Prospectus Extraction
Institutional Affiliation
Prospectus Extraction
The modern learning environment is increasingly becoming diverse. In this respect, students from different cultural, ethnic, religious, and racial groups participate in the learning process. Consequently, educators are encountering challenges of meeting the learning needs of individuals from divergent cultures and values (Boberg & Borgeois, 2016). In light of the above, many studies have attempted to explore the relationship between cross-cultural experiences in the learning environment. However, there is still a scarcity of knowledge on its impact on leadership development and academic performance. Thus, there is a need to explore this relationship using qualitative research methods.
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Identify the dissertation topic.
The Influence of Cross-cultural experience on Student Leadership Capacity Development and Academic Achievement
· State whether the study is quantitative or qualitative.
· Describe how the study extends prior research or fills a âneedâ or âdefined gapâ from the current literature.
This study investigates how student leadership and academic outcomes can be improved in culturally-diverse K-12 schools through customization of curriculum and co-curriculum activities according to the identified needs of the students in such schools. Challenges remain concerning addressing diversity-associated cultural challenges in learning institutions. Current studies have focused on leadership in culturally-diverse learning institutions with an emphasis on administrative leadership while little attention has been given to student leadership and academic attainment in culturally-diverse K-12 schools (Normore et al., 2019). Therefore, there has been a gap in the literature on the approaches that can be used to improve student leadership and academic outcomes in culturally-diverse K-12 schools (McClean et al., 2019). As such, this study seeks to address the challenges by exploring ways through which education can create appropriate strategies that can significantly improve inclusivity and stakeholder equity in diverse learning institutions.
The results of the prior empirical research on the topic of inclusivity reveal that intercultural competency has grown in all economic, academic, and other fields owing to the increasing rate of interaction between people from different geographical regions due to globalization. Unfortunately, inequality, discrimination, and hate still exist in learning institutions especially against minority students, which impact their leadership development, as well as learning experience and outcomes. The findings also indicate that positive attitudes, ethical behaviors, and culturally-inclusive policies integrate to enable professionals to work in harmony in culturally diverse settings (Briggs et al., 2019). Therefore, it is crucial to promote policies and behaviors that accommodate diverse cultures in culturally diverse learning institutions.
Societal needs and challenges vary across cultures and regions depending on a variety of factors including socioeconomic conditions, attitudes, and general support from community stakeholders such as governmental and non-governmental organizations (Smith et al., 2019). Furthermore, the promotion of a culturally inclusive society led by responsible leaders begins with the cultivation of cultural inclusivity among school-going individuals (Ylimaki and Brunderman (2019). As such, it is crucial to push for cultural inclusivity not only in the community but also in schools to improve cross-cultural interactions regardless of the behaviors and stereotypes associated with different cultures. Education stakeholders such as school administrators, teachers, and parents have to play key roles in pushing for cultural inclusivity and equality in school and at the community level so that students in culturally-diverse K-12 schools can follow their example.
Background of the Problem
The background section explains both the history and the present state of the problem and research focus.
The recommended total length for this section is two to three paragraphs.
· Identify the âneed,â or âdefined gapâ for the research study.
Diversity issues among students in culturally diverse K-12 learning institutions have been studied by many researchers. However, most of the studies conducted on leadership in culturally diverse K-12 schools have mostly focused on leadership regarding instructors, school heads and administrators, and educational stakeholders rather than leadership issues among student leaders in culturally diverse K-12 schools (Genao, 2016). Boberg and Borgeois (2016) acknowledge the lack of focus by researchers on cross-cultural competencies among students, and how curricular and co-curricular activities can be customized to promote student leadership in culturally diverse schools. Engagement gaps such as inequity and alienation among minority domestic and foreign students have been studied within the context of administrative leadership rather than student leadership (Genao, 2016). As such, research on promoting student leadership and academic attainment in culturally diverse K-12 schools ought to be considered.
