blockchain implementation

 In chapter 12, the author introduces issues to address when integrating blockchain apps with legacy applications. Which of the differences between blockchain and legacy systems discussed in chapter 12 do you think would be the one that carries the most risk? How could this risk be realized? (Give at least 2 examples). Briefly describe how you would address this risk in your blockchain app design. 

 Think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread.

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  • The questions must be taken from material you read in Chapter 12,

CHAPTER 12 Integrating Non-Blockchain Apps with Ethereum 205

Chapter 12
Integrating Non-
Blockchain Apps
with Ethereum

Although you can build entirely blockchain-based applications, it is far more likely that your applications will be a combination of traditional and blockchain components. You learn in Chapter 3 that some use cases lend
themselves well to blockchain apps but others do not. In this book, we chose to
highlight one use case, supply chain, because blockchain offers clear advantages
over traditional methods. However, even a comprehensive supply chain applica-
tion will likely run partially as a traditional application and partially on the

Many emerging blockchain apps consist of core components that operate as smart
contracts and other components that operate as traditional applications that
interact with users and provide supporting functionality. This hybrid approach to
application development requires the capability to integrate the two different
development models. In other words, to develop hybrid applications that run par-
tially on the blockchain, you need to know how to design them to talk with each
other and operate seamlessly.


» Exploring differences between
blockchain and databases

» Identifying differences between
blockchain and traditional

» Integrating traditional applications
with Ethereum

» Testing and deploying integrated
blockchain apps

206 PART 4 Testing and Deploying Ethereum Apps

Distributed application design and development isn’t new. In fact, some of the
difficulties with distributed applications led to the need for technologies like
blockchain. Remember that blockchain technology doesn’t solve all application
problems, but it does have its place. Now that you know how to develop dApps for
the Ethereum blockchain, in this chapter you learn how to integrate your smart
contracts with applications that do not include blockchain technology. The capa-
bility to integrate blockchain and non-blockchain applications makes it possible
to develop applications that use the right technology for a wide range of needs.

Comparing Blockchain and
Database Storage

In Chapter 2, you learn about some of the differences between storing data in a
blockchain and a database. Both technologies can store data, but clear differences
exist between the two. One of the first obstacles you might encounter when asked
to integrate blockchain with an existing application is determining what data you
should migrate to the blockchain.

Traditional applications store most of their data in a database. Databases provide
fast access to shared data. Blockchains can also provide access to shared data, but
they may not be as fast as a database. As you learn in Chapter 2, there are other
differences as well. It is important that you understand the relative strengths of
each data storage technique to make good design decisions for integrating block-
chain into your organization.

When you begin the design process for integrating new blockchain apps with
existing non-blockchain apps, determine the best home for each type of data
based on how you plan to use it. For example, it doesn’t make sense to store on the
blockchain low-importance data that you update regularly. However, if it is
important that you maintain a historical record of all changes to that data, the
blockchain might be a good place for it. Always remember that a cost is associated
with writing to the blockchain.

The rest of this section lists the most important features that highlight the differ-
ences between databases and blockchains. Understanding the effect of each dif-
ference will help you to design hybrid integrated applications that meet your
organization’s goals.

CHAPTER 12 Integrating Non-Blockchain Apps with Ethereum 207

Locating control
Databases are central repositories of data that are shared by a collection of local
and remote clients. The database administrator controls access to the database
and manages changes to the database’s content and format. Although clients
external to the database owner’s organization may be permitted to access and
update the data, a central authority controls the database and its content.

Blockchains are ledgers of data shared among many nodes. There is no central
copy of the blockchain data. All copies are the same. The blockchain technology
guarantees that each node verifies the integrity of the blockchain data and can
easily detect unauthorized changes. With public blockchains, any node, and its
users, can access the blockchain data without requiring specific permission do to
so. Permissioned, or private, blockchains impose access restrictions and a more
traditional central access control model.

Imposing data format
Databases (at least relational databases) are collections of tables that each contain
data in similar formats. Each row of data in a relational database has the
same data format. Likewise, each column of a table contains a list of items of the
same data type. A database’s schema describes the format of the tables in that
database. The database administrator maintains the database schema and con-
trols any changes to it. Database applications can count on the fact that when they
read data from the database, it conforms to the current database schema.

