Muralidhar (2010) conducted a multiple case study involving six oil

and gas companies from the Middle East (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,

Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates) from 2005 to 2010. The author

found that existing ERM frameworks did not adequately address how to

quantify risks, communicate and develop stable organizational risk tolerance

levels, link risk management to business strategy, and address conflicts

between people that manage individual risk and the proponents of ERM. The

author subsequently identified challenges to ERM implementation in three

key areas. First, top structural challenges included consistency in

communicating risk, board members’ lack of risk awareness, audit

committees, existing corporate cultures, and linking risk to strategy. Second,

operational challenges included ownership of risk, lack of risk awareness at

lower organizational levels, communication of risk due to cultural

differences, and risk identification and classification. Third, technical

challenges included data accuracy, risk measurement, identification of risk

appetite tolerances, and risk assessment and modeling.

In Aabo et al.’s (2005) case study of a Canadian utility company that

successfully implemented ERM, the authors noted that the company first

tried to use a consultant to develop the ERM program. However, this did not

provide a lasting impact and failed to generate institutional knowledge on

ERM. Therefore, the company decided to have an internal person lead the

ERM effort, which yielded success. Similarly, Fraser et al. (2008) found

executive dissatisfaction with the use of consultants for implementing ERM

due the generic approaches and singular perspectives they have of ERM.

However, several executives did acknowledge that consultants can be helpful

in getting the ERM program started and providing insight into existing ERM

frameworks and best practices.

While Kallenberg’s (2009) study of 20 Swedish firms focused on

operational risks, the authors identified challenges with implementing risk

management similar to those noted in studies on ERM. These challenges

include risk perceptions, cultural hurdles, and the ability to communicate and

measure risks. Tekathen and Dechow (2013), in their case study of a large

German manufacturing company, noted the further challenge that

organizational members may high-jack the risk management process by

pushing personal or departmental agendas as part of the ERM process. In

study of ERM at a university system, Huber and Rothstein (2013) identified

five key factors that influenced risk management practices. First, new risk

management practices were significantly influenced by existing structures,

practices, and cultures. Second, ambiguities existed about what risk is and

methodologies for assessing risk. Third, metrics to track risk management

performance were lacking. Fourth, political actors manipulated some risk

assessment processes in order to advance preferred projects or transfer

responsibility for risk to members that had less ability to resist. Fifth,

universities found it difficult to translate system-wide risk management

aspirations into practice at the individual university level. Di Serio et al.

(2011) further found ERM implementation can be inhibited by a lack of

knowledge of risk assessment processes and the long time it takes to

implement programming. Consequently, there are multiple potential barriers

to implementing an ERM program. Hence, an organization needs to be

cognate of these obstacles, design the program to minimize the likelihood of

them occurring, and actively take steps to address them should they arise.

Table 4 summarizes the mechanisms that either facilitate or are barriers to

ERM implementation.

Table 4

Mechanisms that Facilitate or are Barriers to ERM Implementation
Mechanism Number



Facilitators Clear definition of
what ERM means for
the organization and
program purpose and

6 Aabo et al. (2005); Arena et al.
(2010); Hallowell et al. (2013);
Lundqvist (2014); Silva et al.
(2013); Zhao et al. (2013)

Consistent with the
existing organizational
culture, objectives, and
management practices

4 Aabo, et al. (2005); Andersen
(2014); Gordon, Loeb, & Tseng
(2009); Hallowell et al. (2013);
Zhao et al. (2013)

implementation team

4 Arena et al. (2010); Blaskovich
and Taylor (2011); Di Serio et
al. (2011); Hallowell et al.

Central coordination,
local management of

3 Aabo et al. (2005); Andersen
(2014); Clyde-Smith (2014)

Consultant for
program set-up

2 Aabo et al. (2005); Fraser et al.

Dedicated change

2 Aabo et al. (2005); Zhao et al.

Leadership support 2 Di Serio et al. (2011); Zhao et
al. (2013)

Integrating existing
risk management
practices into the ERM

1 Arena et al. (2010)

ERM frameworks 1 Gates et al. (2012)
Leveraging risk as

1 Zhao et al. (2014a)

Barriers Existing
organizational culture
and resistance to

6 Clyde-Smith (2014); Gupta
(2006); Kallenberg (2009);
Kleffner et al. (2003);
Muralidhar (2010); Zhao et al.

Consultant for long-
term implementation

2 Aabo et al. (2005); Fraser et al.

Lack of adapting ERM
framework to

2 Arena et al. (2010); Lundqvist

Lack of consensus on
program purpose and

2 Gates (2006); Huber &
Rothstein (2013)

Competing priorities 2 Gates (2006); Kleffner et al.

Unclear program

2 Huber & Rothstein (2013);
Kallenberg (2009)

Program used to
advance personal or
department interests

2 Huber & Rothstein (2013);
Tekathen & Dechow (2013)

Unclear ERM

2 Lundqvist (2014); Muralidhar

Poor understanding of 2 Arena et al. (2010); Zhao et al.

ERM (2015)
Lack of leadership

1 Arena et al. (2010)

Rules-based approach 1 Arena et al. (2010)
Long time to
implement ERM

1 Di Serio et al. (2011)

Lack of resources 1 Gates (2006)
Failure to link risk
management to the
organization mission

1 Gupta (2006)

Unqualified change

1 Kleffner et al. (2003)

Lack of accountability
for risks

1 Muralidhar (2010)

or barrier

Diverse approaches to
evaluating risks

1 Arena et al. (2011)

ERM influenced by
existing structures,
practices, and cultures

1 Huber & Rothstein (2013)

Decision-Making Processes

Several authors have identified the role decision-making processes

have in ERM implementation. Mikes (2009) proposed two types of

calculative cultures: (a) quantitative enthusiasts who have an idealistic view

that risk is quantifiable and favor analytical methods over managerial

judgment; and (b) those who are skeptical of purely viewing risks from a

quantitative perspective, hold a more pragmatic view of the limitations of

analytical methods, and lean more toward organizational learning approaches.

In another study, Paape and Speklé (2012) found that the frequent use of

quantitative risk assessment techniques and risk reporting resulted in higher

levels of perceived risk management effectiveness. Moreover, Huber and

Rothstein (2013) found risk management served a normative role by

presenting a picture of “rational” organizational decision making that served

to increase the legitimacy of risk management processes for internal and

external stakeholders.

Although Gates et al. (2012) suggested the value of clear risk

tolerances, Paape and Speklé (2012) found less support for the value of

developing risk tolerance levels. Arena et al. (2011) found organizations used

different approaches to evaluate risks, with some having overarching

measures to capture the portfolio of risks faced by the entity. One of the firms

studied used a qualitative approach based on the probability and impact of an

event, while two used quantitative approaches tied to financial measures.

However, the majority of the companies in their study did not have an

overarching practice to evaluate all risks. Instead, high-level risks were

analyzed using a qualitative risk assessment matrix, and lower level risks

were evaluated using a wide range of independent methods specific to the

risk. Interestingly, Arena et al. (2010) found that one organization that

participated in the case study had success in making ERM risk measures

relevant to managers by linking them to preexisting performance

measurement criteria.

Mathrani and Mathrani’s (2013) case study of a New Zealand high-tech

manufacturing firm suggested that information technology systems aid in risk

mitigation. The authors identified that information technology tools for

enhanced risk mitigation included the use of representative models that

provide standard and customizable reports and forms. A key issue noted was

the need to allow staff the ability to access the data easily, even if in read-

only form. This type of system allowed for improved decision-making since

the organization could base decisions on well analyzed and high quality data.

In addition, the authors showed that the information technology systems

could be combined with such business practices as balanced scorecards and

dashboards in order to track and monitor risk management activities.

