Homework help as discussed.
Protection of Maritime Assets
And Port Security
Defending Against Surface and Subsurface
Improvised Explosive Device Threats
By Stephen T. Makrinos
Chief Scientist
CA C! Technologies Inc.
Eatontown. NeM’ Jersey
The majority of anti-terror researehand development efforts since
September 11, 2001, have foeused on
land-based improvised explosive
device (lED) threats related to military
operations in the urban combat envi-
ronment in Southwest Asia.
Subsequent to the USS Cole and MT
Limburg tanker incidents and due to
the recent increase of pirate attacks in
the South China Sea and near the Horn
of Africa, the spotlight has focused on
seaborne terrorist threats.
Surveillance above the waterline
relies on closed-eircuit television
(CCTV), forward-looking infrared
(FLIR) and radar. Access control
sensors have provided a limited
measure of deterrence. Coping
with underwater tlireats via ves-
sel or seañoor-mounted sonar
sensors has had very limited suc-
cess due to the complexity of
technical problems and cost. In
spite of technological advances
and the development of new sen-
sors, what is lacking is a holistic
approach to dealing with a prob-
lem that encompasses a broad
spectrum of domain awareness
and post-ineident recovery and
assessment. Also, organizational
ehanges need to be itnplemented
and a unified command structure
established that will coordinate
the activities of multiple federal,
state and local antiterrorism
offices and ageneies. This is
essential to develop appropriate
law enforcement and security
responses to the information, data and
intelligence colleeted and assimilated
from disparate sources and to efïec-
tiveiy allocate resources for maximum
A unified command structure would
faeilitate the rapid transfer of intelli-
gence information and provide action-
able intelligence to strike forces for
timely interdiction of potential threats
to minimize losses and maintain conti-
nuity of operations, whether tuilitary
or civilian. The first challenge of a
task foree established under this uni-
fied command would be to locate and
identify useful evidentiary, tactical
information as input for a strategic
analysis. Very large quantities of elee-
tronic, printed and, in some cases,
handwritten data must be searched
electronically for content and informa-
tional value. Tlie next ehallenge would
be to retrieve useful information.,
regardless of source or fonnat. and
convert it for strategic analysis.
The U.S, government collects and
proeesses a tremendous amount of
threat-related intelligence infonnation.,
but it is scattered across an incredible
number of unrelated data systems and
databases. Much of the infomiation is
duplicative, but unique data treasures
still exist. Analysts need aecess to this
data to mine the resources without
duplicating the effort. The task force
must therefore identify suites of tools
that allow analysts to sift the large
amounts of data in and out of comput-
er-based systems. Technical imple-
mentation of this goal must consider
infonnation system standards for the
federal government, the intelligence
Proposed unified command structure for a major U.S. port.
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Service-oriented Web-based architec-
ture for data collection. coHaboration
and data exchange.
community, the Department of Justice,
the Department of Homeland Security
and the private sector.
The asymmetric and inherently
unpredictable nature of the insurgent
lED threat, whether encountered bv
the military in an urban combat envi-
ronment, naval vessels at their ports of
call or commercial vessels during nor-
mal trade operations, demands a holis-
tic full-spectrum approach. The
Department of Defense Joint
Improvised Explosive Device Defeat
Organization task force has defined a
multifaceted strategy proceeding from
prediction/preemption through pre-
vention, detection, neutralization and
mitigation. To encompass homeland
defense and address the protection of
maritime assets, a task force has
to be established under a uni-
fied command structure that
will provide a closed loop
approach. Two additional ele-
ments need to be added to those
mentioned above to provide
lED defense and countemiea-
The first is broad-spectrum
domain awareness (threats/vul-
nerabilities, current situation
and all-source fused intelli-
gence), which is an enabler for
defensive countermeasures.
The second is post-incident
recovery and assessment to
ensure rapid capture of infor-
mation and lessons leamed and
to keep awareness fully current.