Blockchain does not enforce any data format for data stored in its blocks. Smart con-
tracts may define formats for the data each one stores, but any block on the block-
chain may contain transaction data created by many different smart contracts.

Updating data
Traditional databases support the classic CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update,
and Delete. Databases depend on the capability of each client, based on granted
permissions, to be able to create and manage data in the database. Part of the data
management process includes the capability to update and delete data. The cur-
rent state of the database stores only the latest version of any table row’s data.
The capability to overwrite data reduces redundancy and confusion over multiple
data versions.

Blockchain technology supports only two operations: verifying a transaction and
writing data to the blockchain. After you write data to the blockchain, it is immu-
table. Blockchain technology does not support update and delete operations. The

208 PART 4 Testing and Deploying Ethereum Apps

only way you can update data is to add new data to the blockchain that supersedes
the previous data version.

Optimizing performance
Database vendors include new performance features with every new release. The
goal is to provide the fastest access to data stored in the database. Database appli-
cation developers routinely analyze their database queries to ensure that they are
optimizing their code for the fastest data access. In most cases, slow queries are
viewed as defects and become candidates for modification.

Blockchain technology is not generally focused on performance. In fact, block-
chain has sometimes been referred to as a slow database. Although this compari-
son is incomplete and unfair, it is generally accurate in that blockchain data access
is slower than equivalent database access. The distributed nature of blockchain
data, along with its integrity guarantees, mean that blockchain data storage will
continue to be slower than database storage for the foreseeable future.

Protecting confidentiality
Traditional databases benefit from their central control. The database administra-
tor can restrict access to any data to only authorized individuals. Most database
management systems provide built-in table and row-based permissions, and
some include column-based permissions as well. And most current database
management systems provide mechanisms to encrypt part or all of the data in a
database. These features can make it easy to enforce confidentiality.

A public (permissionless) blockchain does not enforce access controls for its data.
Any user who has access to a blockchain network node can view the data the
blockchain stores. Some blockchain apps use encryption to enforce confidential-
ity, but managing keys in a distributed, trustless environment is challenging.
These challenges have minimized widespread adoption of data encryption for
blockchain data. Private, or permissioned, blockchains can provide a general level
of confidentiality. Users must have blockchain access granted to them to access
the private blockchain. However, after a user gains access to the Ethereum block-
chain, that user can access all blocks, just like in a public Ethereum blockchain.

Paying for storage
Many people view traditional database storages as free and blockchain storage as
costing cryptocurrency. This view is only partly correct. Although it is true that
every database operation does not have a direct cost associated with it, the infra-
structure on which the database operates is not free. Setting up and running a

CHAPTER 12 Integrating Non-Blockchain Apps with Ethereum 209

database server requires a substantial investment. Hardware, software licensing,
software development, and personnel costs can be high.

Blockchain apps have software development costs but generally far lower infra-
structure requirements. To compensate nodes for contributing to the infrastruc-
ture and mining operations, each transaction costs a small amount of
cryptocurrency. In the case of costs, both technologies require investment.

Providing integrity and transparency
Traditional databases do not provide data integrity or transparency by default.
Multiple users can modify data, and even overwrite each other’s changes. Further,
most database management systems do not log all data changes by default. These
problems are well-known and have resulted in extensions to database access lan-
guages and database management system to support integrity and transparency.
Database transactions can help define scope of work to maintain a steady database
state. For granular integrity, database administrators can enforce strict rules on
who can modify data, and concurrent control mechanisms such as locking can
help avoid data write collisions. To provide more transparency, many database
management systems provide the capability to log selected data modifications in
separate tables, providing audit trails for later inspection.

The fundamental design of blockchain technology provides integrity and trans-
parency by default. The consensus mechanism provides sanctioned integrity for
every write to the blockchain. And because the blockchain is immutable, it auto-
matically keeps every version of every data item written to any block.

Protecting resilience
A central database is the core data repository of many organizations. Although a
central database is convenient, it provides a Single Point of Failure (SPoF). Failure
of the database means no user can get the data he or she need and the application
stops working. For some organizations, that situation would be catastrophic.
Many organizations invest heavily in hardware, software, and personnel to main-
tain current separate copies of their data for disaster purposes. Creating an infor-
mation ecosystem that is resilient to failures of its primary data repository is

Blockchain technology depends on the distribution of a ledger across many nodes.
Because the network nodes trust each copy of the ledger, that data is accessible
through any node on the network. If any node fails, all of the other nodes can con-
tinue to operate and the data is still available. The design of blockchain technology
provides resilience by default.