However, setting up these processes required that risk-mitigating strategies

were first defined and communicated clearly.

Arena, Azzone, Cagno, Silvestri, and Trucco’s (2014), in a case study

of an Italian global oil and gas company, investigated evaluating risks from a

resource-based perspective. In this model, primary processes that directly

influenced customer satisfaction and secondary support processes were

mapped against the company’s value chain. This resulted in the identification

of 465 different organizational capabilities that spanned four organizational

levels. These capabilities were assessed in relation to risk mitigation and

consequences at each organization level in three areas: (a) the impact

performance variation in one area had on another area, (b) whether the

unavailability of a capability in one area impacted another, and (c) whether

an event in one area had a global impact affecting multiple organizational

levels. This approach allowed the organization to assess whether a problem

was ordinary and only required limited and static mitigation measures, or if it

was a more systemic issue that offered an opportunity to generate new

knowledge that could improve the overall business process.

Blaskovich and Taylor (2011) conducted a case-controlled study using

70 Master of Business Administration students and 69 Master of Accounting

students from two large public universities in the United States. The goal of

the study was to determine if groups composed of members with financial

backgrounds would prioritize financial risks over other risks of similar

magnitude. As the authors hypothesized, groups composed of people with

financial backgrounds ranked financial risk higher. Based on these results,

the authors suggested that the functional composition of ERM groups

charged with evaluating risks influenced risk priorities, and recommended

cross-functional groups for risk assessments. Similarly, participants in Clyde-

Smith’s (2014) study suggested the need for a cross-functional team

composed of people from diverse professional and organizational

backgrounds to provide oversight and leadership for the ERM initiative at the

institution studied.

Aabo et al. (2005) further found that top risks were subject to a more

thorough assessment to identify the worst credible outcome that could occur

over a defined period, usually 2–5 years. In addition, the company studied

assigned accountability to a risk owner for the residual risk. The risk owner

could either retain the risk as is or take steps to change the level of risk by

avoiding it, reducing its likelihood or consequences, or transferring it.

Additionally, the company used three criteria to determine funding priorities

to control risk in relationship to achieving organizational objectives,

including assessing the severity of the risk, the probability that it would result

in an adverse event, and the adequacy of existing controls. Therefore, the

evidence suggests that an organization needs to develop clear risks

assessment processes and tolerance levels appropriate for the type of risk.

Moreover, the institution needs to involve stakeholders from different

functional areas in the risk assessment process. Table 5 summarizes the ERM

decision-making mechanisms identified in the literature.

Table 5

Decision Making Facilitators and Barriers
Mechanism Number


Facilitators Risk identification,
analysis, and response

2 Aabo et al. (2005); Zhao et al.


2 Blaskovich & Taylor (2011);
Clyde-Smith (2014)

Assess risks
associated with
business processes

Arena et al. (2014)

Risk funding based
severity and
probability the risk
will be realized and
the adequacy of
existing controls

1 Aabo et al. (2005)

Clearly defined risk
tolerance levels

1 Gates, Nicolas, & Walker

technology systems

1 Mathrani & Mathrani (2013)

Frequent use of
quantitative risk
assessment techniques

1 Paape & Speklé (2012)

Barriers Inadequate and/or
unclear risk
assessment processes

4 Di Serio et al. (2011); Gates
(2006); Huber & Rothstein
(2013); Muralidhar (2010)

Organizational Learning

Hallowell et al. (2013) found that effective implementation required

the integration of ERM into an organization through training, workshops, and

formal documents. However, Gupta’s (2011) survey of large- and medium-

sized India-based companies in the manufacturing and service sectors found

over 60% of respondents did not think risk needed to be communicated to

every employee in the company. Alternatively, Gates et al. (2012) suggested

that ERM can increase knowledge on organizational objectives and risks,

which can lead to improved performance due to more informed decision

making and the communication of organizational risks. Additionally, Arnold

et al. (2012) stated that strong ERM processes promote enhanced absorptive

capacity between a firm and its business chain partner(s), thus enabling

supply chain partners to share information and knowledge, which leads to

increased competitive advantage. Similarly, a study of transnational alliance

partners suggests that ERM’s ability to reduce risks and enhanced

understanding of risks between partners leads to increased trust and

subsequently enhanced information sharing among partners (Arnold,

Benford, Canada, & Sutton, 2014). The evidence on the role organizational

learning plays in ERM implementation is limited. However, although limited,

the evidence does suggest that an ERM program needs to consider how it will

educate the campus community on the ERM program. Table 6 summarizes

the ERM organizational learning mechanisms identified from the literature.

Table 6

Organizational Learning Facilitators and Barriers
Mechanism Number


Facilitators Workshops,
training, and
formal documents

4 Aabo et al. (2005); Arena et al.
(2010); Hallowell et al. (2013);
Muralidhar (2010)

Communication 2 Gates et al. (2012); Zhao et al.


2 Arnold et al. (2012); Arnold et al.


Lack of
communication on

2 Huber & Rothstein (2013);
Muralidhar (2010)

Lack of training 2 Gupta (2006); Zhao et al. (2015)

In sum, the factors influencing ERM implementation can be divided

into seven categories: (a) management practices, (b) culture, (c) change

agents, (d) program design, (e) implementation barriers, (f) decision making,

and (g) organizational learning. The most robust information identified

speaks to the management practices that facilitate or are barriers to ERM

implementation. Top facilitators include having a clear definition of what

ERM means for the organization, a well-defined purpose and goals for the

program, designing the program to be consistent with the existing culture and

management practices, and the use of a cross-functional implementation

team. Evidence also suggests that an organization needs to select a person to

lead the ERM effort that has the skillset to implement the type of program the

organization seeks to develop. Top barriers identified were the existing

organizational culture and employee resistance to change. Evidence suggests

the role culture, decision making, and organizational learning play in ERM

implementation is important. However, the evidence on why these areas are

important and how they contribute to ERM implementation is lacking.

Chapter 18: A Model for ERM Implementation in

Complex Organizations

In this chapter, I outline a process for ERM implementation in complex

organizations based on the empirical evidence derived from my review of

scholarly research on ERM. As Figure 6 illustrates, the ERM adoption and

implementation process is consistent with Leseure et al.’s (2004) model on

adopting promising practices discussed in the introduction to this section of

the book. Following this model, implementing ERM is a five-stage process

consisting of the adoption decision, setup (designing the program),

implementation, ramp-up, and integration with the existing business practices

at the organization. This chapter begins with a discussion of the logic for

adopting ERM at an organization and the implications for how the adoption

decision influences the type of ERM program the organization implements.

Next, I outline the key mechanisms that affect ERM implementation, ramping

up the ERM program, and integrating ERM into the institution’s routines and

decision-making processes.

Factors Influencing ERM Adoption

The adoption stage encompasses events that lead to the decision to

adopt ERM. The evidence on whether ERM can increase the financial

performance of an organization is inconclusive, possibly due to the

challenges of directly linking ERM with the overall financial performance of

an organization. However, the literature showed the reasons organizations

decide to adopt an ERM strategy fall into two categories: compliance and

performance. Leseure et al. (2004) found that practices pushed on an

organization by regulations, management, or external norms that do not

address a perceived organizational need fail to result in performance

improvements. Institutional push factors identified are consistent with desires

to improve compliance through the adoption of ERM. Factors in this area

include improved regulatory compliance and governance, meeting

stakeholder expectations, and board of director and leadership aspirations for

integrated risk management approaches. Leseure et al. (2004) also found

organizations adopt new management practices to address what they refer to

as institutional pull factors. These factors focus on addressing organizational

problems and are more likely to lead to improvements in performance. Pull

factors fall into the performance category and include factors such as

enhancing risk management capabilities, improving decision making, and

better crisis management.