· Discuss how the âneedâ or âdefined gapâ has evolved historically into the current problem or opportunity to be addressed by the proposed study.
The gap of the need to apply curricular and co-curricular activities to promote student leadership in K-12 schools has not received attention since student leadership in culturally diverse schools has been ignored in favor of other areas of concern perceived to be more important such as educational attainment. Ylimaki and Brunderman (2019) conducted a systematic review and evaluated the literature on school leadership and found that most of the relevant literature focuses on administrative leadership and effective and humanistic education with an emphasis on democracy in culturally diverse learning institutions. Studies on cultural diversity in multicultural learning institutions have evolved since previous researches have focused on administrative actions that promote cultural integration (Esen et al., 2019) In the 1980s, education research in culturally diverse schools focused on leadership models such as the instructional leadership models that can increase studentsâ academic attainment (Esen et al., 2019). The trend led to an interest in research on administrative leadership on student performance in culturally diverse K-12 schools. Nevertheless, studies on student leadership and academic attainment in K-12 schools remain scares. In the past decade, studies on student leadership and academic attainment have focused on the effectiveness of different leadership models including distributed leadership, administrative leadership, intellectual leadership, student leadership, and distributed leadership (Genao, 2016). Recent studies on diversity in K-12 schools have focused on discrimination against high-risk minority students, cultural integration, academic performance, and administrative and teachersâ roles in fostering cultural cohesion (Esen et al., 2019). In this regard, McClean et al. (2019), who also conducted studies on leadership dynamics in K-12 schools suggests that there is a need to expand the scope of research on student leadership and academic performance in culturally diverse schools due to the scarcity of studies that are focused on promoting student leadership and academic attainment. As such, there has emerged a gap in diversity studies in culturally diverse schools since most relevant researches are centered on the promotion of equity, equality, and cohesion among students in culturally diverse k-12 schools (Mittermeier et al., 2018). This research seeks to fill the gap by applying curricular and co-curricular activities to promote student leadership in culturally diverse K-12 learning institutions.
Theoretical Foundations
This section identifies the theory (-ies) or model(s) that provide the foundation for the research. This section should present the theory (-ies) or models(s) and explain how the problem under investigation relates to the theory (-ies) or model(s). The theory(-ies) or models(s) guide the research questions and justify what is being measured (variables) as well as how those variables are related (quantitative) or the phenomena being investigated (qualitative).
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Identify the theory (-ies), model(s) relevant to the variables (quantitative study), or phenomenon (qualitative study).
Note: quantitative studies should have a theory for each variable.
The Boundary-Breaking Leadership Development Model (BBLDM)
Leadership Development and Academic Performance
Cionstructing meaning
Providing forum for discussion
Validation of personal knowledge
Generative Approach to learning
Sense of community
Growth of a counterculture
· Describe how the theories relate to the research problem.
The Boundary-Breaking Leadership Development Model (BBLDM) is a framework that promotes education across international settings due to its potential to overcome the challenges associated with gender, culture, nationality, or ethnicity in diverse educational settings. The model focuses on several aspects within the educational context including leadership development, generative learning, creation of discussion forums that promote diversity, sense, and responsibility for the community, and cultivation of respect, and ethical and collaborative spirit (Tomlinson, 2013). The BBLDM can be applied to foster unity through collaboration among students with diverse characteristics. The second model is the education administration theory that stipulates that educational administrators are incapable of becoming a science (Oplatka & Arar, 2016). This theory can be used to identify administrative impediments that obstruct effective student leadership in culturally diverse schools and the creation of strategies that can promote student leadership in culturally diverse schools.
Review of the Literature
This section provides a broad, balanced overview of the existing literature related to the proposed research topic. It describes the literature in related topic areas and its relevance to the proposed research topic findings. It provides a short one-two sentence description of each theme/topic, and it identifies the relevance of the literature to the research topic supporting it with at least one citation from the literature.