Developing counter-IED solutions
that implement this holistic strategy
for the warflghter or for the protection
of maritime assets and homeland
defense in a timely, effective way
demands an agile, quick-reaction life
cycle approach. One significant char-
acteristic of terrorists is their ability to
rapidly adapt their tactics, techniques
and procedures to counter the effects
of countermeasures applied against
their IEDs. The development of pre-
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Notional sensor deployment of sen-
sors for ttie protection of maritime
dictive techniques that utilize a variety
of data collected from disparate sys-
tems and sensors, as well as open-
souree information that can be fused to
provide actionable intelligence, is
Technology Thrusts
Port security needs have been
addressed thus far primarily through
persistent surveillance teehniques that
integrate CCTV and/or FLIR cameras
in conjunction with radar systems to
monitor surface traffic. These are aug-
mented by the use of smart cards and
retinal-scan cameras to protect sensi-
tive port areas.
Until recently, very few efforts have
been initiated to deal with subsurface
Based on recent intelligence, how-
ever, there appear to be efforts by al
Qaeda to recruit trained scuba divers,
which serve as a good indicator of
their future intentions.
Sonardyne Internationa!
(Yateley, England) has developed
a sonar system called Sentinel,
which they say provides reliable
detection of underwater intruders
at a depth of 10 to 20 meters and
a range of 600 to 900 meters.
Their automatic detection and
tracking capability using Kaiman
filtering teehniques provides a
low probability of false alarms.
Once a track for a target has been
developed and geo-located, it is
stored in the database. The track
is updated during successive
sonar transmission cycles.
Behavioral rules and criteria are
applied to each target track, and if
anomalous behavior is noted, an alarm
is sent to the operator. Several Sentinel
systems can be tied together to cover
the entrance to a port or used individ-
ually to protect vessels in speeifle har-
bor areas.
The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), in
collaboration with the U.S. Navy, is
developing the Integrated Anti-
Swimmer System. It provides a means
of detecting, tracking, classifying.
localizing, notifying, reporting and
responding to underwater threats. It
uses multiple sonar devices to detect
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the approaching target. Once the target
is geo-located with the aetive sonar, a
patrol boat is dispatched that uses a
high-frequency imaging sonar for fur-
ther target assessment. An underwater
device known as the eLOUD is aeti-
vated and is used to notify a diver that
they have entered into a restricted area
and should surface immediately. The
USCG is also developing other non-
lethal deterrent deviees for divers that
fail to respond to the eLOUD. The
Diver Interdiction System uses an
acoustic impulse from an air gun that
makes the diver very physically
tincomfortable. forcing him to either
suriace or leave the area.
The Naval Undersea Warfare
Center. in conjunction with
SunicWorks Inc. (Portsmouth, Rhode
Island), is developing an undersea
detection system that utilizes a bot-
tom-mounted array of acoustic sensors
located in critical areas. The system
has the capability to listen to what is
going on in the area of interest. It pro-
vides the position, movement and
direetion of a target and relays this
information to a control station. The
SonicWorks underwater security sys-
tem—along with other deviees and
systems, sueh as the Lockheed Martin
(Bethesda, Maryland) swimmer detec-
tion system and Kongsberg
Mesotech’s (Port Coquitlam. Canada)
underwater surveillance system- -uses
a combination of active and passive
sonar arrays for target detection, geo-
location and tracking.
Integrating all of the infonnation
collected from the various sensors
above and below the surface, as well
as other intelligence information pro-
vided from external sources, requires
that an open service-oriented architec-
ture (SOA) be used in the emergency
operations eenters (EOCs) of various
port facilities. The center can be coto-
cated or integrated as part of the city’s
EOC as the local authorities deem fea-
sible or desirable. The implementation
of a SOA architecture is critical so that
legacy systems can be easily incorpo-
rated. It also enables the upgrade and
replacement of sensors and systems as
technology evolves. As can be seen in
the architecture, the systems integrator
that will implement the overall securi-
ty solution must be system agnostic,
enabling the integration of sensors,
systems, tools and capabilities from a
variety of vendors and sources.
The unified command structure
would bring a wealth of information
collected by each agency from a vari-
ety of sensors and systems extant and
under development at the loeal, state
or federal level, intbnnation and data
that each agency collects reside in a
variety of databases, each havinjj;
unique characteristics as well as secu-
rity classification levels. To share and
exchange infonnation, in addition to
having the requisite permissions to
enter the various databases, the ability
to access and retrieve the required
infonnation in near-real time will be
needed. The Instaknow (South
Plainfield, New Jersey) Aetive
Collaboration Engine provides a
unique capability that enables the
operator to access, retrieve and
exchange data from a variety of data-
bases, irrespective of fomiat (HTML,
XML. SQL or SOAP). The system
enables collaboration using visually
configured custom action logic with-
out coding. It also provides automatic
alerts to specific individuals or groups
based on spécifie threat infonnation or
on preestablished criteria for a specif-
ic event.