210 PART 4 Testing and Deploying Ethereum Apps

Table 12-1 summarizes the differences between storing data in a database and on
a blockchain.

Contrasting Execution and Flow in
Blockchain dApps and Traditional

A big difference doesn’t exist between traditional distributed applications and
blockchain dApps. With traditional applications and distributed dApps, the soft-
ware sets up an initial state, waits for user input, and responds to that input. The
main difference is in where the application code operates and what component
handles validation.

Traditional applications mostly operate on a small number of computers. Although
some programs operate entirely on a single computer, it is more common for
functionality to be split up among at least two computers. In this architecture,
some parts of the application, such as the code that interacts with the user, runs
on the client computer, while other code, such as code that interacts with a data-
base, runs on a server computer. This client-server architecture is an older but
still common architecture for software applications.

TABLE 12-1 Database Storage versus Blockchain Storage
Feature Traditional Database Blockchain

Locating control Centralized control; one central data-
base copy

Decentralized control; complete copy of
the blockchain on each node

Imposing data format Data schema defines data format No schema; each smart contract
decides how to store its data

Updating data Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) Read, Write


Optimized for short response time and

Not optimized for performance


Centrally managed permissions No default confidentiality for pubic

Paying for storage Up-front infrastructure costs Per-transaction costs

Providing integrity
and transparency

Dependent on DBMS and application Consensus and immutability provide

Providing resilience Possible with substantial investment Complete copy of the blockchain stored
on each node

CHAPTER 12 Integrating Non-Blockchain Apps with Ethereum 211

Over the last two decades, reliance on the Internet and its resources has grown
fast — and that growth is constantly accelerating. Internet resources were once
primarily endpoints or information sources, but now a growing number of
resources are computational components. Today, you can write applications that
mostly call functions that run on other servers. That changes the overall flow of
today’s applications. Instead of just executing a series of steps on a client or
server, tasks may run on many remote computers or devices.

Blockchain dApps are really extensions of the distributed application model, with
one important difference: Smart contract code runs not on one node but on all
nodes. And any transaction that you create for the blockchain has to wait until a
miner selects it and successfully completes the requirements of the blockchain to
write that block to the blockchain.

The response time for any blockchain can be far longer than writing data to any
other storage location. Although this longer write cycle may not change the flow
of your application, it can affect how users perceive and use the application. You
have to be aware of how blockchain operates to anticipate slower writes to the

Whenever possible, avoid making users wait for blockchain operations to com-
plete before moving on. You might have to redesign your user interface to allow
users to carry out some tasks, but inform them that other tasks take longer. Per-
haps you can allow users to submit data for the blockchain, and then allow them
to do other things within the application while you’re waiting for the blockchain
return status. After your application receives a blockchain return status, it can
alert the user and provide a way for the user to view the status and choose to move
to another step in the application.

When integrating distributed application components, one of the most important
factors is considering how new components will affect users. A large part of your
design activities should involve developing a design that best meets the needs of
your users.

Designing Goals for Incorporating
Blockchain into an Existing Application

The first item to consider when planning to integrate multiple applications is to
define your goals for the integration. You have to be able to clearly explain why
you’re integrating the applications in the first place. If you can’t explain your
reasons for starting an integration project, you’ll likely encounter problems.

212 PART 4 Testing and Deploying Ethereum Apps

Although blockchain technology is one of the most talked about innovations of
the last decade, that fact isn’t a good enough reason to embrace it. You learn in
Chapter  3 about different use cases for blockchain technology. They aren’t the
only ones, but they are examples of where blockchain can fit well.

No mandatory goals exist for integrating blockchain technology into another
application, but a few high-level objectives should be part of any integration
project. The following list is a collection of goals you should resolve for every
migration project, especially those that involve integrating blockchain compo-
nents. You can use this list as an initial checklist when planning to integrate
blockchain technology with your existing applications:

» Address application shortcomings. Integrating any non-blockchain applica-
tion with blockchain technology should solve one or more ongoing problems
with the existing application. If your traditional application doesn’t have any
unresolved problems, integrating a new technology may have little value. New
technology should always be a way to solve existing problems.