The recommended total length for this section is one to two paragraphs.
· List the major themes or topics related to the study.
Progressive competency, cultural competencies, and ethical attitude.
· Provide a short description of each theme/topic.
Numerous researchers investigate how progressive competency, cultural skills, and ethical behaviors promote studentsâ academic outcomes. For instance, Sudker (2019) investigates how cultural competencies impact studentâs academic outcomes in urban elementary schools (Sudler, 2019). Additionally, Ticha, Abery, and Kincade (2018) examine how a set of ethical attitudes, appropriate behaviors, and effective policies integrate to promote effective professionals to work effectively in culturally diverse educational settings. Furthermore, Jamellah (2016) assesses the effectiveness of Teachers’ Awareness of Cultural Diversity and Academic Achievement in Ninth Grade Academies and Senior High Schools. The Relationship between Teacher Cultural Competency and Student Engagement (Robinson, 2012). According to the cultural proficiency model, cultural competence is progressive and includes six phases that are associated with the ethnic relative and ethnocentric stages of Bennett’s model (Chen, 2014).
Student leadership skills in culturally diverse learning institutions (Szeto & Annie Yan, 2018).
· Identify the relevance of each theme to the research topic supporting each with at least one citation.
The themes are relevant to the topic in various ways. For instance, cultural competency is one of the major indicators of effective school leadership. Cross-culturally competent student leaders can easily understand the needs of other diverse groups. Additionally, the establishment of the right attitudes and proficient behaviors goes a long way in promoting appropriate leadership skills.
Problem Statement
This section includes the problem statement, the population affected, and how the study will contribute to solving the problem.
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Copy and paste the problem statement from the dissertation.
It is not known if and to what degree cross-cultural experience influences studentsâ leadership development and academic performance. The relationship between cross-cultural curricular and co-curricular activities and experiences, and student leadership and academic performance is not clearly understood. Nevertheless, curricular and co-curricular activities influence student academic outcomes and leadership behaviors in diverse K-12 learning institutions. The population of concern is K1-12 students in Los Angeles County school district; the sample consists of 15 students and five teachers from 5 District schools with students from diverse cultural backgrounds from grade 9-12 in Santa Clarita, California. Girls and boys in different grade levels will be included in the study. The preferred schools are those that offer cross-cultural enrichment programs such as summer/winter exchange programs, and immersion programs.
· After reading this section, describe the magnitude and importance of the problem, supporting it with citations from the dissertation.
Student leadership development and academic achievements in culturally diverse schools are very important indicators of effective culture in K-12 schools. Student leaders in culturally diverse schools are faced with the challenges associated with diversity such as contempt and intimidation, which can impact mental, emotional, and social health apart from low academic attainment (Allen, 2017). As such, culturally inclusive curricular and co-curricular activities can be used to improve social cohesion, which will in turn increase their academic performance and positive leadership behaviors (Allen, 2017). In this regard, it will be necessary to investigate how culturally inclusive and appropriate curricular and co-curricular activities influence student leadership behaviors and academic outcomes.
Research Question(s) and/or Hypotheses
This section narrows the focus of the study and specifies the research questions to address the problem statement. Based on the research questions, it describes the variables or groups and their hypothesized relationship (for a quantitative study) or the phenomena under investigation (for a qualitative study).
The recommended total length for this section is two to three paragraphs.
· Copy and paste the research questions and from the dissertation.
Effective student leadership development and academic outcomes in culturally diverse K-12 learning institutions are either boosted or derailed by cross-cultural behaviors depending on administrative, parent, and teacher values, and appreciation of cultural diversity (Tichá, Abery & Kincade, 2018). Discrimination, hate, communication barriers, and culture-based stereotypes are examples of preexisting barriers that impact cohesion and cooperation in schools with students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Since cohesion and cooperation is essential for studentsâ social and academic growth, barriers that affect cohesion and cooperation also impact student leadership and academic outcomes (Sudler, 2019). As such, emphasis on intercultural skills among education stakeholders is necessary so that students in diverse learning institutions can appreciate cultural diversity to effectively develop diversity-inclusive leadership qualities, and appreciate multi-dimensional perspectives of education. The following research questions and hypotheses guide this qualitative study:
RQ1: How does cross-cultural awareness
influence student leadership development and academic achievement?