Finally, the information provided by
the various agencies, sensors and sys-
tems that is shared and used for collab-
oration and mission execution by the
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agents and operators in the field must
be protected. In addition to the exter-
nal hacker threat, the insider threat—
even though infrequent—must be
addressed, since lives may be at stake.
A commercial system being devel-
oped may provide the solution to this
critical problem. Vizomet Inc.’s
(Fairfax, Virginia)Cryptsec”can man-
age sensitive data on a multilevel
security basis and, where necessary,
work inside the envelope of military
end-to-end link cryptosystems and
provide infonnation security control
not otherwise available. Cryptsec uses
the Advanced Encryption Standard, a
National Institute of Standards and
Technology-standard secret key cryp-
tography method that uses 128, 192
and 256-bit keys. It officially replaced
the Triple Data Encryption Standard
method in 2001.
The split-key management method-
ology and nested architecture auto-
mates and cryptographically enforces
“need to know,” thus preventing unau-
thorized access—even if redistributed
from a trusted souree. This is achieved
with an encrypted positive identifica-
tion that consists of an casy-to-memo-
rizc but very secure pass phrase, as
opposed to an alphanumeric password
that could be broken with currently
available software attack tools. If
desired, the system could be secured
using an ignition key similar to those
used within military organizations.
No pass codes are stored on work-
stations or data servers, nor are they
available to the network engineers or
administrators. The only person that
has access to the codes is the security
Security is further enhanced by the
positive unchangeable logging of all
data access. Even if a hacker were able
to penetrate the database, the system
design prevents the intruder from cov-
ering his tracks by changing the data
that identities who entered the system,
enabling him to be identified, traeked
and discovered. The logging data can
then be recovered and used for his
The implementation of the Cryptsec
security measure provides seamless
Stephen T. Makrinos
is vice president and
chief scientist of
CA CI Technologies.
He assumed ihii
position after 32
years in government
integration with commercially avail-
able plattbnns and software, with no
degradation of local area, wide area or
virtual private network performance.
The IED threat, whether land-based
or waterbome, is a complex problem.
It requires a holistic approach that
encompasses a variety of military and
civilian agencies and a wide array of
disparate sensors and systems. It also
requires the cooperation and collabo-
ration of personnel across the spec-
trum. Technology is providing the
means to address this problem. What
is required, to some extent, is the fund-
ing, but more so ihe political will to
overcome differences among the agen-
cies that hinder the exchange of infor-
mation and collaboration for success-
ful mission execution, /st/
Visit our Web site at www.sea-tech-
nology.com. and click on the title of
this article in the Table of Contents to
be linked to the respective company’s
Web site.
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Meeting the Threat of Maritime
Improvised Explosive Devices
The PROSAS Surveyor:
An Operational Case Study for Harbor Protection
By Andy Wilby
Chief Engineer of Sensor Systems
Applied Signal Technology Inc.
Torrance, California
M.I rit i me improvised explosivedevices (MIEDs) present one of
tlie most potent asymmelric threats to
port security posed in the post-
September Í1 era. Every month, around
seven million Ions of freight pass
through the Port of New York/New
Jersey. Fifty to 100 times per year,
tankers—each containing around one
million barrels of crude oil—arrive in
San Pedro, California. Several times per
day, cruise ships carrying thousands of
passengers leave through the narrow
straits of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. These
are simple examples, and they repre-
sent the tip ofthe iceberg when consid-
ering how much infrastructure, business
and way of life in the U.S. depends on
travel through busy seaports.