As such, organizations decide to adopt ERM to improve compliance

and organizational performance. However, evidence suggests that

organizations that only adopt ERM for compliance are less effective at ERM

implementation (Arena et al., 2010). This finding is consistent with Leseure

et al. (2004), who suggested business practices pushed onto the organization

to meet compliance needs rarely lead to performance improvements.

Consequently, organizations that want to use ERM to improve performance

need to make the case that they are adopting ERM to address challenges that

could impede achieving the institution’s strategic objectives. Examples in this

area are improving risk management, decision-making, and building crisis

management capabilities.

Therefore, at the adoption stage, the organization needs to clarify the

logic for adopting an ERM strategy and translate this logic into preliminary

compliance and performance goals for the ERM program. It is essential that

the organization clarify why it is adopting ERM, since this affects the long-

term trajectory of the program. For example, as Arena et al. (2010)

suggested, organizations that adopt ERM primarily for compliance develop

ERM programs that use defensive, control-based strategies focused on

avoiding the negative consequences of risk. Organizations that view ERM

strategically take an offensive stance, concentrating on managing risks in a

manner that builds the ability to capitalize on opportunities and prevents

illogical risk aversion. However, Arnold et al. (2012) suggested that ERM

implementation normally progresses from compliance to minimize

uncertainty associated with business processes to improving organizational

performance so it can better capitalize on opportunities. Hence, improved

compliance is a logical initial goal for an ERM program, with long-term

goals emphasizing improving an organization’s risk management, decision

making, and crisis management processes.

Factors Influencing ERM Program Setup

The setup stage involves the decision to proceed with implementing

ERM. This entails customizing the program to the organizational context and

the identification and acquisition of resources to implement the ERM

program. Leseure et al. (2004) suggested that shaping the program to fit the

organization is critical to increasing the likelihood of program success.

Findings from the literature support the need to design the ERM program to

match the existing culture, mission, and management practices at the

organization (Aabo et al., 2005; Andersen, 2014; Gordon et al., 2009;

Hallowell et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2013). Additionally, organizations that

clearly define what ERM means for the organization and the program’s

purpose and goals (Aabo et al., 2005; Arena et al., 2010; Hallowell et al.,

2013; Lundqvist, 2014; Silva et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2013) are more

successful at implementing ERM. Conversely, the literature identified

barriers to implementing ERM include not having a clear purpose and

performance objectives and failing to adapt the program to the organizational

environment (Arena et al., 2010; Gates, 2006; Huber & Rothstein, 2013;

Kallenberg, 2009; Lundqvist, 2014; Muralidhar, 2010). Therefore, building a

clear reason for implementing ERM at the organization is critical. The

reasoning for adopting ERM needs to outline the adverse consequences the

organization will incur if it fails in managing its risk. The organization also

needs to explain how ERM can improve the institution’s ability to achieve its

strategic objectives. Moreover, the logic and implications for the ERM

program need to explain the impact the program will have for key groups at

the institution.

Program Champion and Implementation Team

The evidence suggests that setting up and implementing the ERM

program requires an ERM champion and cross-functional implementation

team. Although evidence suggests a consultant can be helpful to set up the

ERM program, this study’s findings suggest that using a consultant as a long-

term strategy for ERM implementation is ineffective. This is because using a

consultant fails to generate organizational learning (i.e., the consultant builds

significant knowledge on the institution’s risk instead of the organization;

Aabo et al., 2005; Fraser et al., 2008). Thus, it is critical to select a program

champion and implementation team to guide the implementation process.

However, ERM’s elevation of risk management from a middle management

to a senior level function affects the type of change agent to lead the program.

In addition, the type of ERM program an organization desires also influences

the qualifications and characteristics of the person they should select to lead

the effort. For example, Arena et al. (2010) noted that organizations that

selected individuals to lead the implementation process whose focus was on

compliance were less effective at embedding risk management into the

organization’s business processes. Hence, organizations need to identify a

project champion that not only understands the intricacies of managing risks,

but who also has a broad understanding of the complexities associated with

implementing an organizational change initiative such as ERM. In addition,

the organization should use a cross-functional team to implement the

program (Arena et al., 2010; Blaskovich & Taylor, 2011; Di Serio et al.,

2011; Hallowell et al., 2013). Members of this team need to be reflective of

the broad set of operations and stakeholders at the institution. The team

should also have members from senior leadership recognized as credible

leaders at the institution. The program champion and implementation team

have responsibility for design and implementation of the ERM program. Two

key items the champion and team need to consider when designing the

program is how to structure the ERM program and the processes for

assessing risks. The following discussion elaborates on these two items.

Program Design Factors

The evidence also showed the ERM program entails two main

functional components: (a) a central coordination component and (b) a

decentralized component for the local management of risks (Aabo et al.,

2005; Andersen, 2014; Clyde-Smith, 2014). Central planning entails

integrating the risk management activities of individual units with the overall

goals for the organizations’ mission, objectives, and risk management

(Andersen, 2010). However, accountability and decision-making authority

for managing risks remains at the local level, as long as it is consistent with

the overall organizational tolerance for risk. Fraser et al. (2004) cautioned

that the literature on ERM lacks “information on how to bring all the silos

together—other than to say that a common reporting system and language are

important” (p. 74). Hence, it is critical that an organization clearly defines the

role of the central planning unit and local groups charged with managing

risks at the institution. Therefore, the ERM program needs a central

governance function that: (a) clearly defines the purpose and goals for

managing risks at the organization, (b) ensures local accountability for

managing risks, (c) creates tools for assessing risks, and (d) educates local

managers on the ERM program and tools for assessing risks. Additionally,

local units need to be accountable for managing risks in their area(s) of

responsibility and coordinating with other groups at the institution that are

affected by the risk(s). Although local units are accountable for managing

risks in their area of responsibility, the leadership at the organization is

accountable for providing local units the resources necessary to control risks

within the tolerance limits established by the institution.

Risk Assessment Factors

Another key component of ERM is the processes an organization

uses to identify and evaluate risk. Therefore, an organization must determine

the decision-making methods that are effective for assessing the types of risk

at the institution. Yet, the evidence showed that practitioners are frustrated by

inadequate and unclear risk assessment processes (Di Serio et al., 2011;

Gates, 2006; Huber & Rothstein, 2013; Muralidhar, 2010) and the lack of

agreed-upon best practices for evaluating organizational risks. Indeed, Huber

and Rothstein (2013) asserted that poor risk assessment processes may end up

serving and justifying existing power structures and practices. Specifically,

the authors identified three ways risk management can fail to challenge

existing values and routines: (a) subjective and poor understanding of risk

assessment measures, (b) subjective and fluid understandings of “acceptable”

risks, and (c) ambiguous and poorly conceptualized risk identification

processes. Additionally, the authors suggested that new risk management

practices could disrupt existing responsibilities for risk, resulting in

organizational struggles for blame attribution. Hallowell et al. (2013) also

suggested that the type and characteristics of a risk influences how it will be

managed and at what organizational level.