RQ2: How do intercultural skills influence student development and academic outcomes?
RQ3: How do cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors influence student leadership development and academic achievement?
· For a qualitative study, describe the phenomenon to be studied.
For a quantitative study, identify the hypotheses and variables.
Cross-cultural awareness is associated with positive student leadership qualities and behaviors. Appreciation of other cultures has been demonstrated to increase social cohesion among students, which increases cooperation and coordination among students from diverse cultures thereby increasing the effectiveness of academic discussions and obedience to student leaders (Allen, 2017). Conversely, low levels of cultural integration and cohesion among students is associated with low cooperation and coordination among students, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of studentsâ group discussions and cooperation with student leaders (Allen, 2017). Therefore, a culturally inclusive curriculum and co-curriculum activities can promote student leadership development and academic achievement. Additionally, cross-cultural knowledge influences education stakeholders such as parents and teachers to improve cross-cultural behaviors and initiatives that can foster cultural cohesion among students in culturally diverse communities and schools.
Significance of the Study
This section identifies and describes the significance of the study and the implications of the potential results based on the research questions and the problem statement, hypotheses, or investigated phenomena. It describes how the research fits within and will contribute to the current literature or body of research. It describes potential practical applications from the research.
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Describe how the proposed research will contribute to the literature, relating it specifically to other studies from the Background of the Problem and Problem Statement, above.
In light of the need to promote academic and leadership competencies of students in learning institutions with culturally diverse students, this study is intended to fill the gap by advancing scientific knowledge on leadership and learning outcomes to promote appreciation of diversity in K-12 learning institutions (Ylimaki & Brunderman, 2019).
· Describe how the proposed research will contribute to the literature on the selected theory(-ies) or model(s) that comprise the Theoretical Foundation for the study.
This study will address the issue of student leadership and academic outcomes in culturally diverse schools by analyzing the correlation between culturally-inclusive curriculum and co-curriculum initiatives and student leadership and academic achievement thereby contributing to advancements in research on student leadership in diverse institutions. The study can be applied in schools and communities consisting of individuals from culturally diverse backgrounds to promote social cohesion in the community, effective student leadership behaviors, and improve student social and learning outcomes in learning institutions (Oplatka & Arar, 2016).
· Describe how addressing the problem will have practical value for the real world considering the population, community, and/or society.
Concepts of the BBLDM and the education administration theory will be used to understand enabling and derailing factors influencing student leadership and academic attainment in culturally diverse schools since the frameworks are effective in the creation and implementation of context-specific strategies (Tomlinson, 2013). The theories can also be used to promote student leadership and cultural cohesion.
Rationale for Methodology
This section justifies the methodology the researcher plans to use for conducting the study. It argues how the methodological framework is the best approach to answer the research questions and address the problem statement. It uses citations from textbooks and articles on research methodology and/or articles on related studies.
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Identify the methodology for the study (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed).
The qualitative methodology will be applied in this study. The methodology was selected since the aim of qualitative research is to find out how specific sociocultural phenomenon operates (Poucher et al., 2020). Researchers applying the qualitative method acknowledge the systematic nature of human behaviors. Consideration of human social behaviors and the attempt to understand the effects of specific behaviors enable qualitative researchers to adopt socially-oriented objectives than the case for quantitative experimentation (Poucher et al., 2020). The socially inclusive nature of qualitative methodology makes it appropriate for this study since its methods and designs will make it possible to understand diversity-related behaviors in culturally diverse schools, and how the behaviors influence student leadership and academic competencies.