An MIED, though it costs only a few
thousand dollars, threatens to disrupt
lives, cause ecological and environ-
mental disaster on a scale not seen
since the grounding of the Exxon Valdez
and also cause economic fallout run-
ning into hundreds of millions, if not
billions, of dollars when placed in any
busy port. Even a credible threat of such
a placement will causea similar level of
turmoil. An idea of the financial and
ecological impact that an MIED
threat/attack might cause can be esti-
mated by looking back at historical
data, like when the 2002 dockworker
strike shut down all 29 West Coast ports
in the United States for 11 days, result-
ing in direct and indirect costs of $1,9
billion per day. In 1989, the Exxon
1 0 st / MARCH 2009
Valdez ran aground in Alaska’s Prince
William Sound, spilling more than
270,000 barrels of crude oil and caus-
ing devastation to the Alaskan coastal
flora and fauna. The clear up cost Exxon
(Irving, Texas) more than $2.5 billion.
The protection of U.S. ports cannot
be put on hofcl until the development of
some magic bullet sensor system,
déployable in times of heightened risk
and able to infallibly seek out and
destroy threatening objects in our sea-
ways. It must instead rely on the rigor-
ous and continual management of har-
bors and harbor approach sea-lanes
and provide a detailed knowledge of
the underwater environment and an
ability to assess its vulnerability to any
prevailing threat.
To a war fighter, the prosecution of a
target can be SLJmmarized in five dis-
tinct phases: detection, classification,
localization, threat evaluation and tacti-
cal advice. The needs of a harbor
underwater security program may be
expressed in completely analogous
First is surveying and target marking,
or the ability to detect, resolve and clas-
sify to a reasonable level of confidence
ptjtential threatening objects on the
Second is location, or the ability to
locate identified objects on the seabed
with a precision high enough to provide
comparative reports from successive
surveys and to allow extraction/disposal
of threatening objects.
Last is change management, or the
ability to assess, understand and cata-
log the seabed; understand areas where
the seabed is stable and those where it
changes rapidly; database objects with-
in the scene; compare new data against
historical records; and highlight
Inertial navigator withi.
the vehicle refines USBL
solution to provide an
accurate track
These three requirements are set
.ig.iinsi the background of a difficult
working environment and a time and
hudgol-liniiled resoLirce pool.
Harbors and their approaching sea-
ways represent one oí the most chal-
lenging operational environments for
any hydrographie survey system. The
requirement to operate in shallow
water limits the performance of sonar
systems, with surface reverberation and
multipath interference limiting the
operational range of the sensor. Strong
tidal flows and currents in the vicinity of
inlets and river estuaries, where many
harbors are located, provide a difficult
(Above) A control system uses nav-
igation data from the USBL to aid
the vehicle inertial navigator. The
resulting position feeds an autopi-
lot which steers the vehicle.
(Left) Seabed clutter is character-
ised using high-resolution sonar
and catalogued for future refer-
ence. Here, an anchor and chain
lay next to a lobster pot.
working environment. The
^ presence of large amounts of
shipping traffic and pleasure
craft limit maneuverability. The mixing
of fresh and salt water can provide
other challenges.
Applied Signal Technology has been
working over the past several years to
put together a system able to provide
the capabilities necessary for the rou-
tine underwater management of a port
environment. While the PROSAS
Surveyor system is only one of a num-
ber of systems capable of addressing
such a task, the ideas behind ihe devel-
opment of the system and the concepts
for its operation in this environment
provide a good framework to the deci-
sion makers within a port authority.
who are charged with provitling lools
and processes for the protection of their
Tethered/Autonomous Operation
One of the key decisions that needs
to be made in developing a survey
capabilily for a port is what Iransporta-
tion vehicle to use. Autonomous under-
water vehicles (AUVs) are becoming
more accepted in a mine-hunting envi-
ronment but are possibly not ideal for
harbor security.
The advantages of AUVs are that the
lack of a tether makes them highly
maneuverable and less susceptible to
motion artifacts associated with vehicle
tow behavior. Unfortunately, AUVs are
sl(iw moving and havi« very limited nav-
igation and obstacle avoidance capabil-
ities, and the legal issues associated
with the collision of an autonomous
vehicle and a commercially operated
pleasure craft have not been resolved.