To explain methods for assessing risks at an organization, it is

necessary to discuss how the type of risk affects an organization’s processes

for assessing risks. Defining risk at an organization can be especially

challenging due to the diversity of stakeholders who differ on their views on

what constitutes an acceptable risk and how much to invest in controlling

risks. Kaplan and Mikes’ (2012) three-category system introduced in Chapter

2 is an effective approach for classifying the types of risks organizations

confront and the decision-making process to assess these risks. The three

categories of risks in their system are: (a) preventable risks, (b) strategy risks,

and (c) external risks (p. 55). Preventable risks are risks internal to the

organization that arise in the course of conducting business such as the

potential for unethical actions or safety hazards. Preventable risks lack

strategic benefits but must be managed due to the adverse impact they can

have on the organization. In contrast, strategy risks are risks an organization

voluntarily takes to fulfill its mission. Examples include initiatives such as

entering international educational markets or using private organizations to

commercialize innovations developed at an organization. Strategic risks are

not inherently undesirable, but require different strategies to manage than

those used for preventable risks. Last, external risks surface from outside the

organization, often beyond the control of the organization. External risks thus

require that the organization develop processes to identify the threats and

prepare contingency plans to manage them if they occur.

Sensemaking theory further explains the challenges and complexity

organizations encounter when assessing risks, especially those not well

understood. For example, sensemaking theory illustrates that people go

through a complex process to assess and respond to new events, in this case

new risks (Weick, 1995). This is a social process where people consider how

the risk affects them personally. Moreover, risks arise in an environment that

continues to evolve and change. Thus, people seek to develop plausible

understandings of the risks and, according to sensemaking theory, only fully

understand risks retrospectively (Weick, 1995).

Consequently, the unique characteristics of risks along with the

social and environmental dimensions identified from sensemaking theory

affect how people assess risks. These factors help explain why some

practitioners experience frustration with the processes used to assess risks.

This is a particular concern with risk assessment processes that only use

quantifiable measures to assess risks. Quantification may be reasonable for

risks with measurable attributes. However, this is likely not the case for many

of the complex risks an organization encounters. Moreover, Weick and

Sutcliffe (2006) cautioned that simplifying events to fit preexisting mental

frames can lead to the failure to notice unique characteristics and dimensions

associated with new, unfamiliar events. Muralidhar (2010) added that fixed

models for analyzing risks often fail to capture the flow of information

inherent to a dynamic, changing, and evolving organizational environment.

Consequently, a simple matrix for quantifying risk based on probability and

consequences fails to capture the nuances associated with risks. This

challenge is particularly salient when assessing the risks associated with new

initiatives with which the organization does not have significant experience.

Two dimensions of risk often cited in the literature on ERM are risk

appetite and tolerance. Risk appetite is the “amount and type of risk that an

organization is willing to pursue and retain,” and risk tolerance as an

“organization’s or stakeholder’s readiness to bear the risk after risk response

in order to achieve its objectives” (Zhao et al., 2013, p. 1207). For example,

the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges and United

Educators’ (2009) survey of ERM in higher education found that fewer than

50% said their institutions understood their risk tolerances and factored them

into decision-making processes. Hence, organizations need to provide people

charged with assessing and managing risks clear information regarding how

to assess risks in their operational area and the level of risk an organization is

willing to retain in the pursuit of its strategic objectives.

Although organizations are making gains in how they manage risks, a

gap continues to exist concerning how strategic risks are managed, primarily

due to a lack of understanding how to evaluate and respond to them (Gates,

2006). Part of this may be due to an overemphasis on quantitative risk

assessment methods. For example, risks associated with strategic initiatives

can lack the historical data needed to understand their likelihood of occurring

and the impact the risks have on realizing the initiative. However, a

promising concept for assessing risks associated with strategic initiatives is to

assess risks from a capabilities perspective. A capability perspective is also

applicable to assessing external risks over which the organization has no or

limited control. Arena et al. (2014) defined capabilities as an organization’s

“ability to leverage and transform its resources” (p. 180). Broadly speaking,

organizational capabilities fall into four types: (a) capability to deliver

services, (b) capability to support the delivery of services, (c) capability to

learn new knowledge, and (d) capability to reconfigure existing resources to

enhance existing competencies. According to Arena et al. (2014), building

such capabilities allows the organization to endure better external and internal

pressures that inhibit achieving strategic initiatives. In this context, an

organization assesses risks for their ability to inhibit the organizational

capabilities necessary to achieve a strategic initiative.

Consider the following example: A university sets a strategic initiative

to open a campus in a new foreign market. First, the university needs to

determine the capabilities needed to deliver educational services in the new

market. Next, it needs to assess the risks that could impede these capabilities.

For instance, can the university navigate risks that inhibit its ability to secure

capital and building permits necessary to construct facilities in the foreign

country? Second, does the university have the necessary support services for

this initiative? Does the university have competent knowledge of the legal,

regulatory, and political systems of the new country? Third, how will the

university learn from this experience to improve its capabilities to open

additional new campus or to improve existing operations? Risks that could

inhibit this type of learning could be the loss of key personnel or the loss of

critical data from a cyber-attack or natural disaster that destroys a key

information technology system. Hence, looking at risks in relation to the

capabilities required to execute a strategic initiative shifts the discussion from

the negative aspects of risks to one that focuses on building capabilities to

address risks while also assessing how to enhance the organization’s ability

to act on opportunities.

Preventable risks relate to the operations at an organization. Although

Kaplan and Mikes (2012) suggested preventable risks do not have strategic

importance, as Kallenberg (2009) noted, mismanaged preventable risks can

significantly influence the organization’s ability to achieve its strategic

objectives. As such, organizations need to determine how these risks threaten

their ability to achieve their strategic objectives and whether further measures

are required to control these risks. Additionally, strategic risks also transition

into operational risks as the organization implements components of the new

strategic initiative. Consider again the example of an organization with a

strategic initiative to develop a campus on a new foreign market. As the

organization puts this strategy into action, it will need to address preventable

risks such as complying with safety and environmental standards. However,

organizations that have already identified these risks and assessed existing

capabilities to control them will be in a better position to manage these risks.

This highlights the value of looking at strategic risks from a capabilities


Lastly, evidence suggests cross-functional teams can help overcome

individual biases and provide a more balanced perspective on the significance

of a risk (Blaskovich & Taylor, 2011; Clyde-Smith, 2014). For example, a

team composed of individuals from one functional area at the organization

will likely favor the allocation of resources to address risks in their area of

responsibility. As such, a cross-functional team composed of people from

multiple functional areas is more likely to evaluate and dedicate resources to

address risks with an eye to ascertain how the risk affects the overall

operations at the organization.

Factors Influencing ERM Implementation and Ramp-


Continuing along the process, the implementation phase is the launch

of the program and focuses on actions with shorter completion periods.

Leseure et al. (2004) stated that factors critical at this stage include a project

champion, a well-designed program, training, supervisor reinforcement, and a

developing commitment to the program. Evidence from the literature on

ERM consistent with this stage includes having an ERM program champion,

training and workshops, and leadership support. Next, the organization starts

to use the promising practice (in this case ERM) during the ramp-up stage. At

this stage, it is important to consider how ERM affects different groups and

individuals versus using a one-size fits all approach. This requires tailoring

goals to each level of the organization and communicating (including

receiving feedback on the goals) with each level in the organization.

Moreover, the process needs to be flexible and open to adapting the ERM

program to meet the realities encountered during implementation. Findings

from the research consistent with the ramp-up stage include central planning

with decentralized decision making, communication, and diverse approaches

to risk evaluation. The selection of the ERM program champion and

implementation team along with considerations for designing the ERM

program were discussed in the previous section. Therefore, this section

focuses on findings in relation to operationalizing the ERM program.