· Justify the research methodology to be used for the study by discussing why it is the best approach for answering the research questions and addressing the problem statement.
Qualitative research is subjective and is focused on the interpretation and understanding of social phenomena within natural settings (Saunders et al., 2018). As such, the methodology is suitable for the study since it aids in understanding and interpretation of the current state of student leadership competencies and academic outcomes in culturally diverse K-12 schools. It can also help to determine the right strategies that can be applied to prevent and manage the diversity-related challenges that obstruct leadership and academic attainment in. Furthermore, qualitative methodology accommodates the complexity and multiple realities regarding new ideas and themes that emerge from the collected data (Saunders et al., 2018). In this regard, the methodology would allow the study to expand or accommodate and generate new ideas that would improve understanding of diversity issues in schools. The sensitive nature of cultural diversity calls for caution regarding the methods used to collect data, and the behaviors of the researcher (Poucher et al., 2020). For this reason, the qualitative methodology is appropriate since the emphasis is put on ethical behaviors to cultivate a socially conducive environment where respondents can comfortably give their genuine opinions, which is crucial for the accuracy and reliability of the collected data. The qualitative methodology also allows for data analysis in non-linear, iterative, and holistic ways, which would improve the quality of the study.
Nature of the Research Design for the Study
This section describes the specific research design to answer the research questions and why this approach was selected. It describes the research sample being studied as well as the process that will be used to collect the data on the sample.
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Identify the specific type of research design chosen for the study.
· Identify the sample for the study
The sample consists of 15 students and five teachers from 5 District schools with students from diverse cultural backgrounds from grade 9-12 in Santa Clarita, California. Girls and boys in different grade levels will be included in the study.
· Discuss why the selected design is appropriate to address the research questions.
In phenomenology, emphases are put on lived experiences, including how peopleâs experiences become integrated with consciousness, and the implications of the situation (Poucher et al., 2020). Phenomenology emphasizes understanding the core structure, essence, and effects of the experiences and interpreting the implications for the population of concern. As such, it can successfully be applied to understand the lived experiences and academic performance of student leaders in culturally diverse schools according to the current state of cross-cultural cohesion and cooperation in the schools. This study seeks to investigate how culturally inclusive curriculum and co-curriculum activities influence studentsâ leadership and academic competencies. As such, phenomenology will be suitable for investigating the effects since students are to engage in the activities in normal school settings.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose statement section reflects the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. It explains how the proposed study will contribute to the field.
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Copy and paste the purpose statement from the dissertation.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of culturally inclusive curriculum and co-curriculum activities and experiences on student leadership development and academic outcomes of the students in the selected 5 schools.
· Identify the target population, phenomena (qualitative), and variables (quantitative).
The target population consists of students from culturally diverse K-12 schools. Student leadership and academic attainment will be evaluated among the participants from culturally diverse schools. Leadership and academic competencies will be examined to determine how diversity-appropriate curricular and co-curricular activities influence their leadership qualities and academic attainment.
Instrumentation or Sources of Data
Describes, in detail, all data collection instruments and sources (tests, questionnaires, interviews, databases, media, etc.). Discusses the specific instrument or source to collect data for each variable or group (quantitative study). Discusses specific instrument or source to collect information to describe the phenomena being studied (qualitative study).
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Identify the types of data that will be collected to answer each research question (qualitative study) or the data that will be collected for each variable/group (quantitative study).
Semi-structured interviews and observation will be used to gather nominal data for qualitative analysis. Semi-structured interviews are preferred since their framework makes it possible to address the main themes, and is not restricted to answering specific questions (Poucher et al., 2020). It also enables flexibility to a significant limit, which enables researchers to interactively respond to respondentsâ answers thereby making it possible to develop themes and identify issues and patterns as they occur. The experiential type of interview will be used since it enables researchers to capture perceptions, feelings, and experiences of the respondents over the length of time that they have been in the culturally-diverse schools.