In addition, the current generation of
survey-capable AUVs are operated in
deep water and, usually, under the
close supervision of a support boat. This
is not a reasonable ttincept of opera-
tion in a harbor or approach environ-
w w w. se.i – tec h n o I ügy. CO ni MARCH 2009 / st 11
For these reasons, the PROSAS
Surveyor system was developed using a
towed vehicle. “iTie advantages of this
approach are that data gathered are
immediately available for viewing and
the vehicle is capable of operation in
high current flows, unlike AUVs. The
presence of a tow platform, together
with suitable limited maneuverability
markings, provides a good platform for
work in busy shipping channels.
Geo-Location and Navigation
The issues associated with geo-loca-
tion and navigation fall into two main
areas. First, it is important to know
where objects seen in a sonar record
really are on the seabed. This knowl-
edge is needed to allow the comparison
of one data set with another and to
allow the reacquisition of previously
identified targets for further investiga-
tion and/or removal.
A second, equally important consid-
eration is the dependence of a target
image and the shadow structure behind
that image on the aspect at which it is
vieu/ed. In a system where the most
important question to be asked is
“What has changed since the last sur-
vey?” retention of the same aspect to
the seabed from one survey to the next
dramatically simplifies the task of
change detection and improves the reli-
ability of the resulting list of objects
With the variations in tide, current
and wind direction and the general dif-
ficulties in navigating a vessel, it is
extremely difficult to guarantee that a
tow fish travels the same path through
the water on successive surveys. The
PROSAS Surveyor system utilizes a
MacArtney (Esbjerg, Denmark) Focus-2
dynamically controlled tow fish to sig-
nificantly improve the track-to-track
The tow fish provides control surfaces
to dictate roll, side-to-side and vertical
position within the water column. This
allows the vehicle to fly independent of
the track of the tow vehicle (within the
limits of the tow cable) and allows
repeatable survey tracks to be run
regardless of the prevailing conditions.
The PROSAS Surveyor system has a
highly sophisticated navigation system
with an inertial navigator, aided by a
Doppler velocity logger and an ultra-
short baseline (USBL) tracking system.
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which allows precise navigation of the
tow fish. Autopilot facilities allow tracks
to be accurately repeated from one run
to the next.
Using a system such as this, it is pos-
sible to geo-locate objects on the
seabed to within around two meters
and to repeat track lines from survey to
survey with a similar level of accuracy.
Imaging Performance
The use of synthetic aperture sonar
(SAS), as opposed to conventional side
scan technology, allows the imaging oí
the seabed at a constant resolution
across the whole swath. With a high-
frequency side scan, resolutions of the
order of three to five centimeters are
achievable at close range. At longer
ranges, performance quickly drops,
owing to the absorption of sound in the
water channel. Lower frequency side
scan systems can provide longer range
operation as well as short range,
because they use multielement locus-
ing techniques that can provide high-
resolution images. At longer ranges, the
array apertures needed to focus a beam
to the three to five-centimeter level
required for classification are prohibi-
tive, and the resolution ol the system
falls off linearly with range.
To effectively keep a port secure, the
seabed must be imaged with an ade-
quate resolution lo allow (hopefully)
positive classification and (at a mini-
mum) a reduction in the clutter that can
be falsely classified as an object of
The limitation in range performance
of a conventional side scan means that
they are typically operated with very
high levels of overlap between adjacent
tracks. With an SAS system, the resolu-
tion remains constant at all ranges, so
the track spacing can be set according
to the available water depth. In harbor
and estuarine environments, this ability
saves significant time in carrying out thu
survey. Typical area coverage rates in
excess of two square kilometers pt-r
hour can be achieved in 40 feet of
water using the PROSAS.
Environmental Awareness
Once the area surrounding a harbor
has been surveyed, an enormous num-
her of contacts will be generated. These
represent the clutter and debris which
have accumulated on the seabed over
the operational lifeof the portas well as
naturally occurring objects such as
12 9 Í / MARCH 2009
rocks and outcrops. A high-resolut ion
sontir system, such as is provided by the
SAS, will allow the operator to work
through these contacts and hopefully
reduce the number to a manageable
(]uantity to be investigated or removed.
Key to successful monitoring of the
area is understanding the hopefully
iienign clutter structure on the seabed
at the current time and having the abil-
ity to alert the operator to new items of
potential threat.
Within lhe PRĈ SAS Surveyor system,
a database of contacts is maintained.