Although organizations have unique cultures and organizational

structures, the findings suggest that challenges with implementing ERM are

neither unique to ERM nor higher education. For example, findings on ERM

inhibitors include resistance to change (Clyde-Smith, 2014; Gupta, 2011;

Kallenberg, 2009; Kleffner et al., 2003; Muralidhar, 2010) and not adapting

the program to the organizational environment (Arena et al., 2010; Lundqvist,

2014). Additional inhibitors include poor information and communication

(Kallenberg, 2009; Muralidhar, 2010) and the lack of consensus on goals

(Gates, 2006; Huber & Rothstein, 2013), priorities (Gates, 2006; Kleffner et

al., 2003), and program metrics (Huber & Rothstein, 2013; Kallenberg,

2009). The inhibitors identified are consistent with those McCaskey (1982)

identified with implementing a poorly designed program. McCaskey

suggested these issues arise when organizations implement programs that are

ill-conceived and not effectively communicated to the organization. This

leads to what McCaskey (1982) refers to as ambiguous situations

characterized by the factors listed in

Table 7

. Consequently, a well-designed

ERM program can help prevent some of these issues from arising. However,

decreasing ambiguity associated with ERM implementation also requires

educating the campus community on the program.

Table 7

Characteristics of Ambiguous Situations

Lack of understanding the nature of the problem
Inability to effectively collect and categorize information
Multiple interpretations
Reliance on personal and professional values and political conflicts
Unclear and conflicting goals
Lack of resources
Situations that are vague and conflicting
Unclear roles and responsibilities
Lack of metrics
Failure to understand cause and effect relationships
Lack of clear definitions and logical lines of argument
Fluid participation in decision making

Note. Source: Adapted from McCaskey (1982), pp. 98–99.

Organizational Learning Factors

Ultimately, ERM is about changing how the organization thinks

about the risk it faces, necessitating building organizational learning into the

organization’s ERM program. Unfortunately, findings from the literature on

organizational learning were limited to the need for workshops, training, and

formal documents (Aabo et al., 2005; Arena et al., 2010; Hallowell et al.,

2013; Muralidhar, 2010) and improving how an organization communicates

information on its risks and strategies for managing risks (Gates et al., 2012;

Zhao et al., 2014a). An effective ERM program can build a stronger

understanding of risk that leads to what Arnold et al. (2011) referred to as

entrepreneurial alertness. This includes building the capacity to anticipate

risks and opportunities and the ability to use this information to build a

competitive advantage. Similarly, Arnold et al. (2012) suggested ERM could

enhance an organization’s ability to realize opportunities through strategic

partnerships. In this scenario, ERM can help reduce the uncertainty found in

the relationship between two or more organizations to promote joint problem

solving and increase sharing of information.

Concepts on organizational learning discussed in Part 2 help to fill the

gap in findings in this area. For example, Schein (2010) pointed out the need

to create an environment that provides the psychological safety necessary for

new learning. This necessitates building a convincing and positive vision for

ERM, training on new risk management skills, using role models and support

groups, and employing systems and structures that support new ways of

thinking. Weick and Sutcliffe (2006) added that organizing an activity

requires providing people with a “set of cognitive categories and a typology

of action options” (p. 514). Scott (1992) further explained that organizations

that view goals from an organizational learning perspective are less

constrained by preexisting intentions and view goals as evolving through

discovery. Thus, the ERM program needs to build educational activities that

help people understand how to assess and respond to risks in their operational

area. Moreover, the design of ERM educational programs should reflect the

different learning needs of the various audiences at the institution. This

requires multiple learning techniques tailored to address the diverse

backgrounds of various groups at an organization.

Therefore, implementing the ERM program requires that the

organization consider how it will educate the campus community on the

ERM program. For some groups this may simply require making some

groups aware of the ERM program and methods to report concerns on risks

they observe. While other groups, such as those that will have a key role on

evaluating and managing risks, require more extensive education on the

organization’s philosophy on managing risks and the processes employees

can use to evaluate and manage risks. However, this requires creating

educational programs that meet the learning needs of the various groups at

the organization. Once staff are properly educated on the ERM program and

risk assessment methods, the organization is positioned to ramp-up assessing

its risks and current capabilities to control risks. This also facilitates

identifying the group(s) who are accountable for managing certain risks at the

institution and identifying if the organization needs additional risk

management capabilities.

Factors Influencing ERM Integration

Last, the integration stage occurs after positive results gradually allow

the new practice to become a part of the routine operations of the

organization. Leseure et al. (2004) found that integrating new practices
requires persistence in order to embed the practice into the organization’s

accepted knowledge base. However, evidence on how ERM can fully

integrate into existing organizational practices is lacking. Indeed, only one

study explicitly assessed the maturity of ERM. In Farrell and Gallagher’s

(2014) research, they employed the ERM maturity model developed by the

Risk and Insurance Management Society to assess the level of ERM maturity

at firms included in their study. The authors only found one organization of

the 225 included the study had fully integrated ERM with existing practices

at the organization. Most firms (41%) simply had ERM functions that

showed repeatable application of various ERM processes. Factors considered

in this model were whether an organization adopted an ERM approach to

manage risks, established ERM processes, set risk tolerances, managed

uncertainty, or built organizational resiliency and sustainability.

A concept that captures the characteristics of a fully integrated ERM

program is organizational resiliency. Weick and Sutcliffe’s (2007) five

characteristics of a resilient organizations help to conceptualize what an

integrated ERM program should look like. First, such programs have a

preoccupation with identifying risks and see risk identification as an

opportunity to improve processes. Second, resilient organizations are

reluctant to simplify risk. Hence, merely identifying risks and subjectively

assigning numerical probability and severity ratings is inadequate for

understanding the risks faced by an organization. Third, organizational

resiliency requires that the organization understand the operational challenges

frontline personnel confront. This is of particular concern due to the

continued effort to reduce operating costs at organizations. Fourth,

organizations need to be committed to building resiliency through a constant

effort to identify risks that could cause systems to fail. Last, organizations

need to build structures that place decision-making authority in the hands of

the people most knowledgeable of the process. Building resiliency as part of

the ERM program not only helps to protect the institution, but also helps to

build confidence in the organization’s ability to manage risks. This can

translate into an increased ability to capitalize on opportunities. An effective

ERM program will identify areas an organization can strengthen in order to

increase their capability to take on projects with risks their competitors may

be wary of undertaking. Moreover, the avoidance of projects that overexpose

an organization can prevent drains on resources that prevent seizing

opportunities due to the tie-up of resources.

In sum, the framework presented in this chapter identified the factors

associated with adopting an ERM strategy. Although this framework

portrayed operationalizing ERM as a sequential process, implementing ERM

at an organization is likely to be a more iterative process. Hence, the

activities discussed in this chapter above may occur contemporaneously. The

empirical evidence supporting the process for ERM implementation at

organization has been located in companies from multiple industries and

geographic settings. This diversity suggests both the findings and the ERM

process are indeed transferable to other settings.

Part 4: Seven Principles for ERM Adoption and


In the final section of this book, I first present seven principles for

ERM adoption and implementation derived from both the findings of the

research literature on ERM and my professional experience. Incorporating

these principles into an organization’s ERM program will enhance the

probability that the program will be successful. Lastly, in the closing chapter,

I provide some final thoughts on implementing ERM along and discuss

implications for management theory and future research on ERM.

Chapter 19: The Seven Principles

The research reviewed in this book highlights the challenges

organizations face with changing how they manage risks. ERM shifts risk

management from an operational level function to one that also considers risk

within the broader context of the overall management and mission of the

organization. Although the literature’s findings imply that organizations are

beginning to employ management science concepts to better ERM

implementation, the application of such practices is still in its infancy.

Therefore, in this chapter, I outline a set of principles for ERM

implementation grounded in concepts from management theory and findings

from studies on ERM. In sum, effective ERM implementation requires

integrating risk management into an organization’s business practices and

decision-making processes to manage risks within tolerated limits and

improve the capability of the organization to capitalize on opportunities.