» Introduce previously unavailable features. Your application may be fine
as it is but unable to provide new functionality that your users want. For
example, integrating a blockchain supply chain application could allow your
users to see where their products are along the supply chain and trace
purchased products back to their origin. Providing functionality that was
previous unavailable is a potential reason to integrate blockchain technology.

» Enhance the user experience. Integrating any new technology should
enhance the overall user experience, not harm it. You could argue that the
previous supply chain example fits this category too. Giving users more
visibility into the supply chain path provides a more complete picture of
product status and enhances the user experience. This goal is also a warning
that blockchain integration should avoid creating obstacles for users that
reduce the application’s usefulness.

» Reduce operational costs. One of the main features of blockchain technol-
ogy is its capability to offer disintermediation, which is the reduction of the
reliance on intermediaries to control and manage transfers of items of value
from one party to another. Blockchain technology should be able to offer
ways to eliminate at least some of the middlemen in business transactions.
With fewer middlemen charging service fees, overall operational costs of
blockchain applications should be lower. Your design specifications should
include statements of how much operational cost the integrated blockchain
app components should reduce.

» Enhance auditability and compliance. One of the most obvious advantages
of blockchain technology is in the context of auditing. The process of auditing
organizations for compliance to various standards or regulatory requirements

CHAPTER 12 Integrating Non-Blockchain Apps with Ethereum 213

includes examining audit trails that represent organizational activities. You
learn in Chapter 1 that blockchains are immutable, and all data ever written
to it is maintained in its original state. Therefore, the data you move to a
blockchain will automatically create its own audit trail. You can easily trace
all of the data that any account has changed.

The most important goal when designing a blockchain integration solution is to
articulate clear reasons why blockchain is better than what you have today. What
does a blockchain solution offer that is superior to what you use today? If you
can’t clearly explain the specific reasons why blockchain is better, it probably isn’t
any better. As cool as blockchain is, it must solve a problem before it has value in
any organization.

After you decide what you want the blockchain integration to provide, the next step
is to decide how the integrated applications will work together to provide the fea-
tures you want. Designing your integration has two starting points: You have
existing smart contracts that provide the functionality that you want, or you must
develop new smart contracts from scratch. Each approach has its own challenges.

Using existing smart contracts
It’s a good idea to design the integration as if you were designing your smart con-
tracts from scratch. If you already have smart contracts that provide the function-
ality you want, you will already have a map of the data you need to provide and the
functionality you can access. Even if you have existing smart contracts in place
(perhaps you purchased code from a software vendor or acquired open-source
code), you may still have the ability to modify and extend your smart contract code.

If you can change any existing smart contract code, start with the existing smart
contract functions and data items, and add data and functionality as needed. If
you can’t modify the smart contract code you’ll use, you must modify your exist-
ing application to conform to the smart contract requirements.

Developing your own smart contracts
Another approach to developing an integrated blockchain solution is to start with
the existing traditional application and no smart contract code. This requires more
design effort but gives you the most flexibility. If you choose this approach, care-
fully consider what you want to move to the blockchain. Remember that you have
to pay for transactions in a blockchain environment, and those transactions will
complete more slowly than in a traditional database application environment.

214 PART 4 Testing and Deploying Ethereum Apps

For example, if you plan to migrate your core supply chain functionality to an
Ethereum public blockchain to provide transparency, define the minimum data
and functionality you’ll need to accomplish that task. Don’t put more in the block-
chain environment than you really need. If you aren’t careful in what you put on
the blockchain, you could increase operational costs, slow down your users, and
leak more information than you intended. Always start with simple, streamlined
features that you deploy to the blockchain, and build from there.

Identifying Interface Data and
Transaction Requirements

You start developing a blockchain interface by examining your existing environ-
ment and the goals of your project. You learned in the previous section that the
degree of flexibility in your design depends on whether you have smart contract
code to start with, and whether you can modify it. Once you know your starting
point and what abilities you have to modify code in each environment, you can
design the data and functional requirements for your interface.

An interface definition basically answers three questions:

» What do you want the interface to do?
» What data must you provide to the interface?
» What data will the interface return to you?