Data Collection Procedures
This section details the entirety of the process used to collect the data. It describes each step of the data collection process in a way that another researcher could replicate the study.
The recommended total length for this section is two paragraphs.
· Define the target population and the expected sample size, which comprises the people or organizations being studied, as defined in the problem statement.
Data will be collected from the 5 schools in Los Angeles County from teachers, administrators, and students. 15 students and 5 teachers from 5 different schools. Researchers will contact students and parents through school administrators and teachers and explain the need for and significance of the study. After obtaining permission from the schools, the researchers will seek IRB approval by explaining the nature of the study and how it aligned with ethical research practices, and why it is important. The administrators, teachers, and students will be informed about the study three months in advance so that they can adequately prepare, or decide on whether or not to participate.
· Include the steps the researcher used to collect data. (e.g., obtaining initial informed consent from participating organizations; IRB review; sample selection; groupings; protecting rights/well-being; maintaining data security; sample recruitment; data collection instruments and approaches; field testing instruments; notifying participants; collecting the data, etc.)
Semi-structured questionnaires will be prepared in print and electronic formats and will be provided to the participants when the study commences.
Since the study is not intended to disrupt learning activities, participants will be expected to respond to the interview questionnaires on weekends. Observations will be made during indoor and outdoor classroom activities using cameras in classrooms, and direct observations in outdoor environments. For teachers, parents, and administrators, paper and pen face-to-face interviews will be appropriate. Secondary data will be collected from education offices and school administration and teacher inventories. Data from different participants will be compiled within one month after completion of the data-collection process.
Data Analysis Procedures
This section describes how the data were collected for each variable or group (quantitative study) or each research question (qualitative study). It describes the type of data to be analyzed, identifying the descriptive, inferential, and/or non-statistical analyses. Demonstrates that the research analysis is aligned with the specific research design.
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph
· Describe the analysis to examine each stated research question and/or hypothesis.
· For quantitative studies, describe the analyses including the inferential and/or descriptive statistics to be completed.
For qualitative studies, describe the specific analytic approach appropriate for the Research Design and each research question to be completed
After the data has been collected, it will be coded or arranged systematically by itemizing related nominal data in the same categories. Different themes will be identified, and thematic analysis will be done to interpret the observations. For instance, if one of the coded categories is leadership performance across all students, the subcategory in the list would be leadership performance among Caucasian, African-American, or Asian students. The implication is that it would be necessary to analyze and compare trends in different categories and subcategories. Validity will be determined by the deviation of the findings with the hypotheses, and whether or not the findings are consistent with standard limits for accuracy of the instruments used.
Ethical Considerations
This section discusses the potential ethical issues surrounding the research as well as how human subjects and data will be protected. It identifies how any potential ethical issues will be addressed.
The recommended total length for this section is one paragraph.
· Describe how the identities of the participants in the study and data will be protected.
Before commencement of the study, permission will be sought from the administrators of the 5 schools with an elaborate explanation of the nature of the study and how it will be conducted including the approaches used and how they are aligned to the approved ethical values of research. All participants will be informed three months in advance, and the decision to participate is based on their choice rather than an obligation.
· Describe subject recruiting, informed consent, and site authorization processes.
Furthermore, the respondents will not be required to provide their true identity if they do not wish to, and the data gathered from them will be used for improving the Education Department rather than for malicious or commercial purposes (Oplatka & Arar, 2016). Additionally, the researchers will handle all respondents respectfully regardless of their background or characteristics. The researchers will then present the ethical scope of the study to the IRB for approval. More importantly, the study will be conducted in accordance with the key principles of Belmont Report (respect, justice, and beneficence). In this regard, the participants will not be exposed to mental or physical harm. The study will also be done to benefit society in terms of promoting cross-cultural competency.
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