Application of these principles will improve the likelihood an organization

will be effective at ERM implementation. Table 8 provides an overview of

the seven principles I believe are integral in ERM implementation.

Table 8

Principles for ERM Adoption and Implementation
Principle Statement
Principle 1 Adopt an ERM

strategy to improve organizational performance.

Principle 2 Clarify the purpose and goals of the ERM program for each major

operating unit and at each organizational level.
Principle 3 Design the ERM program to reflect the organization’s culture and

existing business practices.
Principle 4 Select a program champion and implementation team that has the

skill sets needed to implement the type of ERM program the
organization desires.

Principle 5 Develop and utilize decision-making methodologies appropriate
for evaluating the type of risk.

Principle 6 Use ERM to stimulate organizational learning on risks and the
capabilities the organization has to

control risk.

Principle 7 Use ERM to build a risk management culture that reflects the

characteristics of

resilient organizations.

Principle 1: Adopt ERM to Improve Performance

To maximize the impact of ERM requires that organizations adopt

ERM (i.e., decide to use an ERM strategy to manage risks) to improve

performance. Examples of performance issues organizations seek to address

by adopting ERM include improving risk management practices, decision-

making processes, and crisis planning. Although some organizations may

adopt ERM simply to improve compliance, evidence suggests that those who

adopt ERM primarily to improve compliance end up with programs that rely

heavily on control strategies (e.g., auditing and enforcement of rules). Such

programs are likely to meet resistance and are unlikely to integrate risk

management into the culture and business processes at the organization.

Moreover, as Leseure et al. (2004) suggested, management practices pushed

on an organization by regulations or management has limited effects on

performance. However, Leseure et al. found that adopting management

practices that address real problems are more likely to result in improved

performance. Hence, an organization needs to stress how ERM will help

solve challenges the organization faces. Moreover, the organization should

promote how implementing an ERM strategy to improve performance in

areas such as risk management, decision-making, and crisis planning helps it

realize its strategic objectives. Therefore, Principle 1 is: Adopt an ERM

strategy to improve organizational performance.

Principle 2: Clarify the Purpose and Goals of the ERM


Simply stating an organization is adopting ERM to improve

performance is insufficient. The evidence from the literature stresses the

importance of clarifying the purpose for adopting an ERM strategy. In fact,

clearly defining the purpose and goals for ERM at the organization was

identified as the top method for improving ERM implementation (Aabo et al.,

2005; Arena et al., 2010; Hallowell et al., 2013; Lundqvist, 2014; Silva et al.,

2013; Zhao et al., 2013). This necessitates establishing performance goals for

the ERM program for each major

operating unit and organizational level.

Senior leadership goals need to focus on strategic risks and external threats

whereas operational unit goals focus on preventable risks. Indeed, ERM

programs often begin by addressing the compliance goals. Hence, it is

reasonable for an organization to set compliance improvement as an initial

ERM goal. However, integrating ERM into the organization’s business

practices and decision-making processes require establishing goals for the

ERM program that improve organizational performance. Goals in this area

should focus on: (a) improving risk management processes (Arnold et al.,

2012; Clyde-Smith, 2014; Fraser et al., 2008; Gates, 2006; Hallowell et al.,

2013; Kanhai et al., 2014), (b) improving decision-making processes (Arena

et al., 2011; Fraser et al., 2008; Gates et al., 2012; Hallowell et al., 2013;

Zhao et al., 2015), and (c) enhancing crisis management capabilities (Fraser

et al., 2008; Hallowell et al., 2013; Seik et al., 2011). Therefore, Principle 2

is: Clarify the purpose and goals of the ERM program for each major

operating unit and organizational level.

Principle 3: Design ERM to Reflect the Organization’s

Culture and Routines

The evidence suggests that designing the ERM program to reflect the

existing organizational culture and management practices improves ERM

implementation (Aabo et al., 2005; Andersen, 2014; Gordon, Loeb, & Tseng,

2009; Hallowell et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2013). Conversely, ERM programs

that are not compatible with the existing organizational culture along with

resistance to change were found to be the top barriers to ERM

implementation (Clyde-Smith, 2014; Gupta, 2006; Kallenberg, 2009;

Kleffner et al., 2003; Muralidhar, 2010; Zhao et al., 2015). Although ERM

aspires to change the culture regarding how an organization manages risk,

realizing this long-term goal requires that ERM be compatible with the

culture and existing business practices at the organization. This is of

particular importance at the inception of the program.

Evidence from the literature suggests ERM programs have two main

functional areas: (a) a central coordination function, and (b) local units with

accountability for managing risks (Aabo et al., 2005; Andersen, 2014; Clyde-

Smith, 2014). Examples of roles for the central coordination function include

the aggregation and reporting of data on risks, identifying units accountable

for risks, developing risk assessment tools, clarifying risk tolerance levels,

and educating employees on the ERM program. Designing the central

coordination function requires determining how to integrate ERM into the

existing organizational structure and business processes. Local accountability

for managing risks is critical since these units have the best knowledge on

how to manage the risks in their areas of responsibility. However,

organizations need to support local efforts to manage risks within the

tolerance levels established by the organization. Furthermore, the

organization needs to evaluate existing performance measures and reward

systems to determine how to use these structures to encourage the effective

management of risks at the local level. Therefore, Principle 3 is: Design the

ERM program to reflect the organization’s culture and existing business


Principle 4: Select a Program Champion and

Implementation Team with the Proper Skills

The evidence supports that a cross-functional implementation team

(Arena et al., 2010; Blaskovich & Taylor, 2011; Di Serio et al., 2011;

Hallowell et al., 2013) and, to a lesser degree, a dedicated change agent

(Aabo et al., 2005; Zhao et al., 2013) facilitates ERM implementation. The

cross-functional implementation team needs to be comprised of employees

representing key functional areas at the organization. The team should have a

mix of senior leadership well versed in the strategic direction of organization

along with managers and employees from operational units responsible for

managing risks. Members of the team should be recognized as leaders at the

organization. The type of ERM program affects whom the organization

should select as the program champion. For example, organizations that only

seek to address compliance through the ERM program may be best served by

choosing a person with a strong compliance and auditing background. While

those that seek broader performance improvements from the ERM program

require a person that understands risk management and who has general

background of the critical management and programmatic functions of the

organization. In addition to understanding risk management, the program

champion should have a substantial understanding of management concepts

in areas such as change management, decision making, and organizational

learning. Therefore, Principle 4 is: Select a program champion and

implementation team that has the skill sets needed to implement the type of

ERM program the organization desires.

Principle 5: Use Decision-Making Methodologies

Appropriate for the Risk

March (1994) suggested that effective decision-making processes

can alleviate uncertainty and ambiguity and serve as a vehicle for forming

meaningful interpretations of unclear situations or events. Indeed, the

evidence showed that inadequate and unclear risk assessment processes are a

key barrier to evaluating risks effectively (Di Serio et al., 2011; Gates, 2006;

Huber & Rothstein, 2013; Muralidhar, 2010). Hence, organizations need to

design risk assessment tools appropriate for the type of risk and operating

unit evaluating risks. For example, operational units charged with managing

safety risks may only require checklists to evaluate if safety hazards are being

properly controlled in their area of responsibility. Whereas groups looking at

strategic risks, such as entry into a new business market or partnership, may

require facilitated discussions on the risks these new ventures present and

whether the organization has the existing capabilities to control these risks

within acceptable tolerance levels. Last, organizations need to establish

metrics for the ongoing monitoring of risks. This is critical to alerting

leadership when risks elevate above the tolerance levels established by the

organization. Therefore, Principle 5 is: Develop and utilize decision-making

methodologies appropriate for evaluating the type of risk.