You answer the first question by defining smart contract functions. If your first
requirement is to create a new product, you’ll probably need a function named
createProduct(). It’s a good idea to name your functions as verbs, because they
carry out actions. In most cases, your functions will create items, get items (that
is, fetch and return data), or change the state of some items. (Of course, changing
the state of any data really means adding some new data to the blockchain.) You
should define all of the actions your new integrated blockchain dApp must carry
out and define a function for each one.

After you define each of your new functions, you can answer the second question
by defining the input parameters each function needs to carry out its intended
purpose. As you design your interface, validate that all required data is either
already available in the traditional application, can be generated by the traditional
application, or is available by some other means in the blockchain environment.
Don’t add data into your design unless you can provide that data.

CHAPTER 12 Integrating Non-Blockchain Apps with Ethereum 215

Finally, you must specify what data each function returns to the traditional appli-
cation. You must identify what data your traditional application needs to maintain
integrity with the blockchain data. In this case, some redundancy is required, as
in the case of unique identification tokens, and other redundancy may be desired.
For example, you may decide to keep copies of supply chain registrations in your
local database to support fast lookups for your application’s users. Remember that
if you do store any redundant data, you have to takes steps to ensure that it stays
current and correct. You should only store redundant blockchain data if you can
identify specific value in doing so.

After you define all functions, input requirements, and output requirements, you
will be ready to write or modify the code to create your integrated blockchain
application solution.

Creating or Modifying Contracts
to Provide Data Interface

The process of writing smart contract code should be a smooth one, as long as you
invested in the design process. A well-designed application is far easier to write
than one that lacks a detailed design specification. The output of the design phase
should include detailed function definitions, along with input and output require-
ments, and specifications of what each function does and the state and local data
each one needs to operate.

You’ll find that coding smart contracts with a detailed specification is little more
than translating requirements into another language, Solidity. The design process
is more than a simple translation exercise, but it is important that the design
phase addresses as many of the development requirements as possible. A good
design document leaves few questions for developers to answer. Comprehensive
design documents give developers the ability to focus on the most efficient and
effective ways to implement the required functionality.

Testing Integrated dApps
Proper testing of integrated applications is an extension of individual testing of each
participant application. In other words, you still have to test each individual appli-
cation first. You should completely test all functionality of your traditional applica-
tion, and then completely test your blockchain dApp. The testing requirements for
integrated dApps depend on properly working components as a foundation.

216 PART 4 Testing and Deploying Ethereum Apps

After you’ve completed the testing each application component, you can move to
integration testing. Integration testing is much like full dApp testing. You have to
develop tests that run in the context of your existing application. Your integration
tests should generate calls to each function you defined as part of the blockchain
interface. Your tests should create normal calls, invalid calls, and calls that pass
boundary data. Invalid calls include the following:

» Wrong function name
» Wrong number or format of input parameters
» Out of range or bad input data
» Input data containing boundary values
» Wrong expected output parameters
» Attempt to call a function that isn’t visible
» Smart contract function properly completed with return codes
» Set a timeout for a function call that is too short
» Reverse a transaction

Your calling application and smart contract code should properly handle each of
these situations without generating failures or crashes. Your tests should ensure
that all errors are handled in a manner that does not interrupt the normal flow of
the application.

Deploying Integrated dApps
Finally, after you are through the testing phase and ready to move your new inte-
grated application to production, it’s time to deploy to a live blockchain. The
deployment steps for the blockchain dApp are the same as the ones you used when
you deployed your supply chain dApp. Truffle makes the deployment process easy.
The difference is in the synchronization between the application components.

Because your traditional application will call functions in the blockchain dApp,
you can’t update your traditional application until the dApp is deployed.

Technically, you can deploy the traditional application before deploying the dApp,
as long as your updated traditional application has some configuration control
that disables any interaction with the dApp. After you deploy the dApp, you change
the configuration to allow the traditional application to communicate with the
new dApp.

CHAPTER 12 Integrating Non-Blockchain Apps with Ethereum 217

Here are the three simple steps to deploying all of the components of an inte-
grated blockchain app:

1. Deploy your fully tested dApp.
2. Deploy your fully tested updated traditional application.
3. Run any maintenance utilities required to synchronize initial data.

After both sides are up and running, you can (and should) run real-time tests to
ensure that everything works in the live environment. The deployment process
should be the easiest step in the process. As long as you start with a solid design,
integrating traditional applications with blockchain dApps is an effective way to
take advantage of blockchain’s many benefits.

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