Every time the system travels over the
same area, existing contacts within the
database are automatically updated
with new images of the objects. Every
time a new object is identified, the
database of previous surveys can be
scanned to find what that particular
area of seabed looked like on those past
Building up knowledge of which
parts ot the environment remain fairly
static and which parts are subject to
rapiti change takes time. Tasks such as
ihest’ need tu bv repetitively undertaken
to inform decisions in times of
increased threat.
The maritime environment is vital to
the United States’ way of life. In an era
of intense terrorist threat, the Insertion
of MlEDs into this environment repre-
sents a significant risk to the security,
safety, economy and ecology of a port.
Key to containing this risk is the man-
agement of the port and approaching
sea-lane environment. This requires
knowledge that has to be built up over
a period of time before a credible threat
is posed. RAdm. John Christenson, vice
commander of the U.S. Naval Mine
and Anti-Submarine Warfare Com-
mand, recently said, “If you want to get
a port opened quickly, you have to do
your homework in advance. You have
to know what’s on the bottom before
you start.”
To achieve this mission, a holistic
approach must be taken to system spec-
ification, including imaging perfor-
mance, navigation accuracy, interac-
tion with port traffic, track repeatability
and change management.
Tine utilization of a system such as the
PROSAS Surveyor and some ot the con-
cepts of operation discussed above pro-
vide the port authority with a cost-effec-
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The author would like to acknowl-
edge the support of MacArtney
Underwater Technology A/S, EdgeTech
Inc. (Boca Raton, Elorida) and the
Ocean Works Group (Eernandina
Beach, Elorida) for their support in the
development and testing of the
PROSAS Surveyor system. •
Visit our Web site at www.sea-tech-
nology.com, and click on the title of this
article in the Table of Contents to be
linked with the respective company’s
Web site.
Andy Wilhy /us been
a c77ie/’ f/igH)(ff with
Applied Sigrial Tech-
nology Inc. since 2004
and works out of its
Torrance, California,
office. Formerly an
employee of Ultra Electronics in the United
Kingdom, he has been working within (/je
sonar industry for 22 years, developing sen-
sors and sensor prœpssing systems for mine
hunting, antisubmarine warfare and com-
mercial applications.
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Sit back and relax while we help you out with writing your papers. We have an ultimate policy for keeping your personal and order-related details a secret.
We assure you that your document will be thoroughly checked for plagiarism and grammatical errors as we use highly authentic and licit sources.
Still reluctant about placing an order? Our 100% Moneyback Guarantee backs you up on rare occasions where you aren’t satisfied with the writing.
You don’t have to wait for an update for hours; you can track the progress of your order any time you want. We share the status after each step.
Although you can leverage our expertise for any writing task, we have a knack for creating flawless papers for the following document types.
Although you can leverage our expertise for any writing task, we have a knack for creating flawless papers for the following document types.
From brainstorming your paper's outline to perfecting its grammar, we perform every step carefully to make your paper worthy of A grade.
Hire your preferred writer anytime. Simply specify if you want your preferred expert to write your paper and we’ll make that happen.
Get an elaborate and authentic grammar check report with your work to have the grammar goodness sealed in your document.
You can purchase this feature if you want our writers to sum up your paper in the form of a concise and well-articulated summary.
You don’t have to worry about plagiarism anymore. Get a plagiarism report to certify the uniqueness of your work.
Join us for the best experience while seeking writing assistance in your college life. A good grade is all you need to boost up your academic excellence and we are all about it.
We create perfect papers according to the guidelines.
We seamlessly edit out errors from your papers.
We thoroughly read your final draft to identify errors.
Work with ultimate peace of mind because we ensure that your academic work is our responsibility and your grades are a top concern for us!
Dedication. Quality. Commitment. Punctuality
Here is what we have achieved so far. These numbers are evidence that we go the extra mile to make your college journey successful.
We have the most intuitive and minimalistic process so that you can easily place an order. Just follow a few steps to unlock success.
We understand your guidelines first before delivering any writing service. You can discuss your writing needs and we will have them evaluated by our dedicated team.
We write your papers in a standardized way. We complete your work in such a way that it turns out to be a perfect description of your guidelines.
We promise you excellent grades and academic excellence that you always longed for. Our writers stay in touch with you via email.