Principle 6: Stimulate Organizational Learning on Risk

Evidence on generating organizational learning on risk has been

limited to workshops, training, and formal documents (Aabo et al., 2005;

Arena et al., 2010; Hallowell et al., 2013; Muralidhar, 2010). However,

organizations can generate crucial knowledge on risks that can impede the

ability to achieve their strategic objectives. Moreover, understanding the

organization’s existing capabilities to control risks within tolerance levels

allows the organization to determine where to build additional risk control

capabilities. Increased institutional knowledge on risks can improve

understanding on the risk interdependencies and therefore facilitate

discussions on holistically managing these risks. Furthermore, understanding

existing risk management capabilities enhances an organization’s ability to

determine which opportunities to pursue and can prevent unreasonable

aversions to risk. Therefore, Principle 6 is: Use ERM to stimulate

organizational learning on risks and the capabilities the organization has to

control risk.

Principle 7: Build Organizational Resiliency

Capabilities through ERM

The evidence identified the key motive for adopting an ERM strategy is

to improve the risk management culture at an organization (Arnold et al.,

2012; Clyde-Smith, 2014; Fraser et al., 2008; Gates, 2006; Hallowell et al.,

2013; Kanhai et al., 2014). To revisit, Cooper et al. (2013) defined risk

culture as

a pattern of basic assumptions that the group learned as it identified,
evaluated, and managed its internal and external risks that has worked
well enough to be considered valid, and therefore to be taught to new
members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to
those risks. (p. 65)

However, this definition fails to highlight the characteristics of an effective

risk management culture. As previously discussed, resilient organizations

illustrate a culture that is effective at managing risk. Cultural attributes of

resilient organizations include: (a) preoccupation with failure, (b) reluctance

to accept simplification, (c) sensitivity to operations, (d) assignment of

decision-making authority to people knowledgeable of the process, and (e)

commitment to resilience (Weick & Sutcliffe, 2007). Hence, organizations

need to build a culture that encourages reporting risks and learning from

failures to improve processes. The culture also should be reluctant to accept

assessments of risks that fail to look into systemic factors that contribute to

generating risk. Organizations also need to be conscious of the challenges

operational units face managing risks. This requires providing the resources

needed for operational units to control risks that threaten the ability to

achieve the organization’s strategic objectives. This also entails assigning

decision-making authority to people who are the most knowledgeable on the

risk. Last, organizations must acknowledge that no system is perfect and,

thus, that they need to identify and learn from failures constantly. Therefore,

Principle 7 is: Use ERM to build a risk management culture that reflects the

characteristics of resilient organizations.


These seven principles outline the critical factors that influence

effective ERM implementation at organizations. However, these principles

should not be considered all-inclusive. In addition, implementation of a broad

organizational initiative such as ERM is a complex process that requires a

long-term commitment by leadership. Moreover, new challenges and

opportunities will emerge throughout the implementation process.

Consequently, organizations should seek feedback actively from employees

on how to improve ERM, and be open to adapting ERM to meet the new

realities encountered during implementation.

ERM is a strategy to managing the broad range of risk at an

organization. As such, implementing an ERM program is similar to

implementing other significant management initiatives. Indeed, the first four

principles are applicable to a wide range of management initiatives. For

example, most organizations implement new management programs to

improve performance. Also, clarifying the program’s purpose and goals,

designing the program to reflect the exiting organizational culture, and

properly selecting a program champion and implementation team are

common best practices for implementing a new management program.

In addition, when considering the methodologies, the organization will

use to decide which risks to prioritize for treatment requires using decision-

making processes that are effective at identifying and evaluating risks and are

consistent with how the organization currently makes decisions. ERM should

also be used to stimulate organizational learning and building the

organization’s risk management capabilities. Last, it is ultimately up to

leadership to decide the type of risk management culture they want to create

at the organization. The research and opinion of this author suggests that the

characteristics of resilient organizations reflect the cultural dimensions of an

effective ERM program.

Chapter 20: Concluding Remarks

The literature shows that ERM programs have begun to employ

concepts from the management sciences; however, the application of these

concepts is not complete nor is it employed in a holistic manner. In this book,

I illustrated how management theories utilized in the evidence base apply to

understanding ERM. For example, findings related to the influence of the

external and internal environment on ERM adoption and implementation

reflect concepts from institutional theory, while findings related to the

ongoing, dynamic, and long-term process involved in implementing ERM

speak to theories on change management. Challenges related to risk

identification and assessment correlated to the concepts outlined in

sensemaking theory, whereas the challenges with fostering understanding an

institution’s risk and risk control capabilities spoke to theories on

organizational learning. Therefore, this discussion demonstrates the value of

applying concepts from the management sciences to explain ERM program

implementation. A factor necessitating the application of management

science theory is that ERM extends risk management by making the

management of risks an organizational governance process requiring senior

leadership. As a comprehensive organizational program, ERM requires

insight from management theories in areas such as change management,

decision making, and organizational learning. The following is an overview

of how each of the theories in these areas contributes to understanding ERM,

along with the main findings from the literature.

Overview of the Evidence Base: Theory and Practice

Legitimacy and institutional theory theories advance understanding of

why an organization would adopt ERM. Legitimacy theory explains motives

for adopting ERM while institution theory illuminates how the rationale for

adopting ERM influences the type of program the institution implements.

Early studies on ERM focused on financial value; however, profit motives

may not be the key driver for ERM adoption at less profit-orientated

organizations such as higher education institutions. As such, legitimacy

theory helps to explain other factors that motivate the adoption of ERM at

organizations. To reiterate, legitimacy theory is “a generalized perception or

assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate

within some socially-constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and

definitions” (Suchman, 1995, p. 574). The critical factor affecting the

legitimacy of an organization’s actions is the perceptions internal and

external stakeholders have of these activities (Walker, 2010). Thus, in an

organizational setting with a multitude of influential internal and external

stakeholders, senior leadership may be motivated to adopt ERM to

demonstrate the institution is utilizing an accepted practice to manage risks.

Similarly, institutional theory illustrates how pressure from

governmental agencies, the public, and professional norms influences

organizations (Wicks, 2001). Consistent with institutional theory, research on

ERM suggests that organizations that adopt ERM solely to improve

compliance rely heavily on the regulatory element of institutional theory.

Consequently, these organizations develop ERM programs that are separate

from the core processes of the organizations. As such, compliance-focused

ERM programs rely on coercive techniques that generate defensive

responses. In contrast, organizations that adopt ERM to improve

organizational performance are likely to employ management practices

consistent with the normative and culture-cognitive elements of institutional

theory. Hence, theoretical work on ERM can benefit from exploring how the

normative and culture-cognitive elements of institutional theory can advance

strategies for ERM implementation.

As a process for managing the overall risk at an institution, ERM

implementation often occurs over an extended timeframe, involves multiple

organizational actors, and is an ongoing iterative process. Hence, ERM

implementation encounters challenges similar to those found with

implementing organizational change initiatives. Examples include conflict

with the existing organizational culture, resistance to change, lack of

consensus on program purpose and goals, lack of leadership support and

resources, and using an unqualified change agent. Therefore, theories on

change management illustrate that ERM implementation is an ongoing

process entailing both planned change and the need to recognize

opportunities to capitalize on local innovation throughout the implementation

process (Orlikowski & Hofman, 1997). Moreover, consistent with Schein’s

(2010) model for managed cultural change, successful ERM implementation

involves three stages of change. First, the institution needs to create

motivation for using ERM to manage risks. Second, using ERM to manage

risks requires that the organization educate staff on the concepts and practices

associated with ERM. Last, the organization needs to take action to help staff

internalize the new concepts, meanings, and standards associated with using

ERM to manage risks.

In his review of sensemaking theory, Weick (1995) stated that the

level of ambiguity (unclear meaning) an organization faces is due to two

critical factors: (a) the amount of influence the environment has on the

organization and (b) the level of structure in an organization’s systems.

Weick (1995) used these criteria to depict organizations as rational, natural,

or open systems. Rational systems are highly structured organizations that

focus on achieving defined goals. Natural systems have informal structures

and less defined goals that are driven by the shared interests of stakeholders.

Last, open systems involve shifting coalitions that negotiate goals and are

highly influenced by environmental factors. The diverse structures, multitude

of stakeholders, and strong external influences common to organizations

typify the characteristics outlined in open systems. Weick (1995) posited that

organizations reflective of open systems must deal with high levels of

ambiguity, which in turn necessitates significant levels of sensemaking.

However, existing ERM frameworks propose implementation strategies that

are more applicable in rational systems. As such, they are less compatible

with organizations that are more reflective of natural or open systems.

Therefore, studying ERM implementation at organizations can benefit from

the application of concepts found in the scholarly research on natural or open

organizational environments.

The evidence showed practitioner dissatisfaction with existing ERM

processes for evaluating risks, especially for risks that lack quantifiable

attributes (Di Serio et al., 2011; Gates, 2006; Huber & Rothstein, 2013;

Muralidhar, 2010). This finding is consistent with the limits scholars have

noted regarding rational decision-making models. Such models assume

decision makers have complete and accurate information and fully

understand the concerns of the parties affected by the decision (Bazerman &

Moore, 2009). Therefore, since these conditions are not likely to exist, new

methods for assessing and understanding risks are needed. Sensemaking

theory provides a deeper explanation of how organizations assess risks.

Sensemaking theory means, literally, “the making of sense” (Weick, 1995, p.

4), and is a process that illustrates the social and retrospective nature of how

organizations understand and respond to new phenomena such as risk.

Sensemaking theory highlights that such a process involves understanding

how the risk affects a person’s identity, occurs within an evolving social

context, is retrospective, and requires plausible explanations.

The literature provided limited evidence on how organizations leverage

organizational learning as part of their ERM program. Indeed, the findings

are predominately limited to the need to offer training and workshops on

ERM (Aabo et al., 2005; Arena et al., 2010; Hallowell et al., 2013;

Muralidhar, 2010). Consequently, understanding ERM implementation at

organizations is enhanced by applying concepts on organizational learning. A

promising concept found in this area is absorptive capacity, the collective

abilities of an organization to recognize the value of new information and

utilize it for business purposes (Sun & Anderson, 2010). In this case, ERM

can build the absorptive capacity between partnering organizations via

increased understanding of risks, and trust that each organization has

reasonable measures to control risks (Arnold et al., 2012, 2014).

Studies on ERM have advanced from those based on publicly available

financial data to longitudinal studies of organizations that have implemented

ERM. Indeed, this discussion illustrates that research on ERM

implementation can benefit from the application of the management theories

previously discussed. Enterprise risk management research has also expanded

beyond the financial and insurance sectors to a wide range of industries and

geographical settings. As such, ERM can serve as a topical area for exploring

theoretical explanations on organizational phenomena such as organizational

change and decision making under conditions of high levels of uncertainty

and ambiguity. Studying ERM in the higher education environment adds the

element of diverse and multiple organizational cultures with powerful

internal and external actors. Hence, ERM implementation is a fruitful area for

studying organizational change initiatives and decision making in complex

organizational environments. Therefore, both theory and practice can benefit

from using the management theories outlined in this research to advance

research and theory development on ERM in higher education institutions

and other complex organizational settings.

Recommendations for Future Research

Future research is needed to test the findings and principles already

established in the literature and through my systematic review. For example,

an action research approach could test the findings and management

implications derived from research. Action research involves the active

collaboration between research and collaborators in order to diagnose and

develop solutions to problems encountered by practitioners (Holter &

Schwartz-Barcott, 1993). Hence, using an action research methodology

would offer the opportunity for additional research on how findings from the

literature influence ERM implementation in complex organizations.

Conducting a multiple case study to determine how the characteristics

and culture at an organization influence ERM implementation may also be

productive. In a higher education setting, Birnbaum’s (1988) classification of

organizations (i.e., collegial, bureaucratic, political, and anarchical) could

form the basis for differentiating organizations by their primary mode of

operation. For example, the study could first identify organizations with

ERM programs for each type of institution as defined by Birnbaum. Next, the

research could entail conducting a case study at each type of institution to

tease out differences in ERM implementation between the types of

institutions. Knowledge gained from this type of study can aid in designing

ERM strategies more specific to the organizational environment.

Research is also needed to determine which risk assessment techniques

are applicable to the different types of risks organizations encounter. A

systematic review of the literature on risk assessment techniques and decision

making may be an effective means for conducting this research. Another

topic for future research is whether ERM builds organizational resiliency. In

this instance, Weick and Sutcliffe’s (2007) five characteristic of high-

reliability organizations introduced in Chapter 2 (i.e., preoccupation with

failure, reluctance to accept simplification, sensitivity to operations,

commitment to resilience, and deference to expertise) could form the criteria

for assessing resiliency levels at organizations. The research could also

identify organizations with mature ERM programs (see Farrell & Gallagher,

2014 for an ERM maturity assessment model) and organizations without

ERM programs. Next, the research could assess whether organizations with

mature ERM programs exhibit statistically significant differences in

organizational resiliency.

Furthermore, research is needed to understand the value of ERM at

organizations. The findings on whether ERM contributes to increasing the

financial value of an organization are mixed. This may be due to the studies’

reliance on publicly available financial data and/or failure to factor in the

quality of the ERM programs at the organizations examined. This could also

be due to the studies defining value in financial terms only instead of the

overall wellbeing of the organization and other indicators of success.

Therefore, it is not clear whether organizations should expect to see improved

financial performance from implementing ERM. Similar to the study

suggested on organizational resiliency, a study on financial performance

could identify organizations with mature ERM and compare their financial

performance to organizations that do not have an ERM program. Research

could also investigate other metrics for evaluating whether ERM is beneficial

to organizations.

Final Thoughts

A successful ERM program is one in which an organization effectively

considers the risks that could impede the institution’s ability to achieve its

strategic objectives. Additionally, organizations that understand their risk

profile and have measures in place to control risks are in a better position to

capitalize on opportunities. However, how an organization achieves these

outcomes through the application of an ERM strategy is unclear. Therefore,

in this book, I explored why an organization would decide to adopt an ERM

strategy, along with the critical success factors for implementing ERM in

higher education. In doing so, I showed the value of utilizing concepts from

change management, decision making, and organizational learning to inform

ERM implementation. These concepts, in combination with the evidence

based on ERM in organizations, was synthesized to explain a model or

framework for ERM implementation, along with a set of seven principles that

will increase the likelihood for success. In sum, organizations that adopt

ERM to improve performance at the institution in areas such as risk

management, decision making, and crisis planning are more likely to develop

impactful ERM programs. Second, organizations must clarify the purpose of

the ERM program for each operating unit and organizational level at the

institution. Third, organizations need to design the ERM program to reflect

the culture and business practices at the organization. Fourth, the ERM

program needs an effective champion and cross-functional implementation

team. Fifth, ERM requires multiple risk assessment methodologies that match

the type of risk under evaluation. Sixth, the ERM program needs to build the

institution’s understanding of the risks that can impede achieving its strategic

objectives and the capabilities it has to control these risks. Finally, ERM is a

tool for building a risk management culture that reflects the characteristics of

resilient organizations.

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